The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1434: Detail deviation

"Wait for my prompt."

An understatement is not condescending to give orders, nor is it triumphantly controlling the initiative, but to complete the communication without any surprises. The self-confidence and calmness, strength and composure permeated in it completely reverse the situation of control and anti-control. , Can not see the ripples of the waves at all, but the world has been turned upside down.

Fletcher was in shock, staring at Andrew in a dumbfounded manner. Andrew was completely forgetful. All the interference from the outside seemed to be no longer important, including himself, his oppression, his urge, his harshness, his toughness, and his toughness. Aggressive, everything is no longer important, the only important thing is Andrew and his drums.

Fletcher couldn't believe his judgment. His eyes showed a sense of sorrow and trepidation. He subconsciously wanted to deny it. The fear was eating away his confidence and momentum, and the endgame of steadily retreating made him try to regain it. Cheer up, regain the initiative and control, once again gain the upper hand.

He is the one who is on top! He is the one who controls the audience! He is the one who knows everything!

……Is not it?

Slowly standing upright, Fletcher tried to stand on the commanding height again, creating a momentum and aura suppression with a height difference, but his pupils leaked uncertain tremors, that accurate and powerful drumbeat step by step. The earth destroyed his last line of defense, his inner indestructibility was loosening, began to crack, and began to collapse. Although his height had an absolute advantage, he could no longer hold down the giant in front of him.

In the one-on-one head-on confrontation, Fletcher felt his powerlessness for the first time. The cruelty of the rout was making him feel his insignificance. The hesitation and trembling of the corners of his mouth revealed his timidity and weakness. He... helpless, he could only watch Andrew’s thriving figure, the shadow projected by the light and shadow, which seemed to be growing longer, higher and higher, bigger and bigger, like a giant standing on top of the earth, let him Look up.

The position of strong and passive, the game of cat and mouse, has now undergone earth-shaking changes, and the two have completed a counterpoint exchange.

Now, the initiative is in Andrew's hands.

So, what's the next step?

After realizing this, Fletcher’s gaze fell. He watched Andrew silently, but then he understood that he was witnessing the birth of the next Charlie Parker, and he was guiding him. With the advent of the next Buddy Ritchie, that kind of ecstasy once again rose deep in the eyes.

Fletcher stepped back two steps, his face glowing again, raised his right hand to signal that the whole band was ready, and then all his eyes were cast towards Andrew, waiting for Andrew's "cue".

Andrew felt it, he felt that he was breaking through the barrier, breaking through the restraints.

The muscles seemed to be tightening, the nerves seemed to be tightening, and the strength seemed to be tightening. After a gust of stormy drums hit, Andrew finally stood on the edge of perfection, and the last **** was binding his limbs. But this time, Andrew was not timid or compromised. He hit, hit, continued hitting, and in the selfless hit, sweat and blood began to splash again.


Damien is in a dilemma, Lan Li's state is still perfect, even impeccable, he can clearly feel that Andrew's aura is rising steadily, and he is about to complete a breakthrough; but Simmons's The performances are far from each other. The content and strength of the entire performance are seriously insufficient, and the whole scene has an obvious imbalance, which completely broke the expected effect.

Should he stop shooting? Should I turn a blind eye?

After hesitating again and again, Damien bit the bullet and shouted "Ka".

On the stage, Lan Li's performance continued. The state of enchantment was infused with a pure and ultimate charm, which made people involuntarily immersed in it; but Lan Li did not lose control, the performance only continued for a while, and then He stopped, raised his head and cast his gaze at the director.

All the staff and extras on the set have also cast their sights-today's extras are mostly students from the Juilliard School of Music, some come because they admire Lan Li, and some come because they heard about it. It is a movie about a jazz band and came here specially.

The scorching eyes were all focused on Damien's body, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Damien didn’t worry about interrupting the filming. The problem was that he didn’t know how to make adjustments. He just felt that there was something wrong with Simmons’ performance, but he couldn’t tell a reason. Then, he was interrupted inexplicably. The filming interrupted the rhythm of Lan Li's performance. Isn't this considered... more than the gain?

But now there is no way to recover it.

