The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1221: Waiting for the opportunity

The paparazzi waiting opposite the parking lot at the back entrance of the Sunset Tower Hotel were in a commotion. They cast their gazes towards the longitudinal street on the right, and then they could see the three paparazzi rushing back, shouting, " Really, real! Lan Li has really entered the trailer restaurant, and he chatted with the waiter and ordered a cup of coffee and a sandwich."

"Wow," the paparazzi suddenly became excited, and they exchanged their sights one after another.

"You said, should we follow this clue? Maybe, what special person is Renly waiting for at the trailer? Maybe it's a scandal?"

"I think it might be an anecdote, otherwise, how could Renly leave the Oscar night alone?"

"I don't think so. Last year and the year before last, Lan Li didn't attend the Oscars. Why is this an exception this year? I think Lan Li just didn't want to stay anymore, so he left alone. This is what it is. His choice of personality."

"Then... will Lan Li come back?"

Standing beside him quietly, Eliot did not participate in the discussion.

He deeply believes that if Lan Li is purely going out to eat a sandwich or hamburger, and then returning to Oscar night, this is absolutely possible. With Lan Li’s personality, it is impossible to predict his behavior at all. , But he knew that he did not want to follow the line of Lan Li, he refused, solemnly refused!

The paparazzi had a good commotion for a while, but after all, no one took a step. Although Lan Li is now one of the biggest hot figures in Hollywood, in the past few months, there is still a lack of hot spots. What's more, Lan Li just chose to leave alone, it doesn’t look like there is a major news. appearance.

In the meantime, two paparazzi were still not reconciled and ran to the opposite side of the street to investigate, but there was still nothing, and they finally returned dejectedly.

Elliott, who was watching everything, expressed deep satisfaction with his wisdom.


Once upon a time, Sunset Boulevard, which was a smash hit in Hollywood, has gradually declined. Many mansions have been abandoned and dilapidated. Some have been renovated, some have been overthrown and rebuilt, and some have been battered by wind and rain. Zhong gradually lost its original appearance, and could no longer recognize it.

The open space near the west end of the avenue is preserved. A mottled red train carriage is parked abruptly above the bricks and weeds. On the left is a luxury resort villa, and on the right is a traditional western cowboy restaurant. On the opposite side is the famous Sunset Tower Hotel. Surrounded on three sides, this small open space stands alone and stubbornly standing here, out of step with the surrounding bustling and noisy surroundings. Now it’s strange and narrated quietly. The history and ups and downs of this avenue.

At this time, Lan Li was sitting in this train carriage.

Actually, this is a restaurant that serves American breakfast and Mexican cuisine. Just like the countless driver restaurants on both sides of the highway in the United States, everything is the simplest meal, but it has the distinctive characteristics of the United States. A plate of scrambled eggs, a sandwich, and two pieces of bacon are enough with a cup of coffee.

Sitting next to the bar in the train carriage, you can see the endless scene of the sunset tower hotel entrance directly opposite. It is noisy and turbulent. It seems that everyone is trying their best to get into it; while on the opposite side of the street, you can enjoy the difficulty. The tranquility of confidence is like sitting on the side of the road, watching the comings and goings of all living beings.

Being in the center of Los Angeles, but savoring a touch of western recklessness.

Perhaps this is the most wonderful place on Sunset Boulevard.

Tasting the coffee in front of me, without sugar and milk, the slight bitterness is like soot on the tip of the tongue. My eyebrows can't help but frown, and he raises his head to look at the waiter not far away, "This pot Is the coffee burnt?"

The waiter laughed happily, "Sorry, I have been paying attention to the excitement behind me before. I didn't pay attention and it burnt accidentally. To apologize, I can give you a puff for free. Trust me , You'll like it." The waiter cleverly filled a small dish with a puff, placed it next to the Lanly Coffee, and blinked, "Apologize again."

The restaurant is located directly opposite the Sunset Tower Hotel. Every year's Oscar nights are closely watched, and he naturally recognizes Lan Li at first sight.

In fact, not only the Lanli, but almost every Oscar night, many actors and directors can welcome many actors and directors in the train carriages. They are very happy to add a little energy here before or after the party. Enjoy a moment of tranquility; there is also a mobile hamburger dining car next to the train car, where business is even more prosperous

When the Oscars ceremony just ended tonight, a group of big stars surrounded this place. He even saw Li/An, the winner of tonight's best director, holding a golden man in one hand and a hamburger in the other, feasting.

