The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1177: Love

Levine in front of him, physically and mentally exhausted, that thick exhaustion was transmitted through his clear eyes, and even his slightly frowned eyebrows were so heavy that he could barely breathe, as if he could clearly feel the weight of gravity. Pressing firmly on the upright shoulder, but outlined a touch of sadness of vicissitudes of life.

Jane’s tongue was mixed, with a hint of anger, a hint of unwillingness, and a hint of absurdity. She thought she had made a mistake in her understanding, so she couldn’t help but raised her final voice and asked, “Are you tired?” After she said it, she was shocked , The careful and faint soft tone revealed a little trembling, like the tremor of the heart.

There was a bitterness at the corner of Levine's mouth, and even the self-deprecating smile could not be lifted up, and the eyelids were lowered, the thick and slender eyelashes cast a shadow, covering the cyan shadow around the eye circle, deep weakness and frustration Still overflowing quietly, "Yes, I'm too tired of him/mother."

The weak voice is like a child who is worried about frightening the butterfly, approaching lightly, but the clumsy movement is still tight, contradictory and harmoniously outlines a deeper level of renunciation and helplessness.

"I thought I just needed a good night's sleep, but...but maybe it's not enough." Levine's eyes stared at Jane's abdomen in a daze, unconsciously moving, the focus was not aligned at all, and he whispered softly. , The thoughts in his mind suddenly surging collectively, chaotic and disorderly, but he didn't care anymore.

He is really tired.

Not only the exhaustion of long-distance running and drifting, but the exhaustion from the depths of the soul, persisting this way, running wildly this way, he was finally tired like Mickey. Once, one night of deep sleep can be restored, facing life again, and composing music again; but this time, it didn't work, and he could no longer move forward.

Raising his eyes again, Levine looked at Jane for a long time, his gaze outlined the contour of the woman in front of him little by little, and finally landed on the watery eyes and looked at it carefully. Levine's calm eyes didn't seem to have changed or made any sound, but they had already told all the stories.

This was the only time that Levine exposed his thoughts in front of Jane. After the deep and ardent love became so full, it began to become fragile and sad.

It's just a flash.

Jane didn't have time to catch it at all, and she didn't have time to delve into it, and then Levine returned to calmness again, unchanging calmness, as if nothing had ever happened, which made Jane a little stunned, and her eyes flowed. Slight vibration.

However, before Jane could speak, Levine went on to say, "However, thank you, thank you for your attempt." A faint choking was revealed deep in the throat, but it was well covered up, and the expression in his eyes gradually changed. Getting up deep, he said, "I love you."

Jane was a little embarrassed.

Reflexively, he avoided his sight, but then turned his head again and looked at Levine in front of him.

She was almost deceived. This is not the Levienne she knew, nor the Levienne she had ever moved. This is a total loser. He did not adapt to the mainstream and open up the market like Jim did. To end his life in pain and torture like Mickey did, was up.

Levine like this is too unfamiliar and too decadent.

She didn't like Levine like this, even disgusted.

In the past, Levine was unlovable, but also unpleasant. His talent, his talent, his artistic atmosphere, his romantic temperament, his arrogance, it seems that he can only truly be disgusted if he dislikes him completely. He tried to avoid liking him, so Levine was merciful everywhere in Greenwich Village. Almost no one could refuse him, even if his back was always tickling with hatred.

But now Levine is extremely disgusting.

"Please." Jane rolled her eyes and showed a ridiculous smile, as if she had seen through Levine's prank plan.

Levine didn't speak, but looked at Jane quietly.

All the fragrance in those eyes converged, but revealed a tragic firmness and bitter helplessness, which penetrated all the armor and masks, and projected deeply into the depths of Jane's eyes, calmly But the mountains are already whistling, and the sadness, powerlessness, sorrow and sorrow have turned into a light smile after relief, no need to argue, but calm.

A look is better than a thousand words. In an instant, time stopped again, and it drenched like smoke.


Joel Cohen’s voice came over, breaking the mirror of the drama, and everyone was awakened and returned to reality.

