The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1249: Airborne guests

Regarding the two or three things between Renly and Diesel, it has long been no secret in the industry.

Therefore, when Diesel heard about it, Lan Li ran in and took away the recording time that originally “belongs” to them. He couldn't wait to come forward, **** for tat, and even coerce and tempt him. This is not uncommon.

However, in Lena's view, Diesel was completely unreasonable.

Not to mention that the first recording schedule originally belonged not to "Degree and Passion 6", but to "Iron Man 3". Now even the latter has nothing to say, and Diesel has no turn to dictate here.

Just talking about Diesel’s own attitude, he put on a big-name posture from the beginning, trying to prove his position in the industry, squeezing out Dawn and Jason, controlling the position of the boss of the crew, deliberately picking up the script, and disturbing a pool of muddy water. ; Now he puts on an active and cooperative posture, trying to give orders from a condescending manner.

This is enough to roll your eyes.

In fact, Lena did the same, rolled her eyes and did not hide her speechlessness and contempt.

What's more, now that even Robert Downey Jr. and Lanly Hall have nothing to say, Van Diesel has stepped in and acted as a shit-scrambler. What is this?

In the face of Christian's aggressiveness, Lena's patience was not able to sustain until the end, "Mr. Wagner, it is now 4:51 in the morning." The entire call was entangled for twenty minutes, "Change now. Itinerary, this is no longer possible. If you still have any questions, please come to the TV station to communicate with the program team in detail."

After speaking, Lena hung up the phone forcibly.

Originally, Lena was worried that her attitude was too direct and arrogant, and she might have angered Diesel, but then when she declared to her supervisor, the other party applauded and gave absolute support.

Now that the show has entered the countdown, even if they are willing to cooperate with Diesel, what about the other actors in the "Degree and Passion 6" crew? Are there other guests recorded in the same episode? In addition, what should be done about the guest schedule for the other three programs? When things have been arranged, it is impossible for them to completely disrupt the chess game for one Diesel.

Therefore, the "Norton Show" needs to be tough.

The crew of "Degree and Passion 6" cannot be offended easily, but the crew of the "Norton Show" is not easy to provoke.

After all the itineraries were confirmed, Lena worked overtime and repeatedly confirmed that the time schedule of all the performers was properly arranged. After only squinting for 20 minutes, she got up anxiously and hurried to the bathroom to wash her face. , After taking care of myself, the figure appeared at the elevator door——

Because she must welcome the arrival of Lan Li and other guests.

At this moment, Lena's mood was extremely irritable. On the one hand, it is because the burning sensation of the liver is incomparably suffering, on the one hand, it is because of looking forward to the arrival of Lan Li, and on the other hand, because of worry about the arrival of Lan Li.

There are too many rumors about Lanli in the industry, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, false and true.

What's more, Lanly’s hereditary aristocratic status has added a special meaning to the British. Perhaps in the United States, people just maintain a lively onlooker mood or admire the curiosity of the aristocracy, but here, they More than anyone knows the importance of this identity.

Now, Lena is not sure how she should behave correctly; the fragments of thoughts that have been working all night are full of brains, swelling terribly, and her whole person is in a trance, even standing unsteady, which makes Lena became more worried, lest she be rude.

"Lena! Stop, you're chewing on your nails again." My friend Valentina McDowell va1entnamcdoe11's voice heard in her ears, which made Lena react suddenly and put down her right hand——

Every time the anxiety reached the extreme, she would start to bite her nails unconsciously. This is a very bad and very naive habit, but she can't control it.

"How is it? Are you here?" Valentina hurriedly sorted out her shirt and one-line skirt, making sure that her manners were not problematic.

Obviously, she also came for Lan Li.

To be precise, all the staff of the "Norton Show" today are more or less curious, looking forward to the appearance of Lan Li. Different from other top superstars, the halo of hereditary aristocracy still makes Lan Li unique after all; moreover, two days ago, Lan Li just made history and reached the top of the Oliver Award.

"If it comes, will it be so peaceful?" Lena rolled her eyes, but then realized her irritability, and quickly raised her hand to indicate.

Valentina waved indifferently. An all-night tragedy, and now each of them is on the verge of explosion, "How about? Is my shape okay? I just went to the dressing room and took care of it temporarily. God, I should really take a battle bath. , Otherwise Lan Li stood in front of me and smelled a sweat..."

There is no need to say the rest. Both Valentina and Lena frowned and vomited onomatopoeia.