So seeing Lan Li at this time, the waiter didn't make a fuss too much.

"Is it just me? Or is his coffee burnt?" Lan Li smiled and motioned to the young man who was sitting outside the two empty seats on his left.

At this moment, there are only two of them next to the entire bar. You don't need to deliberately to notice each other. However, all of the young man's mind was concentrated on the sunset tower hotel opposite, and he didn't even notice Lan Li's entry and exit.

The waiter smiled and said, "I don't think he would mind. He has been sitting here for three full hours. After refilling the cup countless times, I strongly suspect that his taste buds have lost their sense." In such a dining car. Here, the coffee is always refilled indefinitely.

"I don't mind." The young man seemed to have finally noticed the conversation and proactively retorted, "But the problem is that my stomach is full of coffee and can't eat puffs anymore, so I still refuse. "Then he shrugged slightly, "What's more, I like burnt coffee. It keeps me awake."

This is a very young guy, with a roll like instant noodles, curled up just like a poodle, even more serious than Justin Timberlake's roll. Such a cute appearance makes that childish. The fat face of the undressed baby became greener, and it seemed that he had just graduated from university or even not graduated.

A dark gray shirt, a lacquered black suit, and a dark blue tie with diagonal stripes.

The seemingly formal dress, but the flaws can be clearly seen.

Shirts and suits do not fit well, and awkward marks can be seen on the shoulders, elbows, sleeves and hem; the slightly loosened tie knot untied the top shirt button, and the cuff buttons seemed to have been loosened too After a while, it seemed as if I had waited for too long to be suppressed and suffocated. The muscles and nerves were tightened to the extreme, and I had to loosen it slightly.

details determine everything.

Just like the image of Mark Zuckerberg presented in the "social network", even if he is dressed in formal clothes, his body reveals many details that are arrogant and difficult to control, which is in sharp contrast with the other founders' lines; at this time; The same is true of young people in a suit, but still can't give him a calm and sophisticated temperament.

The young man gently pointed to the coffee cup in front of him, "Sorry, can I refill it again?"

He seemed to catch Lan Li’s projected gaze, turned his head slightly, and looked at Lan Li’s dress suit and leather shoes from the side of his gaze. It was bright, docile, and meticulous, but for them, the details of these suits were It doesn't make sense. The suits of Wall Street and Oscar seem to be the same.

Simply and plainly, he thought that next to him should be an elite of Wall Street, or like him, a hunter who came with a clear and strong purpose.

"So, you are also waiting for someone?" He withdrew his gaze, just glanced at the other person's face, but his attention had already shifted first, he didn't pay too much attention at all, and then he picked up his own again. After taking a sip of the coffee cup, the hot coffee made him grin, but he still swallowed.

"It's really difficult, isn't it? I've been thinking now, is it right? I just rushed up like this, stuffed my work into his arms, and then prayed that he could go home and watch it~www.NovelMTL .com~ Is this too risky? Not to mention whether his security will throw me out, and I don’t think he would like to watch when he goes home."

The young man said to himself, not so much complaining, as restlessness, the whole person was full of a sense of uncertainty and anxiety, then he scratched his head vigorously, and the curl became even more messy in an instant. .

"I don't know, but... who are you waiting for?" Anyway, having nothing to do, relaxing and chatting is also a good choice, Lan Li asked in a friendly manner.

The young man shrugged, "Anyone. In the literal sense, anyone. Director, screenwriter, actor, producer, and even the photographer, I don’t care, I just need to be anyone with a name, I I hope to give him his project, let him take a look, and then find an investor."

After speaking, the young man himself smiled bitterly, "I know, this is stupid, this is the way of the eighties. But..." the young man lowered his head dejectedly, "but I have nowhere to go. The past two years Over time, I have been trying to find investors, from New York to Los Angeles, from Seattle to Chicago, I am now bankrupt, but still no one wants to invest."

"Hey", the young man laughed self-deprecatingly, "I even took a script to shoot a short film, participated in the Sundance Film Festival at the beginning of this year, and won an award. I thought it would be easier, but two months It's gone..." The young man didn't continue speaking, and shook his head helplessly. It was really hard to say anything.

"Yes, I know that waiting is really a tormenting process. What's more terrifying is that at the end of the waiting, we don't know whether the result is what we want." Lan Li smiled and agreed.

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