The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1421: negligible

The little commotion outside the practice room has calmed down before it can surging, and it hasn't affected the shooting inside at all.

Damien was standing next to the camera, excited and nervous, excited and anxious. All of his attention was devoted to the lens, and his mind began to conceive the editing method of the finished film. Now this scene Has completely broken away from the shackles of the script, moving in a positive direction.

In the script, the scene has only a framework and no specific plot, because what Damien needs to capture is a state and an emotion. He did not fully conceive how to present it, hoping to try differently from the actors during the filming. With running-in, find a most appropriate way of expression.

"Andrew went to the bathroom to prepare a bucket of crushed ice, returned to the practice room, sat behind the drum set, and began to practice the'caravan'; but due to a palm injury, the rhythm of the double jump could not be improved, and Andrew lost control of his emotions. After venting, Continue to practice."

That's all there is to it.

Before the filming officially started, Damien and Lan Li communicated about the basic emotional context, and then gave the acting initiative to Lan Li.

Now, Lan Li’s performance has been out of the framework of the script, but Damien didn’t mind. He witnessed Lan Li’s performance with his own eyes. His mind was full of sparks, inspiration was like a fountain, and those clear fragments gradually merged. , The original unclear picture naturally becomes clear.

It’s just that Damien is a little unsure as to when the shooting should be interrupted-or lack of sufficient experience. He decided to continue to give Lan Li performance space to see how the follow-up performance is. After the brain shows a "card" prompt, Then end the filming of this scene.

Andrew sat on the stool again, unfolded the palm of his right hand, looking at the **** wound, and then slowly and slowly gathered the palm of his hand, clenched it into a fist, and the dark red blood stained his fingertips. Like cardamom, it was thrilling, and the palms and forearm muscles were squirming slowly, looking like a devil's face.

Immediately after--

He slowly and slowly stretched his right fist into the ice bucket, crashing, and the slight sound of ice churning began to hit the wriggling muscles, like countless embroidery needles digging into the pores at the same time, his arm 'S muscles became tight and stiff in an instant, but then they relaxed, as if you could really feel the taste:

All the pain erupted and released in an instant, but then it froze in the ice water, and all was sealed. This is the case at present. After this, as the ice is dissipating, all will be released little by little, and every inch of muscle will be torn twice.

The dark red blood slowly dipped in the ice water, the bright red color was like paint, bright and dazzling, and the rich **** aura seemed to permeate in this way, with a dark breath of death.


Andrew took his right fist again and grabbed the drumstick again. The diluted blood slid down the drumstick, but he didn't care. He just shook his right hand casually, and the drops of water immediately scattered everywhere. Dropping on the hanging drum, bass drum, and snare drum, the faint rose red color was like crystal clear amber, creeping on the surface of the instrument.

Then, Andrew's line of sight fell on the sling.

Although the jazz drum has just been completely beaten, he can continue to practice the double-jumping technique of hanging, especially with his right hand.

Andrew's upper body leaned forward slightly-this is not a standard movement. The real standard movement should keep the back straight and try to relax his shoulders, but now he can't take care of it anymore, his eyes burst into a fierce hostility. Like a falcon, staring at that sling, as if it could be swallowed alive, unknowingly, his upper body leaned forward a little.

Solemnly lifted his right hand, fingertips were fine-tuning the way of grasping, let his fingers relax as much as possible, and then immediately exert force, without excessive or buffering, from zero to four hundred hits, speeding up with all strength To the extreme-

But obviously, this method is wrong.

Not to mention whether he has this ability, just say that under the tightness of the muscles, all the energy is released in an instant, hitting the highest frequency drums, which puts very strict requirements on the drummer, almost it can be said to be Impossible tasks are very difficult even for the top drummers.

The ending is obvious.

Andrew’s strikes are not framed now. They are not four hundred strikes, nor any other strikes. All the rhythms have been completely messed up. They are just speeding up, simply speeding up, as if a child is trying his best to watch. Look at how high a frequency you can hit, that's all. Don't talk about rhythm, you can't even feel the basic music theory.

