The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1240: Like spring breeze

Luke Treadway, Harry Treadway. &1t;/

This is a pair of twin brothers, both have become actors, and both have a place in the British independent film circle. &1t;/

Although the faces are similar, the performance styles, respective positioning, exhibition routes, etc. are completely different; more interesting is that Luke is heterosexual and has a long-term and stable girlfriend, while Harry is openly gay. The two brothers are just gay. Even sexual orientation is different. However, twins are twins after all, and it is still indistinguishable for outsiders. &1t;/

Especially in the case of the first meeting. &1t;/

But Lanly had recognized Luke at a glance, not Harry. &1t;/

Facing Luke’s curiosity, Lan Li chuckled lightly and did not answer directly. Instead, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said jokingly, “If I say it’s just luck, do you believe it?”&1t;/

In fact, Luke and Harry's temperament, look in their eyes, and demeanor are all different. &1t;/

Luke is a stage actor and his gestures reveal his professionally polished style; while Harry is a TV actor and his style is obviously different. These details can be distinguished by those who have been immersed in performance for a long time, as long as they carefully observe and capture. &1t;/

But Lanly’s witty and polite way of responding still made Luke laugh happily, "This also makes sense. To be honest, after the actual meeting, I became more and more unbelievable, Jean-Ajean. It’s you who played the role. The gap in the whole feeling is too obvious."&1t;/

The smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth has not changed, and he gently chinks, "Thank you and praise!"&1t;/

Luke paused slightly, clapped his hands and laughed. &1t;/

A few simple chats, the atmosphere is really relaxed and happy, the kindness and cosiness like a spring breeze always make people involuntarily admire. &1t;/

Although Luke wanted to stay, he still chose to take the initiative to leave, generously leaving the interview space to Ned and other eager reporters. After nodding politely, Luke turned around and started walking. &1t;/

"Len Li, who would you choose for the best actor in a drama tonight?" Ned did not impatiently start to ask Lan Li's gossip questions, but followed the momentum of the topic just now and asked questions. &1t;/

This kind of interview method made people feel more comfortable with retreat and progress in one go. Lan Li did not evade, expressing his opinion smoothly, "Luke, I will choose Luke."&1t;/

The other reporters standing beside Ned were slightly taken aback, "What about James?"&1t;/

James McAvoy. &1t;/

Compared to Luke Treadway, James is now in Hollywood and he is very proud and has an amazing momentum. Everyone thought that Renly and James had a personal friendship, even if they were not close friends, they were at least closer. &1t;/

Lan Li did not answer, but shrugged slightly and kept smiling. The silent way, the response couldn't be clearer: he still chose Luke instead of James. &1t;/

In terms of professionalism, Lan Li has always been sincere. Just like the contest between Jennifer Lawrence and Jessica Chastain, the duel between Luke Treadway and James McAvoy, Renley also insisted on his own judgment and choice, which came from the professionalism of the performers. Literacy. It has nothing to do with public relations, and it has nothing to do with friendship. &1t;/

The reporters' eyes suddenly burst into green light: if they want, they can fully hype the relationship between Lan Li and James and provoke provocations. &1t;/

However, here is the Oliver Award, a professional stage. Even the reporters' gossip minds are quite indifferent. Ned was the first to change the subject and continue the question just now, "So what about you?"&1t;/

"I mean," Ned added immediately, "Do you have any expectations for the award tonight?"&1t;/

"Keep looking forward, stay humble, and stay calm." Lan Li said frankly, not too low-key to express politeness, those bright eyes flashed a confident look; but not too high-key to express self-confidence, that The calm smile precipitated the pride of publicity. &1t;/

There seems to be no special answer, revealing a relaxed and unhurried demeanor. &1t;/

Later, Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, "Standing on this stage tonight, let us enjoy it. As for the awards, everything will go with the flow. I think there are many things worthy of the awards. We pay attention, don’t we? For example, I heard that Lady Sir Helen Mirren will be attending, and I really want to discuss with her up close the drama'The Queen Summoned'."&1t;/

The enthusiasm between the eyebrows did not hide the enthusiasm deep in my heart. &1t;/

Ned knew that Renly was serious. &1t;/

But other reporters were unwilling to stop there. There was a questioning voice next to him, "This time is different after all. If you can win the Oliver Award, and then win the Tony Award, then you will succeed in achieving egot, don't you ever Have you never considered this matter?"&1t;/

Lan Li's gaze projected toward the source of the sound, and he reminded with a smile, "Yes, as you said, this is the Oliver Award, not the Tony Award."&1t;/

