The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1196: Youth Corps

The slender fingers feel the hot temperature slightly. It seems that the hot light and sight are enough to burn the fingertips. The extremely tense atmosphere circulates between the fingers. Only when you truly experience such a moment can you understand the feeling. , Anxious and excited, anxious and excited, even breathing has lost its meaning.

As the prize winner, Lan Li did not really feel the complexity of this moment; as the prize presenter, Lan Li carefully experienced the indescribable and indescribable depth.

Everyone is ridiculing that Oscar has become an academy public relations game. Perhaps for the Weinstein brothers and the large production companies, this is the fact, and this is another group of interests; but for actors, for For every practitioner, this is not the case.

Suddenly, Lanly remembered an interview with the famous director David Lynch. I don’t remember the specific words, but the general idea is that the Oscar is nothing but an affirmation from the industry. If it is given to him, he will happily win his award; but if he doesn’t get it When he arrives, he will not cry.

This is an interesting little old man.

He successively nominated the Oscar for best director three times by virtue of "The Elephant Man", "Muholland Road", and "Blue Velvet", but the results were not accepted; in addition, he also dedicated "Shuangfeng", "My Heart Wild", For classic works such as "Dune", there is no doubt that Xiao Jinren cannot define his great achievements in film history, but his influence can be found everywhere in the cultural precipitation of the long history.

From another perspective, Oscar is actually a very interesting feast.

Between the sparks and flints, Lan Li's mind was full of thoughts, she closed her fingertips slightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth rose, announcing the answer, and ending this long torture, "Jennifer Lawrence, "The happiness behind the dark clouds." line'."

History, after all, has continued its trajectory. Jennifer became the second youngest Oscar winner in film history; or from another perspective, history has changed its trajectory after all, and the Youth Legion of the Y generation has really come on stage, since In the hands of the baby boomers, they crossed the barriers of generation x and completed the inheritance and alternation ahead of schedule.

This is a cliché.

In Generation X, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, Ethan Hawke, Toby Maguire, Jude Lowe, Ben- Affleck, Joseph Fiennes, Paul Walker, Van Diesel, Jacques Phoenix, etc., from major awards to movie box office, from social influence to Hollywood power charts, they have never been able to truly Shoulder the alternation of generations.

But now, in terms of movie box office, generation Y’s Shia LaBeouf, Renly Hall, the "Harry Potter" trio, the "Twilight" trio, and the "Hunger Games" trio They have all begun to emerge in an all-round way and become an indispensable part of the market; and in terms of major awards, they have completely reversed Generation X

From Natalie Portman to Renly Hall, to this year’s Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway, for three consecutive years, the road to the rise of the Y Generation Youth Corps is becoming more and more powerful. It is also becoming more and more distinct.

Although the overall upward momentum of male actors is still slightly slow, Ryan Gosling, James Franco, Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, etc. have formed a group advantage and deserve more in the future. look forward to.

Following last year, Lanly Hall refreshed the minimum age for the film king to win awards; this year Jennifer Lawrence has also become the second youngest Oscar film queen in film history. The posterity is terrible, this is definitely the real posterity!

So, Jessica Chastain lost to Jennifer Lawrence, whether it was because the Weinstein brothers had better public relations, or because the rising momentum of the Youth Corps changed the whole Hollywood pattern, which is not known, maybe two There are all of them, but what is certain is that in the future, young actors will inevitably start to emerge and quickly complete the fight for power.

For Hollywood’s Generation X, this is not a good thing; but for Hollywood’s film industry, this is a happy thing.

As a result, there was thunderous applause and applause everywhere, and everyone gave Jennifer applause, just like the moment when he witnessed the summit of Lanlys last year; then, without warning, the entire Dolby Theater sounded a lot of applause. With the stunned sound of inhaling cold breath, many people can even be seen involuntarily leaning forward or standing slightly, expressing their worries strongly.

In the audience, Harvey Weinstein’s chubby figure is undoubtedly the most obvious. He stood up straight, the worry and care between his eyebrows was not concealed, but after confirming the situation, he laughed heartily. He also took the initiative to clap his hands and applaud, and turned his head to look around, which further drove the applause of the audience.

Maybe it was Lan Li's illusion, but faintly, he could feel Harvey's provocation and show off, and that brave posture could hardly be concealed. Of course, the distance is so far, and the audience is surging, the possibility of illusion is very high.

