The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1244: Magical journey

"The winner of the best actor in a musical is...Lenly Hall, "Les Miserables"."

Matthew Watchus's voice rippled through the loudspeaker effect of the microphone, rippling through the entire Royal Theatre, like a thunder on the ground, blowing in the ears of every audience: history was born.

To be precise, this is not only not an accident, it can even be said to be the result of popular expectations.

Last year, after the official performance of the John Cod version of "Les Miserables" at the Almeida Theatre, Lanly's performance received a wave of fanatical praise, and spread across the West End with a sweeping attitude. .

In this circle where strength is king, this young actor broke the shackles of age, interpreting the ups and downs and magnificence of Jean-Ajean's long life in the drama, and successfully broke free from the shackles of prejudice in reality. The land has won a good reputation in the industry. Everything is about performance, and it's just about performance.

From last year to this year, Renly’s absolute strength can be described as unmatched and unmatched. It has even swept all over the world strongly. Even Michael Bauer, in the face of Renly’s strong momentum, is willing to be inferior, except for his age. Besides, nothing can prevent Renly from reaching the top of the Oliver Award.

But considering Lan Li's young age, people still inevitably maintain a hesitant attitude.

No matter how crazy the praise is, no matter how hot the pursuit is, even if the strength is outstanding, in the final analysis, Lan Li is only twenty-three years old. Lan Li's acting career is still very long. Even if Lan Li chose to bid farewell to the stage and screen at the age of forty, his artistic career has only just started.

Performance is the same as other arts. It pays attention to talents. It shows dazzling light at a young age. This is not a lie. But it pays more attention to precipitation. The polishing of years, the precipitation of experience, and the sculpture of experience can often give A richer level of art. Historically, young famous Marlon Brando and Judy Foster have been praised, but more of them are Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep who are aged and fragrant.

However, the reason why history is called history lies in subversion and change; the reason why miracles are called miracles lies in creation and development.

Tonight, all predictions come true!

When he was twenty-three years old and one hundred and fifty-nine days old, Lanly-Hall received his first Oliver Award. Although this was not an egot, it was already shocking enough. He also became the first in history. An actor who won a full award in the fields of drama, music, film and television before the age of thirty!

On a global scale, Renly has also created its own history.

Only in the United Kingdom, "Love Crazy" won the British Academy Award, "Les Miserables" topped the Oliver Award, both topped the highest awards in film and drama, and Lan Li also deservedly became the youngest actor to complete such a feat in history. Regardless of gender.

In addition, "Don Quixote" also gained a lot at the British Music Awards last year. The two trophies for Best Male Singer and Best British Album commended him for his achievements in music. In other words, although it is not an egot, Renly also achieved his own grand slam in the UK.

At the age of twenty-three, to complete any of the achievements, it is bound to be worth celebrating, but Lan Li has successfully completed a sweeping sweep! Any language, any admiration, and any description are eclipsed. This is an unprecedented feat, and may even be a miracle of no one to come.

Most importantly, in the most conservative, strictest, most professional and most demanding field of drama, the London Theatre Association has shown unparalleled boldness and courage, professionalism and devotion, and deserves a standing applause from all art practitioners.

Some people may object, some may question, some may complain, or some may be disgusted, but no one can deny that the wheel of history is unstoppable, and they are witnessing the opening of a new era.

Luke Treadway dominated the best drama actor, Tom Holland won the best supporting actor in a musical, and now, Renly Hall has also successfully picked off the best big musical actor, a victory for the three young actors. The West Side has truly opened its doors to the younger generation! Once again demonstrated the unparalleled courage of the drama industry!

In the auditorium, John Cod stood up first, and sent the most sincere blessings and the highest respect with hot and loud applause.

As the director of "Les Miserables", John has always believed that this trophy is a well-deserved reward for Lan Li; and as the director of Lan Li, John has always believed that Lan Li is born on the stage and stands on the stage. On and in front of the camera, his eyes became completely different. He couldn't imagine how much color the performance world would lose without Lan Li.

All this is what Renly deserves.

John's standing applause was only the beginning.

Almost at the same time, all the guests and audience in the Royal Theatre in the Royal Theatre continued to stand up, unanimously sending the most enthusiastic and sincere applause, and thunderous sounds swayed one wave after another in the theatre. After overlapping the echoes, the sound waves and energy actually rose to a higher level, and the whole theater began to tremble slightly.

