The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1449: Pyramid tip

Now, Lan Li has undoubtedly become the top actor in the industry. The 20 million clubs and even the Marvel and DC projects are more or less linked to him. His every move can affect the six major Hollywood actors. The many decisions of the film company, the most recent "Burst Drummer" project is the best proof.

But objectively speaking, the interests that Lanly currently carries are not enough to be a lever to leverage the entire industry. The two projects "Jurassic Park" and "Degree and Excitement/Emotion" are all owned by Universal Pictures, and they are complicated. The relationship is limited to Universal Pictures, and only a few top projects are really closely related.

However, this time the situation is extremely special and cannot be generalized.

Things need to go back two years, and focus on Warner Bros. and Disney, and then glimpse the turbulent waves and earth-shaking of the entire industry.

In the past two years, the dominance of Warner Bros. in the North American market has been severely challenged by Disney. The confrontation between the Marvel camp and the DC camp has gradually become clear. This is not just a movie series project, it can even be said to be maintained. A business empire of 5 billion, 10 billion or more, whether it is Warner or Disney, attaches great importance to this.

By the way, Disney's most profitable is still Disneyland and its surrounding sales. Warner Bros. is always planning to build its own theme parks and open an online market in the digital field to further expand the business empire. The film adaptation of comics is crucial for both parts.

Under such a background, the importance of Executive Xi has been highlighted.

In 2oo5, Robert Iger officially became the new seat executive officer of Disney. After that, a series of decisions and plans led the Mickey Mouse Corps to regain its glory; in 2000, Barry Meyer became the seat executive officer of Warner Bros. It also made the company a well-deserved hegemon in the first decade of the 21st century.

But now, Barry Meyer's decision is looking outdated. Especially for the development of the dc project and the integration of the digital field, the blueprint outlined by Barry is really unsatisfactory. Although Warner Bros. still maintains a strong competitiveness, it is accompanied by the "Harry Potter" series and the "Bat" series. At the end of the "Xia Xia" series, they have gradually fallen behind in the direct competition with Disney.

From last year to this year, Barry has been in contact with Renly many times before and after. In fact, he hopes that Renly can become one of the important parts of the Warner Bros. film department in the future, just like Christopher Nolan at the beginning.

Unfortunately, Barry Meyer failed to win the support and approval of shareholders. As a result, Warner Bros. has been seeking to replace the new executive officer, which has also led to a two-year company infighting.

Kevin-Tsujihara, who is in charge of the digital home entertainment department, Jeff-Robinov, who is in charge of the film department, and Bruce Rosenbaum, who is in charge of the TV department. In spite of the secret struggle for the position of executive officer, everyone is talented and has his own strengths. The entire company is full of smoke and chaos.

Originally, people expected Jeff-Bekes, the president of the parent company, Time Warner, to stand up and make a fair ruling, end this melee as soon as possible, and let the company settle down quickly, but Bekes has always kept onlookers. Because they firmly believe that the survival of the fittest is like a virgin forest, and the one that survives the fierce fighting is the best.

After the Oscars ceremony this year, Jeff Bix finally officially announced: Kevin Tsujihara will become the next executive officer of Warner Bros. Barry Meyer retires.

In fact, the Hollywood industry generally dislikes Kevin Tsujihara, thinking that his management coordination and macro-control capabilities are not enough to support the entire Warner Bros. However, Time Warner President Bixie has his own unique insights on Tsujihara. He believes that This is an Internet age. Warner wants to maintain their unique position, they must take the lead in seeking change——

It is not a mere dc project, but a change in the direction of the entire exhibition.

And Kevin Tsujihara's background and ability in home entertainment and digital fields have become his bargaining chip. Bix believes that Tsujihara has the ability to change the rules of the game in Hollywood.

In other words, in this contest with Disney, Time Warner Corporation believes that they refuse to continue playing according to Disney's rules of the game, but to create their own rules and change their strategy. When all the eyes of the people in the industry are confined to the battle between Marvel and DC, they have already created a higher level.

Regardless of success or failure, this vision and consciousness is unique. This is the true tip of the pyramid.

