The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1216: Super hero

"If you were invited to play Bruce Wayne, would you be interested?" Barry Meyer asked with a smile, but he was not a kind-hearted old man, and his smile was always cunning and...treacherous. Such adjectives are not accurate, but they are the most appropriate, which makes the question meaningful.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Barry unexpectedly, and then noticed the seriousness in those eyes. This is not a joke, but sincere, but the question is-"Why? Me? I thought you were not interested in inviting me to be a hero."

"Isn't this sentence inverted? You have never been interested in acting heroes." Barry asked rhetorically.

A light smile bloomed on Lan Li’s face, and he sketched out a touch of ease, "If I say, I have always been interested in heroes, do you believe it?" After the words fell, you can capture Barry's full face. Questioning, without the slightest concealment, Lan Li smiled more and more, "Well, I admit, this is a lie."

Refusal to star in "Thor", Lan Li still has no regrets.

"Personally, I like Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, and the first two episodes of Sam Remy's Spider-Man. In addition,'X-Men: First Class' and'Avengers' "League" is also a very good work." When Lan Li lists his works, he must be more careful. "Captain America 2", "Ant-Man" and "Deadpool" almost blurted out, but these works have not been released yet. , Can't leak the bottom now.

Then, I saw Lan Li shrugging slightly, showing a little triumphant appearance, as if saying, "Look, I really like these comic hero movies." The light of the mischief flickered slightly, which made people laugh, and then went back to the original topic.

"I enjoy watching these movies very much. In fact, my personal favorite comic book hero is Wonder Woman. Did you know? Dr. William Marston (i11iam-marston) gave this manga character to It’s my own ideas on the psychological causes of **** and masochism, as well as the discussion and exploration of disc theory. This is a very interesting thing."

What Lanly said was the creator of "Wonder Woman", William Marston, PhD in psychology, and the related creative story was also shot into a movie, "Professor Marston and Wonder Woman", with a different kind The angle explains the origin of the most popular heroine in history.

"But watching and acting are two different things. For an actor, we need to meet a suitable role and a suitable time." Lan Li said frankly. Just last week, he and Paul just talked about it. Now I'm talking about this topic again on Oscar night, is this fate?

Barry showed an unexpected look. He did not expect that Lan Li knew so much about hero movies. But take a step back and think about it. Lan Li did not refuse the performance invitation of "Degree and Excitement/Emotion 5". This has already explained some problems. It is just a fan of the authorities. They have not been able to figure out Lan Li's psychology.

"So, are you interested in acting as Bruce Wayne?" Barry asked after following Lanly's words.

Time flies, things have passed by, and the vicissitudes of life.

In July last year, Barry made a special trip to London and visited Renly at the Almeida Theatre, mainly for the cooperation of the sequel of "Edge of Tomorrow" and the negotiation of details of the cooperation of "Gravity". At that time, he decided on his ideas. Inviting Lan Li to star in Batman was a violent decision, so he didn't mention it at all.

In a blink of an eye, eight months are about to pass, but things have changed drastically. In the process of searching for a new Batman, progress has not been smooth. As one of the three giants of dc comics, the Batman project is very important to the future blueprint of Warner Bros., especially after Christian Bell's version. , Even more so.

At the end of the rounds, Barry stood in front of Lan Li.

"No, I'm not interested." Lan Li's answer was so straightforward.

After a large circle of preparations and presentations, Lan Li still refused the invitation; and there was no room for negotiation. This means that what I just said was... nonsense?

Barry's eyes became playful, and without warning, he lowered his face and assumed the posture of the superior, "Are you kidding me?"

The fierce sight and violent emotions vented out in an instant, the sky was still clear in the first second, and the storm was torrential and rainy in the next.

However, Lan Li didn't show any panic, and asked calmly, "It depends on Mr. Meyer. I thought that the topic just now was just a small talk at the party, but if it was a serious cooperation negotiation, then My answer is naturally different."

Barry's expression remained unmoved, his cheeks were taut, his brows frowned, he looked fierce and evil, and his gradually deepening eyes revealed a more dangerous aura. The posture of the unangered and prestigious superior gradually made the air gradually. Condensed, "So, what if this is a formal invitation?"

Lan Li narrowed his smile and answered earnestly, "I regretfully refuse."

