The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1354: Jade and stone burned

Christian Wagner lost control, his face was hideous, his eyes widened, and his breathing was short of breath, just like a fire-breathing dragon. A little breath was enough to burn everything.

Van Diesel is still furious? He should be the one who is in distress now, okay?

Lanly Hall, who returned triumphantly at the Cannes Film Festival, is in full swing, with great momentum and superb status. Regardless of whether this Tony Award can complete EGOT's feat, this will not affect Lanly's current appeal in the industry.

Of course, Renly is not loved by everyone. There are bound to be many opponents and rejectionists in Hollywood. Harvey Weinstein bears the brunt; however, when there is no conflict of interest, or in other words, there is no conflict of interest. No one is willing to have anger with Lan Li easily, because Lan Li itself is not a personality that likes to make trouble.

Now Diesel and Renly are clashing, there are too few supporters willing to stand on Diesel's side.

Maybe Diesel can cooperate with Harvey. The question is, what bargaining chip does Diesel have that is worthy of Harvey's cooperation? Harvey is an old fox with the supremacy of interests. He does not have enough interests. Even if it is "against the blue gift alliance", he will not easily let go. In other words, if Diesel wants Harvey to take action, he must have more Bargaining chips.

But... Diesel didn't.

Faced with such a dilemma, Christian and Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company have been discussing at the meeting.

As a brokerage company, it is their job to protect the interests of actors. Although Diesel is constantly digging holes, and Endeavour's elite brokerage company is also weak, but if they fail to protect Diesel's interests this time, it will be for other actors and industry peers. It is said that all will inevitably cause more negative effects, they must grit their teeth and persevere, and find a solution to the problem—

As Christian just said, they can retreat and make progress by asking Disney and Diesel to cooperate on another project to make up for it. For example, Diesel and Disney had collaborated on a "Brave Daddy", and now they can shoot another one; for another example, Disney can purchase the production rights for the sequel of "Xtreme Agent" to create a brand new series.

Solutions always exist, and alternatives always exist.

However, Diesel was still aggressive, and Christian who had been swallowing his breath also broke out.

Diesel, who was retreating steadily, was annoyed, angry, ashamed, and depressed. Numerous mixed emotions continued to roll in his chest, unable to calm down, his pupils contracted slightly, as if a hunter was catching his prey. His whereabouts were average, and the dangerous aura on his body continued to rise.

"You/mother/are you saying that it's all my fault? Is there a mistake in my understanding? Huh?" Diesel slowly and slowly grinded his teeth, and the blood can be caught in the words. Breath, "Did you have an error code in your memory? Or did you selectively forget those important memories?"

"Remember? When I was shooting in the Rio de Janeiro studio, I clashed with Renly. Andy Rogers personally flew over and humiliated me face to face; but what about you? You disappeared, just constantly perfuncting me and coping. At that time, what did you say? It was just an insignificant mosquito. It could be pinched to death with a squeeze. But now? Ah? Now you say that he and I are not the same at all. An actor of style, I don't have to provoke him?"

In front of Diesel's words, Christian was a little embarrassed.

This is also the part of Christian's most guilty conscience. A mistake in decision-making has led to a step backwards; but things have developed to the present point, not only that Diesel did not expect, but also Christians did not expect. I am afraid that most of them. A Hollywood industry insider did not expect it.

But in the face of the accusation, Christian refused to admit defeat, "Who is making the mistake? Think about it with that head! Who is provoke Lan Li! Who is constantly angering Lan Li! Who is ruining him? Everything now? I have persuaded you, have you ever heard of it? Now the entire'speed and excitement/emotion' crew is your enemy, who do you think is helping you maintain your relationship with Universal Pictures? Do you think Who is it that Ron Meyer is continuously communicating?"

"I don't think it's you!" Diesel slammed back without showing any weakness. "Seven years, seven full years, except for the'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion' series. Tell me, what have you done? Tell me! The only "Star Legend 3", which relies on my popularity and my appeal! Understand? Mine! Not yours! Grass! You **** scumbag!"

The more you speak, the more angry you are, the more you speak, the more irritable you are, and the more you speak, the more excited you are.

