The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1280: Admiration

After diving deep into the water, he slid his hands and feet in a bulge, vaguely feeling the oxygen burning in his chest, the faint scorching heat was like soft flowing water, gurgling and flowing slowly; suddenly After breaking through the water, the eyes full of blue and full of green instantly filled, and then the whole world became bright.

This is how Lan Li feels now.

He fought back after all.

The corners of the mouth could not help but a small smile was drawn, and it was raised gently and gently, not because he was pleased to take revenge on George and Elizabeth, nor because he was happy because he hit Viscount Biorford back, but because he was upright. I am happy to stand in front of everyone.

"This is me."

Perhaps this is the happiest and most daring time since Renly II was a man. He has never expressed himself so frankly, and has never shown himself so loudly. It was the same in the previous life and so in this life.

Now that I think about it, this behavior is actually a bit naive, just like an adolescent boy, I can’t wait to arbitrarily and publicly announce my truest thoughts to the world, naively and stubbornly stick to my dreams, refuse to compromise, and refuse to admit defeat, and even more Refusing to compromise. When he grew up and matured, he returned to the impulse of the year and couldn't help but chuckle.

And he felt the rebellion of adolescence for the first time when his spiritual age was over 55.

Thinking of this, Lan Li didn't regret it at all. There was a trace of ridicule and jokes in his eyes. After all, he didn't hold back, and he chuckled, 55-year-old puberty. He thinks this is quite interesting. No wonder people always say that the physical age is not the real age, but the spiritual age is the real age. By maintaining a young heart, you can always firmly grasp your own youth.

"You... are you proud now?"

You don't need to look back to tell that this is Edith's voice; Lan Li Luoluo nodded generously and gave an affirmative answer, "Yes."

Then you can see Edith and Arthur come to Lan Li. Their expressions are really intriguing and elusive. Especially Lan Li’s answer just now leaves traces in their eyes: Obviously, no It was expected that Lan Li would admit it so bluntly.

That natural look made Edith smile and gave a light jaw affirmation, "Indeed. This is the moment to be proud." After a slight pause, Edith exclaimed, "God, sometimes, I I am really jealous of you."

Arthur, who was standing next to him, nodded in affirmation before he realized it.

Immediately afterwards, Edith and Arthur both saw Lan Li's smiling eyes and nodded meaningfully, "It's rare. It's rare. You/you are jealous of me."

"Mistaken words. Mistaken words!" Edith rolled her eyes and shook her head repeatedly to deny, but it was too late.

Lan Li didn't speak, but the slight smile at the corner of her mouth was enough, which made Edith droop down her shoulders and grind her teeth viciously, "You know, sometimes, you are really annoying, just like a demon. . No, it should be most of the time."

"Does that mean that at other times, I still have an angelic side?" Lan Li replied lightly, simple but effective, and immediately let Edith open her mouth slightly, unable to refute, and in the end she could only pretend not to listen. When he arrived, he straightened his neck proudly, and slowly and slowly diverted his eyes.

Arthur was trying to eliminate his sense of existence, pretending that he hadn't expressed envy at all just now, and pretending that he was not interested in their topic at all.

But Lan Li raised his head and glanced lightly from the outside of his sight. A faint smile slowly permeated through the bottom of his eyes, as if he had already seen through the fluctuations and ups and downs in Arthur's heart. He just stayed slightly, and then transferred. Coming out, carefully did not pierce Arthur's disguise.

Arthur only felt that his arm was pierced by the embroidery needle, and reflexively raised his right hand, and then realized that it didn’t hurt at all—because Lan Li had moved his eyes away, and such a large movement instantly became awkward. When he got up, he could only pretend to tidy up his head, raise his hand to adjust his silk, and then put it down awkwardly.

After thinking and thinking, but after all, Arthur couldn't hold it back, and took the initiative to say, "Thank you."

Lan Li and Edith looked over without knowing it, but Arthur immediately turned away and said in a low voice, "Don't force me to say the second time. I'm so embarrassed that I want to jump into the sea now."

"I'm going to Nice next week. Do you want to come together?" Lan Li said after taking the conversation.

Both Arthur and Edith were slightly stunned. They have never traveled together, or even, they have never traveled together.

"Cannes Film Festival?" Edith was the first to react.

Lan Li nodded and affirmed, "By the way, take a vacation. I think you might like it."

