The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1212: Immortality

"Then he is a smart partner."

Steven Spielberg's kind reminder came in his ear, and Lan Li's brows tucked lightly.

Surprisingly, Steven chose the word "smart" to describe Harvey Weinstein; more surprisingly, Steven is willing to give reminders and advice-in this Hollywood vanity fair, even the most connected Neither close brokers nor managers can fully entrust trust, let alone the two parties that are just general acquaintances?

Turning his head, Lan Li cast a meaningful questioning gaze towards Steven.

However, he saw that Steven was drunk and dim, his expression relaxed, and a lazy figure. His body was completely unguarded, and he unconsciously leaned on the back of the sand, with slightly flushed cheeks and a faint surging alcohol, and unconsciously whispering The babblings all indicate the same message: the state of being drunk.

It seemed that it might or might be, the advice just now was just a gibberish after being drunk.

But is it really so?

The famous Steven, really got drunk at the Oscar night party, and then spit Harvey to Lan Li? At the top and most complicated party in the industry, how could Steven let himself get drunk and take his guard down? Will such a fledgling mistake really appear in Steven's body?

Lan Li's gaze fell on Steven, a small smile crossed his eyes, and then he raised his hand to signal the waiter, and whispered, "I need a cup of hot milk." The waiter was obviously a little surprised. , Couldn't help looking at Lan Li again, and after getting an affirmative answer, he turned and walked away quickly.

Although asking for hot milk on the night of Oscars was too alternative, the waiter managed to find a solution. In less than five minutes, he returned with hot milk.

Lan Li took the hot milk and nodded to express his gratitude, then gently patted Steven on the shoulder.

As expected, Steven opened his eyes, took the hot milk, shook his head invisibly, and sighed helplessly, "After getting older, this kind of party occasion gradually can't keep up with the rhythm. Now it is. It’s already aching back, God, it’s just started tonight."

Afterwards, Steven poured hot milk into his stomach and stretched his back. It seemed that the whole person became energetic. Then he looked at Lan Li again, with a satisfied look between his brows, expressing meaningfully. Thank you, "Thank you for the hot milk, otherwise, I will lie here and get embarrassed."

In the short time he had just waited for the hot milk, Steven had been in a "coma", while Lan Li had always been sitting quietly on the side, never leaving or disturbing.

Before and after, there were at least four groups of people approaching to talk, but Lan Li politely and firmly declined the conversation, and sent them all away with a gentleman's social etiquette. All the handling and response were perfect. Once again demonstrated the profound heritage of hereditary aristocracy, and truly made people feel the infinite potential that the twenty-three-year-old did not possess.

Steven's gaze fell on Lan Li, a slight smile flashed under his eyes, and he put the milk cup on the coffee table, "Where did we talk about it?"

"You told Harvey that you have booked my schedule in advance. But as far as I know, this seems to be discussed?" Lan Li said with a smile.

Such an answer made Steven retract his jaw gently again, and a satisfied smile appeared in his eyes.

Now when I think back to the audition scene of the "Pacific War", Ren Li's eloquence and demeanor left a deep impression. The reason why he disliked Ren Li was only because he liked Joseph Mezzero more in his heart. Now, facts have proved that Lanly is a better and more suitable choice.

Gradually, Steven became more and more satisfied with Lan Li, who was an interesting young man, "Then, let's start the discussion now."

Without courtesy and greetings, I cut into the topic straightforwardly. The energetic appearance was completely absent from the drunken and hazy gesture just now, only the still slightly flushed cheeks were reminding everything that was just born.

"Have you seen "Jurassic Park"?"

This is Steven’s opening remark. He turned around, facing Lan Li, raised his hands and folded his fists, as if he was ready to point the country, his eyes were shining behind the round spectacles. The eager posture can roll up his sleeves at any time and throw himself into the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship.

But after asking the question, Steven didn't wait for Renly to answer at all. He didn't even have room to nod or shake his head. He couldn't wait to continue speaking, "It doesn't matter whether I have read it or not. This is not the point. Now. , Universal Pictures is preparing to restart this series and shoot a brand new "Jurassic Park". Lang came to ask my opinion and hope that I can serve as a producer."

Ron Meyer, the executive officer of Universal Pictures, has a close personal relationship with Steven.

"My personal opinion is that this time, we need to identify a core protagonist."

