The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1439: Crazy about it

His hands were covered with blood, not props, but real wounds. Those sharp stings were quietly reminding Lan Li that this was reality. The fingertips could even feel the slippery and sticky blood, making the fingertips and The touch of the drumsticks became wonderful; but the brain was awake as never before, without struggle, pain, and loss, everything became clear.

As if... as if he could catch the trajectory of dust dancing under the light, even the trivial sound of air movement pulsed in the eardrum like a drizzle, gurgling stream, and the pupils seemed to be able to catch the light flowing. I didn't miss a single trace of the trajectory of the film, and the whole camera crew had a panoramic view of the scene.

The whole process of the performance just now played back in my mind again, just like a slide show, those pains, those persistences, those concentrating, those sufferings and those...breakthroughs, everything is presented in detail, even the imprisonment. The struggle in shackles and cages is no exception.

God, he loves acting so madly.

A melody began to flow in the depths of his mind, over and over, over and over again, and he couldn't help but think of those crazy years of drama.

"Buried alive", he trapped himself in the coffin for eight hours. During the filming, there were even fragments, which completely blurred the boundary between reality and illusion, as if experiencing the pain and suffering of death again. This time I still watched myself being buried alive, the kind of torture that went deep into my bone marrow and tore my soul, even if I think about it now, it still makes people shiver.

"Speed ​​and Excitement/Love 5", he and Van Diesel fought for their lives with real swords and guns. The fist-to-flesh fights can even smell the blood clearly, so that both of them are red-eyed. Fighting ignorantly, if there is a slight error, then he and Diesel may not be what they are now, maybe they will have to lose a part of their body to let it go.

"Anti-cancer me", he was immersed in the suffering of illness, and in a trance, he returned to the hospital bed of the previous life, trapped himself firmly in a palm-sized square inch, and almost gave up to survive. His persistence even triggered a painful reaction in the body, and he truly experienced the painful torture of chemotherapy, struggling weakly and desperately above the death line, with no hope in sight.

"Gravity" confuses the difference between reality and memory. Returning to Chu Jiashu's body, even Heather's memory is like a nightmare. He can't get rid of it. At a certain moment, he almost thought The life of "Len Li-Hall" is a dream, and nothing has changed. When you open your eyes again, everything will return to the cruel reality of high paraplegia.

There is also the "Pacific War", and "Love Is Crazy", and "Transcendence", and "Drunk Country Folk Songs", and...the "Burst Drummer" currently being filmed, once and again, he always Pushing to the edge of the cliff, dancing wildly on the tip of the knife, struggling on the high ropes, the boundary between illusion and reality is always looming, and then fell into the panic and confusion of schizophrenia, unable to extricate himself, and even more unable to get rid of it.

He released all his life energy in the performance, like a moth fighting a fire.

"You light up my life like bullets (Bullets) penetrate the heart; the fragments of you are left in my body; what is even crazier is that I love deeply, those wounded holes, those wounded holes ."

The melody gurgled deep in his mind like clear spring water. He couldn't help closing his eyes and humming softly. He still seemed to be able to feel Andrew's drum beats in his ears. The music and rhythm were so cleverly combined. , Those sentences from the depths of the soul just blurted out.

Every performance was like being shot. The powerful collision and explosion left Lan Li with scars all over his body, but the fierce and hot sparks lit up his life like this, bursting with light, those left in the blood and muscles. The bullet fragments in the shards are in pain all the time.

But the craziest thing, he never tires and indulges in it.

Perhaps, he is indeed a lunatic, wantonly and arrogantly release all his energy in front of the camera, then look at the countless wounds left on his body, look at the gurgling red blood, and feel the painful pain. And bitter, but he enjoys it, because he lives so real and so accurately.

Alive. Instead of living.

If Wan Jian Chuan Xin can exchange for a vigorous ode to life, he will choose to nod without hesitation. Rather than being trapped in a cage for a lifetime, it's better to exist for a moment in full bloom.

So, he opened his arms, embraced the pain and torture, and faced those struggles and struggles. Even if he did it again, he would still not regret it: he would still keep himself in the coffin for eight hours, he would still fight Diesel for his life, he would still float up and down in chemotherapy, he would still Practicing the drum set to get into a madness.

