The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1328: Buy 1 get 1 free

From the Oliver Awards to the Cannes actor, the two trophies within a short period of time affirmed, and Renly once again returned to the public eye.

After "transcendence", Lan Li once again dedicated a top performance, did not feel the influence of any level of "magic", there is no so-called "little golden man curse", there is no so-called "EGOT bottleneck", let alone so-called "Age shackles", step by step, he has walked incomparably firm and firm, and gradually has his own place in the world film industry.

Although "Drunk Country Folk Songs" has not yet been fully released, and although the reputation of "Gravity" is not yet known, a Cannes actor's trophy has basically set the tone. Regardless of the final box office revenue and award prospects of the work, Lan Li has truly Get rid of the influence of all the curses, and formally established the brand effect of "Len Li-Hall".

Is it incredible?

It is true, but if you calm down and truly follow Lanli along the way, the answer will be given deep in your heart: all this is a matter of course.

It belongs to the era of Lanli, and it has only just ushered in the climax/trend!


With the award of the best actor award, the process of tonight's award ceremony officially entered the second half.

The best director is not the Cohn brothers, nor Abday Cossie, or even Paulo Sorrentino. To everyone’s expectations, it’s Alexander Payne of "Nebraska". The first real upset tonight.

It's not that "Nebraska" is not good, but all the praise for this work is concentrated on the old drama bone Bruce Dunn. In terms of the prediction of the best actor award, he is the only actor who can compete with Lan Li.

This afternoon, after the recall list was leaked, almost everyone believed that "Nebraska" would take the title of actor, while "Drunk Country Folk Song" might compete with "Adele's Life" for Palme d’Or. The right balance.

Later, because of the accidental disruption of "The Beautiful City", people wondered whether the actor and the queen might have a double egg yolk together, so as to prevent the two works that created the highest score in the history of the site from becoming cannon fodder.

But now, the actor and queen did not have double egg yolks. Instead, Alexander Payne upset a group of opponents and won his first heavyweight director trophy.

After directing his first work in 1992, after polishing and precipitation of the two works, Alexander made his debut in the third work "School Situation" and won the awards and praises of the entire North American independent film industry. To this day, this work is still one of the most important works in the independent field.

After that, Alexander was out of control, "About Schmidt", "Life in the Cup of Wine", and "Descendants", three consecutive works received unanimous praise, two of which were picked off. Oscar's best adapted screenplay, Golden Man; but compared to the director's skills, his screenwriting talent has been more affirmed.

Now, Alexander Payne, Noah Baumbach, Wes Anderson, Charlie Kaufman, etc. are collectively called the hope of the new generation of East Coast screenwriters, who can inherit the mantle of Woody Allen, and direct Shining his talents in the two positions of screenwriter and screenwriter

Today, Alexander was awarded the best director award, which is definitely an accident!

What is even more surprising is the distribution of the seven awards. There are still two trophies that have not been awarded, the Palme d’Or and the Jury Award, and the crew has not been called for the time being. There are three full crews, "Adele's Life" and "Hurley". "And "a beautiful city".

In this way, the biggest possibility is that the jury prize has a double egg yolk juxtaposition, and the other work is picked out of Palme d’Or.

The question is, who is it?

If "Adele's Life" and "Hurley" are tied for the Jury Prize, you can imagine the stormy sea after the award ceremony with your knees; but even "Hurley" and "The Beautiful City" are tied for second place , This is still not a happy result, because these two works have defeated the "Drunk Country Folk Songs", which is also unexplainable!

In any case, when "Nebraska" won the Best Director Award, the entire media center fell into despair, and there was no sound at all. Some people even started cursing and turning away, the kind of anger, disappointment, Annoyed, frustrated, and irritable emotions all surged up.

Emily is no exception.

Compared with "Hurley" and "Best City", "Drunk Country Folk Song" is the one that deserves the prize, and it is no exaggeration even to compete for Palme d'Or, but now... the world has fallen apart.

Just now he was still cheering for Lan Li to win the Cannes actor, and now he is furious because the jury has sent the "Drunk Country Folk Song" so perfunctory. Suddenly, Emily became dispirited. She couldn't help but looked away. She took out her mobile phone and started to read it. She didn't dare to watch the live broadcast on the big screen at all, and her stomach began to curl up with nervousness.

