The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1446: Transformation and Rebirth

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The next day, the shooting of "Burst Drummer" went smoothly.

On the third day, the shooting of "Burst Drummer" was still going on steadily.

The entire crew is running at high speed without any unexpected episodes.

The most worrying Simmons did not fall into a downturn and quickly recovered. He did not lose control because of being too deep in the play, nor did he obscure reality because of his full devotion. After a night, his dreams regained his consciousness, and his state returned.

In the final analysis, in those difficult scenes, Simmons is not the dominant one, but the one passively trapped in the state. After leaving the performance environment, he gradually recovered. For the crew, this is a good thing; for Simmons himself, it is not known whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

As for Lan Li, it is still the most stable and reliable part of the crew.

The shooting sequence was disrupted by the shooting location. Now the actor must take a step back from the perfect state of being a madman, and return to the state of being out of control. For the actor, this is an extremely difficult step. After all, the actor is not a video tape. It is very difficult to say that you can go backwards when you go backwards, and you can go fast when you say fast forwards. It is very difficult to adjust the mentality and control the emotions.

But the fact is that Lan Li’s performance is easy to come by, and the control and expressiveness are truly shocking.

For the layman, it is expressed in the most vulgar words, that is, "Yesterday was a self-destructive lunatic, and today I return to the innocent deer before becoming a lunatic." Even if they do not understand the context of the role and the power of performance, they still Able to understand the difference between madness and fragility.

For any director, it is extremely lucky to have such a top actor, and for a novice director like Damien, it is even more so: In this way, he can spend more time and The focus is on picture composition, shot scheduling, and thought refinement.

In just two days, the filming of "Burst Drummer" was coming to an end. Today, the afternoon tea time has not yet arrived, and the crew has only one last scene left.

This scene is actually very special.

After Andrew and Fletcher met again, Fletcher threw the bait and made Andrew pick up the drums again and decided to join a brand new band to participate in the opening performance of the jvc festival. This is a step for Andrew to return to life. , He hopes that he can truly enjoy the joy and joy of music, temporarily abandoning Buddy Ritchie and Charlie Parker, and purely believe that he still has a talent for drums, and he really loves it.

Before the performance officially began, Andrew hesitated for a long time whether he should call Nicole. When he was determined to be on stage, Andrew dialed that number after all and sent an invitation to Nicole, asking if Nicole would like to come to Carnegie Hall to watch the show, but Nicole said that she must ask herself Boyfriend.

That's all there is to it.

Andrew suddenly realized what he sacrificed in order to set the drum and achieve greatness, not only his dreams and hobbies, not only his first love and good memories, but also the pure and persistent, pure and passionate one. Himself, everything has been wiped out, but he can’t distinguish clearly.

Does he regret it?

Such doubts and difficulties did not immediately find the answer, but then during the stage performance, Fletcher detonated the trap that was planted in advance, and completely pushed Andrew into the bottomless abyss, which also induced Andrew. With the decisiveness and fierceness, he not only completed the "father killing", but also completely cut off all the involvement and scruples, completely focused on the drums, everything was only about the drums, which made him finally welcome Here comes a breakthrough in art and perfection.

In the script, Damien did not explain: Is it worth it?

In order to achieve artistic perfection, is it worth it to push the musicians to the extreme like Fletcher did? Or, in order to achieve the ultimate in art, is it worth it to cut off love and friendship like Andrew did? Or in other words, in order to shine the light of talent, like Fletcher and Andrew, torturing himself to bruises, is it worth it?

The correctness of these three views is not what the "burst drummer" needs to discuss, and has never been the focus of the movie; Damien just hopes to present a form or state of art, at least, this is the achievement of perfection. One of the ways. No matter whether people like it or not, this is objective; moreover, there are others who have achieved success.

As for how people look and feel, this needs to be left to the audience's judgment.

If someone hates Andrew and Fletcher deeply, then Damien’s goal is achieved, because he himself has the same feelings for the high school band teacher; if someone expresses admiration and reliance on Andrew and Fletcher, it also means Damien’s idea succeeded because art itself was brewed in disaster.

Damien chose this scene as the finale because of a joke by Simmons.

