The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1271: Come at your fingertips

Why in the past six months, George and Elizabeth have become the hottest upstarts in London's upper class?

Why did Arthur and Edith both begin to break free and try to find a way of their own?

Why does Elf seem to be going through a period of pain, gradually alienating from the family, calm down, and start thinking?

Why has Richard's private banquet been forced to expand again and again, so that it now has more than 500 guests?

Why is there applause after the Oliver Award came out, and even the West End Association is willing to open their arms?


Lan Li-Hall.

This is the answer! It's unbelievable, but it's true. This is the answer to all questions.

The premise of the discussion is that now is the 21st century. After the incident of Princess Diana, the self-positioning of the nobles and the class relations in society are all changing; in addition, they have experienced the impact of the Internet age and the popularization of fast food culture. , The economic model, lifestyle and social composition have all undergone earth-shaking changes, and the wheels of the times have inevitably rolled forward.

It was against this background that things happened like this.

To borrow a ridicule from Graham Norton: Renly Hall will one day join the ranks of Daniel Day Lewis and die alone in the magpie's nest.

This is undoubtedly the best affirmation of Renli's professional level.

The Oscars, Emmys and Grammys in North America, the Berlin actor in Europe, the British Academy Awards and the Oliver Awards in the British Isles, these trophies one after another are just embellishments, and really make people realize the dedication of Lan Li And outstanding, it was the "Les Miserables" that won the house, and also won respect and awe.

In any era, in any class, in any society, top people in all walks of life are highly regarded, and artists are no exception. There is no need to use words, but to speak with works; no need to argue, but to confront with strength; no need to refute. Facts have proved that the star-like artists in the long history can always occupy a place.

The same is true of Lan Li now.

The reason why the nobles despise the profession of actors is because the actors have lost their dignity by working with the traffickers; that is because the actors have been reduced to the market and their auras have faded condescendingly and show their faces.

But if actors can prove themselves with strength, or even further, interpret art with strength, and break away from the ordinary ranks and truly win a place, then the nobles will also take off their hats and show respect.

The direct reason why the private party tonight has become so grand is the Oliver Award.

An Oliver Award is not only a commendation for Renley's work, but also recognition and acceptance of Renley in the West End of London. More importantly, it is an appreciation from the level of professional skills, even surpassing the Oscars with strong commercial flavor. In London A thousand waves arose in the upper class society.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Lanli is the hottest existence among the nobles.

The hereditary aristocratic background ensures that they are equal, without worrying about the vulgarity of etiquette and the vulgarity of money; the outstanding professional skills ensure their admiration, and they can express their respect calmly like the art of communication.

Just like Lawrence Oliver, even /female/king/ does not hesitate to show his respect.

So, when Lan Li showed up, the whole party was boiling. No one can be an exception.

"Congratulations on receiving the Oliver Award."

"On the anniversary performance, are you sure you won't be on stage? Oh, this is really a pity."

"I got to know John Cod last time. He is planning a new project. Are you interested?"

"I heard that you are going to establish a foundation in London to fund independent actors to enter the academy for further study. Is this true?"

"It is an honor for me to get to know the famous Lord Lan Li."

"God, you are younger than I thought. Please forgive me for my impoliteness. After watching'Les Miserables', I always thought you should be sixty years old."

"I wrote an article not long ago. Judy Dench really hopes to work with you in the West End. I deeply agree with this."

"Welcome. No wonder I said that the night is so beautiful tonight, and now I have finally found a reason."

"Sorry, please forgive me for my recklessness, but I must say that I personally like your performance in'Transcendence' very, very much, even more than'Les Miserables'."

"I now finally understand why women are always crazy for you. To be honest, even I have some heartbeats now."

An endless stream of voices kept ringing in my ears. At a distance of less than 30 meters, Lan Li's footsteps had stopped more than forty times. From the lobby to the garden, he walked four times. Fifteen minutes have not been finished, as if all the people in the entire banquet have swarmed.

Such a scene is reminiscent of the scene where the queen bee arrived.


Richard, who is always by his side, carefully observes Lan Li’s expression and manners. Even in the face of such a crazy and hot wave, Lan Li still does not have the slightest impatience and irritability. He is elegant, calm, personable, and unhurried. The etiquette runs through, and the humor in the chatting and laughing is even more impressive. Just this kind of tolerance is enough to make people eye-catching.

