The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1246: Hot out

The Best Actor in a Musical Award was unveiled in suspense, and Lan Lici was nominated to win the prize, and he won his first Oliver Award as a 23-year-old! &1t;/

But the award ceremony is still not over, and the five most important awards have not been awarded! &1t;/

The first to appear is the best director. &1t;/

The degree of competition in this department is as fierce as you can imagine. The highly nominated works such as "High Hat" and "Scientist Todd" did not even make it into the final stage. The four directors who finally won the nominations came from "Queen Summoned" and "Master". "With Margarita", "Late Night Puppy Mystery Incident" and "Les Miserables" &1t;/

After the trend of the entire award ceremony, it can be concluded that the final competition should focus on the "Late Night Puppy Mystery Incident" and the "Miscellaneous World". &1t;/

The fact is also true. The director of "Les Miserables", John Cod defeated the director of "The Mysterious Incident of Late Night Dog", Maria (Maria), and won the praise of the Oliver Award for the first time in his career. Laid the final cornerstone of the "Les Miserables" victory tonight. &1t;/

At the moment of the award-winning testimonials, John was also at a loss and emotion. &1t;/

John specially thanked the cast members for their hard work, especially Renly, "Thank Renly-Hall. When everyone refused to believe that you could be competent for Jean-Ajean, you did not fear and flinch, but went on day and night. Training and rehearsal, and finally dedicated a stunning performance, conquered all the audience, and achieved this play."&1t;/

As he said, John couldn't help but choked up and wiped the tears on his cheeks embarrassedly, "Thank you for believing in me, and thank you for standing on this stage."&1t;/

The "Les Miserables" has achieved the glory of Lan Li, and in turn, Lan Li has also become the classics of "The Miserables". &1t;/

At this point, all individual awards have been awarded, and then it is the turn of the four major repertoire awards. &1t;/

The best new drama, "Late Night Puppy Mystery Incident" reached the top without any suspense, defeating powerful opponents such as "Queen Summoned" and "Outstanding Person", continuing tonight's acclaimed strong curve. &1t;/

The best rehearsal drama, "Long Night, A Long Road" broke out a small upset, "Macbeth", "Twelfth Night", "Old Times" and other popular works have all fallen off the horse, becoming a foil. &1t;/

The best new musical, "Top Hat" is a great success. The other nominated works are unlikely to pose a threat. From the side, we can also see the dilemma that the overall situation of the West District is not optimistic. &1t;/

The best rehearsal musical, "Les Miserables" ended perfectly, easily repelled a lot of powerful enemies, to draw a perfect end to tonight's outstanding performance, and officially declared a complete victory. &1t;/

It can be seen from the trend of the four major awards of the Oliver Awards that brand-new repertoires have fallen into a quagmire one after another. Excellent works are becoming fewer and fewer. From creativity to script, from concept to stage, it has entered a downturn in an all-round way, and the overall competitiveness is universal. Not strong; it is precisely because of this that the trend of re-arrangement of classic scripts based on Shakespeare is rising strongly, as the fanatical pursuit of "Les Miserables" in the past year is the best proof. &1t;/

Objectively speaking, this is not only the dilemma of drama, but also the dilemma of movies and television. &1t;/

The sharp decrease of original scripts, the drastic increase of adaptation projects and sequel projects, and even the selection of adaptation objects have begun to further expand. This has gradually become the mainstream trend of artistic creation in the world, especially under the influence of the Internet age and fast food culture. , The pace of updating is getting faster and faster, and the difficulty of original creation is getting bigger and bigger. &1t;/

In this year’s Oliver Award nomination stage, "Les Miserables" made history with eleven nominations; after tonight’s awards ceremony, "Les Miserables" won eight trophies and also made history, breaking the "Matti" Erda’s record of winning seven trophies last year set a new record! &1t;/

The Queen’s Theater version of "Les Miserables" has been staged for twenty-eight years, and now the Almeida Theater version of "Les Miserables" has once again written history! Only this reincarnation has been recorded in the annals of history. &1t;/

but why? &1t;/

Because original projects are becoming more and more difficult, adaptation and re-arrangement projects are becoming more common. &1t;/

In fact, before the nomination list was released, the voice of the "Late Night Puppy Mystery Incident" was rising rapidly, and there was even an anti-"Les Miserable World" posture. &1t;/

People in the industry have said that they should remember more of awarding original plays and brand-new plays, and encourage artists to continue their creations. Everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high, which truly reawakens the creative ability of the entire industry and forms a long-term exhibition for the West District. Virtuous circle. &1t;/

But in the end, the rehearsal "Les Miserables" still maintained an absolutely strong posture. &1t;/

The reasons are complicated and simple. John Cod’s version of "Les Miserables" has opened a new door, showing people a completely different adaptation technique and bold and innovative approach to discussion. The old tree blossoms and the old drama is revitalized. Vitality. &1t;/

