The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1254: Flower faint

Others didn’t notice Graham’s eyes, but Lan Li, who was standing face to face, caught it. While unbuttoning his suit, he sat down, with a small smile on his face, and said, "Calm down. You are now. The idea of ​​"is very dangerous, it is best not to expose it lightly."


Graham's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately understood that Lanly meant something. However, not only did he fail to constrain, but he also turned to face the audience. The stunned and different look in his eyes did not hide at all, and at the same time he went further. Explained, "Just now, I was thinking, God, this scene is really like a circus and an animal trainer..."


The audience clapped their hands and laughed, and even Daniel and Ed burst into laughter with a chuckle.

Graham continued, "I mean, I have hosted a show for so many years, but I have never experienced a situation like this: all the audience has lost control, like a bunch of lunatics, and then, the only thing that can control the scene is this A magician, besides the circus, I really can't think of a better adjective."

There was applause and whistle, and the audience expressed their approval and support, and they didn't mind being described as a "circus."

Obviously, in addition to the guests, the audience of the "Norton Show" must also have extraordinary receptivity.

Graham turned his head and raised his hand to sign for Lan Li, "Then, I showed this expression. This gentleman caught it by accident, and then he gave a warning. Wait, may I ask, you just interpreted mine. Is your face?"

"Sorry, I'm not Professor X." Lan Li seriously expressed regret and grief.

Ed, who was sitting next to him, didn’t hold back for a moment, he burst into laughter, and stooped down embarrassedly. The movements were so great that Lan Li couldn’t help but divert his attention, “Ed, don’t worry, I’m not Magneto. "With two consecutive ridicules, the entire studio has become a sea of ​​laughter.

However, Lan Li was still full of seriousness, and continued to explain seriously, "I just caught your eyes, it is very / awkward / trivial, it seems that some bad ideas are brewing, so I deliberately show off my cleverness to show my wisdom and It’s dangerous. Before the show officially starts, take defensive measures and give you a good start."

Graham opened his mouth exaggeratedly with an unbelievable expression, rolled his eyes, like a fisheye, turned his head, and pleaded with the audience for help, as if to say: The show hasn’t started yet, I’ll be affected. I was wronged.

That pitiful expression was the best response. Many audience members applauded and cheered for Graham; many more audience members shouted, "Master, good job", that clear The sound was broadcasted through the microphone, once again drew a burst of laughter from the audience.

Graham returned to normal, facing the red sand, and officially started today's interview with the attitude of the owner. "Although it is incredible, but in fact, Lanli, you have never... Wait, what are you more used to? Name, Lan Li? Or Young Master? Or middle name?"

At the beginning, he couldn't wait to tease Lan Li's hereditary aristocratic status.

"I believe you can find the most suitable name." Lan Li responded calmly and kicked the ball back again.

Graham raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly again, exchanged glances with the audience, as if to say: Have you seen it? It's this kind of tolerance and mind!

Immediately, Graham retracted his gaze, and then asked his own question, "Master Lan Li." He nodded heavily and emphasized his name. Unfortunately, he did not see Lan Li or the expression of embarrassment or embarrassment, just calm. Nodded in response. "You have never appeared on my show, in fact, this is your first time on a British TV show, right?"

"Yes, this is my first time with you." Lan Li smiled and nodded, expressing affirmation.

the first time.

Why does it sound weird?

"Hoho", some of the audience on the scene heard the ambiguity in the words-or the deep meaning, and couldn't help but started booing.

Lan Li didn't feel shy or restrained at all, and gently retracted his jaw, "So far, everything feels very comfortable."

Now, even Graham couldn't sit still a bit, and sighed again and again, "Wow, wait, wow, are you sure? Everything is okay? You know, for the first time, we must all be careful. "

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and raised the teacup in front of him, as if he was enjoying afternoon tea with ease. This immediately made Graham become silly and ignorant——

Mainly because of strangeness.

This is not only Lan Li’s first appearance on the show, but also the mysterious professional image that has always been unpredictable; and the elegance and calmness of hereditary aristocrats also left a deep impression on people. It is hard to imagine that he will put down his body and take the initiative to blend in. In the humorous context of the show, especially the roughness and brutality of the British talk show.

After the show started, it was instead that Lanly took the initiative against the guest.

