The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1287: Awkward goodbye

It belongs to his applause and cheers, it belongs to his screams and crowds, it belongs to his enclosure and excitement.

Even if he doesn't like it, it belongs to him. Damn Lan Li, once again let him make a fool of himself in the crowd, and gave him a slap in the face!

If this scene is recorded by reporters, it will be a stain on his career. "Really he/mother/hell", he gritted his teeth firmly.

One thing suddenly came to mind. This is Cannes, with countless reporters and countless lantern shades. There is no need to doubt it. Now it may have spread on social networks.

How to do?

Chris was in a dilemma, but the club next to him suddenly began to lively. Seven or eight waiters all swarmed out, bustling and lively, rushing towards the turbulent crowd, trying their best to control the situation. , Disperse the crowd, and rescue Lan Li from the encirclement just like digging a potato.

A rare scene suddenly appeared in front of me:

Surrounded by a group of waiters, Lan Li retreated quickly and entered the private club mightily, while a group of fanatical fans behind him were still screaming and screaming, chasing after him. It looks like a classic clip from the movie "Bodyguard".

Chris couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Everything was born too fast just now. Chris didn't have time to think, and he was still immersed in his own shame and anger, but he saw that the door of the club was about to be blocked out of his sight, and the staff seemed to have completely forgotten his existence. Shut him out together, which made him feel relieved.

One stride forward, and then one flashes forward. The two staff members also pushed back Chris, "It's me! Are you crazy?" In a hurry, Chris's foul language has already rushed to his lips, and he was awakened in time. They were able to enter it, and then the staff immediately closed the fence gate.

In the next second, Chris saw the embarrassed Lan Li in front of him.

Most of the buttons on his shirt have been ripped off, the holes on the knees of his jeans have been completely torn, and the white canvas shoes are now a work of art with countless footprints... The worst is that handsome face It was covered with mottled sweat stains, and it looked like a child who had just finished playing in the mud. Even the baseball cap had been lifted, revealing a messy head like a bird's nest.

However, at this moment, there was a helpless smile on that face. He shook his head slightly, spread his hands, and said meaningfully, "God, welcome to Cannes." A simple sentence, but There was a touch of ridicule and joking, and everyone who was in it could deeply understand the meaning behind the words.

In an instant, a smile appeared on every staff member's face.

"Thank you." Lan Li formally expressed his gratitude, and the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed brightly, revealing a childishness.

Immediately afterwards, Lanly's eyes fell on Chris, "Hey, Chris, welcome to Cannes."

There are no barriers, no calculations, no sarcasm, and no hints. Strictly speaking, there is also no familiar and unfamiliar, calm tone, as if Chris and the other staff are all the same, just an accidental encounter in a strange city

This is also true.

In the face of Lan Li's generosity, Chris felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't remember when the last time the two people met head-on, but the embarrassment and jerky never disappeared. He squirmed his mouth slightly, trying to squeeze out some words.

However, this is really not an easy task. In the end, he can only pull the corners of his mouth, give a smile, and respond without a smile.

"Sorry, I'm really too gaffe now. May I borrow the bathroom and tidy up myself? Or is it more convenient for me to go directly to the beach and hug the sea?" Lan Li's words always carry a The faint humor was not the kind of burst of laughter that made people laugh, but the lightness that made people smile, and a low laughter sounded around again.

One of the staff members in formal attire came up, "Sorry, forgive us for our negligence. Please come with me, and I will lead you to the bathroom." Then he walked ahead and set instructions.

Lan Li politely nodded to everyone, including Chris, and then followed the staff member and left the entrance of the bar.

There was an unspeakable irritability in Chris' heart.

This is the reason why he doesn't like Lanli. He is polite in everything, graceful and calm in everything, and knows everything about everything. There is a lofty posture in his bones, as if everyone else is below the first class; clearly They had torn their faces and they were not friends at all, but Lan Li still behaved decently, and his hypocritical hypocrisy was disgusting.

He just wanted to lift Lan Li's mask and see the real panic and embarrassment above that face.

