The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1322: Closing rumors

"I think Palme d'Or must be for'Adele's life'."

"No, no, no, according to Spielberg's preferences, it must be the "Drunk Country Ballad". He is the director who knows the most dream weaving. How could he give up the "Drunk Country Ballad"? This is simply the standard in his mind. Palme d’Or’s choice!"

"How do I feel like'father like son'? Didn't it mean that Hirokazu's entire team has returned? They have all arrived at the airport. Both Spielberg and Ang Lee are irresistible types of works on family themes. , And I think Naomi Kawase will choose this one too. The chances increase immediately."

"What about "Drunk Country Folk Songs" and "Adele's Life"? What do they do?"

"Adele's words may be the jury prize; and Levine's words, the best actor?"

"No, no, I think it might not. I heard that the "Nebraska" crew has returned, and maybe they won the best actor; then, the "Drunken Country Folk Song" will still give the Palme d'Or or the jury award."

"Isn't it? The old man Bruce-Dern from Nebraska has a very good performance, but compared with Lan Li, is it not comparable? If this is the case, it would be too much. People are disappointed! God!"

"This is Cannes. Winning the Cannes actor can't compare with the weight of the Palme d’Or film, okay? I don’t think there is anything wrong with the Palme d’Or. Anyway, Lan Li does not need these awards to prove his excellence and Excellent. If the Coen brothers took the Palme d’Or in the end, I would be happier. This also means that Lan Li finally participated in a top award-winning work, not just his own shining acting skills. This is different. of!"

"Wait, why did I hear that the crew of'Venus in Fur' is coming back, and it seems to be taking a big prize! Roman Polanski seems to be on the way back too, if it weren't for Palme d’Or, he wouldn’t have to come back. , Isn't it? In that case..."

After a rumor was uttered, everyone couldn't help making noise in an instant--

"What? Roman?" "Isn't it?" "If it's Roman, this would be too exaggerated!" "Should Steven disagree? Hasn't the US's position on Roman never changed?" "Oh my God , Roman’s words, this is too outrageous, this time the quality of the finished product is unsatisfactory." "What is this again? Outrageous, simply outrageous!"

Emily also widened her eyes involuntarily and couldn't believe her ears, but before she could give her opinion, other people already sighed and sighed. The English of all kinds of accents swarmed and embarrassed. It felt so strange that Emily couldn't help laughing happily.

Today is the last day of the 66th Cannes Film Festival. No film has been released. Everyone is waiting for the closing ceremony and awards ceremony in the evening!

The annual Palme d’Or awards are about to be revealed. This is undoubtedly the most exciting and exciting moment; and, unlike the entire long awards season process of the Oscars, all awards have gradually surfaced. In the big film festival, in just twelve days and the jury system, the awards are often elusive and unpredictable, which is more exciting and exciting.

This year is no exception!

Earlier, Emily came to the official media center and joined the ranks of all media reporters. While receiving a follow-up unit and a list of relevant winners of Fabian Film Critics Awards, she waited for the closing ceremony of the evening. While discussing the rumors of the award, the sense of expectation, tension and excitement was slowly brewing, and slowly stimulating the eruption of adrenaline, and the whole person began to become excited.

The reason for choosing the media center is not the red carpet scene of the movie palace. On the one hand, because the red carpet of the closing ceremony was the work site of the director of photography, it was crowded with stars and lively; on the other hand, not all reporters were allowed to enter the award ceremony site, mainly reporters with white and pink credentials.

In addition, one of the most important reasons is message sharing. Staying in the media center, they are able to get news updates as soon as possible, and their sense of participation is completely different.

Just now, the media center was sharing relevant gossip rumors about Palme d’Or. In a trance, they were eavesdropping on the discussion process in the jury meeting room, which was really exciting.

For the layman, it is bound to be extremely curious: if there is no brewing and publicity of the awards season, then how did the so-called award rumors come about?

Before the formal explanation, we need to understand the situation at the Cannes Film Festival.

In the past two decades, the awards for the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival have been constantly changing and advancing with the times.

In 1991, the jury led by Roman Polanski awarded the Palme d’Or, Best Director, and Best Actor to "Barton Funk" in one go, which caused strong dissatisfaction among many people. After that, the Cannes Film Festival gave an official rule that each film can only win one award, unless it can be accompanied by a performance award.