Graham adjusted his sitting posture, his expression gradually became excited, and he nodded and signaled, "Of course, of course, we have to take it slowly. Drink tea, drink tea, such a treatment, but you can’t enjoy it in the United States. Welcome back to the UK."

Lan Li was holding the teacup, his movements suddenly stiffened.

He didn't speak or drank tea. He raised his eyebrows slightly, his suspicious eyes fell on the teacup, as if he was worried that Mongolian perspiration medicine had fallen inside, and then he put the teacup on the table again leisurely.

An expression and an action clearly conveyed the meaning of ridicule. The audience watching in the studio captured such details and chuckled.

Graham was no exception, deliberately urging, "Quick, drink." It was like a witch waiting for Snow White to bite an apple.

At this time, the light laugh turned into a big laugh, but only a small part of the audience-the other audience did not capture the details, completely confused, and hurriedly asked back and forth with their eyes: what's wrong? what's happenin?

Immediately afterwards, Graham added, "I have called a taxi and waited outside."

The teacup in Lan Li's hand was not completely put down, fingers held the ears of the teacup, and then he stopped in place, slowly and slowly raised his head, looked at Graham, and a consternation flashed across his eyes, as if Is saying: Your scale is so big? The smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly involuntarily.

Daniel and Ed were watching the excitement, applauding and bursting into laughter at this time, and joined the audience. Just watching "Renley vs Graham", the recording of today's show was worth the price.

"Ed, Ed." The show just started, Graham must take care of all three guests and cut into the show.

Ed had a frightened expression on his face, his eyes rounded, "Me? What's the matter? Shouldn't it be the time dedicated to Lan Li? I can wait."

Before Graham could speak, Lanly shook his head slightly, put down the teacup formally, and turned his head, "No, he needs to ask the first question about you."

Ed had an expression of "Hua Rong" and looked at Lan Li in disbelief; then Daniel, who was sitting next to him, couldn’t help but laughed, "God, Lan Li, I mean, yours. The conversation has always been like it unrestrained? Is this really good? Are you sure there is no problem with this?"

"Don't say it as if I don't eat fireworks in the world." Lan Li said solemnly, but the subtle change in tone seemed to suggest more meaning: the question that was associated with the "first time"?

But then, Lan Li changed the subject, and then he said seriously, "I mean, I must eat, I must drink water, and I must solve the problems that every human being must face."

The seemingly plain content of the conversation, after reading it in the context, the meaning becomes more profound, and the two young people, Daniel and Ed, can't help but exclaim.

Graham began to discuss enthusiastically, "So, can we discuss your affair now? I mean, no reporter has ever taken photos of you in and out of the motel, so that we all had a problem. It’s an illusion, it seems you don’t need to be general."

"No need," Graham pursed his mouth, said vaguely, as if swallowing the next few key words, and then raised his eyebrows to strengthen his own words. Hint.

Just when everyone thought that Lanly would be in a panic, he did not expect that he sat down and looked at Graham, "I thought you would not care about the surrounding news. Because no matter where I go, fans Always cheering,'Hey, Lanly, I just want to see you standing on the stage, your performance is really wonderful'."

Graham's gaze fell on Renly's chest, then slipped quietly, across the chest, across the abdomen, and finally stopped and said meaningfully, "Don't you know, everyone Do you want to open that button?"

The howling of ghosts and wolves at the scene could no longer be restrained. Not only the audience, but even the staff began to scream and roar, the temperature of the entire studio was rising, cheeks flushed and sweating profusely. Just an opening, it has already made people blush.

"You mean, this one?" Lan Li raised his right hand and placed it on the first button on the top of the shirt. His slender fingertips made an unbuttoning motion, and then the audience screamed The sound really loses control, and you can even see the audience standing up eagerly, vying for one another, instantly turning the "Norton Show" into an "Oprah Talk Show"——

This is the case every time Oprah Winfrey presents gifts worth a lot of money on the spot.

Lan Li, who has suddenly transformed into a transformation, is full of dangerous and deadly charms all over his body. More importantly, he has always maintained that elegant and calm temperament, without any change in taste, that kind of wandering in/ The stimulus of abstinence/desire/edges instantly detonated everyone's adrenaline.

Even Graham is no exception.

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