Just now, Jennifer couldn’t hide his excitement and excitement. He lifted her skirt carefully, and walked up the steps with a surge of heart, but her knees were slightly swayed, and she accidentally stumbled over her feet. On the stairs, he chuckled helplessly again, supporting his hands on the ground, feeling a little speechless.

This fall caused everyone's exclamation; but immediately under the lead of Harvey, it became a sea of ​​applause and encouragement.

Upon seeing this, Lan Li also laughed dumbfounded, and took the initiative to step forward and stretched out his right hand to express the gentleman's etiquette.

Jennifer frowned in annoyance, and was helpless for her embarrassment in the audience. Just as she was thinking about how to resolve the embarrassment, a right hand appeared in her sight. It was clean and slender, and the joints were clearly like green bamboo. , Looked up along the fingertips, and then she saw the dark brown eyes.

Warm and gentle, restrained and peaceful, reflecting the golden lights of Dolby Theater, you can faintly see the gurgling trajectory of the hazy moonlight, and the thrilling moments are fleeting, and then the indifferent, gentle and graceful demeanor is restored again. , The elegant gentleman's demeanor is so perfect, one more point is too much, one less point is not enough, perfect beyond fault.

But it was precisely this perfection that made Jennifer feel a faint strangeness and alienation, as if... it was like passing by at the airport for the first time and the second accidental encounter at Mount Sinai Hospital, beyond words. I can't describe it. It seems that everything is the same, but there is an inexplicable sense of loss deep in my heart.

Then, Jennifer saw the corner of Lan Li’s mouth with a small smile, the low voice with a shallow hoarse, "Need a little help?" The faint jokes and ridicule, but did not fall into the category of gentleman's etiquette. It always makes people feel fresh and comfortable.

Jennifer lowered her eyes in a panic, "No, no...I mean, thank you." Then, she raised her right hand and placed it in Lan Li's palm, feeling a soft and tough force. She pulled up, successfully got rid of the embarrassment, and stood up again.

At the same time, Lan Li turned his head and politely nodded towards Jackman beside the stage.

Just now after seeing Jennifer fall, Jackman also rushed over gently, ready to reach out to help, but after seeing Lan Li's movements, Jackman raised his hands, gave his thumbs up, bent over and turned out of the camera. Range.

Lan Li adjusted his steps and led Jennifer to the microphone with a perfect gentleman's etiquette in a social occasion, and then took the golden man from the master of ceremonies, handed it to Jennifer with both hands, and performed a veneer ceremony, "Congratulations ! This is your moment, enjoy it."

After speaking, Lan Li stepped back and gave the stage space to Jennifer.

Before it was too late to think, the audience continued their standing applause, blowing whistles and making strange screams. The shouts were so lively. As Lan Li said, this is Jennifer's moment, she should open her arms and enjoy it.

Jennifer retracted his gaze, looked at the audience in front of him, and smiled awkwardly, "You all stood up, just because I fell down just now, it's really embarrassing. But thank you." This one A little self-deprecation made the audience chuckle, and 66 continued to take their took a sigh of relief, and then began to talk about her winning speech and thanked the other nominees. The actresses also thanked the crew of "The Happiness Line Behind the Dark Clouds", and more importantly, thanked their family members. They simply ended their feelings without any delay in their concise and clear words, and then turned around and looked for the direction to leave.

The emcee quickly walked over and led Jennifer and Renly off the stage.

Both of them walked to the side stage, re-entered behind the red curtain just now, passed through the bustling narrow passage, and returned to the back corridor.

Jennifer's mood still didn't calm down, and she looked around, and then saw Lan Li standing beside her, opened her mouth, trying to say something, but didn't know where to start, a thousand words and mixed flavors. In the end just said, "Thank you."

Thank you. With such a simple sentence, Jennifer felt an inexplicable melancholy.

Lan Li showed a smile and gently closed his jaw, "My pleasure."

Without waiting for Jennifer to continue speaking, the staff came over quickly, "Len Li, Lan Li? Can you come with me?"

Although he didn't know what was going on, Lanly nodded to Jennifer before turning to leave.

Jennifer stayed in place, her eyes locked on Lan Li's figure involuntarily, even she herself didn't understand why, but there was no time and space. In a blink of an eye, Lan Li's figure disappeared into a noisy In the turbulent crowd, everyone came to congratulate Jennifer for winning the prize. She took a deep breath, retracted her attention, and started to deal with the situation before her.

This is her night, she should enjoy it.

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