Barry's eyes rounded, and immediately caught the calm and calm look in Lan Li's eyes. He was not afraid of it. The powerful self-confidence that burst out from the inside out, even Barry had to secretly express his admiration. Tolerance is also rare in the entire Hollywood.

Involuntarily, Barry chuckled, sincerely.

The anger just now was just a disguise, but after all he could not deceive Lan Li. Recalling the brief confrontation just now, Barry couldn't help but shook his head slightly, "Do you know you are a lunatic?" Lan Liyi The face was calm, "Why? I think you are still interested in hero movies?"

Lan Li did not answer immediately, but stared at Barry quietly. I recalled the last conversation in the Almeida Theater in my mind. Barry showed sincerity and calmness. He was grasping the size. Is it a polite response to choosing a social occasion? Or do you exchange opinions sincerely?

Choosing the former requires taking risks, but it is an important step in future cooperation. Even if it is not a hero movie, the cooperation of "The Edge of Tomorrow" is also true; choosing the latter is to do business and maintain a good cooperative relationship not far or near, but both parties The relationship with each other cannot go further, but it is safe enough.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Lan Li still made a choice, "Because you are trying to fight Marvel and grab market share with Disney. This is a magnificent blueprint, but it ignores the work itself, even more. The character itself, this is not what I want." He chose the former.

Barry was chewing these words carefully, but Lanly did not pause, and went on to say, "More importantly, I don’t think I can beat the Batman played by Christian; and to challenge the ability, Batman’s ability But it can't attract me, I still like people more."

"Batman's ability? What's that?" Barry frowned slightly, unable to understand Lan Li's words for a while.

"Rich." Lan Li said plainly, and then saw Barry stunned for a while, clapping his hands and laughing.

After laughing, Barry looked at Lan Li seriously.

He had to admit that his initial thoughts were correct.

Using Lan Li to star in a hero is definitely an overkill and a waste of Lan Li's ability and talent. For well-known characters such as Batman or People, their appeal is enough, and Lan Li’s blessing is not needed; for those small characters who are unknown, using Lan Li’s appeal to push, it’s like killing a chicken. Don't use a sledgehammer.

After a brief period of confusion and temptation, Barry still confirmed his thoughts, especially what Lan Li said just now. Although brief and neat, they are very meaningful. This made Barry stare at Lan Li deeply. After hesitating again and again, he still He raised his own question, "What is meant by ignoring the work itself? Do you have any opinions on the future blueprint of dc comics?"

"Barry, are you kidding? Why are we here now to talk about the future of dc comics?" Lan Li did not answer, but shook his head with a chuckle.

Barry noticed a small detail. In some words, Lanly used the name "Barry" while others were "Mr. Meyer". The tone and context were completely different, and the attitude and mood were also vaguely different. , This is really an interesting discovery. UU Reading

In fact, Barry also found it absurd.

He, the executive officer of Warner Bros., has been the top person in Hollywood for many years; the other side, a young actor who is only 23 years old, is still a small feather even if the limelight is in the limelight. However, they are exchanging the blueprint of a multi-billion-level project, which is really weird.

"Why not?" Barry still insisted on his own thoughts, showing a majestic side, and said in an almost rogue manner, "I am inviting you to play Batman. If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I won't Give up easily."

Inexplicably, Lan Li remembered the domineering president Wen.

Can not help but laugh, the corners of the mouth and the bottom of the eyes were filled with smiles, but Lan Li still gave his own answer, "Are you aware of the real reason for Marvel's success?"

This is a question that the entire industry has been discussing in the previous life.

In 2o16, "Suicide Squad" and "Batman vs. Men: Dawn of Justice" appeared one after another. Both the box office and word of mouth were far below expectations; in 2o17, the performance of "Justice League" was even more unsatisfactory. , The continuous poor performance of many works, although it cannot be said to be a fiasco, the gap between dc comics and Marvel comics is indeed widening bit by bit.

So, in the fierce competition, Warner Bros. has never been able to break Disney's thigh. What is the reason?

In the final analysis, it is still an issue of the times: impetuous.

This is not Lan Li’s personal opinion. He has not yet understood the industry so profoundly; it is the consensus of people in the industry in 2o17, including Warner Bros. who are aware of this, but they have missed the best time.

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