The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1152: Extras

The car drove slowly on Manhattan Island. The cold winter reduced the number of pedestrians on the street, but the bad traffic situation still did not improve much. As we walked, the neon lights continued to light up. Get up, let this city bid farewell to the prosperous daytime, showing another style.

Annie leaned on the side of the window excitedly, staring at the bustling and noisy outside the window.

Because of illness, the schedule of work and rest must strictly follow the doctor's advice; moreover, both parents are busy with work and often need more rest at night. Therefore, it is rare for Anne to be able to come out in the evening. "One person's concert" is one time, Grammy awards ceremony is one time. Outside that, there are very few.

But Annie just watched quietly, even if she was curious, she didn't shout, even if she was confused, she didn't ask, she just enjoyed it quietly, as if she could peer into the whole world through this window, which was enough.

Upon seeing this, Paul slapped the driver's seat, quietly confessing to the driver, slowing down, there is no need to be too anxious.

Although Paul's voice was very soft, Annie heard it and turned to look at Paul. Her eyes were shining brightly, and there was a big smile at the corners of her mouth. She seemed to want to say something, but after all she turned around shyly. He turned too far, looked at the window again, and said nothing.

Slowly, slowly, but finally arrived at the destination.

Paul took the initiative to get out of the car and opened the door. After waiting for Annie to get out of the car, he shielded Annie's back, closed the door, and stood there waiting for the traffic light at the intersection. Then there was a warmth from his right hand and he lowered his head. Paul can see that Annie is carefully holding his right hand.

A small gesture made the corners of Paul's mouth rise.

"Is that the Pioneer Village?" Annie's voice couldn't hide the joy of joy, and even the whole person jumped lightly, as if the whole world had brightened up. After Paul's confirmation answer came in her ear, Annie couldn't wait to follow up, "But, why are there so many people tonight? Wow, the whole line has gone to the other side of the street! Can't see the tail!"

Paul just noticed the abnormal long queue at the bar door, he was slightly stunned, and then he heard Anne's question, and laughed dumbfounded, "They are the same as you. They are here to watch the show tonight."

"But, this is a filming, not a concert. Didn't it mean that other people are not allowed to disturb the scene of the filming? Tonight, we must also keep quiet and not disturb Renly's work?" Little Nizi, who didn't say a word, started asking questions one by one, with a stubborn light shining in her eyes, as if she had to inquire to the end.

Is it because of Renly?

Paul bent down and explained solemnly, "When filming, we need extras to cooperate with the director to show the ordinary people in the movie, and then form a complete picture together."

"Ah! I see. It's like those small town residents watching the fight in'Kung Fu Panda', right?" Annie made it through at one point, expressing her opinion in a bluff, "If there weren't those small town residents. , They are fighting like two fools, that would be so funny.” While talking, Annie laughed shitly, as if she was filling the picture in her brain.

Paul also laughed, "Yes, that's it. Today, we are also here to act as extras. Therefore, we can't interrupt Lan Li’s work, but we can enjoy the performance like a real audience, and then act for Lan Li. applaud."

Today is the first day of the official launch of "Drunk Country Folk Songs".

After negotiation and discussion, the Coen brothers decided to complete the filming in the order of the time the story happened.

One is because the whole film has a relatively simple context. For the director, it is easier to grasp the context of the story with chronological shooting; second, because the characters and the development of the plot are closely related, especially Levine, this Such delicate changes often require more speculation, and the differences are more subtle than imagined. Shooting in chronological order is undoubtedly more suitable for actors to play.

Therefore, the first scene on the first day of the boot was Levine's live performance at the Kerosene Lamp Bar. It forms a circular intertext with the last scene of the movie, which starts and ends with the performance.

According to the original plan of the script, Levine should perform two songs, one is "hang-me, oh, hang-me" and the other is "wave goodbye".

But after in-depth discussion and analysis between the Coen brothers and Lan Li, they gave up on "wave goodbye."

As Lan Li said, "Waving goodbye" is a special song. This is a song that Levine and his partner collaborated with. It has a special meaning at the beginning and the end. It serves as a dark line for Levine's role and further fulfills its performance And plot.

