The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1405: Smash to the end


A crisp and loud slap rang, and it was particularly harsh in the silent scene where the drum beat was interrupted. Everyone was terribly frightened; however, the sound of a breath of cold breath had not been fully released yet, and everyone was rushing. He pressed his lips tightly, making all the breath sounds disappear between his lips and teeth.

Involuntarily, everyone held their breath.

Andrew is trying to cheer himself up. He just made low-level repetitive mistakes in his performance. After playing so many times, he still makes mistakes. The violence and irritability in his heart burst out instantly, and he realized it. Before, he raised his right hand and slapped hard--

He even hit his forehead with the drumstick held in his palm, leaving a clear red mark on his forehead.

He is totally unknown.

Take a deep breath again, as if a boxer is on stage, start to twist his head, make a creak in his neck joints, relax a little bit, and then formally start playing from the beginning.

All in one go.

The rhythm is precise, the force is uniform, the relaxation is strong, and the emotion is full. A "whip" contains the raging flames in the chest, violent and hot, crazy and wanton venting down, just like the Nicaragua Falls, the mighty and mighty The roar on the eardrum continued to strike like thunder.

After 30 minutes of continuous repetitive performance, every audience present has "ears callused". At this moment, they can indeed capture the nuances, even though they can't tell a reason. Identify whether it is good or bad, but the change is real.

That kind of hearty and invigorating feeling unreservedly impacted everyone's heart defense.

At this moment, Damien's pupils shrank slightly: the most difficult part came.

Click on the jazz drum with the left hand and click on the sling with the right hand. The two rhythms must fit together. Although it is not a four-hundred beat, the beat rhythm has broken through two hundred and eighty-it is still the rhythm, degree and frequency of seven beats. However, it must be more than doubled, and the entire control difficulty has risen tenfold and a hundredfold.

Even more difficult is the sling.

Because the position of the jazz drum is lower and closer to the body, the left hand uses the strength of the forearm and wrist to complete the control, relying on the fingertips to make subtle adjustments, from the perspective of strength and maintenance, the muscles need to bear the pressure relatively easily .

The position of the sling is more high-end and farther away from the body. Except for the forearm and wrist, the upper arm of the right hand must be kept horizontally stable, like a bracket, supporting the control of the entire force, and the bearing strength of the shoulder is more obvious. .

In addition, the drum head of the jazz drum is relatively fixed, while the sling is relatively swaying. In order to hit the beat of the same frequency, the power control of the sling must be more stable, more uniform and more delicate, a little too strong, the sling There was a violent shaking, and the whole rhythm was completely broken and it was unsustainable.

After calming down and listening carefully to Buddy Ricky’s performance, you can notice that the sound of the sling part is clear and even, with a stable and powerful penetrating power, and can even clearly capture the complete quadruple beats. Eight beats, the rhythm of the whole sense of rhythm is indescribable, completely mobilizing the emotions of the "whipping" **** part, and every listener can't help but start to boil with enthusiasm.

This is skill.

Andrew's drumsticks are shaking quickly. Strictly speaking, the wrist is a control support point. The shaking must not be too strong, otherwise it will destroy the neat balance. What's more, the two hundred and eighty drums are very dense and the shaking arc is too large. It is about to be unable to keep up with the rhythm; it is more dependent on the power of the fingertips, using the delicate cooperation of the five fingers, to continuously transmit the power and drive the continuous beat of the drumsticks.

The theoretical explanation shows that it does not sound like a very difficult thing, but only after the actual operation can I know it. The difficulty is far beyond imagination.

"Boom boom boom boom".

Intensive drum beats are being raised quickly. While mentioning, the frame of rhythm and frequency must not be lost. The seven-beat structure must always be maintained; and Fletcher's continuous emphasis on accurate rhythm cannot be lost. Both grab and drag beats fail. Hit, which also puts forward more stringent requirements on control.

Then, the muscles of the wrist and arm began to stiffen. When the frequency increased to a certain height, it was like being stuck in the mud. This also forced him to increase his strength, and the relaxed muscles gradually tightened. Tighten up, the more tight, the more out of control——

When the muscles are stiff, the consciousness will lose the subtle control of the muscles. In the case of forced force, it can only control the whole or the whole large muscle, which makes the whole striking action start to become awkward and exaggerated.