It is conceivable that after today's banquet is over, Lan Li's reputation among the nobles is bound to rise to a higher level.

Just like the plot in "Titanic", after the nouveau riche enter the party of the upper class, their every move will become the object of people's complaints and contempt after eating. The pressure is overwhelming and surging, invisible. , Bit by bit to isolate the nouveau riche, ice thorns.

But conversely, under the attention of the public, the perfect answer can still be handed in. This rising star is bound to become the most popular upstart among the upper class. If it were two centuries ago, then Lanli is now Become the number one seed player for the best son-in-law of countless nobles.

The footsteps finally came to the garden. Richard noticed that Lanly turned his head and exchanged sights with Matthew Dunlop, who was walking side by side. In an instant, a trace of ridicule and banter leaked in the light and shadow, only at this time. In order to capture a trace of rebelliousness hidden in the depths, outline the image of the rebellious teenager who ran away from home and chased his dreams.

"Please forgive their fanaticism. If I remember correctly, this should be the first time you have attended a formal party, right?" Richard actively cut into the topic and said with a smile, "I mean, after becoming an actor ."

Lan Li chuckled lightly, his eyes flashing to joke Qi Ali, "This reminds me of the occasion when a girl attends a social party for the first time after becoming an adult. What I am curious now is whether today's performance is enough to satisfy everyone?"

"Very satisfied. I can promise." Richard held up the champagne in his hand and motioned, "I really can't think of a more perfect debut. To be honest, I was a little worried that you are not comfortable with such occasions, after all, Hollywood's Social is not comparable at all, but now it seems that I am worrying too much."

"Fortunately, I invited Matthew to attend. He really blocked a lot of dark arrows." Lan Li said with a smile.

But Matthew, who was standing next to him, complained without giving any face, "Please don't believe his mask. In fact, in the confrontation between Arthur and Ren Li, he never had the upper hand; in addition, Andre was also Lan Li. When we are together, the focus is always Lanli, no exception."

"Hamilton's?" Richard recalled and asked a question. After getting Matthew's affirmative answer, he also showed a meaningful smile, "It seems that we still know too little about you. "

"That's why I left London. Before being disassembled thoroughly, I retain some mystery." Lan Li is still the unhurried appearance, and he hasn't messed up his hands and feet because of Matthew's complaints.

At this moment, Matthew cast a line of sight, and Lan Li instantly caught the deep meaning in the line of sight, and followed the direction of Matthew's eyes, and then the two exchanged their sights, both of them were clear. Look: The battle is about to begin!

Then, Matthew saw a touch of indifferent and confident deep in Lan Li's eyes, and he couldn't help laughing. Originally, he was still worried about Lan Li's mentality and emotions, but in fact, Lan Li had already looked away, and he didn't care about this upcoming battle at all.

For the Halls, this is a battle that cannot be lost; for Renly, this is a battle that has ended. Above the starting point, a different destiny and ending is already destined.

The ones who appeared not far away were the Halls and the Duke of Cambridge, and--

"Hey, Lord Lanly." Beatrice took two steps forward with a little excitement, staring at Lanly expectantly. The twinkling eyes couldn't be removed at all, but then she became aware of it. When he came to his gaffe, he stopped in a restrained manner. However, she still generously made a formal greeting.

"Princess." Lan Li also responded with perfect etiquette, "Good evening. The ladies tonight are obviously going to be overshadowed, but for the earl, this should be a good thing."

Quietly, Lan Li sent a which made Beatrice's cheek fly two blushes, glanced at Lan Li timidly, and then showed a big smile. "Thank you." A touch of sweetness bloomed on the tip of the tongue, "However, I am not the protagonist tonight. I hope I haven't taken away the elegance of others."

While speaking, Beatrice's eyes still fell on Lan Li's body.

Lan Li smiled and nodded again, and the corners of his mouth rose lightly, "I hope you are talking about the Duke of Cambridge, otherwise it would be too rude."

After a joke, the topic naturally shifted to William and Kate behind them, and at the same time, everyone chuckled.

William took the topic and said with a smile, "I can forgive Beatrice for being rude, because I'm used to it a long time ago."


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