The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1413: Entertaining to death

"Len Li?"

"Blue gift!"

The paparazzi were a little dazed, and there was a short silence on the scene, which seemed strange and wonderful, but it was just a fleeting blink of an eye, and a panicked call came from behind, breaking the deadlock, and exploding like thunder on the ground. Come, all the paparazzi immediately turned their heads in unison.

Then I saw Nathan, who was in a hurry, and Roy Lockley, Paul Walker, Ryan Gosling, Rooney Mara, Damien Chazelle, Melissa Byno who looked nervous. East, jk-simmons, etc., followed a large group of people in a bustling manner, appearing in front of their eyes like a big hairy tail.

Paul and Nathan rushed to the forefront, aggressive and unstoppable, and immediately collided with the paparazzi head-on.

The situation on the scene is a bit complicated and chaotic. The paparazzi have not fully recovered from the turbulent mood just now, nor have they been able to understand the situation. They can only react reflexively: some people just stepped back and stepped aside. Some people took the initiative to push forward and formed a frontal confrontation with Paul, Nathan and others.

The scene suddenly became more chaotic, and Paul couldn't believe his eyes, "Are you crazy? Get out, get out of everything!" He even clenched his fist, bursting out like a bull. Rushing through the crowd, the dense crowd was suddenly scattered.

The other people who followed also stepped forward and continued to move forward among the turbulent crowd, and soon broke through the encirclement, entered the very center of the crowd, and found the sweaty, gold-faced blue gift. .

"God, Renly, Renly, what's wrong with you? **** Christ, what have you done? Renly, wake up, Renly!"

"What's the matter with you? Back, back quickly, Lan Li needs a little fresh air! You bastards!"

"Go away! You guys! Damn it! Go away all!"

"Nathan, call 911, hurry up, call 911, we need an ambulance, we need an ambulance here."

"Len Li, Lan Li? Are you okay? Lan Li!"

There was a panic call, and the scene immediately fell into another kind of panic.

Most of the paparazzi started to get scared. Only then did they realize the consequences of their actions just now, not to mention how much aftermath this incident will cause, just to mention the potential retaliation from Lan Li in the future is enough to make people feel. Frightened, he looked down at his hands, and somehow began to wipe his palms, as if his hands were already stained with blood.

It turns out that "killing" is such a feeling.

A small part of the paparazzi became frantically excited. This is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whether it is the confrontation between Lan Li and the paparazzi falling into a disadvantage, or the chasing and blocking Lan Li is in trouble, this is definitely an absolute hot spot for their worth. How can it be easily missed? As a result, the flashlight started to light up.

They even deliberately aimed the flash at the eyes of Paul, Ryan and others, and stabbed their pupils with the flash. Under such a chaotic situation, they tried to anger Lanly’s friends and let them fight if Paul really waved. Raise a fist, that's the big event of the year.

Entertainment to death.

At this moment, the entertainment to death in the Internet age of the 21st century is vividly displayed. Life is not important. What is important is the news hype behind the loss of life or injury, and the interests that these gimmicks represent. What's more, it's just a mere Renly Hall?

"You group of executioners! What did you do? Are you crazy? Don't you, mad reporters, have not seen the bad state of Lan Li? Except for the hot spots or the hot spots, are you planning to put Lan Li Drive mad, send him into the magpie nest, will you be reconciled? Look, see, this is what you do, God, do you still have a conscience? Are you still real reporters? All of you are a bunch of lunatics !"

Paul lost control of his emotions and smashed towards a reporter with his fist, but Ryan hugged Paul in time at a critical juncture and kept shouting in Paul's ear, "Calm down, Paul, calm down. "

"Let go of me!" Paul was struggling vigorously, screaming, "They are a bunch of lunatics! What are they pushing Lan Li to? They are planning to kill Lan Li! They are just a bunch of executioners! Executioners! !"

Paul like this has never been seen before.

The impression of Paul, he always wears a bright smile, is low-key and humble, refuses to hype, has no ambition, and is contented. He is a person who knows satisfaction and happiness. Maybe he is not perfect, but he is disturbed by Vanity Fair. , But he is always as fresh and pleasant as the breeze of March.

Paul in front of him lost his reason and couldn't believe the group of people in front of him. Even though Lanly had fallen apart, and even though the scene was chaotic, they were still waiting for an opportunity to find news stunts. Since they wanted to make a big splash, Then Paul let them get what they wanted and taught them a good meal!

