The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1179: Imprint of the times

"Marcus once said that you are a person who likes to ask questions." Lanly's answer made Carrey stunned, and then the smile in the depths of her eyes overflowed, and she deliberately set her expression with a serious face. Grumbled, "So, are you expressing dissatisfaction with the lady?"

Lan Li didn't speak, but just shrugged, but the affirmation couldn't be more obvious.

Kerry's eyes stared slightly, and he couldn't believe that Lan Li actually admitted it like this! The problem was that Lanly's response was not aggressive. For a while, Carrey didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, his expression suddenly became weird, and the man in front of him was really a strange existence.

"I don't like you." Kerry said bluntly, but there was still a smile flashing in his eyes, obviously still joking.

Lan Li gently closed his jaw, "I know, you like Marcus."

After another unexpected answer, Kerry still didn't hold back this time. He chuckled and nodded in agreement, "Yes, I like Marcus. But you still didn't answer my question. "

"I thought you had forgotten it." Lan Li said seriously, saying that all the ridicule just now was a distraction, but Carrie is no longer surprised this time. It is still Lan Li's style, with a smile in his eyes. , Staring at Lan Li intently, waiting for a follow-up answer.

Lan Li said, "Take a rest, I guess, I should have a long vacation next." He let out a sigh of relief, "I'm tired."

I'm tired.

Such a simple sentence instantly reminded Kerry again of Levine in the scene just now. The three words hide the fatigue in the depths of the soul, and people can deeply feel that kind of hair. Heaviness and embarrassment from the bottom of my heart.

But the difference is that Levine is because of life, while Renly is because of work.

In the past four months, Lan Li has completed the shooting of two works before and after, and they have been seamlessly connected without stopping.

Kerry didn't know anything about the previous work, but Kerry was deeply impressed by the "Drunk Country Folk Songs". Now Kerry finally knows that Renly’s gestures have confused the performance of the boundary between reality and illusion, as if Levine is Renly, and Renly is Levine, completely bringing the entire crew back to the 1960s. This powerful performance skill is not as easy as it seems on the surface.

On the one hand, this means that Lan Li has not reached his limit, and he is still growing; on the other hand, it also means that Lan Li is making unremitting efforts. In addition to the life of the crew, he is constantly studying performance. This dedication and focus is enough to be admirable.

What's more, Lanly has now achieved results that countless people can't match. This makes Lanli's investment more moving.

Kerry is a little bit choked now. When Lanly was on stage in London's West End and Broadway, she didn't arrive at the scene in person because she was filming "The Great Gatsby", but now she just missed it.

"What about you?" Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly and asked aloud.

Kerry, who was immersed in his thoughts, was slightly stunned, and then laughed, "I think you don't like to ask questions."

"I am confirming that this is not a one-way interview." Lan Li said with a smile.

Kerry pursed the corner of his mouth, showing a meaningful expression, "I can be sure now, you are not a gentleman in the true sense." This is condemning Lan Li for being rude when facing a lady.

Lan Li looked calm.

Kerry could only pull the corners of his mouth helplessly, "I am tired too. So, I think I will rest for a while, and then return to the stage in the West End of London."

The same sentence has completely different meanings for Kerry and Lanly. Kerry's words are closer to Levine, so she needs to go back to the stage, find the pure happiness again, and start enjoying the fun of acting again, just like the blue gift after the Oscars ended last year.

Between their eyes crossed, both of them showed clear smiles.

"By the way, will the Almeida theater play CD-ROMs later?" When the topic came here, Kerry brought up the topic he was most looking forward to.

Lan Li didn't react for a while, frowning slightly.

Kerry had to add one more sentence, "I missed the drama for the performance of'Les Miserables', so I am looking forward to the next CD. Please tell me that you have plans to release the CD, please, please!"

The sincere expression of pleading made Lan Li laugh happily.

The busyness in the apartment is still flowing fast, but the conversation between the two people is not affected at all, as if they have entered a world of selflessness. In the huge world, a small world is separated, which belongs to them only. world. However, it has nothing to do with love or even friendship, it is just the professional world of the actor's colleagues.

"Guys, do you still need a little rest time? We are ready to move the location and continue today's shooting, or do you have any comments that need to be mentioned?" Ethan Cohen stopped and interrupted After the conversation between Lan Li and Kerry, he looked curious.

