The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1193: Floating in the background

The award ceremony is in full swing. I missed the blue ceremony of the entire award season. I completely relieved my burden and relaxed my mind. Participating in this grand event was indeed a pleasant experience, except that it was too lengthy. However, when he saw "Edge of Tomorrow" appearing on the big screen, Lan Li still showed an unexpected look.

"What?" Lan Li couldn't help but exclaimed, and the little details could be seen, he was indeed very relaxed.

Sitting next to Jessica leaned over, "What, don't you know? Your film also won two nominations. Best sound effects and best editing."

Lan Li raised his eyebrows lightly, without concealing his surprise.

In the previous life, "Edge of Tomorrow" was not popular, and there was no trace in the awards season. The series of episodes can only rely on the strong appeal of Tom Cruise to be put into production; in this life, "Edge of Tomorrow" is two times ahead of schedule. After it was released in 2017, it has achieved unimaginable results, which is really unexpected.

More importantly, "Edge of Tomorrow" actually won the nomination for best editing.

Although the Best Editing Award is hailed as the "Little Best Movie", it is also a well-recognized area for commercial films, such as "The Bourne Shadow 3", "Black Hawk Down", "The Matrix", and "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Such works have won the award not only for nomination, but for winning.

This time, Christopher-rouse, the queen editor of Paul Greengrass, won the Best Editing Award nomination for the third time after "The Bourne Shadow 3" and "Terror Flight 93". unexpected surprise.

In addition to "Edge of Tomorrow", the other four works that won nominations are "Escape from Tehran", "Fantasy Drifting of Juvenile School", "Lincoln" and "Hunting Ben**". The other four are all nominees for Best Picture. Only "Edge of Tomorrow" is the only exception, which shows how rare this work is.

During the brief conversation between Lanly and Jessica, Jennifer Garner's voice came from the speaker, "...The winner is, "Edge of Tomorrow"."

Lan Li and Jessica exchanged their sights again, both of them showed a slight surprise, but then Jessica laughed brilliantly, and Lan Li also widened his eyes, showing an incredible expression. , Although this is only a technical award, although this is not the award of Lan Li, but this wonderful taste is still indescribable.

Just now Jennifer Garner awarded the best sound effects award. "Edge of Tomorrow" defeated the four works of "Les Miserables", "Escape from Tehran", "Fantasy Drifting of Juvenile School" and "oo7: Destroyed the Sky" and stood out and won. The golden man who won this technical award.

Lan Li deliberately exhaled, shook his head lightly, and said half-jokingly, "At least I won't go home empty-handed tonight."

The jokes made Jessica chuckle.

Turning his head, Lan Li could see Jackman’s deliberately crying face, shaking his head and shaking his head again and again, his face full of inconceivability was expressing a strong protest. Obviously, the biggest competitors of "Edge of Tomorrow" are "Les Miserables" and "oo7". : "The Great Murderous Opportunity", can this be equal to that, in the contest between Lan Li and Jackman, the winner is divided?

The two people exchanged their sights, winked and started to make things strange, they seemed to be making complaints to each other, and the atmosphere was really funny.

Then, Lan Li noticed behind Jackman. A staff member in a black suit was bending over and walking over. He cast a questioning glance. Sure enough, the staff immediately greeted him and made an invitation. The gesture, the meaning could not be clearer: Lan Li needs to go to the backstage to perform his duties as an award-giving guest.

Lan Li nodded slightly, before getting up, turned to look at Jessica, and said, "Good luck."

Jessica responded with a big smile and lip-synched, "Thank you."

Then, Lan Li stood up, followed the staff and took steps toward the side stage. He left the banquet hall that was warm and beautiful, and opened the door to enter another world behind the gorgeous stage, noisy. The sound hits the face instantly, mixed with a faint smell of smoke and chocolate, mixed together, sweet and astringent

Barbra Streisand stood at the entrance of the safe passage, smoking a cigarette, the curling smoke concealed her entire face, looming, but she couldn't see her true expression, only the smear The rosy nails were shining and moving, and the people next to her did not affect her peace for a moment.

The dark red corridor meanders forward, and you can vaguely see a long queue that is winding and twisting. The ladies in full dress are lining up the line in an orderly manner, waiting patiently, and carefully lifting their skirts. , To avoid messing up, obviously, there should be the restroom, the busiest corner tonight.

