The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1208: Talk shallowly

Arthur fell silent and sat quietly, his expression calm, and the onlookers could not feel any emotions. Lan Li did not speak, nor asked, but there was a faint intuition deep in his heart that the Hall family was brewing a storm, and obviously, George and Elizabeth didn't want to see it.

"Personal opinion, when I go back this time, it is best not to let George and Elizabeth know that you and I have met." Lan Li's voice rang in his ears, and Arthur came back to his senses, slightly stunned, and then tasted the words. Shen Yi asked, "Why, do you mind?"

First Edith, then Arthur.

Among the four children of the Hall family, two of them are trying to break free, spread their wings, and embrace freedom. To be more precise, before this, there was Lan Li, and that was the source of everything.

For the Hall family, all this is a nightmare that can’t be awakened, and things are sliding into the bottomless abyss step by step. Everything is closely related to the blue ceremony. It can be imagined that George and Elizabeth gritted their teeth, if Without the existence of Ren Li, a rebel, wouldn't all this happen?

If they learn that Arthur has come to Los Angeles this time to meet with Lanly and have a long conversation.

Facing Arthur's rhetorical question, Lan Li showed a slight smile, "Yes, I mind."

Such an unexpected answer made Arthur stunned. Then, the smile at the corner of his mouth rose little by little, and finally turned into a big smile.

Lan Li went on to explain, "No matter what your reason is, they will push the fault on me. There is no way, Los Angeles is my turf." The understatement was accompanied by a faint sarcasm—everyone knew. , Lan Li lives in New York, Los Angeles is definitely not his site, which makes Arthur can not help but chuckle.

"But, if they learn about our meeting, maybe they will fly to the United States in person for the first heir to the hereditary aristocracy and disrupt my rhythm of life." After all, Arthur is different, and Edith and Renly and even Elf are different. Renly's words named this point, "The problem is that I don't have time to appease their self-esteem and pride. So, yes, I mind."

A touch of dislike, a touch of ridicule, a touch of rejection, a touch of indifference, a touch of sharpness.

Everything is superficial, it doesn't seem to be any offensive, but the firmness and alienation between the words can't be more clear.

The smile at the corner of Arthur's mouth gradually fell into the bottom of his eyes, his eyes became deep, a touch of loneliness and loneliness flashed away, and the deep meaning in the words turned into bitterness on the tip of the tongue.

These words are not complaining, nor tough, but drawing boundaries.

This is the Oscar night, the best party in the industry. As the saying goes, "He who is born in Rome will stay in Rome forever." This sentence also applies to tonight. Those who are born in the Sunset Tower Hotel will stay in the Sunset Tower Hotel forever. Except for the accidental publication of "How to Betrayal", the secrets of Oscars are rarely revealed.

The meeting between Lan Li and Arthur will not be spread either.

Arthur knew this, and Renly knew it.

However, Lanly still draws a clear line. Arthur's persistence and choice, Arthur's struggle and boredom, Arthur's hesitation and hesitation, these are Arthur's own considerations, and have nothing to do with Lanly. Because Arthur's successor status is more special, this is doomed. The shackles and constraints he needs to face are far beyond Lan Li; it is also doomed that the courage and determination that Arthur needs are stronger.

Since childhood, Renly and Arthur were not friends, nor brothers, but more like strangers living on the same roof, and occasionally well-meaning competitors. He and Renly, Edith and Renly, this After all, the two relationships are different. Lan Li can choose to support Edith, but he cannot choose to support Arthur.

If you change a position, Arthur is more decisive than Renly.

He won't give any advice or listen to any troubles. He chooses himself innocently and sits on the sidelines. He just pretends that he doesn't know anything. He nods at most and greets a few words. Then he turns and leaves, leaving all the questions to the parties. This is indifference, but also survival, or habit.

Arthur could not condemn Renly's actions. In the past, he would not have any fluctuations at all, patted his sleeves, and could leave easily; but at this moment, the bitterness on the tip of his tongue was tumbling and surging. It is indescribable and difficult to express—

So, their meeting at this moment, is it...

"Sometimes, I envy you and Edith." Arthur lowered his eyes and said lonely.

Lan Li chuckled, "So, you are looking forward to it, do I envy you and Elf?"

A joking ridicule instantly made the atmosphere relaxed. Arthur thought about it seriously, and then chuckled, saying meaningfully, "Do you know? I think maybe you should expect it."

