The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1150: Subtle texture

Lan Li is not a handsome guy in the typical sense.

If the photos of Lan Li-Hall are listed, among a bunch of photos of handsome guys, and strangers are provided to choose from, it is estimated that no one will think that he is a handsome guy, so he is so easily submerged in the crowd; but Those who have actually seen Lan Li with their own eyes know that the temperament on Lan Li is so charming and dazzling that it is difficult to look away.

This is the case at this moment.

Lan Li sat quietly on the chair, plucking the strings. The unique temperament was perfectly integrated with the melody and lyrics. His eyes fell on Lan Li's body involuntarily. Before he realized it, his heart The beating rhythm has lost its meaning, just simply immersed in his world.

A moment ago, Lanli was wanton, unrestrained, and arrogant. Even if he wandered around the world, even if he was ragged, even if he had no long objects, he still had a dazzling light. It seemed that the whole world was under the soles of the feet; the next moment, Lan Li is low-key, vicissitudes, and dazed. A faint sadness and melancholy emerge between the eyebrows, and a touch of bitterness flows slowly.

The melody under the slender fingertips becomes melodious and tangled, without the rhythm of jumping, the continuous tail sound flows long and sadly among the surging musical notes, the valley filled with clouds and mist, the golden sunlight just disappears like this Now, as if thick clouds are piled up above the head, the whole world has become gray, those joyful vitality disappeared in large swathes of gray, and the wind suddenly rose.

"I still remember that night, the torrential rain, the sorrow of parting, entangled my heart. Waved goodbye, my beloved, waved goodbye. Muddy rivers, billowing far away, flesh and blood in my belly, sorrow and hazy, waved goodbye, my love Wave goodbye."

The deep and hoarse singing voice, whispered, the lingering rhyme outlines the bitterness and pain in the heart little by little, the smoke is filled with sorrow, and the song is sang loudly, but still can't express the full of melancholy, lost I lost my dream, lost persistence, lost love, and lost myself, standing still, eyes blank.

"As the birds are destined to belong to the boundless sky, life will be boring after being far away from the lover, wave goodbye, my beloved, wave goodbye."

The melody is rising bit by bit, the singing voice is blooming bit by bit, but the sadness and sorrow are bit by bit, and the mouth is full of bitterness but unable to pour out, standing desolately and lonely on the spot, looking at the big world. Can't find a place to live, just stop blankly, and draw the strings again, that familiar melody can bring a touch of warmth.

It is also from the "Song of Dink", and also from the singing of Lan Li. After using two different arrangements and interpretations, it has a completely different taste and vigor.

The same is parting, one longing for the future, one struggling in the present; one full of joy, one at a loss; one wanton indulgence, one vicissitudes of life.

Involuntarily, Kerry Mulligan turned his head away and secretly wiped the faint tears from the corners of his eyes. The reason why folk songs are moving is because of the wandering spirit hidden in them, which interprets different souls. Each melody is a story and a life. It will never be a new song, but it will never grow old.

With just a song, Kerry could see the scars on Lan Li's body, and the bloodshed on the road to chasing dreams, unreservedly displayed. In this way, he showed himself unreservedly, truthfully and honestly, but how many people can really understand and understand?

In this impetuous and eager society, how many people are willing to slow down and listen to a story quietly? How many people are willing to give up the idea of ​​quick success and quick profit, really calm down to chase their dreams and stick to their artistic pursuits?

Bob Dylan succeeded, but without the intrusion and foreshadowing of the Dave Van Runckes, the wave of folk songs would not exist at all, and naturally there would be no Bob Dylan's name to survive.

People remember Bob Dylan, but never forget Dave Van Runck.

Kerry saw not only Lan Li, but also Levine Davis.

If Lan Li did not succeed, if "Don Quixote" was submerged in the crowd, if Lan Li is still unknown now, then he is Levine, still chasing himself tirelessly in the metropolis of New York Even if it succeeds, Levine is still Levine, as if Dave is not Bob after all.

Kerry concealed her embarrassment in a panic.

Few people know that Carey has also been trapped by her own troubles recently.

Not long ago, she just finished filming "The Great Gatsby" and collaborated with Leonardo DiCaprio. For any actor, this is a coveted opportunity, and she is no exception, she is honored.

