The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1251: Guest partner

His thoughts just flashed through his mind, and then Graham noticed Lan Li's look back.

Sensitive and alert, I can feel a little bit of wind and grass, but it is not the kind of embarrassing and uneasy restraint; the calm and grace between the light and the shadow, burst out from the inside, it is natural, different, and between the eyes. The flashing light created a slight smile, and a dim light lit up in an instant.

"Welcome, welcome." Graham said in a quick and clear voice, spreading his arms and making a warm welcome gesture, "God, you really shouldn't look at me with such eyes, otherwise you should not be careful. I'll fall in love with you." Graham is openly **** and officially came out as early as fifteen years ago.

Lan Li stood up politely, greeted the host's arrival, with a smile on his face, "I never knew that I was your type."

This way of responding made Graham's eyes light up slightly, and his smile brightened. It is foreseeable that today's program recording should be very interesting, "Yes, in fact, you are not, I like Paul's type more." Then you can see Paul standing next to him, smirking helplessly.

The footsteps stopped in front of Lan Li. Although Graham opened his arms, he did not execute a hug. Instead, he folded his hands and put them to his side. He gently chinned politely, and said solemnly, "Welcome Coming to the'Graham-Norton Show', Your Excellency Renly, it is my honour to be able to invite you to attend."

"So, does this mean that in today's interview session, your attacking firepower can be slightly reduced?" Lan Li's ridicule came with a relaxed and casual, the atmosphere was immediately relieved, and then he turned Overdoing it, "Paul, you can prepare your homework today. Graham's interview pace is so fast that you may fall into a trap if you are not careful."


"Thanks and compliments." Graham instantly captured the deep meaning of Lanly's words-he was covering Paul in this way.

As everyone knows, Paul is not good at TV shows, and even less good at interviews, so most of the publicity activities of "degree and excitement/emotion" are mainly Diesel. Even if Paul appeared on the screen, he was more often used as a foil to the vase.

Rumor has it that Renly and Paul are best friends.

After only one meeting, Graham felt this, but the words did not stop, and the topic continued smoothly, "You have worked with Jay Leno and Alan De Janis, and I can still get With this evaluation, obviously I did something right, which is a good thing."

Paul, who had been standing quietly next to him, suddenly interjected, "I want to say that the one who really should be careful is Graham. Renly is best at creating traps with words."

Inadvertently, Paul gave his friend a throwing knife, and Lan Li also chuckled helplessly, "Paul, believe me, Graham knows this, and you don't need to remind you."

Didn't deny it?

Graham laughed happily, his eyes flashed slightly, "Paul, why don't you record the show with us today? I believe it will be very interesting."

If Paul abandons the "Degree and Excitement/Love 6" crew and chooses to record the show with Renly, it will be a kind of "betrayal" for the entire crew, and it may even lead to rumors of incompatibility between the crew. For Renly, he is naturally indifferent; but for Paul, it is not the case. Outside of Diesel, Paul still has deep feelings for the crew.

So Lan Li automatically took the topic, "We tried it once last summer."

During the "Edge of Tomorrow" propaganda period. Although Lan Li didn't say much, the meaning in the words was profound, and the subtext couldn't be more obvious: last year's attempt, the effect did not meet expectations.

Usually in private, Paul and Renly get along very freely; but standing in front of the camera, Paul becomes restrained and shy.

Graham receded his jaw suddenly, "Oh, that's a pity. However, I am already looking forward to the recording of today's show. Before I go to work, I made a special trip. Apart from saying hello, I just want to make sure , Everything is on the right track. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."

"Very well, everything is fine." Lan Li's eyebrows raised slightly, and his jaw continued. "By the way, regarding the interview, I hope you won't mention my personal issues, especially the family part."

That is... the topic of hereditary aristocracy is not allowed to be mentioned?

A question mark appeared on Graham's forehead. The first reaction was: true or false?

Because on other occasions, Lan Li has never deliberately avoided, although he will not take the initiative to mention, and will not talk too much, but as long as the host asks questions, he is bound to give an answer, gently led by the way; but , Now Lan Li's expression was too serious and too serious that Graham couldn't make an accurate judgment.

