The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1124: Ripe melon

"Drunk Country Folk Song"? Is it really a "Drunk Country Folk Song"? What exactly is going on?

Joel Cohen dropped a bomb directly in the room, attracting everyone's inquisitive attention, but he himself had a calm face, and naturally cast his gaze towards Lan Li, waiting for Lan eagerly. Li can give an answer.

The air solidified in a moment. Standing next to Nathan, he secretly looked at the left and then at the right, not sure if he should continue to ask, "Tea or coffee", because Joel could not wait to start cutting in. It's the topic; but if there is no drink, it seems too rude, how should he deal with it?

It was Lan Li who succeeded in breaking the siege, "Whatever the guest, let's choose tea, black tea." Lan Li smiled at Nathan and said, "Just follow my habits."

Lanli’s habit is: Chinese-style black tea, tea, not tea bags; at the same time, no milk and no sugar; then it can be paired with some small snacks.

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief, but still cast his gaze at the Coen brothers uncertainly, because he was not sure whether they would accept it, but Lanly said again, "This is not the focus for them; but for them, For me, this is."

A joking joke made Ethan suddenly smile, and then nodded slightly to confirm, "Just follow Lan Li's words."

There is no need to explain at all. Just look at Joel, who is always unmoved. At this moment, what drink he chooses is not within his radar range. His sight is fixed on Lanly, even if he is talking. In the process, Joel still waited firmly for Lan Li's reply.

After Nathan nodded and left, Joel immediately went on to add, "I'm serious, I mean, we're serious. Regarding the work of'Drunk Country Folk Song', we insist, or hope that you can play it. If... if..." The following words did not continue, but hesitated and stopped, seemingly worried.

This time, Ethan took the initiative to take the conversation, "We can all sit down and talk slowly about the salary and salary. Within our scope of power, everything is fine. The only problem now is that time is too long. It’s urgent. We know that you have just finished shooting this work. You need to adjust your status, and you need some rest time, but..."

Ethan also hesitated and hesitated. His words paused for a moment, but in the end he made up his mind and gritted his teeth and said, "But, we hope we can start shooting next week. Back to New York. It's just that, once, is your state? It can be adjusted as soon as possible; secondly, you may be absent from the Golden Globes and Sundance."

"But! But!" Joel interrupted Ethan's words and said eagerly, "We believe in your strength. You know, we have watched your previous performance video in Pioneer Village, I mean the most primitive one. One, the first one."

"A chair, a guitar, that's all, and then you play Cleopatra, perfect, everything is perfect, whether you believe it or not, this is the beginning of the movie we conceived, exactly the same Really, exactly the same! All the inspirations and pictures are the same!" Joel said with a splash of foam, "To be honest, there is no other person besides you."

"Is that really the case?" Just right, Lan Li inserted a sentence and looked at Joel enthusiastically, suddenly turning the topic crooked.

When Jolton touched his neck in a daze, he said honestly, "No, that's not the case. We have considered other candidates, but you are the best. This is the truth. This is absolutely the truth. Levine- Davis is Renly Hall, and Renly Hall is Levine Davis. You are still one of the important sources of inspiration for the entire story."

Facing Joel’s honesty and sincerity, Lan Li chuckled happily, cleared his throat, and said seriously, “What I’m most curious about now is, what happened? I thought that the movie should be finished now. ."

In the last interview, the two sides reached a consensus. The Coen brothers must be involved in the production of the film as soon as possible. They could not spend a lot of time waiting for the blue gift. The missed schedule caused regrets on both sides. But now, six months later, the filming of "Drunk Country Folk Songs" has not yet started. Obviously, there must be something wrong with the crew.

Lan Li needs to understand what is going on.

Ethan and Joel exchanged glances, and then they saw Joel showing an annoyed expression, rolled three big eyes in a row, and finally nodded helplessly, as if driving a fly, waved to Ethan, he He turned his head, avoiding his sight.

Ethan then met Lan Li’s gaze and began to explain, “Because of this stupid guy sitting next to me, he told the actor’s agent that the actor’s singing skills are very good, very good; but his In any case, the performance is not comparable to yours. His performance is disappointing and regrettable. It can't awaken the resonance at all. It is also said that he is an excellent singer, but not necessarily an excellent actor. "

In sight, Ethan saw Lan Li slightly open his mouth, and his astonishment and surprise were revealed without concealment. Ethan himself only felt that his teeth were sour, but he continued to say, "This is not all, he even I sent the video of your performance in the Pioneer Village to the agent and directly emphasized that this is the effect we want."