In the cramped apartment, there is a bitter and dull atmosphere, as if just finished a very long journey, scarred, physically and mentally exhausted, all thoughts are gray, the only thought in my mind is to bury my head in the quilt, and the sky is dark. The earth fell asleep, just fell asleep for a long time.

It's not sad, it's not painful, but it makes people breathless.

This is Levine’s story, but no one really understands what Levine has gone through; this is Levine’s life, but no one really knows how Levine got here. But all this is no longer important, even the hardships and difficulties of chasing dreams are no longer important, the only important thing is life.

The pressure of ubiquitous reality swarmed, crushing Levienne’s pride little by little, polishing Levienne’s edges and corners little by little, and then that brilliant and talented folk singer just like that little by little. The earth was annihilated in the torrent of the times, and finally became a mediocre part of the vast sea of ​​people.

In a trance, people think of Vincent Van Gogh, the genius who has been struggling all his life, and finally died in depression and struggle. Before his death, he could not even sell a single painting, hungry, cold, and wandering; after his death, his creations have influenced the works of art for a whole century.

In the story of "The Moon and Sixpence", Strickland gave up what seemed to be the envy of everyone, just to paint.

Without any painting foundation, he just likes to paint. In the eyes of outsiders, he is completely crazy, and no one can understand his choice. But he finally found himself, bursting with all the dawn of life in the madness, and finally died in the remote mountainous area like a tramp.

Now, Levine Davis is the same.

Under the pressure of the world, he completely lost his way, gave up persistence, gave up himself, and withdrew from his pride and personality, the Levien-David who sang "Hang me, oh, hang me". Si is dying.

All this is so cruel, so cold, so terrible. The unspeakable but lingering sigh is suffocating.

Everyone can find their own figure in Levine, in order to live, what has been compromised, and what has been given up, after all, they have lost their truest self. Who am I, where I come from, and where I am going, this is a question that he has been thinking about all his life. Levine once had the answer, but now he is confused again.

A performance shows a life.

A look in the eyes presents a world.

A character insinuates everyone.

The whole apartment was filled with a faint melancholy, surging gently.

As a result, the staff members began to move unconsciously, but they just wandered around in place, and then they had nothing to do, making trivial noises, diverting their attention, and returning emotions from the drama to reality bit by bit. , Feel the reality of reality down-to-earth.

But the commotion only lasted for a moment, and then it gradually calmed down. Everyone thoughtfully fell into their own thoughts, thinking carefully about the fragments of memory, everyone has their own story, refracting In Levine's body, showing a different look.

"Very well, the scene just now was excellent. No problem! Let's pack our tools and move to the next shooting location." Joel's voice rang out untimely, breaking the silence in the air, but then Joel realized that magic seemed to be cast in the apartment, no one moved, and no one responded.

The Coen brothers have never been masters of interpretation of performance.

Joel can feel the power of performance, just like the previous performance videos of Pioneer Village, but for the director, what he needs is more of an emotion. As long as the emotion is in place, this is enough. As for the further exploration of the performance The deep meaning hidden in the book, and the support between the performance and the plot, are not his strong points.

Compared with focusing on the performance of the actors, the Coen brothers are better at constructing the entire scene.

Therefore, at this time Joel could feel the good performance of Lan Li, but lacked some touches. He was a quick-witted man. He looked around and shouted anxiously:

"It took six full shots for this scene to We have spent the whole morning here, and now we have finally found the perfect performance, we can call it a day. Isn't anyone responding? Or? Say, you don’t care at all about finishing time?"

This time, the magic was finally lifted.

The staff began to move, and the sound rang again, but it still looked a little dull. It was not like ending part of the work and going to the next part of the work. It was more like packing up and walking into the distance, looking forward to the complex mood of anxiety, anxiety and excitement. It is difficult to describe with a simple vocabulary.

Joel let out a long breath, turned around to look at Ethan, and asked with a bewildered face, "What the **** is going on?"

Ethan's understanding is more delicate and vivid. He can vaguely understand the deep meaning of the performance just now. It is not specific enough, but shocking enough.

Ethan was already used to Joel's hindsight, and he didn't care at all. He waved his hand, "It's okay, maybe because it's too cold outside and everyone doesn't want to go out, so the action is still a little slower."

Joel thought about it and agreed.

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