The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1154: Back in time

"This thing should be like this..."

"…Current situation…"

"I think we must speed up..."

The back door of the Pioneer Village opened, fragments of fragmented speech leaked out, and the heat was rushing forward. A thin and tall figure walked out quickly, a navy blue vertical striped shirt lined with a white bottoming shirt, and a sleeve. I wore a dark pink woolen suit jacket, with a strong sixties style, but it complemented the bar behind him.

The cold air swarmed like a tide in an instant, the collision of hot and cold air began to surge, the back door was gently closed, the long alley suddenly became quiet, and all the noisy discussions were blocked outside the door panel. , The sudden drop in temperature caused a large piece of goose bumps to appear on the surface of the skin, and people couldn't help pulling their coat, trying to find a trace of warmth.

But immediately, Lan Li realized that he forgot to put on his coat and went straight out.

After looking back, he still did not go back. A dark, turbulent noise came from my ears, surging in the dense night and the harsh air, not only did not appear noisy, but also more and more set off the quiet and profoundness of the alley, I could not help but raise my head and follow the source of the sound The direction looked over.

At the end of the alley, you can see the hustle and bustle of people. They are patting the team excitedly and excitedly. They are talking happily and happily. The long line can't see the beginning or the tail. It just intercepted one. The short section can easily depict the turbulent crowd, and in the night, the excited and excited faces have turned into fuzzy symbols.

In the alleys, the street lights in disrepair seem to have been abandoned. The flashing neon outlines the skyline of the city. Even at night, it still looks like daylight. The blue-gray building walls are looming in the night, and the light is light. After the ground slid over, a large shadow was cast, hiding all the figures and secrets in the deep alley.

The hazy rain and mist in the halo has a kind of apocalyptic magnificence and decadence—

The more lively, the more lonely; the more crowded, the more lonely.

I lowered my eyes slightly, and then I saw this familiar alley: wet ground, dark red brick walls, dirty trash cans, rusty fire escapes, broken copper and iron piled in the corner...

Time flies, the world has been vicissitudes of life, but it seems to have forgotten this corner, everything is exactly the same as in memory, it seems that he has not changed since the first day he came to work, even a large area outside the diagonally opposite glass window. There was no change in his spider web, still trembling in the cold wind, with trivial drops of water hanging.

The memory began to look back little by little, and once again returned to the years when I just arrived in New York.

So far, but so close; so vague, but so clear.

I took a cigarette box out of my pocket, took one out, and held it to my mouth; subconsciously leaning on the wet wall, ready to light it with a match, but before opening the matchbox, it came from behind. After a chill, he involuntarily shuddered, shrinking his neck reflexively, and began to jump on the spot.

He glanced at the back of the suit, not sure if it would affect the next performance; frowned slightly and looked back, only to realize that he was standing in the wrong position, and then he shuddered again.

After realizing his actions, he was stunned for a while, and the smile on the corner of his mouth rose absurdly.

He recalled his childhood in this life.

Because for the noble lords, jumping, shaking, and necking are absolutely forbidden. Only servants and working people will feel the threat of cold weather. Those upper class lords always stay there. The warm spring interior maintains an elegant manner.

For the nobles, even if they are going out, they must straighten their waists, open their shoulders, and have a calm expression. It seems that they can't feel the magical attack of the weather at all, and they must meet any challenges with grace and calmness. Even if they really feel the cold, they can only put on gloves and rub their hands politely to keep warm.

Don't talk about George and Elizabeth, even if Elf saw the action just now, he would definitely stop with a stern look in his eyes.

After leaving London and coming to New York, the time passed quickly. He has not recalled those childhood moments for a long, long time. After the performance in the West End, he has not remembered those family members again for a long, long time-Arthur and Edie Silk is a special case, and sometimes, he doesn't think Edith is a Hall.

But at this moment, those memories flooded up again, so lifelike. Just like when I first arrived in New York, I just left London, just left the shackles, and just gained freedom. Raising his head again and looking around, this trance gradually became clear, and there seemed to be no gap between the time travel and the backflow.

Everything is so familiar, the familiar pioneer village, the familiar long alley at the back door, the familiar performance night...there are also the familiar dream dilemma, the familiar waiting, the familiar being at a loss...everything is too real. It was so real that Lan Li was a little confused, and instantly returned to three years ago.