Lumiere Hall and the media center were filled with restless noises, anxious and nervous emotions quietly spread, and Steven Spielberg stood up again.

Although she said she would not look at it, Emily couldn't help but glanced at the big screen secretly, and then saw Christian Mungee as the award-presenting guest, her shoulders hung down again——

Christian is a Romanian director and comes from Eastern Europe. Does this mean that Amat Escalante (Amat-), the director of the Mexican film "Hurley", has an increasing chance of winning the Jury Prize? What about the other of the pair of egg yolks? French or Italian?

"The winner of the Jury Prize at the 66th Cannes Film Festival is..."

Before making a rational judgment, the ears were still stretched quietly, and the game on the phone screen was still flickering, but the attention was completely gone, and he didn't pay any attention at all.

"'Drunk Country Folk Song', America."



Who on earth won the jury award?

Emily raised her head subconsciously, looked at the TV screen in disbelief, and then saw the name "Drunk Country Folk Songs" appearing on the screen, and the entire media center fell into a short period of sorrow and stupefaction. Unimaginable cheers and screams erupted immediately, and everyone in his sight was jumping, hugging, and roaring.

"Drunk Country Folk Song"? Actually "Drunk Country Folk Song"?

After the best actor, "Drunk Country Folk Songs" has once again won the jury award representing the second place? This is not a double egg yolk, but a buy one get one free. It clearly shows the love and support of the jury. They even asked Giles-Jacob's consent to finally make such a choice!

Best actor!

Jury Prize!

"Drunk Country Folk Songs" continued the unanimous praise and affirmation in the official journal, and won two important trophies at the award ceremony, achieving a win-win situation! The whole line from actor to director is sure to gain! Surprise! unexpected surprise! A mighty surprise! This is definitely the most beautiful and moving moment of the evening!

Emily did not scream, but picked up her phone and quickly edited the message, trying to publish such a big surprise on the social network platform for the first time, sharing joy and happiness with all the audience, but her hands were in control Shaking constantly, even his thumb could not steadily control the screen.

Before realizing it, tears were already dripping. Emily bit her lower lip tightly to prevent herself from crying, but the hot teardrops continued to slide down, and the emotion ran across her chest. , There was no sound at all; and then involuntarily raised his head and laughed, joy and happiness were blatantly spreading, as if thousands of butterflies flutter their wings at the same time.

Crying and laughing, like a madman.

A short tweet, edited back and forth more than a dozen times, because my hands were shaking so much that I accidentally typed garbled characters, and finally finished editing, but I still couldn’t send it out. Emily also laughed happily, tried again several times perseveringly, and finally finished the update.

Then Emily stood up, joined everyone, cheered and celebrated.

Tonight, everything is complete!

Without the double egg yolks, the "Drunk Country Folk Song" alone won the Jury Lan Li alone won the best actor, this is the best award, even though I missed the Palme d’Or, it was "Drunk Country Folk Song". Still got the affirmation it deserved, and it ended perfectly at the Cannes Film Festival! This is enough.

Obviously, the Coen brothers did not expect such a situation. They stepped onto the stage in surprise and astonishment. They even cast their sights on the location of the jury such as Steven. After they were confirmed, they showed their splendor. Smile, took their trophy from Christian's hands, once again continued the strong performance at the Cannes Film Festival, boarded the stage for the fourth time.

Standing in front of the microphone, Joel took the initiative to give up his position to Ethan, and he would give his acceptance speech.

Ethan did not decline either. "Thank you everyone. About this film, everything we want to say has been left in the film. I believe that every audience can find their own answer. I think this work starts from I was uneasy during the preparatory stage and worried that no one would like it; but I came to Cannes and received countless support. This is the greatest reward for film and art."

"Here, I need to officially thank Renly-Hall. Thank you for his willingness to join this work. Even in the case of extreme fatigue, he still dedicated a wonderful performance. Without Renly-Hall, there would be no Levi. En Davis, there is no such work as everyone sees now."

"Until now, occasionally I still have an illusion that Levine Davis really exists; or that he does exist. Maybe the wave of folk songs is over, but the wave of movies is still It continues. I missed the wave of the 1960s, but fortunately, we live in the present, thank God!” 8) For more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone’s reading academy

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