After the Oscars ceremony, there have been many changes in the project negotiations between Warner Bros. and Renley-to be precise, Barry Meyer’s planning and cooperation with Renley has undergone drastic changes. This is the reason. Kevin Tsujihara took office and Barry Meyer left. The most direct result is:

"Burst Drummer" cooperated with Sony Classics, but Warner Bros., who was far ahead, was accidentally dropped. At that time, Renly thought it was Andre Hamilton and Sony Classic who found the cooperation code, and did not think about it further; but now it seems that the complexity of the matter is far beyond imagination.

After Tsujihara took office, Robinoff and Rosenbaum, who remained at Warner Bros., were gradually emptied by power.

Robinoff once complained to a friend in private, "I am being marginalized, and the things I am responsible for are shrinking every day. Kevin started to let me step aside. Whether this matter is within his scope of power, everyone must Report to him. As a result, all the employees are now either thinking about how to benefit from it or worrying about how to protect themselves wisely. They are calculating every day and no one is working seriously. This is not the situation I want, maybe by the end of the year. , This company will fall into huge chaos..."

Robinoff still missed Barry Meyer even more.

Robinoff’s worries soon came true. In May, Rosenbaum was forced to resign. Then, Rosenbaum joined Legendary Pictures and became the leader of its new TV department-Legend The film industry is another branch focus in the reign of senior management this time.

In fact, Robinoff was also refrigerated.

On June 10th, at the New York screening of "Man: Man of Steel", Kevin Tsujihara and Jeff Robinoff joined hands and arrived on the red carpet at the last moment.

The two Warner Bros. executives, of similar height, similar qualifications, and strengths, were arranged above the stage, and the seats were also arranged together, but the sensitive on-site reporter found that although the distance between the two was less than 20 centimeters , But after the next five-hour screening, there was no conversation between the two, not even a single eye contact.

At that time, the reporters had already sensed that the internal power game of Warner Bros. was far from over.

really. Less than a week after the end of the screening, Robinoff had been silent on the renewal matters and was dealt with coldly for several weeks. In desperation, he also formally submitted his resignation. Then, Twentieth Century Fox, Sony Columbia, Universal and even Disney have all extended an olive branch to him, and there is no shortage of home.


Because Robinoff is the top film department manager in the entire industry. This is recognized by the Hollywood industry!

Robinoff, who failed in the internal struggle, did not leave immediately, but chose to stay because he still has deep feelings for Warner Bros., but Warner Bros. and even the parent company, Time Warner, don’t appreciate it at all. In the face of huge commercial interests, sacrificed a hero without blinking. They are now fully supporting Tsujihara to establish their own lineage management team.

For Warner Bros., Robinoff is optional; but for other film companies, Robinoff is a treasure.

"His departure is a major loss, this is a wrong decision", many people in the industry think so.

In 2o1o, when Ben Affleck was in trouble, it was Robinoff who raised a million dollars for Affleck, allowing the filming of "The Thief in the City"; in again It was Robinov who stood out against the crowd and handed "Escape from Tehran" to Affleck.

And I have to mention Christopher Nolan. Robinoff decisively signed with Christopher after reading "Memories" and fully supported the handing of the "Batman" trilogy into Christopher's hands-it is worth it. What I want to mention is that Warner Bros. didn't even want to restart such a project. It was the Nolan Brothers who came up with the idea, and Robinoff gave it absolute support.

Robinoff’s ability lies not only in his strong contacts, but also in close personal relationships with countless top directors and producers; it also lies in his keen sense of commercial film, boldness and courage, especially with Barry’s approval and support. , His unique vision is even more vivid and extreme.

The "Burst Drummer" project that Barry and Robinoff tried to fight for was missed; Barry and Robinoff once hoped that Renley could become part of the Warner Bros. blueprint and were stranded.

More importantly, Tsujihara's areas of expertise are digital and home entertainment. Now that Robinoff leaves, the new chief of the film department has not had time to take office. Related projects can only be decided through Tsujihara, so many film projects are Stuck in a stalemate briefly--

As Robinoff said, Tsujihara’s control/desire/desire is very strong, and the new officials are appointed to the three fires, trying to cut off the influence of the internal fighting. Whether this is a positive effect or a negative effect, it is still unclear. know.

There is also a heavy news, Legendary Pictures.

Less than two days after Robinoff announced his resignation, another shocking news came out that Warner Bros. and its eight-year ally, Legendary Pictures, formally terminated their cooperation agreement. Legendary Pictures led by Thomas Tour.

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