"What about now? Now even Marvel has lost the opportunity, and still lost to the useless idiot of Paul Walker! Is your brain flooded? How can you lose to Paul Walker! How can you lose to Paul -Walker! God! Tell me, what should I do now? I want the character of Marvel, and I want the character of Marvel! You can change it for me now, not a tree, it doesn’t matter, any superhero will do , Aquaman? Batman? Spiderman? Superman? Whatever! Any character is fine!"

Christian now calmed down instead. Looking at Diesel, who was completely out of control, he suddenly realized one thing:

Just now Diesel’s words reminded him that in the past seven years, apart from the "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion" series, Diesel has not had any other works. This year, there is a "Interstellar Legend 3" ready to be released, but The previous second part has already hit the street, and no one is optimistic that the third part will be able to start a turnaround.

More importantly, Diesel's box office appeal and industry connections have completely formed a fixed value, and it is really difficult to open up more markets. Missing this opportunity of "Guardians of the Galaxy", how Diesel's next career should be planned is a headache.

When his thoughts came to this, Christian had not had time to distinguish clearly, and he blurted out in one sentence, "That's all a character in DC comics." Except for Spider-Man, all the superheroes Diesel exemplified just now came from DC comics.

"What?" Diesel couldn't help but was stunned, but he didn't react for a while.

"I mean..." Christian also honestly tried to explain-or deliberately pretended to be honest.

"I know what you said!" Diesel only felt that his entire lungs were about to explode, and the irritability and anger instantly rushed to his head, leaving only the buzzing sound reverberating, "You he/mother /Di care about this now? Is it DC or Marvel? I don’t care. Do you hear that? I don’t care at all! I need a character! A superhero character! I want it now! If you can’t do it, you will Fuck me!"

His career has fallen into a bottleneck, and now he has suffered a heavy blow. What's even more frustrating is that he doesn't know if this is the beginning-no, this is the beginning. After that, Renly will continue to suppress, or even squeeze in all aspects. His living space is a villain who will repay him! Lan Li will definitely not let him go easily!

So, what should he do? How should he face it? How should we deal with it?

Thinking about this, Diesel fell into madness, yelling indiscriminately, "I want a role now! A superhero role! You find me, you find me! You tell all reporters , The next superhero is me! Then let Lan Li die, let Paul die!" He roared like crazy, completely lost his language organization ability, just snarled subconsciously.

Christian didn't want to pay any attention at all, but shook his head heavily, "You are crazy."

Diesel and superheroes?

Didn't Christian think about it? If it wasn't for Diesel's inappropriate image, how could they go round and round and finally find the role of the tree man? If it wasn't for Diesel's lack of market appeal, how could they choose a supporting role with all their complacency?

To put it ugly, this is the most recent time between Diesel and a superhero.

"Yes, I'm crazy!" Diesel didn't refute, instead he laughed happily, as if he had really lost his mind, and he didn't even notice that the saliva slipped down. "It's because I'm crazy, I I chose to believe you; it is because I am crazy that I have not changed my agent all these years; it is because I am crazy, UU Reading, I think you can help my career to a higher level! "

"Look at it now, it will be ten years, ten years are about to pass! What happened now? Haha! Nothing! Nothing!" Diesel waved his arms extremely exaggeratedly, as if it really was. Lost and mad, he said incoherently, "What will happen next, we all know that you will separate me from the relationship, and then cooperate with that shameless/bitch/daughter/, or even kneel down? Licking his feet? No, no, I won't let this happen!"

"I'm not an idiot!"

Diesel waved his fist at Christian, "We are over. You are fired!" He announced the termination of the broker’s cooperation agreement on the spot, "Also, the company should not send anyone over, I won’t If we continue to sign with you, the matter will stop here. We have been embarrassing each other for so many years, and now everything is enough."

"I'm embarrassed? You/Mom/ are joking with me!" Christian showed an incredible expression, "If it weren't for us, don't talk about the fifth and sixth parts of'Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion', even the fourth. The Ministry would never exist; if it weren't for us, you would still be a stupid man who no one cares about!"

"Now that the wings are full, we don’t need us anymore, right? First for the crew, then for the other co-actors, and now they are targeting us and pushing all the mistakes on us? Do you think you are Who? What capital do you have to expel me? Before we nodded and agreed, you were a total garlic head! Do you believe it? We can ruin you!" Christian also yelled angrily.

"Then give it a try." Diesel showed no signs of weakness. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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