But he did not fall apart immediately, his eyes slowly condensed, and there was an evil energy hidden, which was unclear, as if he had witnessed an impulsive and violent murder scene with his own eyes—strangling a life with just one fist and one punch , The **** scene of blood cracking and brains full of blood makes the stomach tumble.

His eyes became sharper and sharper, and his hits became increasingly fierce.

The dim light in the practice room was projected on the slings of Guang Ke Jian, and the golden halo was surging danglingly, all in a mess, no rules and rules, dazzling, The energy of the violent blow was refracted and stirred in the entire practice room.

Andrew knew that his hit was a mess.

His eyes gradually turned red, as if his eyes were red, all that hostility was released without reservation, he clenched his teeth tightly, and the cursing sound was squeezed out from between his teeth. :

"You are a trash! You are a lump/shit! You are a softie! No use at all! You should be eliminated and replaced! You can't practice even the most basic skills, and you want to become a Pakistani Di Ricky! Arrogant! Stupid! Rubbish! Ugly! Shameless! Waste! Damn! Grass! Grass! Grass!"

Gritting his teeth, as if he could bite the smell of blood between his lips and teeth, that kind of unforgettable hatred erupted from the inside out, venting unceasingly.

This is not Andrew, this is Fletcher.

At that moment, Andrew was possessed by Fletcher, his eyes were red and he yelled, his mouth was splashing, and he did not show any mercy. In the ugliest and dirtiest way, he completely tore off the last layer of fig leaf. But he didn't mean to stop at all. During the curse, the burst of adrenaline made his facial expressions distorted--

Vaguely, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if mocking his own self-defeating ability, as if he was complaining about his wishful thinking, as if he was defeating his last defense, that kind of cruel pleasure/sensation, from the eyes It burst out bit by bit, as if... as if it wasn't himself he was torturing, but the self that Fletcher despised.

Mighty. vigorous.

In a trance, the images of Andrew and Fletcher overlapped in this way, and then went back to the day when Andrew first joined the band rehearsal. Under the pressure of Fletcher's torrential rain, Andrew was completely restrained. A little bit of land collapsed, and even the last little bit of dignity and pride has been completely crushed to pieces.

But at this time I realized that Andrew still had the last trace of pride in his heart. Today, he himself crushed it with his own hands, completely crushed it ruthlessly, and completely turned into a powder, just when everyone thought Andrew would collapse. Those eyes, those crystal-clear eyes--

Eyes without any glamour or light, like the black pupils of a walking corpse, unable to find any vitality, it seems that even the soul has been completely defeated and dissipated; then, a little bit of light gathers again, as if it is focusing, the pupil Gradually it became clear. There was no temperature, no color, no emotion, but a cold-blooded and cruel violent burst out, as if a hurricane was slowly slap.

Without warning, the rage disappeared again, completely disappeared, and then the eyes returned to their normal state, calm and calm, without anger, violence, and madness, as if nothing had happened. Too average, even more stable than a windless lake, without even a hint of ripples.

If you want to describe it accurately, you just pressed the switch of the street light, but the light of the street light only brightened, and then it went out, and the whole world escaped into a darkness where you can't see your fingers.

But it was precisely this calm and calm that caused a cold sweat on the spine, and it was so cold that it shivered again and again, and I could faintly feel that a storm was brewing, because it was too peaceful to be normal.

Then, Andrew stopped hitting like this.

There was no extra action, and he sat quietly and calmly on the spot, panting.

Slowly, the blood slowly slid down the drumsticks, even though his face was expressionless, even though the water was calm, and even though the blue waves were vast, the chilling horror spread slowly, which was even better than "Batman" The smile of the clown in "The Dark Knight" is even more creepy.

The whole practice room was silent, and no one cared about Melissa. Compared to the Lan Li in front of him, that little episode was insignificant, not even a dust, everyone could only quietly Looking at Lan Li, the panic and panic in the depths of his eyes is rising bit by bit, so that the palms are beginning to sweat, but now they dare not even wipe the sweat, and the ears seem to be able to catch the sweat. The faint sound of falling.


Damien stood up straight, shouted loudly, and then immediately turned around, gasping for breath, as if he had just rescued a chicken from drowning ashore.

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