The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1236: End of long vacation

Lan Li is not a qualified filmmaker.

For professional producers, they should firmly hold the decision and initiative in their own hands, and control the quality of the finished products. Harvey Weinstein, Jerry Bruckheimer, etc. are all in this way.

But Renly is not like that now. He is working hard to gain more creative space for Damien Chazele, and give the creative rights to the director himself; essentially, Renly, like Damien, are both art creators, not businessmen.

Of course, Lan Li did not try to become a qualified filmmaker.

Regarding the current situation in Hollywood, Lan Li is relatively one-sided. Even matters related to actors are not specific enough. They are only heard, and more are left to Andy Rogers. But the basic common sense is still understood. The fiercer the competition, the greater the choice. The final decision is indeed extremely difficult, but for art films, it is still possible.

Lanly hopes that Damien can shoot the "burst drummer" according to his own ideas.

Andre stared at the smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth, gently jawed, expressing his understanding, but it didn't mean agreeing. Although they are friends, different considerations still need to be made at critical moments.

However, the final decision is not a matter of urgency. The top priority now should be to find a suitable partner who can complete the cooperation in line and production.

Andre believes that as long as he can find a partner smoothly, then the "burst drummer" must be in his pocket. Regarding his personal relationship with Lan Li, he has enough confidence that even the six major Hollywood studios can't match it; as for the final decision rights, they will find a balance. Now, it depends on how he works.

No one thought that the uproar of the North American native 6 did not affect Lan Li's judgment and choice in the slightest. Unknowingly, someone sneaked away. I don’t know how Barry Meyer and Ron Meyer would feel when they knew about it?

"When will the holiday end?" Andre took the initiative to change the subject and didn't continue the serious discussion.

"The day after tomorrow." Lan Li stretched out, "please don't remind me of such ruthless facts. I still want to enjoy the next leisurely holiday."

Andre also spit out without giving any face, "You can go on vacation as long as you want. The question is, can you hold back your loneliness, okay?"

"It's as if you can never endure loneliness, right?" Lanly's answer immediately gave Andre a glance and retorted with disgust, "I thought you were taking the implicit route."


When people discuss the similarities between London and New York, there are bound to be a thousand different opinions in the eyes of a thousand people. For Lanly, the bones and blood of the two cities are completely different, but the temperament that bursts out is similar: they are always so annoying, so irritable and so noisy, but they are always unpleasant. On the contrary, After getting used to it, I started to miss it instead.

The South Island of New Zealand is so bright and clear. The mint-blue sky is high and far away. Raising your hands up high makes you feel like you can embrace the entire universe; while London is so turbid and chaotic, that vast expanse of gray. It spread, and the black pressure made people breathless. From a distance, you could hear the roar of the engine and feel the heat of the crowd.

At the end of the long-distance flight, when both feet stepped on the ground of Heathrow Airport, the disgusting and nostalgic feeling came to my heart again. With the stark gap, Lan Li originally thought that he would be dissatisfied, but in fact he felt a sense of intimacy, and the whole person slowly relaxed.

In fact, Lanly did not expect at all that he would return to London so quickly. Even after experiencing the incident with Edith and Arthur, he never thought about it. He thought the holiday would last for a while, he thought Life will be comfortable for a while, and he thinks the focus will remain calm for a while.

But the plan always fails to keep up with the changes. He did not deliberately plan to return, nor did he deliberately avoid going home. When the opportunity came, he took the flight to London.

What's more, the last time I stayed in London, it was five months ago, and now I am returning to London again, I really miss it.

This time, it was the theater stage in the West End that summoned Lan Li to return.

Since the departure of Lan Liwei's cast, John Cod's version of "Les Miserables" has replaced a number of actors and continued to perform in the Almeida Theater, and it has achieved success and has been sought after by a large number of audiences.

During Christmas last year, the Blue Gift version of "Les Miserables" was officially aired on BBC TV. Because the complete repertoire was six hours long, the TV station had to broadcast the first half and the second half on two days. Nevertheless, this It has successfully led to a frenzy of audience ratings. The two-day program both created the highest ratings and the highest number of viewers for drama programs after the millennium.

