The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1129: down to earth

Flying across the Atlantic Ocean, Lan Li was always asleep, groggy and unconsciously plunged into a dream of virtual reality and reality, as if floating in space, and the involvement of gravity from time to time appeared. This kind of gravitational texture that goes up and down successfully makes the world's most dangerous and exciting roller coaster look like a play for children.

Sometimes struggling, sometimes groggy; sometimes resisting, sometimes nothingness; sometimes roasting, sometimes biting. Half-dreaming and half-waking, they were already right above the city that never sleeps.

Outside the cabin windows, the turbulent sea of ​​clouds spread endlessly, and the sky-high skyscraper stands alone and upright in it. Clouds and mists are lingering, and the golden sun shines through it. The whole world reveals a thrilling brilliance and dream. It's like a fairyland.

As the plane landed little by little, the magnificent and magnificent scene dimmed little by little, plunged into the drizzle all over the sky, and the world was dyed into a wet gray, straight and spacious streets. Staggered and crisscrossed, like a sharp sword, revealing fierceness and harshness, neatly dividing the land into square grids.

Therefore, Renly can be sure that this is New York, not London.

After returning to New York and before entering the crew, Lanly had 48 hours of rest and adjustment time. This was the time that the Coen brothers tried their best to squeeze out. They can't continue to procrastinate—or, they don’t want to procrastinate any longer. , If they could, they could not wait for Renly to start work the day he arrived in New York.

Going back to Gotham City without Batman again, the winter rains and gusts are really not friendly. Strictly left everyone's footsteps in their homes and offices, and even the hustle and bustle of the bar seems to have gradually quieted down——

If it’s London, in this weather, you can find more excitement in the bar. A glass of beer and a football match can make everyone lively; but this is New York.

However, this time, Lan Li did not curl up in the warm bed to cultivate health and rest. Instead, he left the house, under the gloomy rain, started jogging around the streets of the city, just running, enjoying the cold to the sharp. The air, feeling the cold to the bones of raindrops, and most importantly, the feeling of the gravitational force of the earth.

This is really interesting.

Humans are always longing for freedom and flying, and are always longing to get rid of gravity and soar in the sky, but over time, humans still long to feel the earth, only when their feet are closely connected with the earth, the kind of safety rooted in the depths of their hearts The sense can be gradually enriched, and the sense of definiteness that supports oneself with a down-to-earth foot can regain the truth.

Now Lan Li finally understood how the term "Mother Earth" was born. Not only is this land nurtured with vitality and provides a chance to survive; it is also because human beings have rooted their blood luxuriantly on this land.

Running, step by step, toe heel, toe heel.

Repeated simple movements made the body slowly heavier and lighter again. Even the biting cold wind and icy raindrops were filled with bitterness, and the steady and hot breath stung the lungs, a sense of reality. Little by little, he returned to his blood, as if he felt the vigorous vitality again.

Unconsciously, the outline of the Mount Sinai Hospital appeared in sight. From the apartment to the hospital, the distance was nearly ten kilometers, but I didn't feel the passage of time at all. If it weren't for the burning lungs and rapid breathing, the body protested, maybe the brain still couldn't receive the signal.

The dark red brick wall became thicker and more transparent after the rain washed, and a turbulent touch of color was engulfed in the gray water mist, as if a certain moment recorded with a camera had been frozen for a long time.

Bypassing the hospital gate, Lan Li's footsteps skillfully found the staff passage on the other side of the building, pushed the door in, and greeted those familiar faces while walking to the volunteer common room, in the locker room. I found a towel in his closet, quickly dried the wet hair, and hung up the waterproof jacket, took a good rest and adjusted for a while before heading to the elevator.

"Wait, wait, that young man." A call came from the direction of the counter at the nurse station, calling Lan Li's footsteps, turning around, and you could see the chubby Anita Tunisa. Face, "Who are you looking for? Who are you looking for? Are you sure you haven't walked the wrong floor? You can't come here by anyone."

Lan Li turned around and looked at the serious and serious expression on Anita's face. A smile flowed through her eyes, but she did not excuse her. Instead, she followed Anita's words and performed the scene. "I'm not so sure. I came here to find Anita Tunisa. I heard that she is a kind, warm and kind lady who is very helpful. I just need a little help."