More importantly, John Cod is more than just fried rice. On the basis of the original work, he started thinking and digging, injected a new soul, re-examined the classic story from a different perspective, and successfully conquered the audience and the critics. . &1t;/

For the entire industry, this is undoubtedly a vital enlightenment! Creation is not only limited to new ideas and gestation, it can also be the secondary processing of prose, it can also be the deep excavation of changing perspectives, which truly refines the width, depth and thickness of the artwork. &1t;/

As a result, the 2o13 Oliver Awards came to a close, and "Les Miserables" became the biggest winner with eight record-breaking trophies! &1t;/

From the night of last year's performance, "Les Miserables" has received cheers and praise from the industry, which has changed the status quo of the industry in all aspects; and has further spread across the world. &1t;/

From the West End to Broadway, the strong momentum has been smoothly continued. As the performance anniversary is approaching, the Almeida Theater also announced the tour schedule of Sweden, Germany, France, Japan, Australia and other parts of the world. "Les Miserables" also came to more audiences. &1t;/

Best Rehearsal Musical, Best Director, Best Actor in a Musical, Best Supporting Actor in a Musical, Best Stage Director, Best Stage Design, Best Costume Design, Best Audience Choice. &1t;/

With eight trophies in total, this has made "Les Miserables" once again the focus of attention, setting off stormy waves in the UK. In an instant, all eyes were focused on the Tony Award two months later. &1t;/

After boarding 6 Broadway, can the "Les Miserables", which is also highly acclaimed, sweeping through thousands of troops, and capable of winning the favor of the American Theatre Association? Can it continue the strong performance above the Oliver Award? Can we usher in a bumper harvest of awards again? Can it create a historical record again? The most important thing is -&1t;/

Lan Li-Hall. &1t;/

Can Renly continue his record and win the Tony Award for Best Actor in a Musical in one fell swoop? Can we win the four top awards across the border step by step a year, and achieve an incredible egot in just four years? Is it possible to break the shackles of age again and truly write a new history that no one can overtake? &1t;/

It's ridiculous to say that the Tony Award nominations have not been announced yet. It is very likely that Renly has not even received the nomination, let alone making history and winning the award. Let's discuss a "possibility" now. It is too much. The urgency is too urgent, and all the discussions are meaningless until the nomination appears. &1t;/

But this is the fact. &1t;/

Everyone is talking about it. From the UK to the United States, from Europe to Asia, from the theater industry to the film industry, from entertainment news to social news, in an instant, everyone seemed to realize the possibility of egot, so they shifted one after another. His eyes joined the heated discussion, as if they really understood "what exactly does egot mean under the age of twenty-four". &1t;/

I'm afraid that most people involved in the discussion don't even understand what egot specifically refers to. &1t;/

However, the side also proves that the topic spreading in the social network era presents a new scene. As the most popular young actor today, Lan Li’s appeal has once again been vividly manifested, and related topics are magnanimously throughout the entire Spread on the Internet. &1t;/

Even ordinary netizens who don’t know anything about egot can’t wait to start a Google investigation, earnestly begin to understand background information, and really read all the ins and outs, lest they fall behind the tide of the times and are in the midst of intense discussions. Being excluded, unable to keep up. &1t;/

It is rare to see that the Oliver Award and Tony Award have also bloomed like the award season, which has attracted heated discussions from the whole society! &1t;/

In this regard, the "New Yorker" wrote a special report and launched an in-depth analysis and discussion. They called this phenomenon the "Young Master Effect." &1t;/

"Lan this name is becoming a symbol of the times.&1t;/

It symbolizes talent and concentration, dedicated to the pursuit and struggle of a certain cause, in the name of a dream, the moths burst into flames and burst into flames. &1t;/

It symbolizes that every work is a guarantee of quality, and every performance is a guarantee of expectations. The powerful appeal is forming a phenomenon-level wave. &1t;/

It also signifies maturity, wisdom, elegance and calmness, calmness and self-restraint in the bustling Vanity Fair, refusal of self-lost and self-indulgence, and always maintains a heart of innocence. &1t;/

Just as everyone was marveling at the birth of miracles, from TV to movies, from music to drama, Ren Li reinterpreted the meaning of actors, and put his own definition of the profession and dream of an actor. Different labels; but Lan Li has put aside the past, looks to the future, returns to his job again, and re-emerges on the ground. &1t;/

What's interesting is that this is an internet age, impetuous, eager, uneasy, uneasy, and turbulent, these are the key words; but Lan Li is slowing down, slowing down, reducing weight, and step by step It’s your own way. Does this belong to his era, but it also belongs to his era. &1t;/

Borrowing a sentence from Lan Li-Hall at the Oliver Awards ceremony as the end: Thank God, I am really an actor. ”&1t;/

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