The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1285: Enchanted Blue

The turbulent crowd was like a flood of gate openings, bursting out of the carriages, and then spreading out.

In an instant, the entire railway station was bustling and crowded with people, and even the line of sight could not find a place to stay. The narrow railway station square revealed a crowded and depressive sense of suffocation. I felt that I had melted in the golden sunlight.

As a small town, the train station in Cannes is not spacious.

There are only four platforms in the entire train station, and the small square in front of the gate is just the size of a community garden. Within the limited space, you can see trams and air-conditioned buses coming and going. The former is unique for walking through the town. Means of transportation, the latter is a bus that runs on the Côte d'Azur.

The fragments of the crowded picture can be occasionally captured between motor vehicles. Hawkers, souvenir shops and visitors are flooded with corners and corners of the sight. You can't see the quaint buildings, the magnificent seascape, and the history. Precipitation, everything disappeared in the endless crowd.

This is the first meeting in Cannes.

In the turbulent crowd, Lan Li's figure is not conspicuous. A white shirt with sky blue jeans, a pair of white canvas shoes, a dark blue shoulder bag, and a black San Francisco 49ers baseball cap. It looks like nothing more than a young college student going on a backpacking trip, as dozens of them during the film festival. An insignificant member of the tens of thousands of people, igniting the enthusiasm and frenzy of this small town.

Without stopping, he judged the direction for a while, and then Lan Li stepped forward, relying on his feet to leave the crowded train station.

Follow the alleys of the town paved with cobblestones and walk straight to the south without turning or maps, passing through the bustling commercial districts, passing through the lively tourist areas, without warning, crowded and narrow in front of you The space suddenly became brighter, and then large swaths of blue passed through the tall palm trees and the low street garden and hit the eyes.

The coastal road has arrived.

On the right hand side, you can vaguely see the movie palace standing not far from the beach. The lively crowd was stopping at the entrance of the movie palace, eagerly trying to take photos; while the on-site staff were busy setting up the red carpet and lighting equipment. The air had begun to boil before the film festival officially opened.

Not on the right side, but on the left side.

Lan Li took a step to the left and walked along the spacious and straight coastal road. The white buildings, golden sunshine and green palms, in a trance, seemed to travel back to Malibu next to Los Angeles, enjoying the sea breeze. For a moment of leisure and comfort.

However, reality soon invaded, the luxury brand flagship stores next to the road and the lively crowds on both sides of the road, street performers everywhere, and models posing for fashion movies, all reminding Now, this is not Malibu.

Standing next to an open street, looking to the right, densely packed parasols are lined up along the high wall of the embankment under your feet, one by one, white followed by blue, red followed by yellow, different The colors indicate different private bars and clubs, and the entire beach has been completely occupied by commercial areas, not to mention the sand, not even a little crack can be found.

Lan Li was a little disappointed.

Originally, he hoped to find a relatively quiet beach to settle down, take off his shoes, step on the sand, and then plunge into the clear blue at all costs; but now he realized that he should not say "relatively quiet". The beach is gone, even if it is to find a beach that is free and open to all the public, it is extremely difficult.

The blue in front of me was sparkling under the golden sunlight. The dry and thorough mint blue was like a magnificent emerald. The light penetrated through it, reflecting a beautiful halo... Suddenly, a sea breeze came on, as if it was just like a magnificent emerald. Even in the breeze, the gorgeous and pure blue can be captured, and people can't help but indulge in it.

The correct way to open the Côte d'Azur is not to stand by and stop, but to plunge into it.



A fanatical scream passed by, and Lan Li turned his head reflexively, and then saw a small group of people moving forward surgingly.

Approximately seven or eight people surrounded a slender man with a simple t-shirt and jeans, but paired with a pair of black sunglasses, a Louis Vuitton seasonal square on his belt, and his right wrist. Above it, there is a ringing ring, and it seems that there is no extra decoration, but it reveals the star halo in the details.

The surrounding audience was cheering, and then the man stopped, expressionless and cool, fulfilling the wishes of the audience one by one, taking photos and hugging with everyone, or taking photos alone or group photos. The noise and noise of that small group of people ignited the heat wave of the whole block.