Tom Hanks was standing in the corner space next to him, chatting with an unfamiliar face. The tissue he was wiping off the drops of water in his hand hadn't been thrown away, and he was chattering. "...The whole face fell like this, and the plate of smoked salmon flew directly to George Lucas's face. You should really look at his expression at the time, haha."

Just two steps away, you can see the three figures of George Clooney, Harvey Weinstein, and Catherine Zeta Jones, with a spring breezy smile on their faces, lowering their voices, and hiding them in Tom- Among Hanks' jokes, it seems that there is an important communication going on, and several other actors can be seen beside them with their ears stretched, trying to listen, but they can't hear anything.

Walk in a little more, and then you can see the cabaret performers carrying their skirts, lined up in one row and walked in towards the left passage. The thick red curtain is looming, and everyone is standing in hustle and bustle on the spot, waiting. In the sequence of subsequent appearances, the low voice of discussion made the air surging.

Immediately afterwards, you can see Adele standing in the stairwell.

Tonight, with the theme song "Skyfa11" of "oo7: Battle Against Skyfa11" won the Oscar nomination for best original song. Adele has also become a guest performer and the biggest hot winner of the award.

At this moment, Adele was holding a pink box with a row of donuts in her hand, and she was holding one in her hand. She bit two big mouths, showing a satisfied look, and chewed carefully. After opening her eyes, she saw Lan Li standing not far away, blinked her eyes, her expression a little nervous and flustered.

A small gesture made Lan Li chuckle. He nodded politely, did not make a fuss, did not take the initiative to strike up a conversation, and more importantly, did not disturb Adele's alone time, and followed calmly. In the footsteps of the staff, move on.

Adele was stunned, and reflexively said hello, "Hey, Lanly, do you need one?"

After the words were spoken, Adele bared his teeth in annoyance

Why did she blurt out? Wouldn't it be nice to just pretend to expose it as if nothing had happened? Almost Lan Li was about to leave, she actually stopped him, idiot? To make matters worse, "Do you need one?" God, her opening statement could be a little stupid. Is it too late to escape now?

Lan Li's footsteps paused slightly, and his smile rose slightly, "Thank you for the invitation. I need to be on the stage now. If the invitation is still valid after a while, I am very happy to come. By the way, I personally even more. It tends to taste chocolate, and it’s a little low blood sugar tonight."

Adele was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but smiled, "Although chocolate is also one of my favorites, there is no problem."

Afterwards, Lan Li nodded again, stepped away, and walked towards the front of the corridor.

Adele stood there, thought about it carefully, couldn't help but hummed softly, and his mood gradually became clearer. She likes Lan Li.

At the Oscars ceremony tonight, every woman is doing her best. Even drinking water has to be careful and careful. In order to avoid edema and affect the photogenic effect, even if they eat bananas or chocolate to replenish their physical strength, they are just Carefully took a small bite. To be honest, Adele felt that mosquitoes had more food.

She can't do this, and she doesn't want to. After low blood sugar, she can't sing, or even stand firm, she needs to add sugar. But considering the strange gazes of other people, she had to hide in the corner. She had to be sneaky even to eat a donut, which was really exhausting.

Recalling Lan Li’s reaction just now, Adele's mood became The waiting room was already near, and Lan Li saw Anne Hathaway who was about to leave the waiting room at a glance. She There was still an extremely excited look on her face, and her slightly flashing eyes revealed a touch of tears, reflecting an incredible excitement and excitement, and every cell in her body could feel her happiness.

When the line of sight fell on the little golden figure in her hand, the reaction was not difficult to understand.

During the whole awards season, Annie, who was a great rider, did not burst out of surprises tonight, and took off the Best Supporting Actress in a single blow, continuing the momentum of the y-generation actor's continuous climb to the top in the past two years. Everyone has seen Anne's strength this year, but few people know how difficult it is for Anne to be this little golden figure.

After becoming famous all over the world with the youth idol movie "Princess Diary", Annie began her long career exploration. As we all know, idol actors want to enter the Oscar’s sight and find it difficult to reach the sky. Look at Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, Sandra- Bullock and others will know. The same is true for Annie, she must spend more energy and effort to prove herself.

This year's "Les Miserables" is undoubtedly the most important breakthrough in her career for Annie. From 2001 to 2010, the journey was too long and too hard.

Even if he had left the stage, even if he had already held the Little Golden Man in his hand, the unreality still surged in his mind, and even his footsteps seemed to be stepping on cotton.

Lan Li could see that Annie was trying her best to suppress her emotions, and she was trying her best to show security and politeness, but the turbulent heart was roaring, and then Annie saw Lan Li.

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