At this moment, the sound of the elevator opening came over, interrupting the conversation, and the two people showed brilliant smiles in the same way. They turned their heads together, looked at the elevator entrance, put on their perfect manners, and watched. The elevator door opened slowly, and the expectation and excitement were like thousands of butterflies, and their wings began to flutter deep in the lower abdomen.


They saw Paul Walker appearing in front of them.

"Good morning, ladies." Paul raised his head, slightly surprised, but still showed a bright smile, and greeted politely, like a ray of sunlight, breaking through the shadow of the shadow and falling on the dark early morning in London.

Why is Paul here?

It was Lena who responded first, "Paul, haven't you been notified? I'm sure I have contacted Lucas..."

Lucas Hunt, Paul's agent.

Paul waved his hand again and again, and explained with a smile, "I know I know. I have been notified that the recording time has been changed to tomorrow morning."

Paul raised his hand and gestured behind him, "I just finished the morning jog. There is no special arrangement today. I thought that I hadn't met with Lan Li for a long time, so I came over." After a pause, Paul further confirmed, "Lan Li’s The recording is scheduled for this morning, right?"

"...Yes." Lena nodded ignorantly.

Renly and Diesel are mortal enemies, but Renly and Paul are friends. Also, Diesel is squeezing Dawn and Jason.

During the filming of "Degree and Passion 6", what was the atmosphere inside the crew? This really made the gossip fire ablaze.

Paul scratched his head shyly, "Don't worry, I won't interfere with the recording of the show."

"Of course, of course. I mean, there is no problem. Welcome." Lena explained quickly, and then took the initiative to make a guiding action, "Please follow me. I will lead you to Renly's lounge and wait. Now Lan Li hasn't arrived yet. Today is the first recording of the new season. The whole studio is quite chaotic. Please forgive me..."

While explaining and guiding, Lena and Paul left the elevator entrance together and disappeared into the corner of the corridor; about five minutes later, Lena ran back breathlessly, and you could see Valentina from a distance. She gestured for peace of mind, but her footsteps still did not stop, all the way back to the original position.

"Don't worry, Lan Li hasn't appeared yet." Valentina comforted.

Lena adjusted her breathing, "I know. But I heard rumors that Lanly will always arrive at the recording site early and never be late. So, I guess he will appear soon, and I don't want to appear so embarrassed. in……"

After breathing heavily, Lena saw Valentina’s expression vividly and vividly frozen in its original form, which made Lena’s voice become smaller and smaller, and finally stood in shock. , Showing a grinning expression, "He is standing behind me now, right?"

She must be gasping so loudly that she ignored the sound of the elevator door opening.

Valentina's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and she gently closed her jaw, pinched the trace of Lena's remaining fluke, and announced the bad news. The thing she didn't want was born after all.

Slowly, Lena turned around slowly, and then she saw Lan Li standing at the elevator entrance.

Roy and Nathan were accompanied by two people, but all eyes still fell on Lan Li's sky blue vertical striped linen shirt with a pair of light gray casual suit pants, It seems that there is no deliberate dressing up, but it outlines the calm and freehand smile of the corner of the mouth, just like the sunset in the early summer evening, not strong or magnificent, but mixed with refreshing water vapor, people can't help but start wandering Among them, can not extricate themselves.

"...Lord Lanly." After hesitating for a moment, her voice squeezed from her throat. Lena only felt that her smile must be more terrifying than crying, "Sorry, I'm really rude, you... When did you... Arrived? Uh... I mean, welcome to the recording of the Norton Show."

"I hope I'm not late." Lan Li said with a smile, with a shallow light gleaming under his eyes, sparkling like the morning sun on the calm lake.

Lena just wanted to get into the hole: he heard it all. God!

But then, Lan Li went on to say, "Thank you for coming here to greet me. I hope I haven't disrupted your work."

"No, of course not." Lena waved her hand again and again, eagerly denying that the original picture had been completely broken, and now she was completely at a loss.

"Ha. I know that the unexpected work arrangement has obviously disrupted the program plan. But thank you, thank you for alleviating my guilt. I promise that I will open up all possibilities for today's program recording and fully cooperate with the program. , Try to make all this chaos valuable."

Funny and humorous, self-joking, relaxed and cozy.

With a simple word, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

Lena seemed to have forgotten her sweating and panting embarrassment, her smile could not help but lifted up gently. ...

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