Elf is also changing, since the West End last year; and is working hard to resist this change.

In fact, after thinking about it, not only Edith, Arthur and Elf, but also George and Elizabeth, the entire Hall family is quietly changing, like a small pebble falling into the calm lake. Generally, there were only shallow ripples, but the ripples never disappeared, more and more, more and more fierce, and the mighty thousand waves are brewing.

Who would have thought that the source of everything was the youngest son of the Hall family.

Arthur's gaze fell on Lan Li's body, and said solemnly, "You know, everyone thinks you are an angel, but in fact, you are a demon."

Lan Li's eyebrows were lightly raised, and Arthur's heart was beaten by the twinkling gaze. How could he have forgotten, and definitely don't provoke this guy in front of him easily, otherwise it would be him who was unlucky, and he was so overwhelmed just now. Arthur couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and lightly bit his posterior teeth, expressing his depression.

"Arthur, you are not suitable for Shakespeare. Don't say such a written romantic line. This is not very good for your image." Lan Li said calmly, but the simple words were full of joking.

Arthur couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "Damn it! It's not dripping! Devil through and through! God, Hollywood is so pitiful!" But all the complaining voices were rolling in his throat, vague and indistinguishable. Form a complete syllable, not even talking to oneself.

Looking up, you can see Lan Lina's inquiring sight. Arthur quickly recovered his calmness and said calmly, "I'm not an actor, I don't need to worry."

Capturing the playful light in Lan Li's eyes, as if he had seen through his own thoughts, Arthur turned his head calmly and lifted his chin slightly, "Are you sure it doesn't matter if you stay here? He has been standing there for ten minutes. Now, eyes are projected at intervals. Is this a serious cover up? Or is it a deliberate expression of one's urgency?"

Hollywood is really an interesting place, all emotions and intentions are on the face, even for a top party like Oscar night, all ideas are straightforward, does it really matter? Shouldn't these old foxes be masters in social situations? Why do everyone look so simple and cute?

Arthur suddenly felt that those actors and producers were really pitiful.

Standing in front of Lan Li, they had no secrets; but they couldn't understand Lan Li's thoughts. When negotiating face-to-face, they should be very aggrieved, even as humiliated. If the top big-name producers don't like Renly, Arthur will not be surprised.

Lan Li followed Arthur's gaze, raised his eyebrows slightly, and laughed low, "Trust me, he is the only one who won't expect to talk to me over the whole party." After a meal, he added, "I think maybe he is really waiting for me now, but..."

But not out of good intentions, but out of malice.

Lan Li's words could not be finished, because Harvey Weinstein finally couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward and cut off the words behind Lan Li.

Standing not far away by the carved pillars, Harvey was always waiting patiently, waiting for the end of the conversation between Renly and Arthur. The guests around him also came and went. , But waited and waited, endured and endured, the conversation did not end, and the two of them were still sitting on the sand comfortably, Harvey finally couldn't bear So Harvey held a glass of champagne and started again. Energetic, holding up the swollen belly, walked slowly, deliberately slowing down, leaving enough time and space for Lan Li and Arthur to notice his presence.

This is a little trick for social situations.

If you encounter a special situation and have to interrupt a conversation, but don’t want to be too rude, then slowly sway or approach within the opponent’s line of sight, and after catching the other person’s gaze, Smile or nod, and step forward. It is best to hold a glass of alcohol in your hand. With alcohol as the subject, you can naturally cut into the topic.

Even if everyone knows that this is the beginning of a formal conversation; but at least the etiquette is impeccable.

As the top producer in Hollywood, Harvey’s etiquette is always not a strong point, vulgar and abrupt, self and arrogant, but Harvey is very skillful in presenting his grass-roots attributes, and more reflects the approachability, boldness and generosity. The straightforward, straightforward and neat negotiating style opens up contacts.

However, in order to become an upper class, Harvey has been learning the social etiquette of the nobility, which can come in handy in France and the United Kingdom. Although the frequency of use is not so frequent, but a temporary review, it will not be rushed, those basic movements There are still a lot of styles.

However, in the eyes of Lan Li and Arthur, some painting tigers are not anti-dogs.

The footsteps stopped, Harvey maintained a standing posture, nodded slightly, and greeted him kindly and politely, "Good evening, Lan Li."

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