"Paul! Lan Li, Lan Li needs us! Lan Li!" Ryan is doing his best to prevent the situation from getting worse. He doesn't know if his actions are correct, but he only knows that Lan Li needs now. They, "Paul, Renly looks bad, he looks really bad."

While speaking, Ryan didn't even notice it, and his voice trembled slightly, and then he began to be afraid of uncontrollable fear. He didn't even know what he was afraid of, but he was uncontrollably flustered.

Paul finally calmed down a little bit. He didn't continue to swing his fists or struggle any more. He just yelled at the paparazzi in front of him, "Get out! Get out of everything! You lunatics!"

The flash, still shining brightly, truly recorded Paul's madness, Ryan's excitement and the chaos of the scene.

How ridiculous, how ridiculous, how ironic.

Even so, the paparazzi still did not give up, and some even broke through further. They aimed the camera at the bloodless Lan Li, who was curled up in the corner, quickly pressed the shutter, and couldn't wait to record the rare occasion before-just now. Everyone concentrated on asking questions to attack, they actually forgot to take photos.

Now is the opportunity.

One starts first, and then the other starts. Even the small group of paparazzi who can't bear it realizes that this scene must not be missed, otherwise, they will regret it. Driven by their interests and driven by their professional instincts, they also flocked together again and pressed the shutter one after another.

The flashes flashed again one after another.

Paul, whose emotions had just been buffered, clenched his fists again, but this time Ryan took a step ahead, let Paul go, and stepped forward, "He/Mom/all get out of me! Get out of here! !"

Without restraint, Ryan and Paul both raised their fists and sprinted towards the paparazzi. The powerful momentum of the tiger descending the mountain did not hesitate at all. It can be seen that they are not joking. They were startled, and all began to retreat like birds and beasts scattered.

At the same time, their camera aimed at two people, Ryan and Paul-as if they were the victims, recording the evil deeds of the "violent".

The whole scene is extremely chaotic, but in the chaos, the flashing lights are still one after another, flashing around the surrounding; although Ryan and Paul are doing their best to expel the reporter, Nathan, Simmons and others are also helping, but in the end they are still double. Fighting hard to beat four hands, the pervasive paparazzi still mastered the initiative on the scene.

But what was even more absurd and helpless was that the onlookers across the street also took out their mobile phones, or took photos or videos, and recorded the whole scene with their cameras, and they couldn’t wait to upload them to the social network platform to share with them. "Fans" of "Fans" are sharing this moment's explosiveness.

No one called the police, and no one stopped it.

This is the essence of fast food culture in the 21st century:

Even if it’s a fire, even a disaster, even if it’s death, the first reaction is always recorded with a mobile phone, and the second reaction is always shared. Any emergency time can be waited, "I am on the spot" type of sub-item. It is the most important thing-sadness, sadness, pain, joy, happiness, sensibility, suffering, etc. ~ all can be shared.

This is the real entertainment to death.


The whole scene is evolving into a complete disaster. The chaos that has been rushing forward and back has no signs of calming down. Not only has it not calmed down, but it is also getting worse and worse. The crowds are coming to watch one after another. Between word of mouth, the truth of the matter has gradually become blurred.

Some people said that Lan Li was injured; some said that Lan Li had beaten someone; some said that Lan Li was beaten. Others said that the crew had a conflict with the reporter.

The various rumors did not affect interest in the slightest, but mobilized the gossip emotions of all passers-by. As a result, the scene began to become more and more chaotic.

Quiet Fifty-Seventh Street is one of the most artistic neighborhoods on Manhattan Island. The existence of galleries, theaters, coffee shops, bars, dance studios, art galleries, concert halls and other buildings makes it a middle-class and cultural One of the favorite places for young people; but today, this street has become abominable, and the turbulent onlookers are quickly approaching in waves.

Only the name "Lan Li-Hall" is required, which is attractive enough; and when the two keywords "Lan Li" and "Conflict" collide together, then the situation starts to go crazy. It only spread in the neighborhood, but as people on Twitter and the photo wall marked the scene, the number of people increased.

Gradually, things started to lose control, and the vehicles on the street were forced to slow down, and traffic jams unknowingly formed, which also made the scene even more chaotic.

In the chaos, the paparazzi are retreating quietly, as if it has nothing to do with the chaos in front of them.

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