If at the opening stage, Levine sings alone, and through the details of the performance to outline Levine’s bitter and complex mentality, to some extent, this is somewhat similar to the ending, which will destroy the opening. The design intent of echoing the ending and contrasting the differences further affects the sublimation of the ending performance.

Therefore, in the opening performance, Levine only sang one song.

Subsequently, following the promotion of the camera, capturing Levine's life state, and then Levine and his partner's version of "Waving goodbye" as the background music to cut in, play the studio version; and through the delicate differences in performance, highlight the melody and reality The gap between them conveys the true meaning of the song, and finally completes the intertext when the ending comes.

Tonight, the crew of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" officially started filming the first scene in Pioneer Village.

Different from other crews, the Coen brothers, in order to present the real texture of that era as much as possible, chose to complete the shooting at night for the first scene of the boot, and invited the audience to experience the performance after the third tour. So, boot In the first scene, an invitation was sent to senior fans of folk songs, hoping that they would cooperate with the filming as extras.

Annie is also a member of the extras.

She has always hoped to be able to watch Renly’s performance work on site. This performance is the best opportunity; moreover, Paul just came to New York to visit Renly, who had finished the “Gravity” filming, and became a nanny. The best candidate. However, Annie will not enter the camera, but sit in the corner and enjoy the performance.

Before the official filming tonight, the crew did not leak any news, because the Coen brothers directed the two popular superstars Renly and Justin so powerful, they do not want to destroy the reality of the entire shooting scene, and become a fan and The idol’s private meeting.

The crew issued an invitation letter through the Pioneer Village, in the name of the Pioneer Village, inviting folk lovers living in Greenwich Village to attend and enjoy a performance by independent folk singers. There are three singers, Troy Nelson. , Al Cody and Levine Davis.

Even the most experienced folk enthusiasts are bound to be at a loss. They have never heard of the names of these three singers—because these are all characters in the "Drunken Country Folk Songs", they are completely fabricated names by the Coen brothers.

But in the field of contemporary independent folk songs, it is really normal. There are countless unknown independent singers. Standing on the streets of Greenwich Village, three of the ten people who pass by may be three singers. The actors and three are down-and-out artists, and the remaining one is tourists who come to join in the fun.

The Pioneer Village made an announcement with no exception, and sincerely invited the audience to watch the performance; the only special requirement is that the audience must be dressed in the costumes of the 1960s, casual, formal, gorgeous, and simple. , All can be, but must come from the sixties.

This is not uncommon.

The reason why New York is called a city that never sleeps is because it is a city full of surprises in its nightlife, and themed parties are just one of them. Pedestrians of different ages, different styles, and different themes can be seen in the streets and alleys, even if it is not Halloween, the same is true.

In the Pioneer Village, this is extremely normal, as if it is a performance that can be seen in the Pioneer Village every day.

What if no audience comes forward?

The Coen brothers are not worried about because in the movie story, this is an ordinary bar performance. About 20 or 30 people are enough. Even if there are only a dozen people, this is also consistent. The plot is set.

With the appeal of the Pioneer Village, there is no problem in bringing dozens or twenty senior music lovers to attend. On the contrary, if there are too many people, it will easily destroy the Coen Brothers' shooting plan and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, the entire crew kept a low profile and tried their best to avoid leaking news.

But obviously, this plan failed.

When Paul and Annie arrived at the Pioneer Village, the long queue at the door had already stretched vigorously. Just within sight, you could see more than a hundred people, queuing excitedly and excitedly, waiting to enter; and they Turning the corner behind him, there is a long dragon that you can't see.

What’s more interesting is that everyone is wearing vintage clothing from the 1960s. There is nothing particularly exaggerated, just shirts, suits, top hats, and bow ties, but they bring Greenwich Village back to Greenwich little by little. A long time ago half a century ago.

Paul took Annie's little hand, accompanied by Nathan, walked through the crosswalk at the crossroads, and walked towards the pioneer village. When he came near the door, the crowd cast their sights over, and there were people in the first place. Recognizing Paul, he couldn't help but shouted, "Hey, Paul!"

Paul waved his hand politely, and then the crowd began to commotion.

"Paul, it's really Paul! That's true! The singer performing here tonight is really Renly! God testifies that Paul is Renly's closest friend! Ah, ah, Lanly, really It's Lan Li!"

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