"What if I mention it?" Graham constricted his pupils slightly, and asked tentatively.

The arc of Lan Li's mouth rose, "Then, the person concerned may order the suspension of this episode."

joke. No doubt a joke.

Graham can be 100% sure.

Entering the entertainment industry, Graham has also been rolling for nearly two decades, and he knows the rules of the industry well.

It is true that the topics about the royal family and the nobility must be cautious, and at the same time, certain sensitive/sensible areas must be avoided; but it is certain that they will never keep secrets and keep silent. Among the many topics that the British people are most passionate about, apart from football, it is the royal family.

However, now carefully watching Lan Li’s calm and serious expression, but could not find any clues, sincerity and sincerity are not compromised, this made Graham chuckle, and he had to admire: Lan Li is indeed a very good talk show guest.

Graham is not a fuel-efficient lamp either, "I will refer to it."

Before turning and leaving, Graham stopped again and turned around, "By the way, I have watched'Les Miserables' before, but it is not the version you starred in. To be honest, the VIP box is too difficult to grab. , Excuse me, next time you return to the West End, can I book a VIP box in advance?"

This was an unexpected topic, and Lan Li couldn't help but froze slightly.

All the people in the industry I have met so far seem to be praising "Les Miserables" and discussing Lan Li's performance, but few people missed Lan Li's performance. After all, the entertainment industry is the place to slap your hands. After going round and round, a VIP box seat is not difficult, not to mention, Graham is not an unknown person.

In the impression, Graham seemed to be the first one, which really killed Lan Li by surprise.

Graham caught the slight stun in Lan Li’s expression, and a bright smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. It seemed that the prank had succeeded, but he didn’t explain much, turned around, and walked away. “For a while, on the show. see!"

The waiting room was quiet again, and Paul's voice came over, "So, is he serious? Or is he kidding?" Obviously, he also noticed the suspense left by Graham.

Lan Li laughed blankly. He believed that this was Graham's joke, but he did not have enough evidence to verify it, because Graham left no time and space to explore. The well-known Graham is really a cunning and witty guy. It's not without reason that the ratings of "Norton Show" can outdo the best in the UK.

"Half serious and half joking." Lan Li also speciously teased, causing Paul to roll his eyes, revealing an expression of disgust.

The recording of the "Norton Show" hasn't officially started yet, and the atmosphere in the waiting room has already heated up.

Lan Li is not the only guest in this episode.

In fact, the "Norton Show" has its own unique guest invitation method. Generally speaking, each program will invite three to four groups of guests, who come from different crews, different jobs, different promotional purposes, and may even be professional comedies. actor.

Then, using the chemical reaction between different guests, through Graham's needle thread, collided more lively and vivid sparks, and also more rich and full of colors.

This way of operating the show has gradually become a major feature of the "Norton Show" and has gained wide appreciation and support from the audience. Even the big-name crews are not special when they participate in the recording of the show. It is still a way of co-starring by multiple groups of guests, which undoubtedly enriches the diversity and diversity of the show.

The top Hollywood teams, including the "Iron Man 3" crew, are no exception.

Naturally, the same is true for Lan Li.

Early on, Lan Li knew that there were other guests in the recording of today’s show, but because everything was finalized at the last moment, Lan Li could not know the list of other guests in advance, until the show was about to be recorded. Only then officially met.

Surprisingly, there were old acquaintances.

Ed Sheeran.

Renly and Ed have not seen each other for a long time. In the final analysis, one is a singer and the other is an actor. The opportunity to appear on the same occasion is still relatively rare. However, the two people still talk to each other in private. "The concert", Ed graciously and generously lent his touring band to Lan Li, and became the hero behind the stage that night.

Now, Ed has become a hot new star in the British music scene. The song "Top" was also nominated for the single of the year at the Grammy Awards at the beginning of the year.

Through the "Norton Show", the two friends met again, which is extremely rare.

Another guest is Daniel Radcliffe, who is popular all over the world with the "Harry Potter" series. When the series is over, Daniel's career as an actor has just begun, and he is trying hard to get rid of that wizard. The restraint and pressure of the robe created a path of his own actor.

Lan Li, Ed, Daniel, these are the three guests of this issue of "Norton Show".

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