The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1419: Quiet

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom, boom boom boom."

The ears are full of surging drums, raging wildly in the entire practice room like a torrential rain. At the beginning, it is still neatly and steadily and evenly and continuously output, but gradually, the rhythm loses control, even for laymen. I clearly feel that all the power and rhythm have become a mess, and the changes in priority have completely blurred the boundaries.

It was visible to the naked eye that the right hand was hitting the sling fiercely and brutally, and the whole sling began to croak, shaking violently up and down, as if the entire drum kit had been crumbling-directly collapsing at the physical level.

This is obviously not the correct way to hit the drum kit.

But Andrew still didn't relax, hitting him carelessly. The violent percussions swept through endlessly, but his eyes could not catch any confusion, but he stared directly at the drum set in front of him. The motionless vision exposed the enchanted dark aura layer by layer, and instantly burst out a chilling madness.

Is this a rule to follow, or is it a slap in the face?

Andrew’s crazy strike is entering a magical and weird realm. It sounds like a monotonous strike is playing the double-jump technique over and over again, and the speed soars bit by bit, it’s like driving. A speeding sports car, the brakes have failed, the entire speed has been out of control, but the driver can only hold the steering wheel tightly, concentrate all his attention, and do his best to control, but the situation is slowly approaching out of control.

If it is a top professional driver of Formula 1, maybe they can control this speed of life and death in the palm of their hands; but if it is a rookie driver who is a road killer, then such a speed may cause a devastating disaster at any time. .

And Andrew?

He is like a genius racer with talent and inspiration. He can manage this speed, but he is still a little reluctant. He gritted his teeth and forced out his best state, and then he can control the situation for a short time. At that time, the limitations of youthfulness and immaturity made things out of the palm of the hand, so I began to be irritable, nervous, and violent, and then the situation slowly deviated from the expected track.

The picture of "gradually falling off track" is clearly and accurately displayed.


Everyone present was watching Lan Li with all his attention. Even a layman who had no research or interest in drum kits could feel the tension and precariousness at this time. The heart contracted involuntarily, even He couldn't help but cut his breath in his throat, just as he stayed in a daze.

It’s hard to imagine that the sense of loss of control that slides to **** step by step is presented in front of your eyes. Every onlooker who has watched the previous performance can really feel the subtle change at this time: even more arrogant, More reckless, more restless, even the drumbeats are already contaminated with that kind of emotion.

No wonder people always say that music can reflect the color of the soul, and all art is like this. Therefore, sorrow and pain can always give birth to more art that will last forever.

For people, disaster is torture, but for art, disaster is soil.

Appreciating the beauty of art and watching the creation of art are two completely different things. For every viewer, the feelings and moods are also different, but it is undeniable that these two processes are the most important in life. The beautiful part.

Gaze with breathlessly, no one can be an exception.

No, maybe someone is an exception. For example, Melissa Benoist.

Paul Walker put his hands on his chest and looked at Lan Li intently. The crazy performance has lasted for three full minutes, but Lan Li still didn’t stop. Vaguely, Paul seemed to see it again. Lan Li's wound cracked, and the dark red blood slowly seeped out and covered it under the bandage.

This caused Paul to tighten his fingertips involuntarily, and then he realized that his fist had been completely clenched, the fingertips that continued to be tightened had touched the temperature of the palm, and the polished nails were sharply piercing into the muscles, that faintly The pain caused the tight nerves to sway a little, but it was fleeting.


Paul could feel the light tapping from his shoulder, not the kind of loud tapping, but the kind of light touch, faintly revealing a cautiousness, seeming to be cautiously and cautiously testing, just like in the crew , Shooting is in progress, but the staff has an emergency and needs to find other colleagues, so they use this method to remind the other party to avoid any subtle potential movement as much as possible.

Years and months of crew work has kept Paul on alert, turned his head reflexively, and then saw a completely unfamiliar figure. Only then did he realize that this is not his crew, so why would anyone look for him during the filming? ? This made him frowned slightly, revealing a suspicious look.