To put it simply, the fingers were still finely controlling, but now it has become a wave of the entire forearm, and even the entire forearm and shoulders began to shake. Not only did the frequency of hitting not increase, but it began to gradually decline, even seven. The rhythmic frame of the filming was completely disrupted, and completely reduced to a four-different image.

It's a mess.

Andrew clenched his teeth tightly, his five senses were all crumpled together, the more tense the harder, the harder the harder, the more out of control, the more out of control, the more tense, which forms a vicious Circulation, so that the whole body began to tremble violently, even the most basic fighting posture has been deformed.

In the end, Andrew slammed the slings on both sides with drumsticks fiercely. The venting one-time/beating didn’t have the strength and skill at all. When the slings fell fiercely, the slings made a harsh noise. The hanging man was swaying, and the lingering sound was constantly ringing, as if a beggar was knocking and breaking copper and iron.

Andrew raised his right hand, seeming to want to vent again, gritted his teeth, tightened his muscles, and finally completed the emergency brake abruptly, and his right hand stopped in mid-air like this; closed eyes and tight wrinkles There was a deep annoyance and frustration between his brows, but after all he could not vent it; his tight shoulders suddenly loosened, he drooped down heavily, and even his head drooped.

The exercises and assumptions just now still failed to reach the expected level logically, as if all the efforts were in vain. That kind of frustration and aggrieved, just like that stuck tightly in his chest, panting.

He exhaled a long breath, and his hands fell weakly on the drum surface of the jazz drum, and the whole person exuded a frustrated breath.

Not reconciled, after all, still not reconciled, but after a short breath, the previous humiliation once again sounded the alarm; if he refuses to admit defeat, he still refuses to admit defeat, how could he not be able to do it? How can it be! He is a genius drummer determined to follow in the footsteps of Buddy Ricky. He will never be easily defeated. He gritted his teeth secretly, and his irritability is once again abruptly restrained and his eyes settled again.

After calming down, Andrew noticed the blood stains on the drumsticks. He turned his palm and looked at it. The inner side of the middle finger, the outer side of the index finger, and the inner side of the tiger's mouth were all broken.

The most serious is the tiger’s mouth. A pea-sized scar has completely worn the epidermis; what’s worse, because it is not treated in time, the tender meat under the epidermis has been further ravaged, becoming **** and faintly red. The blood and yellow pus make people unbearable to look straight.

At this time, after countless slow beats, he felt the hot tingling pain, spreading slowly like a popping candy, his brows could not help but gently raised, and the corners of his mouth were still moving downwards. It seemed that he was a little surprised by the appearance of the wound. But more still do not care indifferently.

I opened a brand new box of band-aids, first took out one piece and bandaged the middle finger; then took out one piece and bandaged the index finger; finally took out another piece and stuck it on the tiger's mouth. After finishing all the work, he turned his palm, his eyes showed a satisfied look, and then he grabbed the drumstick again.

This time, he gave up the action of hitting the jazz drum with his left hand and stared at the sling on the right side intently.

Raised his right hand and hung it in the air, then relaxed his arm and used finger control to strike a group of one hundred and forty hits, looking for the control of the entire force and the output of rhythm.

After an eight beats, my wrist stopped swinging. After I was sure I found the correct rhythm, I stared at the dangling stubbornly, and even swallowed a mouthful of saliva, making a deep breath adjustment, as much as possible. I completely relax myself--

Start hitting.

"Clang clang clang clang clang."

First one hundred and forty strikes, and then two hundred and eighty strikes. The entire tempo was over and improved using only one eight beats. In an instant, his hand frequency reached two hundred and eighty strikes perfectly, striking accurately. Playing the coveted rhythm, this is the perfect performance.

He can do it!

But after only one eight beats, he immediately felt the stiffness of his muscles.

Reflexively, he bit his teeth firmly, refused to give up and refused to compromise. Those light brown eyes burst out with the same brutality and determination, his wet head hung down, and the sweat slipped drop by drop. There was a faint **** breath, and even the brilliance of the pupils gradually brightening.

But the muscles are getting stiffer and the control is getting weaker and weaker, and with that, the body begins to shake again, unknowingly repeating the same mistakes and returning to the old road.

However, this time he did not give up, bursting out a stubborn stubbornness, and frowned tightly. The attack range is getting bigger and bigger, and the attacking power is getting more and more fierce, and then you can see. The blood that reached the tiger's mouth immediately overflowed from both sides of the band-aid, dyeing the band-aid into a dark red little by little.

The real taste of blood.

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