Arthur is a party master, and the Cannes Film Festival is the largest Vanity Fair in Europe, which is clearly a fish in water; Edith is a photographer, and she can find her place no matter whether it is work or relaxation. What's more, the French Riviera is also one of the most famous holiday destinations in Europe.

Neither Edith nor Arthur answered.

But Edith immediately added, "Tonight, Elf seems to show up."

Lan Li lifted his chin meaningfully, "But I don't think she would be willing to attend my party."

"Your Excellency Lanly!" An exclamation came from a distance, and then Beatrice could be seen standing on the steps of the banquet hall. Before he could take a step, he could not wait to shout. When he got up, he abruptly interrupted the conversation of the three Lan Li, and then Ruyan rushed all the way like returning home.

Arthur and Edith exchanged sights, and then Arthur said, "We won't bother."

The two wisely chose to exit.

Before going out a few steps, Lan Li's voice came from behind, "Next time you want to watch the show, remember to notify in advance. Seats may be better."

"Puff", Edith almost squirted out, but she could only pretend that she didn't hear her, and quickly left with Arthur, almost fleeing. At the same time, they exchanged a glance, and the bottom of her eyes was full of meaning: devil, sure enough It's a devil! Run!

In front of him, Lan Li ushered in Beatrice.

"Your Excellency Lan Li." Beatrice stood in front of Lan Li, her knees buckled inwardly, and a young girl's youth appeared on her cheeks, "The performance just now was very wonderful, really It’s amazing. Did you know? Your performance has a thrilling power that can deeply shock every listener. God, you are born on the stage."

"Thank you." Lan Li still replied politely.

Beatrice glanced at Lan Li secretly. There were countless words in his mind that wanted to pour out, but he couldn't find the beginning for a while, hesitated and then hesitated, and finally gritted his teeth, "Next week, I There will be a private party at home. I mean, for a real private party, only some good friends will come."

"Haha. I believe you." Lan Li's eyes flashed slightly, with a warm smile. "Richard agreed that this is a private party. I believe the Jazz will definitely remember the names and names of every guest. Faces, but the private party I am looking forward to is still smaller."

The jokes eased Beatrice's tension a little bit. She seemed to be encouraged, and she gathered up the courage to raise her head and stared at Lan Li brightly, "This is a tea party, and there may be around ten guests. It’s just friends discussing some art-related topics. I think if you happen to be free, you can join us."

After speaking, Beatrice's heart stopped beating, and she looked at Renly nervously and expectantly.

This is a confession.

Beatrice knew it, and Renly knew it too. Introverted and implicit confession.

Lan Li was slightly stunned, and then he showed a smile, "It is my honour to be invited. But unfortunately, I can't attend." Instead of looking for an excuse, he directly declined, and then he was fine. Seeing the disappointment and sadness that could hardly be concealed in Beatrice's eyes.

Lan Li sighed softly from the bottom of his heart, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, "If you have time, please come to the Almeida Theater. We can enjoy the in addition to drama. , I heard that my Majesty is very interested in painting and both. Maybe we can exchange our book list."

Can't accept the confession, but can become friends.

This is the deep meaning of Lan Li's words just now, straightforward but polite. The art of language and etiquette are truly displayed here.

Beatrice still had difficulty concealing her disappointment, but the words that followed made her happy, and she twitched the corners of her mouth lightly, trying to keep her smile, "Of course, it couldn't be better. For a while, I will participate in the anniversary activities of Les Misérables. Next time, I can introduce my book club friends to you and exchange book lists."

"This is my honour." Lan Li politely spoke with a slight jaw.

Looking around, Beatrice leaked a trace of anxiety. After all, she still couldn’t stay here for a long time. "I saw a friend just now, but I never went to say hello. Sorry, I must go now, otherwise next time When we meet, she will probably condemn me strongly."

Looking for an excuse, Beatrice turned and left. After drifting away, she raised her right hand and quietly wiped the warmth of her eyes.

Lan Li watched Beatrice leave, waited for the figure to disappear, and then withdrew his sight, and then saw Matthew and others standing not far away. They seemed to have been waiting, confirming Beatrice. Has completely left, and then came over.

From a distance, Andre showed a playful smile, and the ridiculous voice came over with the wind, "This is bad, and the title of the golden bachelor cannot be kept. Alas, the new generation is replaced by the old. "


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