"Have you heard of it? If the final scene of a movie is finished with Lan Li’s eyes, then this movie can be successful. I am crazy in love, anti-cancer me, the edge of tomorrow, detachment... all This is true. Not long ago, I heard that at the Cannes Film Festival, the folk songs of Drunken Country were also like this."

This was just a joke, but Damien took it seriously.

The last scene of "Burst Drummer" can no longer be modified. Damien is still inclined to Andrew's drums to detonate the entire jazz band's performance, pushing the atmosphere to a high level, and then the screen goes black for an instant, and the movie ends; however, the final scene is still the same. It can be adjusted, so Damien chose this scene.

In fact, the choice of this scene is also the endorsement of all crew members.

Because the shooting work is very simple, a fixed lens of a single camera, a close-up of Lan Li’s face and eyes, and then... there is no other preparation work to be done. In other words, the director and cameraman only need to set up the camera, With the microphone in place, everyone can stand behind the monitor and wait for the completion of work.

Just need Lan Li to complete the performance, that's enough.

Thus, the final scene was finalized.


The other end of the phone belongs to Nicole’s voice. It was recorded before Melissa Benoist left the crew, and it was enough for post-production to be added. During the on-site shooting, the person who was in charge of the scene with Lan Li, It was Rooney who came to visit the class, and at Lan Li's invitation, Rooney nodded happily and agreed.

"...Well, I don't know, I have to ask my boyfriend."

Nicole’s hesitant voice came from the other end of the phone. Andrew was slightly stunned. Unconsciously, his fingertips were slightly closed. The wounded fingers were holding the black mobile phone case tightly, and the sticking to the bandage could still be seen vaguely. With blood stains, he lowered his sight, concealing a flash of bitterness and panic, all the anxiety and anticipation, all the tension and hesitation, all the excitement and worry... everything just dimmed like this.

"...Okay." After a pause for at least two seconds, Andrew squeezed an "ok" from deep in his throat, gently retracted his jaw, drooping eyes concealing the intricacies in his heart, and then added unconsciously. "Xing yeah." It was just an onomatopoeia, a mess of brains, and for a while, I couldn't find a more suitable word.


Andrew lowered his chin slightly, the sparse light streaming down, long eyelashes projected on his cheeks, and the gray fragility leaked out little by little.

In the end, the other end of the phone spoke first, "I'll ask him. But I don't think he has any interest in Jazz."

Andrew reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth, "Yes, of course, not everyone likes it." The hoarse voice was slightly choked, so that the words became deeper and deeper, and he tried to smile, trying to hide his own. Emotions, hoping to pass the smile through the phone. Don't let yourself sound so miserable.

"..." There was another long string of silence. This time Andrew spoke first. "Well, then... Maybe I can see you there by then."

"it is good."

"Okay, bye."

The phone was hung up like this, and the arc of Andrew’s raised smile still remained He maintained this movement and stared quietly ahead, but the focus and focus had been dispersed, and the smile seemed like A model is usually printed on the corner of the mouth, the curvature remains the same, and the smile is lost.

In the depths of those light brown eyes, the last little smile slowly dissipated like this, the light in the eyes slowly and slowly dimmed, lost and confused, confused and sad, that large expanse of gray It's getting stuck.

This made Andrew a little embarrassed. He raised his right hand, scratched his neck unconsciously, lowered his head, trying to sort out his emotions, but when he raised his head again, the sadness and loneliness still lingered, and then he just froze. Staring straight ahead, the corners of his mouth were extremely brilliant but there was no temperature of a smile. He deliberately pulled the corners of his mouth to try to make his smile brighter, but he failed.

The corners of the upturned mouth slowly calmed down, and a faint trace of tears filled his eyes, dim and fuzzy, but before he had time to gather, he blinked and covered up all the mist, and his eyes became dry again. Peaceful, watching the front peacefully, like a calm lake.

On the deep and deep lake surface, no one can detect the intricacies under the water surface.

Quietly, so quietly.


From Andrew to Andrew, from Renly to Renly, they have all completed their own transformation and ushered in their own new life. They may seem calm on the surface, but the essence hidden in the depths of their souls is completely different. .

He is Sebastian Hall, Renly. At the end of the line of sight, Chu Jiashu was waving goodbye and drifting away; when the line of sight became clear again, he saw Rooney who was standing next to the monitor and was responsible for the conversation.

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