For example, Palme d’Or plus best actor.

However, this rule was later violated three times.

In 1999, David Cronenberg awarded the Jury Award, Best Actor, and Best Actress all to Bruno-Dumont's "Human, Sex/Nature/Color".

In 2001, Liv-Ullmann awarded the Jury Prize, Best Actor, and Best Actress to Michael-Hanneke's "Piano Teacher".

In 2003, Patrice-Chereau recklessly awarded the two heavyweight trophies of Palme d’Or and Best Director to Gus Van Sant’s “elephant”, which was even more arousing Aroused public outrage and controversy.

If it was only a secret rule before this, then after 2003, the Cannes Film Festival clearly stipulated:

Only one award can have double egg yolks tied together, and this award cannot be Palme d’Or; a movie can only receive one award, unless the award is the best screenplay or the third-place jury award, then it is approved by the chairman of the festival After agreeing, it can be accompanied by another actor award.

It is precisely because of this regulation that it limits the seven awards of the main competition unit, at least six films can be awarded, and a maximum of eight films can be awarded.

In other words, everything is fixed!

So, where did the rumors and rumors on the day of the closing ceremony come from?

In fact, this is similar to the Berlin Film Festival.

On the last day of the film festival, all members of the jury will gather in a sea-view manor called Domegle () near Cannes. They will be shut down in isolation, and the phones and computers of all the judges will be confiscated. It is discussed. Contact with the outside world is prohibited before the award is awarded.

Generally speaking, the judges start the discussion at nine o'clock in the morning, and the results must be reached before noon, so that there is enough time to summon the winners back.

If it is said that the Palme d’Or winners will not be able to come to the stage to receive the award, this is really not a positive signal for the film festival organizers. They still hope that the award-winning guests can accept the trophy on the spot. There are only a few unexpected situations-for example, the actors. It was impossible to get back from the North American continent on the other side of the Atlantic, so I had no choice but to invite other crew members to receive the trophy.

In 2004, Liu Le Yuya won the Cannes actor with "Nobody Knows" and became the youngest winner of the award in film history. Unfortunately, Liu Le Yuya, who was only twelve years old at the time, returned early. In Japan, the director was eventually led by Hirokazu Edema. Although Hirokazu Edema was still a direct line of Cannes, in the final analysis, he was a little bit awkward and could not hear Raku Yuya's award-winning speech.

The Venice Film Festival has the most say in this respect.

In recent years, with the rise of the Toronto Film Festival, most North American film crews have chosen to promote in Toronto. Even if they come to Venice, they will immediately rush to Toronto for the second round of promotion.

When the jury selected the awards, many winners were unable to rush back in time, so that every year at the awards ceremony, there will be a dilemma that the winners are missing, especially in the actor and queen department. The frequency of disasters is particularly obvious.

For the organizers of the Venice Film Festival it is actually very hurt. Both the ratings and influence are facing a huge blow.

Neither Cannes nor Berlin wants this.

However, when notifying the crew, the main committee will not disclose the specific awards. Not only to avoid early spoilers, but also to avoid embarrassing situations-tell the other party in advance that "you only won a third-place jury award", and then the other party has to travel a long way back to Cannes, just for a consolation prize , This seems reluctant, and many big-name crews may not be able to get rid of it.

Related rumors come from this process of "notification", which is also inevitable.

When an actor or director or screenwriter receives a notice, he learns that he can win an award at the Cannes Film Festival. No matter what the award, in a happy mood, he may tell his agent or his producer. , Maybe tell your public relations team, or even tell your relatives, friends, and other crew members...

The party receiving the call may also call more people, or quickly start arranging the return trip and celebration activities, so there are more airport staff, travel agency staff who booked tickets, party planners, hotel reception staff, etc. You may be able to learn the news less or less, and may even be in excitement, inadvertently leaking, revealing the news.

As a result, the media reporters staying in Cannes began to inquire about the news with their magical network of contacts, and they could capture a rough outline in just a few words.

Therefore, the well-informed level of the media center far exceeds that of the red carpet scene, and this is the base camp of the reporters. For most reporters, staying in the media center on the closing ceremony is much more interesting. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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