The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1233: Continuous fermentation

"Robert Iger, the head of Disney, said: I am very happy to see Renly Hall join the Marvel family."

"The'Batman' project that is being restarted will lock Lanly Hall to take over the new Batman uniform."

"Fox Searchlight went all out to fight for Hall's new production."

"Len Li-Hall strikes again: the second official independent producer, aiming at independent art films!"

"Rumor: The Coen brothers and Lanly-Hall have reached a cooperation agreement, and Hall will appear more at the Sundance Film Festival."

"Warner Bros. is striving for Hall's latest project:'Burst Drummer'."

"Following the "Drunken Country Folk Song", Hall is expected to appear in music again, which is very exciting.


66 Continuing, news about the "Burst Drummer" gradually began to increase. As time progressed, more and more attention and sights were gained, and it became the best hot topic in the spring of March, which attracted a lot of attention. Then a wave of heated discussions spread widely on social networks.

But such a heat wave is far from reaching its peak. When the "U.S. Weekly" broke the news for the first time, it really stirred up the stormy sea and successfully gathered all the attention firmly.

"Ren Li-Hall's production project, the six major Hollywood film companies are competing together! The bayonet is popular! Head to head!"

The six major Hollywood studios?

Such a grand occasion can definitely be said to have not been seen for many years. Not to mention that all the six major companies have come forward. Any one film project can attract two or three companies to compete one after another. This is already very rare. After all, there are no projects waiting to start production in Hollywood. Ten thousand and eight thousand, there is no need to squeeze in a project.

Now, Gavin Hunter of "U.S. Weekly" broke the news exclusively.

Although the title is exclusive, it is actually not very accurate. Twenty-five minutes before the "U.S. Weekly" manuscript was uploaded, the tmz website had already exploded fierce news first, pushing this wave to a climax.

"Join the battle! Focus Pictures officially made an offer to join the competition for the production rights and exercise rights of'Burst Drummer'!"

In the battle for "Burst Drummers", five of the six major Hollywood film companies have already taken action, but Universal Pictures has been slow to move. After nearly a month of silence, Universal Pictures' focus film Kye finally couldn't bear it and officially joined the melee.

Focus Pictures and Fox Searchlight are independent subsidiaries. Although they belong to Universal Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox, they have their own operating system and independent leadership, and they will not influence each other's decision-making. However, the relationship between the subsidiary and the parent company is still different after all. Compared with other companies, mutual assistance in a strategic sense is very common, just as New Line Pictures is the same to Warner Bros.

In the "Burst Drummer" project, Universal Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox are the same. Compared with the parent company, the subsidiary is more suitable and more competitive. After Fox Searchlight joined the battle, Focus Films has remained silent, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future exhibition framework of Ron Meyer and Universal Pictures is more or less influential.

Now, according to tmz website reports, Focus Films has finally taken an important step.

The report broke the news that Lang’s decision was the result of careful consideration and struggling. Pressure from Steven Spielberg, Paul Walker, Focus Pictures, and competitors from multiple sources finally forced Lang to change his original intentions. , And worked out a huge exhibition plan

"Burst Drummer" is just one part of it. Projects such as "Jurassic Park: Extinction" and "Degree and Excitement/Emotion 7" have begun to be fully launched, and even the Luke Hobbs Gaiden project has reappeared in Above the desktop.

Universal Pictures, which has always been bad at producing and operating sequel projects, finally decided to build the next three-year plan centering on Renly after thinking twice, looking forward to "Jurassic Park" and "Degree and Excitement/Emotion". "The two series can smoothly become their major projects.

Naturally, Focus Films also began to cooperate with the parent company's plan and take the initiative.

However, less than seventy-two hours after tmz broke the news, they updated the news again: Ron Meyer personally still insisted on resisting and refused to compromise, but under the pressure of the board of directors, he was forced to nod and agree. Related plans. At present, there are still disagreements within Universal Pictures, and Diesel is also trying to disrupt a pool of muddy water.

Obviously, in the battle for interests, it is still difficult to decide a result within a short period of time. This dog-blood drama has just been unveiled, but Universal Pictures must speed up, because other film companies won't wait patiently for them to sort out their ideas before they come to a decisive victory.

Back to tmz's initial revelations, the olive branch of Focus Films can be said to have stirred up waves with one stone, and they are the place for exclusive reports.