That winter, that pioneer village, that New York.

At that time, the "Pacific War" had just come to an end, exhausted and exhausted, finished filming and vacation, and returned to New York. In fact, after the end of the series, he stayed in Australia for a while, learning to surf and relaxing; nevertheless, leaving Australia’s scorching sun and rushing into the cold and humid New York, it still makes people unable to adapt.

During the filming of the drama, he truly felt the joy and happiness of acting for the first time, and once again confirmed his dream and persistence down-to-earth. His talent was initially recognized, and he also stepped forward. One step forward, looking forward to the future, looking forward to development, full of confidence and pride.

However, the "Pacific War" has not been officially aired, and it is inevitable that I feel a little nervous deep in my heart. I look forward to the feedback from professional film critics and the audience's repercussions. The distance to success is so close but so far away, and the mood for gains and losses is always there. Ups and downs, a trace of anxiety, and a trace of excitement.

On the one hand, I firmly believe in my dreams and try my best to sprint towards the goal; on the other hand, I cannot avoid self-doubt whether my talents and talents can really impress the public, whether I can really find a soulmate, and Can you really create a world, or even if you really have the talent?

On the one hand, the friends who witnessed the audition together looking for opportunities together, began to receive audition notices one after another, and even further received performance opportunities, winning opportunities in their own way, and a trace of envy inevitably grew in their hearts. ; On the other hand, but refused to compromise, just stubbornly stubbornly stubborn, refused to go with them, stubbornly insist on himself.

On the one hand, he devoted himself to the polishing and research of professional skills, immersed in his own art world, and firmly believed that his ideas were correct; on the other hand, he began to panic again whether the balance between art and commerce fell into an impossible situation. In the escaped quarrel, he will eventually become a dust in the torrent of the times.

Even if the two lives are human, the unknown subjects of life still need to be explored and explored slowly.

It was during that winter that Renly Hall and Levine Davis overlapped.

They are the same, with talents, firm beliefs, persistent dreams, some stupid adherence to an ideal, but still high and proud, quietly waiting for their own opportunities, and patiently waiting for the moment when their dreams take root. . Although the contradictions and conflicts deep in their hearts have never really disappeared, they still raised their heads proudly and proceeded stubbornly.

In the face of Andy Rogers’ three-minded, sincere, sincere, but he has always put on a high profile, clearly has nothing, and still picks and chooses. Compared with the breakthrough and development of his career, he is more worried about himself as an artist. The literati's pursuit of dignity and arrogance lingered, refused to compromise, and considered himself detached.

Faced with the audition invitation of "Thor", he never really thought about it. He just used reading as a learning opportunity to browse through, and then put it aside and refused to pay attention. uukanshu. com is obviously a newcomer who has no choice but to demand a lot. With a pure and speechless idealism, he runs rampant in Hollywood.

Faced with the opportunity of "buried alive", I tried my best and desperately, because it was the best choice in my mind, so I rushed forward like moths into the fire, and ran barefoot, desperately trying to chase this work. , But deep down in his heart, he is not sure whether he is qualified for the job, and even less sure whether this opportunity can achieve his artistic persistence.

Contradictory and stupid, naive and stubborn.

Such a story is too familiar and too real. He is so, and so is Levine.

I was picky about Jim’s commercial performance, envious of Troy’s recognition by his agent, scorned the vulgarity of the quartet, mocked my sister’s incomprehension of art... For quick money, I had to choose to bow my head, joined Jim’s ranks, and sang a commercial song. , But wished that his name was completely eliminated from the ranks of producers, gave up the copyright, and chose cash... For the last chance, he traveled all the way to Chicago and gave it a go, but he returned in despair.

This is the story of Levine, and it is also the story of Renly.

Even the excitement and turbulence of the alleys in front of them are exactly the same. They may have heard of the names of "Renley Hall" or "Levien Davis", but they are just joining in the fun, and they have never really understood him. Talent and creativity; they may not care who "Len Li-Hall" or "Levien-Davis" is, they just want to enjoy a night of relaxation and entertainment.

They gathered at the gate of Pioneer Village in a hustle and bustle, but they had nothing to do with him.

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