"Hey, Paul. I'm Melissa. Nice to meet you." The other party showed a big smile, and extended his right hand in kindness, trying to greet Paul with a handshake.

Paul was stunned on the spot, because he was too surprised and too shocked to know how to react: What is going on? What is happening now? Why does this happen on the crew scene? Why did someone appear in front of him to introduce himself to him?

If it is an ordinary occasion, with Paul's personality, even if he is no longer comfortable, he is bound to reply kindly, and he doesn't even mind talking to the other party.

but now?

Paul stared at the opponent quietly, hesitated for a moment, still didn't know how to respond, so he maintained a state of stunned consternation, slowly turned his head, ignored and did not respond, and then quietly looked at Lanly again. , As if nothing happened just now, I was once again enjoying Lan Li's performance.

Melissa was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Paul's reaction like this, but she thought about it seriously, and still did not give up. She patted Paul on the shoulder again, and before Paul turned her head, she said, "You are Did you come here to visit the class? It seems that you and Lan Li are really good friends."


There was a low sound in the ear immediately, not Paul, but Ryan Gosling.

Melissa turned her head, and then she saw Ryan's angry King Kong expression. Even if she didn't say much, the anger and irritability in her eyes were projected sharply, like a wall, hit hard. Coming over, Melissa suddenly became dizzy.

Melissa couldn't help but reddened her eyes, and she looked at Ryan in an aggrieved way. She didn't seem to understand what she had done wrong, and a faint tear appeared. She gently bit her lower lip, as if she was working hard. Let yourself calm down instead of just crashing on the spot.

Such an attitude fell into Ryan's eyes, but it was just a poor performance. He would not buy it at all; but the problem now is that the shooting site is working attentively. How should he deal with it? Especially for this kind of girl, a little bit of excitement may make things big, which is definitely not a good thing for Lan Li who is working.

Ryan's eyes widened, Melissa glared fiercely, and gritted his teeth secretly. The cold edges and corners of his face became more vivid, but he was silent but sent a signal, unswervingly giving a warning, as if Say: If you don't shut up, then things won't be so simple.

Afterwards, Ryan turned his head and looked at Lan Li again.

Melissa stood on the spot, wriggling her mouth, after all she didn't say anything, she also looked at the crew who was filming in the practice room, and stared at Lan Li with a bitter look.


Without warning, a loud noise exploded, and Melissa was startled. She quickly raised her hands to cover her mouth, and looked at Lan Li with incredible eyes——

At this moment, he was like a Hulk who had completed his transformation. He clenched his fists and slammed into the drumhead of the jazz drum. The paper is and it is easily worn out, and the jazz drum has become a piece of bronze and iron.

What happened just now?

Hit, hit, and Andrew’s muscles gradually tightened, and the whole person is like a full bowstring, precarious and trembling, seeming to be caught in a crisis that will fall apart at any time, and then, rhythm and strength He has already lost control, and the drums have become completely chaotic. The sense of shackles made him feel more and more irritable and irritable.

However, the more you struggle, the more you resist, the tighter the sense of restraint, and you will almost be out of breath. If you don’t explode, you are likely to go to the end in such a dull way—not in the silence, but in the silence. Perished, so he exploded.

Annoyed and angrily slammed at the sling and the jazz drum, the **** drumsticks were swung out like this, and they continued to "beat" with their bare hands, punching and then punching the jazz drum hard. Drumhead, bang! boom! The dull muffled sound was like thunder behind the thick clouds, tumbling rumblingly, but the heavy rain never came down.

In the end, the drumhead was torn like this.

The sense of explosion, the sense of catharsis, the sense of bursting released all the hidden power in the muscles. Even if the drumhead was torn, he still didn't stop and slammed the jazz drum fiercely. Kick over directly, all the irritability that curled up and suppressed in the chest turned into swearing, "Grass! Grass! Grass! You are a tuft/dog/shit! Grass! I want to kill you! Kill you!"

The anger of the thunderbolt swept across, the air in the entire practice room began to compress, everyone closed their mouths, and was silent.

Melissa's eyes widened, her innocent look was revealed again, and she couldn't help but hiccup in shock: hiccup.

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