Even in the United States is no exception.

In the battle to buy the copyright of TV broadcasting, three cable TV stations and a public TV station joined the competition. In the end, hbo TV station successfully stood out and took over the broadcasting of "Les Miserables" in North America.

Before the official broadcast, hbo TV station launched a series of promotion and publicity, and finally chose to broadcast before the Oscars. Relying on this strong word-of-mouth effect and popular appeal, the number of live broadcast and rebroadcast viewers both created historical records. And it has caused a frenzy of discussion on the Internet.

Generally speaking, for the TV stations of stage plays, the popularity of British audiences far exceeds that of American audiences, and the two are not even on the same level. However, this time the "Les Miserables" has succeeded in making waves on both sides of the Atlantic. Not trivial.

This is not all.

Around the New Year’s Day in 2o13, the United Kingdom and the United States successively ran the "Les Miserables" DVD discs, and then followed them in France, Germany, Austria and other European countries and regions. Amidst a wave of sales frenzy, the drama category was created across the board. The sales record of video discs, and successfully climbed to the top of the sales rankings in various countries and regions.

This is an unexpected result.

Nonetheless, the sales figures are still eye-catching. You know, with the decline of the West Side and Broadway, the sales of drama video CDs have also shown a cliff-jumping dive. Just like movie tapes and physical music albums, who wants to support a genuine drama work?

This time it was different. The craze of "Les Miserables" seems to have no end in sight, and is constantly surging.

But where there is support, there will be opposition, and where there is a boom, there will be cold water

Many industry veterans said that this is just a curious onlooker effect. Essentially, this still cannot improve the overall trend of the gradual decline of drama. On the contrary, it may blur the focus because of Lan Li’s personal aura, causing people to have unnecessary expectations and discussions about drama, and it is difficult to smooth the future exhibition of drama. Negative impact.

However, since the new cast of "Les Miserables" was staged at the Almeida Theater, this idea is gradually changing, and more and more young theater lovers are heading to the West End and Broadway.

Perhaps they are just because of curiosity and exploration rather than appreciation of high art, but at least, Lan Li’s powerful influence is further infiltrating, attracting the attention of the younger generation, and after successfully planting the seeds, they quietly wait for the time. Power to see if they can take root.

Of course, the attendance rate of the Almeida Theatre is not comparable to the Queen's Theatre version. After all, the six-hour length has scared away many tourists and audiences; but an average attendance rate of over 80% is very, very rare. It can even be said to be unbelievable, all aspects have achieved unimaginable achievements in the past ten years.

This is undoubtedly very exciting news for the Almeida Theatre and the West End. The enthusiasm of art creators has been ignited again thanks to the great success of the six-hour version of "Les Miserables" Now many foundations in the West District have begun to allocate funds to support the creation of more independent dramas, and training programs for young actors have also been active. It can be faintly felt that the vitality of the West District has been revived for a long time.

However, the six-hour long standby performance, as well as the continuous rotation of six days a week, is undoubtedly a severe test of the actor's physical strength and energy, and it can even be said to be a hell-style temper.

Because of this, the Almeida Theater is preparing to change the third set of casts again in June, when the new version of "Les Miserables" plays for one year, including a collective reshuffle of the first and second lineups, and then Continue to a new round of performances.

Around this plan, the Almeida Theater also prepared related commemorative activities for the first anniversary of the new version of the repertoire.

Originally, Emma Fielding hoped that Ren Liwei’s first set of cast members could return, and on the occasion of the first anniversary, it would bring the audience a visual and auditory feast, but the actors’ schedule was really difficult. With cooperation, such a bold idea can only helplessly give up. However, Almeida Theater still made relevant arrangements as much as possible, and issued an invitation letter to actively and enthusiastically invite the actors to return to participate in the event.

In addition to the incredible success of the first anniversary of the performance, "Les Miserables" also ushered in another kind of carnival Oliver Award nomination sweep, once again became the absolute focus of the industry's unique, set off an unparalleled wave. The center of the whirlpool is obviously still Lan Li.

It was from a comprehensive consideration of all aspects that, after two months of isolation, Renly appeared again at London's Heathrow International Airport and returned to the public eye.

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