The corners of Anita's mouth rose slightly, but she still managed to hold back her smile, cleared her throat, and lifted her chin exaggeratedly, "Are you sure, you're not talking about Snow White?"

"Snow White?" Lan Li frowned and looked at Anita up and down, her picky and questioning look made Anita couldn't bear it anymore, her eyes widened and angrily scolded, "Why, Are black people allowed to be Snow White?"

Break power directly.

Lan Li raised his hands and said with a smile on his face, "Of course it is allowed. However, I did not expect that your favorite fairy tale character is actually Snow White, not Princess Pea, Little Red Riding Hood, Little Mermaid, Tangled Princess, or Hindrary Pull..." After a long babble, Lan Li shrugged and said meaningfully, "That's it."

Anita finally did not hold back anymore, she laughed with a chuckle, and then her smile fully bloomed, and she opened her arms, "Give me a hug, hurry up. Christmas did not appear, and New Year's Eve disappeared." Now, you can’t even see your news on the entertainment news page. You almost think that you have chosen to retire completely."

"Retire now, God, what's the misunderstanding between us, how old do you think I am?" Lan Li raised his brows, and said with a look of disgust in his eyes, but the soft eyes were still Can't help but burst into a smile.

"Forty-five?" Anita embraced Lan Li enthusiastically, then slapped Lan Li's back heavily, raising the end sound high, and replied.

However, Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth and shook his head slightly, "Forty-five is far from the time of retiring. When I am ninety years old, until no one wants to come to watch my stage. Amidst sorrow and embarrassment, he left the performance stage depressed and frustrated to enjoy the boring life after retirement.

"God! Ninety-year-old? This is simply a disaster." Anita's joking made Lan Li chuckle again, causing the nurses next to him to also chuckle, some old faces, but also some new ones. face.

This is not surprising. Taking care of patients is not an easy task, and the difficulty of taking care of the elderly and children has increased exponentially. Those caregivers with experience and skills are often extremely sought-after professionals. Changed to a more profitable and easier personal caregiver. Therefore, staff changes in the hospital are always very frequent.

Before and after, Lan Li has not appeared for more than half a year. It seems that this is the first time that Lanly returned to Mount Sinai Hospital after Heather's death. This was not a deliberate result, but by chance, things still happened like this.

But there is no gap between Anita and Lan Li. The faintly surging intimacy and familiarity always make the corners of her mouth rise involuntarily.

Anita looked at Lan Li seriously, then cast a disgusting look at the little girls next to him, and finally said seriously to Lan Li, "Are you deliberate? Before coming over, take a shower. Clean it up? A wet hair, trying to make yourself more handsome? Actually, there is no need, even if you just crawled out of the coal mine, these little girls will fall for you."

"Huh, thank you for telling me, I am finally relieved." There is no shyness, restraint, or complacency. The gentleman's polite ridicule and self-deprecating always have a special taste, and then you can see The nurses next to each other started to stamp their feet like high school girls.

Anita couldn't help but laughed, and patted Lan Li on the shoulder, "You leave now, otherwise, I am not sure, if they will directly pounce on you in the next second." It's ridicule, and I'm still complaining.

Then he changed the subject and whispered, "Anne is in the activity room now. Since the last time she harvested a batch of donated books, Anne has stayed in the activity room all day and read. Joss has been worried, maybe you You can persuade her to let her go out in the sun."

Annie Silliman, that little bit is still in the hospital; Joss is her mother.

"If this is the case, you definitely have the wrong helper. Don't you know, am I the famous bookworm?" Lan Li's eyes showed a shining light, "I have been looking forward to it now, and I will have one in the future. Build your own house, and then set up a study room with bookshelves on all the walls, with thousands of books on display."

"So, why don't you just buy a library as your own house?" Anita rolled her eyes and spit out speechlessly.

Lan Li snapped his fingers, "Good idea!" Then he saw Anita's stunned expression, which made Lan Li laugh happily, did not stay any longer, turned around and turned towards Step forward in the direction of the activity room.

But before the footsteps had time to move away, at the end of the corridor you could see an oncoming figure, a simple pink sweater with jeans, and a long camel windbreaker in his hand. The two saw each other face to face. His sights intersect for an instant, then the other party turned around, pushed open the stairwell door stiffly and hurriedly, and disappeared from his sight in a blink of an eye.

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