Such a frontal and sharp counterattack made the atmosphere on the scene slightly stagnate in an instant, and even felt the blade in Lan Li’s words. The eyes of other reporters were intertwined, revealing a glorious look. How could they forget that Renly has never been able to easily control it. &1t;/

"But... that's egot!" &1t;/

Some reporters still tried to chase after him unwillingly, and then he could see Lan Li's mouth slightly pursed, brows frowned, showing a look of confusion and curiosity, "I don't quite understand, egot is in the "Avengers" Can the blue energy block in the world? Can destroy the earth? Or can it dominate the interstellar?"&1t;/

In analogy, it was full of funny feelings of joy, and made a side response in a light-hearted, gagging way. Obviously, compared to the hustle and bustle of the media, Lan Li has never really considered this matter at all. &1t;/

"If this is all, then we can wait until the Tony Award to discuss this issue. As for now, I decided to pay homage to Sir Lawrence Oliver's glory." Lan Li still maintained his graceful manner, and responded with a smile on his face. After that, he just turned around and left. &1t;/

The reporters were completely panicked. &1t;/

After the Oscars ceremony, Lan Li disappeared completely, not to mention public appearances, and even the clues on social networks can not be found everywhere, as if he disappeared like a worldly expert. So low-key, so secretive, and rigorously challenge the paparazzi authority in the Internet age. &1t;/

Now, after two months, Renly has officially "exposed" his whereabouts for the first time. This is definitely an extremely rare opportunity. There have been countless things that have happened during this period of time, not just egot, but here. In addition, there are many topics worth discussing and exploring; but now? &1t;/

Only three questions were raised up and down, and then Lan Li left. What should I do? &1t;/

In an instant, the reporters all shouted hoarsely, all kinds of strange questions and various names were vented like a downpour, trying to keep Lan Li's footsteps away. &1t;/

But obviously, this is a failed attempt. &1t;/

The reporters had to quicken their pace, like a school of sardines, swarming in the direction of Lanly's departure. The huge and lively tail on the red carpet is magnificent. It is a rare sight. Even the spectators standing on the other side of the red carpet witnessed all this with jaw-dropping. &1t;/

Unfortunately, it still doesn't help. &1t;/

Only a handful of reporters stayed where they were, and Ned was one of them. &1t;/

Because he knew that Lan Li was never the kind of actor that could be easily manipulated. The uprightness and pride in his bones concealed a stubborn stubbornness, which made reporters hate it, but made the onlookers admire him. &1t;/

Originally, Ned wanted to inquire about Lanly's next plan and continue the holiday? Return to the West End? Or "burst drummer"? &1t;/

As the hottest actor in the world now, there is no one. Lan Li’s every move affects the direction of countless sights; but now, Ned realizes that the attention and attention from the outside is always just for Lan Li. The halo attached to the outside was nothing but his decision. &1t;/

In other words, Renly will still follow his own set pace no matter what. &1t;/

Then, those gossip questions lose their meaning. So, even if there is no question, there is no loss. &1t;/

Now, what Ned is even more curious about is, can Renly really reach the Oliver Award smoothly? &1t;/

Is it because of egot, and not just because the industry insiders in the West End of egot are willing to open their hearts to accept the young and talented blue gift? If we gain a firm foothold in the West End, what kind of changes will Renly's career curve usher in? &1t;/

The Oscar curse has not yet completely dissipated. People are waiting for the release of the two works "Drunk Country Folk Song" and "Gravity" to verify the powerful influence of the curse. Are they about to usher in the double curse of egot in advance? Body? &1t;/

Even if Lan Li doesn't care the film industry circles in the United Kingdom, the United States, and even the world can't help but care. This is the time to change history, and it is also the time to change the industrial structure. &1t;/

Ned faintly began to look forward to it. &1t;/


Compared with reporters and the restlessness within the industry, Lan Li, as a party, has always been calm. &1t;/

Not because he didn't care, but because he was in the blue sea and blue sky. The vastness and magnificence of nature made everything insignificant. Lan Li was completely immersed in himself and the sky. There was no time or space to think about the meaning of egot. Everything is only about oneself, about life, and about existence. &1t;/

After broadening his mind, gains and losses gradually calmed down. &1t;/

What's more, Lan Li sincerely believes that he is not a favorite to win prizes above the Oliver and Tony Awards. &1t;/

Not because of his youth, but because of his immaturity. &1t;/

On the stage of drama, he still lacks experience and experience, and needs to be polished slowly, settled slowly, and learn slowly. Perhaps, one day in the future, he can stand on the highest stage of drama and welcome his own glory, but not this year. &1t;/

This year's favorite winner should be Michael Ball. ...&1t;/

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