The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1225: 1 choice

Damien is telling the truth. He really has not conceived an actor, even if he has a perfect lineup in his mind, because this project has been unable to find a producer, he has no starting point, and he has no ability. Nor is it qualified to conceive a best lineup.

Damien was still in an uncertain state until he met Ren Li.

He doesn’t know whether he can find producers and investors for his work, or if he waits boringly forever; he also doesn’t know what kind of producers and investors he can meet. A person who appreciates himself, but his work has been changed beyond recognition; he still does not know whether his work will be successful, even if it is shot according to his own ideas, whether it can be on the big screen is still unknown.

Don't know, not sure, not clear.

This is the state of Damien's life and the state of preparation for the "burst drummer".

When Lan Li's face appeared in his sight, Damien's mind flashed. Isn't Lan Li the perfect choice?

This is true in all respects, because this is originally a story about college students and requires young actors to perform. In the entire Hollywood, there are only a handful of young actors with acting skills, not to mention that it can interpret Andrew's madness. Feeling alive.

Damien even thought about looking for a young actor with drum set experience, and the performance should not be too ostentatious. This is enough.

But now I saw the inspiration in Lan Li’s mind bursting out like a fountain, and he could even directly construct that lifelike picture; however, before he had time to describe it further, Damien stopped abruptly. How did he forget the most The most important thing is that the more outstanding the actor, the rarer it is. How could Lan Li be willing to star in an unknown work?

The excitement just settled bit by bit, as if it was obvious that the light was dimming, Damien drooped his shoulders and squirmed his mouth unconsciously, but he didn't know what to say and raised his eyes. , Secretly glanced at Lan Li again.

Then Damien saw a playful smile in Lan Li’s eyes. If the curvature of the corner of his mouth rose up as if there was no ground, Damien’s heart could not be lifted up high, almost blocking his throat. Eye up.

"I think this is a very interesting proposal." Lan Li chuckled softly, expressing his opinion.

This is not a joke.

Acting as Andrew, a character who wanders between reality and illusion, paranoidly impacts his own artistic boundaries, and finally truly lives in madness, as if he sold his soul to the devil, and truly found his own perfection in the field of art , This is definitely a very, very interesting performance experience.

Unlike any previous works, this time Lanli needs to present his own feelings and experience of exploring the boundaries of art, which is equivalent to analyzing and presenting himself, truly breaking the boundary between performance and reality, not wandering through it, but Break completely, enter the chaotic zone between the two, and experience the feeling of madness alive.

What's more, Andrew is a bastard. Chaos without compromise, despite being the protagonist, can't make the audience like it. This is different from "Edge of Tomorrow". After all, William Cage still needs the charm of the screen to attract the audience. But "Burst Drummer" doesn't need it. To some extent, Andrew even needs to make the audience nauseous and disgusted. The performance is considered a success.

In other words, this can be regarded as an experience challenging the "villain" role.

When Lan Li received the "Thor" script, the first reaction in his mind was to play Rocky instead of Sol, but due to a blunder, his wish was still not fulfilled, and every subsequent one. Works are like this.

Although each role, style and type of each work is different, it is always what Lan Li has been working hard to insist on constantly challenging new roles and widening the boundaries of performance.

Therefore, "Burst Drummer" is indeed an excellent proposal.

However, this time, Lan Li did not have that passionate feeling, not because the characters and script were not attractive enough, nor because the director and the project were not good enough, but because he was really tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

After shooting two works of "Gravity" and "Drunk Country Folk Songs" in succession, Lan Li consumed almost all of his energy, and the exhaustion that bursts from the depths of the soul lingered, even in the face of the "burst drummer". If it were before, he would have cheered for joy and couldn't wait to get involved in the filming, but now he is calm and still unable to arouse enthusiasm.

"If the time is right, I would be very happy to star in this work." Lan Li said seriously, "However, I have not planned to work for some time recently. I need to take a good rest period. I am not sure how long the rest will last, maybe one month , Maybe two months, maybe longer, I haven't figured it out yet."