"God, oh, God." A murmur of French in his ear, murmured, but Chris couldn't understand a word, and his irritability grew more and more, and then he saw one of the staff members walking away. He came up, with an indescribable mixed expression, and asked in English, "Sorry, Chris, may I ask, is he really Renly Hall?"

Chris didn't know why, but he nodded in affirmation.

"'That (the)' Lanly-Hall?" The other party still couldn't believe it, and asked again, and added an article to emphasize the unique meaning of the whole world.

Chris resisted the urge to roll his eyes and forced a smile, "Yes, that's right."

"God!" The staff member hugged his head in annoyance, and exaggeratedly sighed.

"What's wrong?" Chris couldn't figure out the situation at all, so he could only ask reflexively.

"Just... just now..." The young man sighed again and again, and then the other friends next to him spoke a series of French, and he cheered up, "Just now he came to ask about the club's ticket qualifications, and I told him, This is a private party, he can't come in."

"Pierre? Are you crazy?"

"What the **** is going on with you?"

"Don't you see his face?"

"Can't believe it! Jeremy will kill you."

"What was Lan Li's expression at that time?"

"How can you not recognize Lan Li?"

The chattering voice was vented in an instant, completely drowning the young man. He could only defend again and again, "He was wearing a baseball cap, covering his face, and he was speaking in French, and he didn’t introduce himself. If I don’t come out, I didn’t mean to..." But as he said, he collapsed himself, and covered his face again.

This year’s Cannes Film Festival is full of stars, but even among the stars, Lan Li is the most noteworthy one, and his popularity is even comparable to Leonardo DiCaprio. It is no exaggeration to say that every five spectators who come to Cannes can find one who is here specifically for Renly.

How could he not know Lan Li? He was just... he was just... weak in defense.

Chris, who was standing next to him, had a strange expression.

He didn't expect that Lan Li is today, and there are still people who don’t know him. But thinking about it, it’s not surprising. After all, Lan Li is mainly active in the field of art films, and the influence of commercial films is still limited after all. At least compared to a series of heroes of Marvel Comics, the level of facial familiarity is still slightly inferior.

Chris lightly patted the staff member on the shoulder to express comfort, but he failed to try to say some words of comfort.

Chris himself has experienced exactly the same thing.

Even now when I think back to those two-faced directors and producers, I didn’t take myself seriously before, as if I were a transparent person, insignificant; now I’m sitting on my shoulders and calling my brothers and sisters, those flattering and ugly faces are simply ugly. It was disgusting, and he couldn't restrain his anger and contempt.

The problem is that in the face of those directors and producers, he can't easily get angry, and can only swallow all the grievances and nausea; and in the face of ordinary people... still can't just get angry, but at least he can be upright. To express dissatisfaction and What about Lan Li? How will Renly deal with it?

Still maintaining the mask of two-sided, false sentiment? Or is it blatantly expressing their dissatisfaction? Or is it to vent your anger with arrogance?

Thinking of this, Chris felt sympathy. He and Lan Li have experienced the same situation. He can understand Lan Li’s current mood, the shame and humiliation but the unspeakable taste, only Only when you are in it can you experience it deeply. After realizing this, the irritability gradually calmed down, and the mood became a little clearer.

I still whispered in my ears, everyone is expressing their disbelief: during the Cannes Film Festival, in the clubs hosting all kinds of top private parties, there are people who don’t know. Lan Li, this is simply absurd. More importantly, Lan Li should be a guest who is scrambling to win at every top party, but he was turned away just now.

This is definitely the biggest topic after dinner at the 66th Cannes Film Festival.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Lan Li reappeared in the company of the staff, walked towards him, and stopped at the entrance.

The entrance of this club is uniquely designed, similar to the style of a pier. The space after the door enters is a straight long corridor, which can be entered on both the left and right sides. In the center is the opening leading to the inside of the club, where you can see A design similar to the style of a pirate ship, showing the entire interior space in front of you.

Through the entire room, you can see the sea.

Now, all of them were standing on the three forks in the center of the "T-shaped mouth", and then they met again.

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