The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1169: Similar frequency

Human emotions are always incomparably mixed, often a combination of contradictions, like and disgust, happy and sad, expecting and repelling. Reason is reason, reason is reason, but emotion is still an unknown factor that is unpredictable and difficult to control.

Both Levine and Mickey are like this. On the one hand, they look forward to their artistic persistence, but they know that the reality is cold and cruel, not based on their will; on the other hand, they doubt their own art. Whether persistence really makes sense, but adapting to the commercial changes in the market has made them so ridiculous.

A simple remark, but such a rap, even Lan Li himself has been circumvented by himself.

But Justin nodded in affirmation, "That's what it means. So, this song has a special meaning for Mickey and Levine."

"I remember when the crew met on the first day, you mentioned that there are two versions of the same song. At the beginning of the story, Levine showed a spirited and unrestrained momentum, because deep down, he still treats himself Full of self-confidence; but at the end, it was Levine's lonely and lost vicissitudes of self-lost. After going round and round, he also began to have self-doubt."

Justin also gradually entered the state, eloquently said, but after saying this, he himself was stunned—

The delicate understanding of roles and performances is his shortcoming. It has always been the case. He doesn't seem to have much talent for acting. All the touch is always on the surface, unable to really touch the essence of the role and the story. ; But during this period of cooperation, Lan Li’s performance has silently revealed the depth and breadth of those roles bit by bit.

Even Justin didn't realize that the words from the first day of the crew's official meeting came to mind like this, so lifelike and so shocking.

This is an interesting thing.

"It's just like Mickey." Justin said hesitantly, finishing his exposition with this sentence, but when his gaze fell on Lan Li again, it became deeper. If it is said that the ridicule between him and his wife is more of a complaint; then looking back now, everything becomes real.

Lan Li's frowning brows still didn't relax, and the corners of his mouth that rose slightly raised a hint of playfulness, "Is it true that singers are like this?"

"Isn't actors like this?" Justin's rhetorical question made Lan Li also laughed blankly. "It should be said, aren't artists like this? Even Bob Dylan, even Meryl Streep, They don’t necessarily like every one of their works."

Both Marcus and Benn who were sitting next to each other nodded their heads. This time, instead, Renly couldn't keep up with his rhythm a little, and he himself burst into laughter.

Think about it carefully, it seems that it is indeed the case.

Lan Li is a special case because he is always firm because of the relationship between being a human being in the reincarnation. Each work is the result of careful selection. Not only does he not hate those works, but he also loves them, including commercial works such as "Edge of Tomorrow" and "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5".

But not all actors are so lucky.

Lan Li nodded to express his understanding. After thinking about it for a moment, he tilted his head slightly, "Then, we can try it out, the complete arrangement and rhythm, and perform live performance once to see how it works; then compare the revised version. "Five Hundred Miles", slightly adjusted on the style..."

"Don't worry. The style of '500 miles' will be more modern. I have discussed with Stark and Kerry. We used two guitars and used different frets to highlight the parts, showing a triplet. The singing effect and style are still different. What Marcus said just now makes sense, the banjo was not widely used in the 1960s, and it is a bit remote..." Justin took the conversation and indicated their work Results.

Later, Marcus and Benn both cut into the topic, discussing how to highlight the singers' respective styles. The most important thing is to define Mickey's music style, and then on this basis, complete the adaptation of "Waving goodbye".

In his busy schedule, Justin couldn't help but glance at Lan Li.

They entered the working mode without making any changes. Justin who was "late" did not become a burden, and was integrated into the discussion without any sense of disobedience, and further mobilized the entire meeting, even if there was no relationship between each other. The opportunity for self-introduction still seems to be taken for granted.

In fact, this kind of working state is quite comfortable, without the courtesy of social occasions, it becomes simpler.

Everything came from Lan Li's unexpected question.

What Justin is even more curious is, is this accidental or intentional?

However, Justin could not continue to think about it, his thoughts flashed, he also recovered, stood up quickly, took a guitar in the corner, and then joined the sparkling creation.

"I think the current tempo is still a bit too fast, let's try it more slowly."