Even Will Young, Tom Chambers, and Michael Ball are no exception.

Because Lan Li has made history! Even more because Lanli convinced everyone!

The audience was in awe, with only applause and no noise. As the iconic "applause moment" of the theater stage, it was even more spectacular at this moment, with vigorous waves rising one after another, just when people thought they had reached a climax/tide. , The depths of the dantian unexpectedly burst out of incredible energy once again, pushing this wave to a whole new height.

The majestic shock made every individual individual become extremely small. That magnificence and magnificence penetrated the stone wall of the theater, like ripples, and stirred up unimaginable far-reaching effects.

Tom Holland finally recovered, and then stood up, crying and smiling, tears and smiles blooming, put his trophy on the seat, and slapped his hands vigorously, like a seal. Applause excitedly, and cast his eyes of admiration and admiration at Lan Li with tears, filled with joy.

The situation he feared did not survive after all.

In the eyes of everyone's attention, Lan Li stepped forward, climbed up the steps, and walked towards Matthew.

Matthew took the initiative to give a big hug, patted Lan Li's back lightly, and said in a trembling voice, "This is my honor."

At the moment of witnessing history, as a guest of honor, he announced the results of the awards, and personally awarded the trophy, which became an important footnote in the annals of history. This is indeed an honor.

A smile burst into Lan Li's eyes, and he said modestly and politely, "Thank you. I will remember this moment forever."

Repaying his answer, Matthew laughed happily; then, turned around and took the trophy from the master of ceremonies. Matthew handed it over to Lan Li. This formally completed the awarding process, and Matthew retired. After two steps, he made an invitation gesture and handed the stage to Lan Li.

Bowing his head, the trophy came into view.

This is a mask-like trophy, designed by the famous statue master Harry-Franchetti (Harry-franchetti) based on the dress of Lawrence Oliver in the 1937 version of "Henry V" as a prototype design, showing a The king with a long history also shows an actor who has lived through the ages, and more importantly, shows a long-standing heritage.

The heavier weight, pressing the hand more than imagined, clearly transmitted to the chest through the palm of the hand, and accurately felt the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat, puffing, puffing, as if the blood began to roll and boil again, in the mind I couldn't help but think of those years when I performed at the Almeida Theater.

The mind that had relaxed because of Tom became full of emotions again.

Those days of engrossed performance, those moments of sweating and forgetting oneself, there is joy, sorrow, anger, pain, joy, and exhaustion...but everything is condensed into happiness and satisfaction on the stage, full of The whole chest cavity gushes out heartily and recklessly.

He almost forgets what a wonderful thing acting is. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After the lengthy test of "The Miserable World", the self-overdraft of "gravity", and the inextricability of "Drunk Country Folk Songs", Lan Li ushered in a period of languor, exhaustion and heaviness of body and mind, as if tied to an ankle The shackles rammed heavily, completely dragging down all persistence and efforts.

During this long vacation, I can't mention a trace of desire, hope, or impulse. I just want to completely stay away from the stage, away from the performance, away from the spotlight, away from the noise, away from the crowd, and soar freely in the sky with open arms. Even on the red carpet not long ago, I still feel like water still, no waves in the ancient well, and I can't feel any movement at all.

Until this moment.

The weight of the palm is slowly and slowly pulling down, and the pressure can be felt on the shoulders, the deep desire is reawakening, the memory fragments surging in my mind are not those harvest moments, no The applause is not an award either; it's those hard moments, those moments that are so painful that they almost want to give up and struggle to almost escape.

In order to experience the experience of being buried alive, I locked myself in a coffin; in order to awaken the desperate memory, blurring the boundary between the previous life and this life; in order to feel the fear of loneliness, I was trapped alone in a light box...

Those crazy and hot years for acting, the colors are so bright and bright, large swaths of red and yellow, large swaths of green and blue, heavy makeup brightens his life.

Maybe he is a madman, a madman who exists for performance, a madman who shines because of performance.

The gurgling blood heard the call from the depths of the soul again. He knew that he belonged to the lens and the stage, and tears filled his eyes in an instant.

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