"When I am ready, if the role is still vacant, then it is my honor to join the crew; but in order not to delay the production of your work, I want to speed it up." Lan Li showed a slight smile. "Relax, even though I am on vacation during this period, I will immediately look for suitable objects to commission your works."

After the excitement and excitement gradually settled, Damien found his calm again.

He could perceive that Lan Li was sincere. At least, he was willing to believe that Lan Li was sincere. Those dark brown eyes seemed to be able to truly understand his mental journey, the hardships and bitterness of artistic creation, and those unreasonable troubles. Perseverance and stubbornness, from the depths of their souls, they can find similar parts to each other.

This time, Damien was not impulsive, but carefully considered the words, "Len Li, I am serious. I think you are the perfect choice to play Andrew. I know I know that everyone should be the same. What you said, at least, I have heard it countless times."

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and said jokingly, "Why don't I know?"

Damien was stunned and laughed blankly. "We new directors and independent creators who are waiting for the opportunity, when we are conceiving a script, we always imagine what the most perfect lineup should be, so that we can achieve it. The effect in our minds. In the past year or so, you have always been the most suitable choice, perfect performance, perfect image, perfect dedication, and most importantly, you have never rejected independent films."

Perceiving the smile on Lan Li’s face, Damien lowered his eyes with a chuckle, “I’m not trying to compliment you on purpose, it’s all facts. As I said, I can’t think of a more perfect choice other than you. "

"Even if I don't know how to play drums?" Lan Li interjected again.

After being interrupted again and again, Damien looked at Lan Li helplessly, and then he caught the smile at Lan Li’s mouth. He was helpless and could only nod his head, "Yes, even if you don’t know how to play drums. I don’t. Too sure how long you need to rest, but the shooting and production of the work, as well as the later stage, as long as it can catch up with Sundance next year, I am willing to wait for you."

Lan Li did not answer, but slightly pursed the corners of his lips, and said solemnly, "I think the director is a liar. You say this to every actor, just to deceive them by nodding and agreeing to appear in your work. I think "You are the perfect choice." This should be a formula that must be learned in the director industry."

From Drake Doremus, to Alfonso Cuarón, to the Coen brothers, and even to Steven Spielberg, everyone was like this. At the beginning they expressed great excitement. Gradually, Ren Li began Beware, if the same sentence is heard too much, it is worthless.

Damien chuckled happily, spreading his hands, "Maybe. If this is the case, it means that I have learned the basics of the industry well, and this is a good start."

Lan Li's jaw slightly, with an expression of "Look, I see through your strategy", and then began to chat, "Why would you have thought of creating such a script? This is not a particularly bright creative idea."

Lan Li and Damien are sitting next to the bar in the train carriage. You look at me and talk to each For the time being, I put aside the matter of seeking investment, and temporarily put aside the bustle of the Oscar night, just The two film lovers began to exchange their own film insights and opinions, and from time to time the disputes became red-faced, but the passage of time began to lose its meaning.

When I woke up in my apartment the next day, it was already in the afternoon.

I had been chatting until four o'clock in the morning last night, and seeing the dawn on the edge of the sky, the two of them left the train carriage and waved goodbye. Staying up all night is not a problem. The problem is that I drank too much coffee last night. After the drowsy sleep passed, my head was a little bit painful.

Lan Li believes that he needs a cup of hot milk now.

But unfortunately, this is Los Angeles. Because Lanly does not stay here all year round, the refrigerator is empty. Without Matthew's help to fill the daily food, there is almost no sign of inhabitation in the entire apartment. Therefore, Lan Li could only wash and bathe, changed a set of clothes, and left the house to search for food for the hungry stomach and intestines.

California's sunshine always has a lazy breath. At around three o'clock in the afternoon, sitting outside in the open-air coffee house, soaking in the sun, enjoying a cup of coffee or black tea leisurely, the comfort of life makes people slow down. , Reluctant to stand up, just want to slowly melt in this piece of warmth.

At this moment, New York is still bitterly cold and rainy. No wonder people always say that the East Bank and West Bank are two completely different ways of life.

At this moment, there was a sound from the opposite side of Lanly, which was the sound of pulling the seat, and then Andy Rogers' familiar voice rang, "Waitress, give me a cup of espresso, thank you."

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