Many people stopped and took out their mobile phones. Even if you don't know the man, you can't help but record it with the shutter first.

At this moment, a woman with a graceful figure walked out from the store diagonally opposite, followed by three or four spectators, crowded in a bustling manner. Although she was petite, a pair of denim hot pants showed it. Those well-proportioned and lustrous long legs reveal a sense of youthful vitality in the curling steps.

Then, the woman and the man met in the middle of the road, and the two kissed passionately.

The crowd onlookers became more noisy, flashing lights one after another, cheers from all directions, and then, two people joined the ranks of taking pictures together, more than a dozen spectators stepped forward, the crowd was gathering little by little, and the road was right. An isolated island seemed to be formed in the center, and the eyes from all directions projected over.

"Ba, Ba Ba."

The car’s whistle interrupted their photo-taking time, and the two young couples immediately left the encirclement with their fingers clasped together, dragging the photo crowd to the pedestrian path on the right, as if dragging a furry The big tail is general, swaggering through the market.

The crowd of onlookers is always changing. Some people leave, some come, some stop, some take pictures, and there are always a handful of people coming and going. It is not spectacular, but extremely lively, it seems even in the air. Filled with a smell of Vanity Fair.

In the end, the figure of the young couple disappeared at the entrance of a private club, and the crowd who followed closely gradually dispersed.

"Who the **** are they?"

"I do not know either."

"Then you still stopped for a group photo?"

"Join in the fun, I've already arrived in Cannes anyway. I heard that it seems to be the internet celebrity couple on the photo wall, French."

"Hey, why did I hear that it was Italian?"

Two people were chatting, passing by Lan Li, the heated discussion can occasionally capture the flashing fragments, capturing the moments in such a vanity fair, and also capturing the moments of national entertainment in the Internet age.

The social network platform has given everyone the possibility to become the focus of attention, and also the possibility for everyone to stand under the spotlight. Therefore, the profound meaning of entertainment to death has been further pushed to a climax.

This is also intoxicating.

So, is the heartbroken blue in front of you more beautiful? Or is the bright light behind him more moving? This is an eternal discussion topic, and everyone has their own answers, not about right or wrong, only about life and choices.

Lan Li subconsciously pressed the brim of the baseball cap, avoided the excitement of crowds, and continued to move forward, filtering one private club after another, and finally found one that seemed less popular and less popular. The noisy club is even deserted.

At the entrances of other clubs, you can see a large group of ordinary movie fans poking their heads, asking the security guards at the door with curiosity and expectation, "Is XX here", although the security guards are always poker faces and refuse to answer, but this Still can't stop their curiosity and enthusiasm.

There were only two fans of the club in front of them, and then turned and left.

For this is a better choice. His only requirement now is to be able to see the blue, sit quietly on the beach, and enjoy a moment of tranquility quietly. That's all there is to it.

"Excuse me, how much is the entrance fee?" Lan Li asked politely.

The white shirt security guard standing at the door calmly took a look at Lan Li’s dress, but the pure and fluent French still made him straighten his waist and said in a professional and objective voice, "Sorry, we are Private clubs are not open to the public to enter. Only guests with invitations can enter."

This is a reasonable explanation, and it is also the most used strategy in Hollywood.

No matter what the real situation in the private club is, Lan Li is not concerned or curious. He has no interest in those parties now, so he responded with a polite smile and gently jawed, "Sorry, I'm bothering you." Thanks for the answer."

After that, Lan Li didn't stay longer, turned around and was ready to move on.

To be honest, Lan Li hesitated. Should he go straight back to the hotel where he is staying, meet Andy, and take a good rest in the hotel room; or, call Ryan Gosling and ask him to drive over and drive himself out of Cannes to the next door Small town, enjoy a moment of tranquility.

After thinking and hesitating, there was another bustling scream and roar in his ear, but this time, Lan Li didn't care at all. This seemed to have become the iconic scene on the streets of Cannes, and there was nothing to fuss about.

However, in a blink of an eye, the turbulent crowd spread over like ocean waves, surrounding Lan Li, the scene was really spectacular, even if Lan Li didn't want to pay attention, he was already in it.

What did you give birth?

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