The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1407: Bound hands and feet

Andrew couldn't stop at all, as if he was possessed, the devil's dance steps were going crazy.

He only felt that he was imprisoned in a shell, the boy who was lying on the bed just now, the white ward, the white bed, the white hospital gown, and everything around him was a large swath of white. Some figures can be vaguely seen, but they are all faceless people who are faceless, walking back and forth like walking corpses.

He tried to struggle, he tried to escape, he tried to resist.

But everything was in vain. He was completely imprisoned in this body. He couldn't move a minute after exhausting all his strength. Even his voice had completely failed. He was screaming, he was screaming, the soul I was hoarse in the depths, but there was no sound in my throat.

As a result, he could only struggle harder.

"Clang, clang, clang, Bang Bang Bang."

The unstructured murmur seemed to be a battle with the devil.

The harder you work, the more confused you are; the more you struggle, the more restrained you are.

That kind of suffocated feeling is slowly devouring all his reason and emotion, which also makes him more and more confused, like a vicious circle that cannot be solved, falling into reincarnation again and again.

Until a pain burst out without warning and without root cause.

As if flames were burning, he was devouring his body bit by bit, but he couldn't distinguish the source. When he reacted, his feet and hands had disappeared, and he was burned in the raging fire, as if... …It's like being cremated in an incinerator after death.

He is still alive. He is still alive. He doesn't want to die. He still wants to continue to fight, he still has dreams that have not been realized, he has not yet planned to surrender, he refuses to admit defeat, he is not reconciled.

He tried to scream, but he didn't make a sound. He could only struggle and resist constantly, as if struggling to get rid of the invisible rope shackles on his body. Even though the pain is getting more and more turbulent now, his strength is still getting more and more. Strong, bit his teeth firmly, burst out unimaginable energy, and tried his best to resist.

The greater the force, the stronger the reaction force.

The pain was rising like a tsunami, exploding twice and three times, instantly devouring his thoughts and soul, and slammed it down with a swift and violent blow, leaving no reaction at all. There was room for opportunity and resistance, and then the flame completely swallowed his entire body, leaving only a weak consciousness lingering.


He finally made a sound, but it was a painful scream, his hands were suddenly loosened, the drumsticks fell to the ground, and the palms became stiff and deformed due to excessive force, and the veins seemed to have been twisted. I can't straighten it, I can feel the pain of twitching from my fingertips.

The moth finally embraced the candlelight, and then disappeared like this.


He finally recovered his voice, but his body was completely out of control, and he fell back in embarrassment, and fell awkwardly and stupidly into the gap between the corner and the chair in a strange posture. The pain still didn't disappear, it became more and more turbulent and more obvious, bursting out continuously, every inch of muscle was piercing pain.

"Lan Li! God, Lan Li!"

Nathan was the first to rush forward worriedly. Although the shooting continued, Renly had completely lost his focus. This also meant that the shooting had to be interrupted, and Nathan could step forward without any scruples.

Before Nathan's footsteps could get closer, Lan Li's voice burst out, "Go away! Get out of him/mother/the ground! I'll let you all go away!"

The rebuke of the thunderbolt forced Nathan to brake in an emergency and stopped. Following that, a large group of other people also chased up in a hustle and bustle, but at the same time they finished the brakes, and circled behind Nathan. Anxious and at a loss, he cast his sights, and became embarrassed amidst the crowds.

Lan Li closed his eyes tightly.

That sense of restraint disappeared again.

He knows that his state is not quite right, and the feeling of being insane has reappeared again after a long time, but this time it is not losing control and causing him to be unable to extricate himself, but he deliberately let go of control and let himself be immersed in the role. Can't extricate themselves, this is regarded as self-inflicted and cannot live...?

Thoughts wander between illusion and reality, he can distinguish the difference between Renly and Andrew, but he is deliberately blurring such a line. He knows that he is playing with fire, and a little carelessness may cause him to burn; but he also knows that he needs such a moment to return to the feeling of shooting "buried alive", not for performance, but for mentality.

That kind of precarious thrill and excitement when walking on high-altitude ropes, it's like...just like/taking/drug/general, adrenaline exploded, thrilling and exciting, taking life as an adventure, a little bit of a difference. Wrong may be broken, but still make people want to stop.