If this is the definition of a madman, then, yes, he is a madman.

"I need to know that you are heartbroken for me. The truth is that I am always trapped in it. The hurt is just to find the boundary. This disturbs me deeply. I need to know that I have left a wound. I guess whether you are finally free and whether you Still kissing as you once kissed me, are you still guarding my secret?"

He dedicated his life to the performance, and the performance gave back the colorful colors, and they were entangled together like fate. Perhaps, he is destined to become an actor, he will be destined to shine in the world of performance, and he will be destined to live on that stage.

"I always say it as my heartfelt voice, which causes infinite trouble."

He was always too honest, too frank, and too devoted. In the world of performance, he never seemed to turn or discount, which caused countless troubles; but it was precisely this calmness that allowed him to come to today step by step. , Having achieved who he is now, he will not regret it and there is no need to regret it.

"You light up my life like a bullet pierces my heart; the fragments that belong to you are left in my body, and what is even more crazier is that I love deeply, those wounded holes, those wounded holes."

The smile at the corner of the mouth could not help but rise slightly, just as Heather said, "When the music is flowing, I will realize that there are some things that darkness cannot take away from me after all"; and When the blood is flowing in the performance, he will also deeply feel that there are some things that cannot be taken away from him after all by illness and torture.

To some extent, he and Heather are lunatics. Heather released all the life energy for her dream, and finally put the weight of her dream on Lan Li’s shoulders; now, Lan Li is carrying The dream that belongs to the two of them, continue to move forward, just like the promise in the song "The Beast".

This is their secret.

The turbulent melody and lyrics in my mind sounded like lovers hurt each other without complaint or regret, but after careful chewing, is it not the bitter entanglement between dream and reality?

In real life, how many people have dreams? How many people can realize their dreams? How many people can stick to their dreams? The cruelty and coldness of reality are everywhere, from "Drunk Country Folk Songs" to "Burst Drummers", from Heather to Renly, everything confirms this, but in the end, even if it's just "have a dream", life It will also be different.

Although I just ended an extremely difficult and extremely torturing performance, Lan Li's physical strength and energy have reached a delicate tipping point, and deep fatigue is pouring up like a tide, but the joy and happiness in the heart is Irreplaceable, since the "Pacific War", Lan Li has experienced unprecedented ease and comfort for the first time.

Inadvertently, he finally pierced that layer of window paper again, bruised, staggered, and bloodied to push open the door of a new world, and then he spied a higher level of acting world, the kind of joy and joy is No language can accurately express it.

Body muscles reveal slight soreness and fatigue, but Lan Li does not want to rest at all, but gears up and can’t wait to continue the experience, savoring the state and state of the performance carefully and slowly, and extracting More comprehension, just wanting to be immersed in it and wandering freely.

The beauty of this moment makes those pains and tortures graceful and beautiful.


There was still no sound in the Alice Tully Hall. Damien seemed to have completely forgotten that this was a filming. He just stood there blankly, staring at the stage motionlessly, the performances and the performances. , Those emotions, those once again awakened the high school memories in his mind, but now, he himself can’t distinguish clearly, whether he hates or hates the Fletcher prototype teacher ……thank.

But in the end, Damien recovered. He coughed a little embarrassedly, concealed his panic, and then stammered, "...Kaka! Kaka!" Then he paused again. , "This scene, um...I mean, this scene is very good, but...but we still need to make up shots."

In fact, these words were completely unconscious, even Damien himself didn't know what he was talking about, but after speaking, he completely reacted, and his cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot--

In this scene just now, the performances of Lan Li and Simmons are absolutely top-notch, even though all eyes are still focused on Lan Li, no one can compare the dazzling and powerful aura; but Simmons still clenched. Yaguan, dedicated a performance that is not inferior, fully deduced the position change of Andrew and Fletcher.

Now, both actors seem a bit exhausted. But Damien also asked for additional shots. Isn't this too much?

Note: Bullets (Bullets——Vega4)

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