Steven raised his hands and began to show rich hand movements, interpreting his own words, looking like an Italian, expressing his thoughts vividly, "When the trilogy was filmed, everything They all originated from an imagination, just like "Jaws", we did not consider making it into a series of movies."

"Therefore, the protagonists of the movie are more dinosaurs rather than humans. This has also led to a certain degree of fragmentation in the story of the later trilogy, lacking the growth and transformation of a core character, and entering into a constant self-repetition. In the quarrel, the quality is naturally deteriorating."

"This time, regardless of whether there is a sequel or not, we must make changes to tell the story with actors at the core, change the structure of the entire script, about growth, about adventure, about transformation, and so on. There is no such thing for the time being. An exact concept is only discussed on paper, but what is certain is that we need to identify a protagonist who is both charming and courageous."

"How about it, are you interested?"

Everyone says that Steven Spielberg is the biggest old naughty boy in Hollywood. A heart that loves life and movies has never changed, from "alien et" to "jaws" to " "Jurassic Park", and later the "Number One Player", the old director's whimsy has always been the strongest in the Hollywood film industry.

Today, Lan Li really felt this in person.

Talking, impassioned, and mighty, the whole conversation left no gaps at all, expressing one's own thoughts and ideas continuously, and dancing with one's hands while talking, and the rich and varied gestures and expressions complemented each other, deepening the heart. His enthusiasm is unreserved.

Forty years after entering the industry, he still maintains a heart of innocence, truly loves movies wholeheartedly, and even the whole person is shining. This is a Steven Renly has never seen before.

Before in the "Pacific War" crew, Lan Li was just one of many actors. Even if he was one of the three main protagonists, he had no special treatment, and he had never had a face-to-face conversation with Steven alone. It can be said that they are just ordinary colleagues, with almost no intersection at all.

Until this moment.

The amount of information is a bit huge, and it is impossible to sort it out for a while; there are a lot of questions, and it is impossible to raise all of them at the same time. Lan Li retorted with the trend, "It's the same as "Indiana Jones"?"

Steven stunned slightly, then chuckled slightly, "Yes, it’s the same as Raiders of the Lost Ark." He tilted his head slightly, looked at Lan Li seriously, and said curiously, "You like it. Is it the fourth work in the series?"

"No, I don't like it. Creative enough, but lost the sense of adventure of the series itself. Imagine that Indiana Jones is no longer a Doctor of History, but turned into a space fighter? Then, this adventure story and'level 8',' The ninth district' is too much worse in comparison." Without any hesitation, Lan Li started the firepower Tucao mode.

Steven was stunned again. After chewing carefully, he laughed happily, "Sure enough, it's not easy to please the audience." But the voice didn't fall, and then he suddenly changed his face and made a pose. Serious face, "But, are you sure it doesn't matter? In front of the creator, so harsh and sharp criticism?"

Lan Li opened his mouth slightly, revealing the appearance of wanting to speak and But in the end he swallowed the words and said solemnly, "In fact, I like it very much. I have always been looking forward to Harrison- Ford can play Dr. Indiana Jones again. Wait, I also look forward to him being able to play Han Solo again, how about it, can this wish come true again?"

The serious expression revealed a cold indifference and sarcasm, which slowly flowed through the words, clearly expressing praise, but it really made people unhappy.

Steven himself couldn't help but chuckled, raised his right index finger, pointed at Lan Li, and exclaimed, "This kid." Without continuing to discuss this topic, the conversation turned, "In this way, Have you seen'Jurassic Park' too? How is it? How does it feel?"

"The ability of the movie to make dreams is really fantastic. It really turns all the wild imaginations in my mind into reality." Lan Li said frankly, "To be honest,'Star Wars' created a human dream of space exploration. , Then "Jurassic Park" created a human dream of exploring the ancient earth. This is really amazing. This is a work that is enough to make people fall in love with movies."

"But, as far as the story is concerned, I can hardly remember it now." There was a sudden turn in the flat and straightforward words. Lan Li once again turned on the Tucao mode, without mercy, but after thinking about it seriously, he added In one sentence, "In addition to that Tyrannosaurus, there are also groups of pterosaurs, uh... and all kinds of dinosaurs."

With such a sincere and serious answer, Steven could not help but clapped his hands and laughed happily. He did not continue to embarrass Lan Li, but made another request, "How about, if you are invited to be the actor in the fourth episode, you What do you think?"

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