But immediately, Ethan noticed the bright smiles on the faces of the two people, and the faint tacit understanding between the exchanges of sight was quietly surging. It was really a strange feeling. His gaze looked at Lan Li and then again. Look at Kerry, "Wait, are you sure that Jane and Levine are in love with each other deeply?"

"Do not!"

The two people denied it in unison, shocking Ethan, and then both laughed.

Lan Li further explained, "They once had each other's moments, but Jane is destined to not fall in love with Levine. What Jane loves is a kind of temperament and a kind of talent of the folk wave."

"Yes, I chose Jim because Jane needs a stable life and meets all her requirements, but in fact, what she really loves is the madness, freedom and splendor of that era." Kerry also agreed, explaining, "Jane once loved Levine, but only for a moment. If this relationship could ruin her peaceful life, or ruin her illusion of the times, then she will leave."

"So, she is a /bitch." Ethan came to a conclusion.

Lan Li and Kerry both laughed again.

In the end, Lan Li said, "No, of course not. She is just the first generation of women who have begun to awaken and begin to be independent. She has begun to enjoy her rights and her body. She may be more selfish, but this is her right. It's her choice."

After the end of World War II, the people who survived by chance began to emancipate their minds. The **** movement was one of them. From the 1940s to the 1950s, it really changed the entire two generations and radiated to literature, music, and movies. Many artistic fields, such as painting and painting, laid the foundation for the extension of a series of cultural attributes.

According to the movie's setting, Jane is a young woman born in the 1940s.

Kerry looked up to the sky and sighed, "I miss that era. Can't time go back to that era?"

This time, it was the turn of Ethan and Lan Li to exchange their sights, and both of them chuckled lightly.

"What were you talking about just now?" Ethan asked curiously.

Lanly was immediately awakened from memory and said to Kerry, "Yes, we will release a CD-ROM, one for the West End version and one for the Broadway version, but I don’t know the exact release time. Maybe you can call Al Ask at the Meda Theater."

Kerry clenched his fists lightly and cheered in a low voice, "Good job!" Then he added, "If it were you, which version would you choose to collect?"

Lan Li thought about it seriously, "West End. Because the day when the West End version was recorded, the whole performance was in the best state; and on Broadway, well, personally, I was still not satisfied with a few scenes. "

Kerry snapped his fingers, "It seems that I need to collect both versions and compare them. What is going on with the dissatisfied scene of Lanly-Hall." After that, Kerry was so calm. While looking at Lan Li calmly, there was a hint of narrowness in the depths of his eyes. Without words, the communication between the two actors was completed.

Standing next to Ethan was a little puzzled, "The topic you are talking about is...'The Miserable World'? Is there any connection between that drama and our movie?"

"Actor, the actor of that drama is the soul of our movie." Carrie took the conversation and replied on his own initiative.

However, Lan Li frowned slightly, deliberately sullen his face, "Are you sure this is not ironic?"

Kerry didn't speak, but showed a slight smile without smiling. The two people exchanged their sights like this, and then a smile appeared in their eyes at the same time, and the atmosphere instantly became lighter.

Looking left and right, Ethan still felt something was wrong, so he asked again without giving up, "Is it sure that there is no possibility between you? I always feel that the spark between you is really fascinating."

Lan Li laughed You remind me of Alfonso-Caron. When filming "Gravity" before, Alfonso also looked forward to the friction between Ryan and Alex, and now it's Ethan's turn.

Facing Ethan’s face full of confusion and perplexity, Lan Li did not explain further. This is an extremely complex and profound topic. It really takes too much effort to explain, and today he is really tired, so he Just stood up and patted Ethan on the shoulder, "Man, you should give up. The story line between these two characters does not develop like this."

There were more question marks on Ethan's head, and he eagerly asked, "But the screenwriter is us, and we can change the context of the story at any time."

Lan Li shook his head, and said simply but firmly, "No. These two characters already have their own stories."

What do you mean?

This was Ethan's first reaction. Because the two characters have their own stories, otherwise how did the script come from? But immediately, Ethan came back to his senses and realized the deep meaning behind Lan Li’s words. He couldn’t help but opened his mouth slightly in surprise, looked at Lan Li in shock and astonishment, and then at Kerry, as if he had seen it. Alien in general.

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