But after the shooting, she fell into a dilemma of self-doubt. Because the performance of "The Great Gatsby" was really terrible, it can even be said to be terrible, she began to doubt her original intention to take over the work, she also began to doubt her concentration in preparing for the performance, and even began to doubt that she was an actor. Lost on the road.

Then, today she saw herself in the singing of Lan Li.

Suddenly, a burst of applause disrupted Kerry's thoughts, and all eyes swarmed in the same direction for an instant, and then he saw Joel Cohen who was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Joel slapped his hands vigorously and nodded, "Yes, yes, that's what I said." Joel turned his head and looked at Ethan. He seemed to be seeking advice, but he didn't wait for Ethan. After recovering, Joel stopped applauding and looked at Lan Li again, "That's it, perfect, this is what we need. I mean, your performance and singing are very good, perfect!"

At the beginning of the story, Levine, who is still upright in despair, sang the "Song of Dink", and the slutty/unruly chic and wind/flow burst into vigor; and at the end of the story, he went back to the original. Levine of the earth, still raising his head high, began to become confused, thinking about his life, and finally couldn't find an answer.

Nothing seems to have changed, but in fact everything has changed.

In this wave of times, Levine is just one of them. For the entire era, it passed vigorously; for Levine, he was trapped in his dreams and life, unable to see the future, the present, and even when he went back to the past, he was at a loss as to what to do. .

Such delicate and profound changes were fully demonstrated in Lan Li's performance just now.

From understanding to interpretation, from comprehension to interpretation, from interpretation to release, the boundary between Renly and Levine has completely disappeared. However, the pioneer village has become a gaslight bar with a few words of singing, and the aftermath is far-reaching. This performance skill really made Joel excited and unable to control himself.

John Goodman was supporting his head with his right hand, and he recollected carefully, as if he was still immersed in the singing, and then he saw the line of sight projected by Ethan.

John and the Coen brothers are old acquaintances. In 1987, when the Coen brothers filmed the second work of their career, "Raising Arizona", John had already played a role in it. Later, in almost every work of the Coen brothers, John would A guest starred in a light or heavy role, and this friendship continued.

Feeling Ethan's gaze, John showed a smile, winked his eyebrows and made an expression, chuckled and said, "The hard waiting finally paid off."

"Joel will be proud of it for a while," Ethan said because he insisted on using the blue gift, which was Joel's idea.

Then Ethan and John both chuckled at the same time.

After regaining his gaze, John looked at Lan Li again. The rumors in the industry are always not credible, but after the real cooperation, the truth gradually became clear.

In just a few days, Lan Li has truly understood the essence of the character, and even has his own understanding of the entire story, the entire core, and the entire creative soul; and can pour these ideas into the performance, just now 'S performance is just a small test, but it is enough to make people amazing.

In fact, last year's Oscar for Best Actor, John chose the "descendant" George Clooney.

But now, John has more expectations for this Ethan’s voice also rang, "Your understanding is correct, and your performance is correct. This is what we want. The taste. Regarding the adaptation of the song, can you participate in the adaptation work? I mean, you can participate in the adaptation of Levine’s six performances, which is also part of the performance."

After the words were spoken, Ethan still had some reservations.

Because he knew that Renly’s joining was too hasty this time. Just after finishing the filming of "Gravity", his physical strength and energy were not at his best, and he had completed the character and script research within a short time. , And then there is a performance task, if you add an arrangement task, this requirement is indeed too onerous.

But Lan Li did not hesitate and nodded simply, "No problem. I don't think Justin will sit around. This should be a very interesting experience of cooperation."

Justin, who was sitting quietly next to him, was suddenly named, spread his hands, put on an expression full of question marks, and expressed rejection with a serious face, "Hey, this matter is not marked in our contract, I am It can be refused."

The humorous tone of play made everyone laugh again, and gradually got rid of the sadness and melancholy caused by Lan Li's performance just now, and the atmosphere became lighter again.

"Lan Li, why is this song?" Amidst the laughter, Kerry asked curiously. Feeling everyone's gaze, Kerry's gaze always fell on Lan Li, adding further. "I mean, why did you choose this song? In the movie, there are many works that can show the quality of Levine's performance. Is there any special reason for choosing this song?"

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