Damien could only bite the bullet and stepped onto the stage, stood beside Lan Li, summoned Simmons, and considered his own words, "I feel that the emotion of the performance just now is not in place, and the sense of balance in the whole shot seems to be affected. Broken, your performance needs to be adjusted."

The last sentence was said while watching Simmons.

Simmons simply nodded in affirmation, "No problem. So, how to adjust?"

The expression on Damien's face suddenly became awkward, and he touched his messy goatee, trying to find a more accurate description, but failed. Finally, he could only say frankly, "I don't know. "But then I was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but argued, "I am a director, not an actor. I only know that it doesn't feel right."

Simmons spread his hands and nodded repeatedly to show that he did not dare to object.

Lan Li also nodded in agreement, "This is the director's right."

Such a response instead made Damien's cheeks become slightly hot, and he became more at a loss. He could only explain in detail, "I mean, Simmons's performance always seems too... it doesn't seem to have enough power. In Lan In the performance of Li, you can feel the strength and the level, but Simmons lacks such a feeling, so that the whole scene feels unbalanced, all eyes and focus are focused on Lan Li, this There is no way to achieve the results we expected."

This scene is crucial to the sublimation of the theme of the whole movie. Some film critics once said that a good ending can save a mediocre movie and turn a good movie into a classic. Billy Wilder's movie is the best example. This may be an exaggeration, but it is undeniable that the importance of the ending is indeed irreplaceable.

In the ending scene of "Burst Drummer", first of all, Andrew must complete the final killing/father, the relationship between Andrew and Fletcher has been completely transformed, and it has become an advanced version of Fletcher, and then complete the transformation of the entire soul. , This also interprets Fletcher's teaching philosophy on art to the extreme.

Secondly, Andrew must complete an artistic breakthrough, truly get rid of his shackles, and interpret the drumbeat to the top, which also gives him the potential to become the next Charlie Parker, and then leaves the doubt to the audience:

If a person has the potential to become a top artist with a long history, but he has to go through the baptism and tempering, even twisting his soul, to reach the peak, then is it worth it?

These two layers of deep meaning are also the refinement and promotion of the entire movie after Damien and Renly completed the communication. Without such profound meaning, "Burst Drummer" can only be said to be an excellent work, but it is far from excellent or even more; but after giving memorable profound meaning, the film will also have a higher level. may.

But all these ideas and ideas must be completed through the performance of the actors, and Renly and Simmons also shoulder great pressure.

After Damien finished explaining, Simmons was still at a loss, because the director's descriptions were all illusory, without reference or following the clues, he simply couldn't get started.

Seeing Simmons's confusion, Damien couldn't help but become anxious.

Or was Lan Li the first to wake up, "You haven't told JK yet, have you?"

"Say what?" Damien was puzzled.

Simmons was puzzled.

Lan Li chuckled and did not explain, but changed the subject, “Let’s take a look at the video playback first. This kind of empty explanation is really too difficult to describe. Perhaps, after watching the playback, we will understand something.”

Damien nodded in agreement; but Simmons still looked at Lan Li carefully--

The Lan Li drama before me is different inside and outside.

In the past period of time, Lan Li was introverted and silent, as if contaminated with Andrew’s temperament; but today, Lan Li is confident and composed, and the light is released little by little It is obvious. Feeling the process of the whole person's aura slowly blooming, it's like a person who originally had a hunchback, but now he straightened his waist and opened his shoulders. The aura and state are completely different.

I haven’t had any special feelings before. It seems that Lan Li is Lan Li; but today’s change shows the difference. When the crew met on the first day, the dramatic difference can feel Lan Li’s performance power. , Moisturizing things silently brings a distinct change.

Simmons thought this was a very interesting thing.

Of course, the same is true for the performance just now. After the Lanli aura is fully opened, Simmons can faintly feel the guidance of that force. He can't tell the truth, but it brings different feelings during the performance, many emotions and emotions. The details flow out naturally, as if there is no need for deliberate speculation and deliberate performance.

But Simmons himself could also feel the lack of the puzzle. He didn't understand what was going on. He could only taste it vaguely. There was more to Lan Li's performance, but he could not push the fog out and see the whole picture. This feeling of restraint also disrupted his performance to a certain extent.

To be honest, Damien stopped filming, but Simmons himself was relieved.

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