Disaster, this is definitely a disaster.

No actor likes to become an imitator of other actors, no actor wants to perform according to the template of other actors, and no actor wants to be a substitute, and it is a substitute for inferiority. For the broker, this is even more an insult.

Such a blatant way of expression is completely telling actors and agents: they are spare tires, substitutes, and second choice; what is even more frightening is that they will never compare to the original best choice.

This is already the case in the audition stage, and the shooting stage will be a nightmare. It is impossible to predict what bad words will be said by the outspoken Joel.

Perhaps, the unknown 18-line actors, they are willing to firmly seize any performance opportunity, even if it is a spare tire; but deep down, they still can't be happy.

Now, Lan Li just heard the narration from Ethan, and he was so embarrassed that his fingers were curled up; even if he was the actor who was sought after and praised, it still felt too strange.

Lan Li couldn't imagine how the actor and agent would react. Thinking of the possible reaction of Andy Rogers, he felt an awkward feeling of joy inexplicably. Then, Lan Li felt like sitting on pins and needles, although he knew it was not directly related to him; but no matter what, he was also a party. one.

"How did they respond?" Lan Li adjusted his sitting posture and asked.

"They asked us to extend an invitation to you." Ethan replied, his expression also a little embarrassing.

Lan Li closed his jaw meaningfully, "They still maintained the etiquette." At least he didn't directly say "get out", but it is conceivable that the actor and agent should still be afraid of the Coen brothers' position in the industry, and this did not completely lose control. .

Joel, who sat beside him silently, seemed to be aware of his recklessness, but could not help muttering, "But what I said is the truth. Oscar's performance lacks that kind of texture, the kind that belongs to the bard, The quality of a wandering singer, he is a folk singer of the 21st century, but not from the 1960s."

"Oscar-Isaac?" Lan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and then got Ethan's confirmation. Lan Li pursed the corner of his mouth, "It seems that I should take a detour when I meet Oscar in the future."

Such a playful ridicule caused Joel to adjust his sitting position awkwardly, and Ethan also scratched his neck with a jerky expression.

Now, Lan Li finally knows the reason. Obviously, "Drunk Country Folk Songs" dragged on for six months, but still failed to start filming. It was not because of the crew or script that something went wrong, but because of him.

Although I was a little sorry for Oscar Isaac, a touch of touch was still surging slowly in my chest.

Lan Li once watched a video of Oscar-Isaac's folk concert performance. His performance is so good that he has no sense of disobedience among a group of folk singers, and even better; and ~ The temperament on Oscar is also something that Lan Li personally likes very much. In other words, it is not that the Oscar is not good enough, but because Joel has been preconceived and has a better candidate, so this is picky in every way.

Just like Alfonso-Caron back then, the Coen brothers also showed the enthusiasm and perseverance of moths to the fire. This is the best recognition of Lan Li as an actor, and also the best of Lan Li's actor's strength. Good trust.

What's more, the Coen brothers are not Alfonso who are blind to the outside world. They know clearly that sticking to an actor and refusing to compromise is a major impact on the crew, the project, and the investors; they also It is clear that perhaps an actor is indeed irreplaceable, but a role player can be replaced.

Despite this, the Coen brothers still chose Lanly, and at the same time, they made a special trip to the crew and made an invitation before "Gravity" was completed. This sincerity is enough to move people.

Scholars die for confidants, and women are tolerant for self-pleasure. This is the eternal truth.

From an unknown little actor, step by step to today, Lan Li finally has his own world, a world exclusive to the actor. It's not just the box office or awards, it's not just the support of fans or critics, but the recognition of peers in the industry, the most difficult and important recognition.

Interestingly, the creation and performance of "Cleopatra" in the Pioneer Village at the beginning was an opportunity for Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg to choose Renly to play in the "Pacific War". It was the starting point of the album "Don Quixote", and now it has become the inspiration for the performance of "Drunk Country Folk Songs".

When creating this song, Lan Li absolutely did not expect the follow-up development context. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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