What's more important is that you know clearly that this "addiction" must be quit, or you will ruin yourself sooner or later, but you still can't stop it.

"Ha..." He breathed out a long breath, indulged in it, unable to extricate himself, the kind of invigoration and excitement, the kind of beauty and excitement, people can't help but start to remember.

Pain and happiness.

This is the best portrayal of Lan Li now.

Breathe, breathe again.

"Give me some time." Lan Li did not stand up, nor did he move his limbs, still maintaining an awkward movement, leaning on the wall, and whispering softly, then keeping his eyes closed, slowly adjusting his own Breathing, the whole person gradually and gradually calmed down, seeming to be recalling the whole process just now.

The whole crew was silent.

Rooney was faintly aware of the anxiety, Lan Li's state was too weird, she always felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell why. Subconsciously, she thought she was thinking too much, but after turning her head, she saw the worry and confusion in the eyes of Paul and Ryan, and they both had the same thoughts when they met.

Confused Ryan was only one of the three people who was not in the best condition. He didn't understand the situation at all. He raised his chin and motioned for Lan Li, frowning, as if asking: What's wrong with him? ?

Then he asked silently, "Heather Cross."

The Lan Li at this moment reminded Ryan of the time after Heather died. It is not a state, but an aura. The calm and surging aura seems to be brewing a storm; but the storm is unable to come, and then step by step towards the end of destruction.

Paul also realized this. His uneasy look revealed his inner uncertainty, but he was helpless. Turning his head, he and Rooney exchanged glances, faintly trying to figure out something, but after all, he couldn't be too much. determine.

At this time, a sense of powerlessness could not help bred deep in their hearts, because they were not Lan Li after all, and they did not have enough understanding of Lan Li's performance methods and performance skills, so they stood idly by but couldn't help.

Damien, who was standing next to him, had his eyes shining, and his expression of excitement and excitement became stronger and brighter. He liked the dark temperament of being delirious and the overall temperament of a "bursting drummer". They coincided with each other and released the dark side of Andrew bit by bit. There was a sense of sight of escaping into purgatory step by step. It could not be more perfect.

"Damien, what should we do?"

There was a sound in the ear, Damien turned his head subconsciously, and then saw the wry smile on the face of the dramatist. Looking along the line of sight of the dramatist, Damien saw it spilling on the hanging chant and the drum set. Blood stains.

That is real blood, not the result of the props team.

There are only a few bits and pieces. It's not the blood sprinkling of dramatic tension, but like red plums in the cold winter, blooming proudly in a piece of snow, bursting out a powerful visual impact, thrilling, and the air. The faint **** smell permeating in the middle suddenly became substantial.

"This is a loaned prop. What should I do if this is the case?" The script seemed extremely troublesome.

Damien's eyes light This is good, this is good. Just keep it like that. "Aware of the dramatist's surprised gaze, Damien nodded in agreement, "That's it. Let me think about what lens we need to add. Ok……"

After meditation, Damien realized that the whole scene just now was completed in one go. The camera was captured from four different angles and the performance of Lan Li was recorded completely. Now he must watch the whole scene again, in his mind. The editing and switching of the whole scene are constructed here, and then the close-up shooting is further supplemented.

What is certain is that Damien hopes to capture the close-up of Lan Li’s tiger’s mouth. The more **** and disgusting, the more effective he is. He hopes to present this primitive and brutal **** feeling, especially when watching. After Lan Li's performance just now, his inspiration was full, and he had new inspiration for the whole scene.

Damien can't wait to walk to the monitor and start watching the replay.


Lan Li was still lying on the ground, and the pain continued to explode, but gradually, gradually, he began to get used to it, the painful nerves seemed to be numb, and the stormy emotions gradually calmed down. Involuntarily, the drumbeat of "whipping" appeared in his mind again, and he couldn't help but start thinking again about how to practice and how to beat.

Confusion, this is the real conspiracy.

But Lan Li enjoyed it. His right hand fingers began to lightly beat the rhythm, and the slight movement involved the wound, causing another wave of pain. He didn't care. He just adjusted the movement of the fingers and started again. When hitting it, it was like hitting the Morse code, trying to figure out the drumbeat.

That sense of restraint seemed to disappear.

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