However, "U.S. Weekly" is the first media to fully analyze the battle for "Burst Drummer". It is only less than 25 minutes behind tmz. This also means that they have been paying close attention to the development of related projects and also I learned about the decision of Focus Pictures for the first time, and then wrote the topic as quickly as possible.

This is also exclusive.

In the article, Gavin explained the ins and outs of "Burst Drummer" and Damien Chazele's personal resume. More importantly, he also asked Lanly's personal opinions via telephone interview and confirmed The importance and expectation of Lan Li himself for the project is undoubtedly very important information.

Afterwards, Gavin made a detailed list of competitors. In addition to the six major Hollywood film companies, many independent film companies have also taken action, hoping to take over the "burst drummer" and open the beginning of short-term or long-term cooperation with Lanly , The intensity of competition has reached an unprecedented height.

"According to incomplete statistics, there are now at least 14 film companies participating in the competition, actively expressing their willingness to cooperate, and striving for the production and execution of the project.

At present, Fox Searchlight and Warner Bros. are temporarily in the leading position, and relevant negotiations and meetings are progressing very smoothly. Paramount and Disney's strategic plan are more holistic, and innovative artist brokerage companies are in close meetings. "

You can really feel the fierce and fierce competition just literally.

In the article, Gavin analyzed:

"As an artistic actor, after being polished and refined by a series of works such as'Crazy Love' and'Take Off', Lan Li-Hall, who is under 24 years old, has undoubtedly become a new generation of acting leaders. character.

As a commercial actor, the profitable myth of six consecutive works, and the 500 million box office in North America of "Edge of Tomorrow", Lan Li-Hall has now become the most appealing actor in the North American market.

As a practitioner in the film industry, from the "Pacific War" to "Take off", as well as the "Gravity" and "Drunk Country Folk Songs" currently in post-production, Lanly Hall's precise and critical vision of film selection is well known .

It is against this background that Hall has become the hottest actor in the North American film industry, and his influence is unmatched. This time, the "burst drummer", as an independent low-cost art film, has an investment cost. It is not high, the positioning group is accurate, and Hall’s joining will undoubtedly become an important guarantee for the success of the work. Naturally, it attracted a phenomenal response throughout the industry. "

After Gavin’s article was published on the official website of "U.S. Weekly", Xun received a wide range of responses. The frenzy of discussions on Twitter and Facebook could hardly stop. "" sign, this is enough to make the audience express great expectations, even the most literary and contradictory "off", also won a large number of audiences.

In fact, the audience's response is only the tip of the iceberg, giving the major production companies higher expectations and confidence, unswervingly believing that this work can be successful, and further stimulating fierce feedback competition.

"Fox Searchlight: This will be a work comparable to'Social Network' and'Black Swan'."

"Warner Bros.: Ten million U.S. dollars! Spending money to build a unique "Burst Drummer"."

"Paramount and the creative artist management company intend to join forces to create a long-term plan for ten works, including'Burst Pictures withdraws from the'Burst Drummer' competition, looking forward to Lan Li-Hall joining' Where Spider-Man 2', teamed up with Andrew Garfield to create a youth version of Spider-Man."

"Disney and Andy Rogers are in close discussions,'Star Wars' has become a potential target for cooperation, and'Burst Drummer' is a beginning."

"Disagreements within Universal Pictures still exist, but Focus Pictures and Damien Chazele's negotiations are getting on the right track!"

"Breaking the news: Roadside scenery and Lan Li-Hall reached a consensus and hoped to intercept the'Burst Drummer' project!"

"Mutant students: Warner Bros. has reached a strategic cooperation with an innovative artist agency, but whether it includes the'Burst Drummer' project is not yet known. The specific situation needs further official announcement.


There was a lot of talk, and there was a real talk, but all media reporters knew that they were just standing outside watching the excitement. The real negotiation and negotiation process is all about seeing the flowers in the fog. Before the decision is made, everything is unknown, and they are also I can only catch the wind and catch the shadows. Now all the news is inaccurate, because there is no official announcement.

In just one week, the entire Hollywood was surging. Around the "Blasting Drummer" project, the interests of all parties have reached incredible heights. It is not just Andy and Damien, but things have risen to the company level. The negotiation process is naturally more difficult.

But everything is meaningless to Renly

Except for Gavin's telephone interview, all the other news are fake news. He didn't answer anyone's phone. Even Andy, they had no communication before the matter was confirmed. Now Lan Li, he is enjoying his vacation thoroughly.

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