"Do you mean that in the first part, the emotions are settled down a little, and the sorrow of the lyrics is contrasted with the brisk melody?"

"Yes, and then express the inner chic and unruly through deduction. This is also the reason why Levine is willing to compromise."

"Then give it a try, I don't think there is anything wrong."

"What tempo does '500 miles' use?"

Bustling discussions flooded the entire recording studio, so that when the Coen brothers arrived at the scene, they joined the ranks of everyone eagerly. The work started in full swing, and the passage of time was no longer important. It seemed that even the time for meals. Can't interrupt their conversation—

Even during the meal, the conversation is still full of melody, beat, arrangement and so on.

When the "Drunk Country Folk Songs" crew left the recording studio, night had fallen, the cold wind was gusting, the icy cold, and the overwhelming cold made people want to stomp on the spot, even if they were just standing outside. , It takes great courage. On the deserted streets, there seems to be no taxi at all.

Lan Li's footsteps did not stop. After leaving everyone with a guitar on his back, he turned and left silently, took a steady step, and disappeared into the large and hazy night of the street corner in a blink of an eye. The thin light of the street lamp followed his footsteps. Going, but there was no time to keep up, the slender shadow was lost in a blink of an eye, and when he raised his eyes again, the street was empty.

"Is he always like this?" Marcus and Kerry also said goodbye and left, cuddling each other in the other direction, drifting away.

"What do you mean?" The question was too broad, and Carey didn't quite understand it.

Marcus shrugged, "I mean, he is always so down and alone? Honestly, when I saw him for the first time today, the outfit shocked me. He looked like he was …"

"Folk singer in the sixties?"

The wife's supplement made Marcus think about it seriously, and then nodded vigorously, "Yes, it's a folk singer in the 1960s."

A smile curled up at the corner of Kerry's mouth, "That's how he is, after joining the crew. Many times, we can't tell whether he is Renly or Levine."

Involuntarily, Carey stood up straight and described it with joy, "A few days ago, Joel and I also discussed this topic, the difference between Lanly and Levine. In fact, we can indeed feel It turns out that they are two different characters, but they can't tell one reason."

While talking, Kerry noticed the smile on Marcus's face, and her words stopped, "What's the matter? Is there anything on my face?"

Marcus shook his head with a chuckle, "No, you are fine. It's just that I haven't seen you so happy in the past three or four months."

"Yes. I am very happy indeed. I am very fortunate that I got the opportunity to perform in this project." Kerry admitted her joy simply and neatly, "You know, when the crew met on the first day, the blue gift It's completely different from this Lan Li. That day, he only wore a white shirt, but he looked completely different. Oh, baby, you know you didn't take the handsome route."

Marcus rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, shaking his head like a doll shaking his head, then lowered his head and kissed his wife, which gave a satisfied smile.

Kerry chuckled softly, "I just said that after entering the crew, he has been living in Levine's way, truly integrated into the life of the sixties. In him, you can still see that The enthusiasm for performance, God, is enviable madness. This really touched me. I kept thinking about the meaning of performance and the meaning of Jane’s role.

Carrie did not continue to explain the following words, because it was too professional and too boring.

"This is really a very interesting performance experience. UU reading" Carrie sighed in conclusion.

Marcus nodded in agreement, "I can feel it. I don't know Renly, but today, he is really impressive. I now finally know why he always insists that'Don Quixote' is one. A doomed album, because he is Levine Davis."

"You know, the whole album has always adhered to its own style, hiding all the emotions of life in the melody and lyrics without any cover. But now no one cares about this." Marcus shrugged. Expressed his dissatisfaction and helplessness, "Maybe the album is indeed a success now, but everything is just a bubble. The point is that Lan Li knows this."

Marcus and Kerry exchanged sights, one as a singer and the other as an actor, but they found similar frequencies at the same time. This was really rare. Then, both of them chuckled lightly.

"You just said that he has been living the way of Levine?" Marcus asked curiously. "No wonder he didn't see a thick coat at all, but you said, where is he going to live? Levy? Isn't Eun going around for lodging? If he comes to find us for lodging, should we agree?"

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