The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1111: Dark as tide

The reason why it was so difficult to start the first long-shot scene is all-round.

One of them is because all the pictures are placed in a constant space environment, not only the angle of light and the position in space cannot be simulated on the earth, but also the almost stringent requirements for computer special effects and related departments; but also because of the actors. The performance must be completed in an "unsupported" environment. The references and points of borrowing between actors and actors, actors and objects are all wrong, creating more difficulties.

But as the shooting progressed, the environment in the story began to change, and the backgrounds that could provide references began to gradually increase, which also provided Alfonso with more points of borrowing, and the difficulty of shooting naturally decreased, although The effect of space is still a problem, but after solving the technical problem of the opening long shot, things become simpler.

This is the case today in this scene.

In the same light box, the change of light is still an important part of the effect of space, but the relative position of the photographic lens has begun to be fixed, and the coordination between the IRIS robotic arm and the actors has become thicker, simpler and more straightforward; At the same time, the shooting props in the center have also changed from a basket to an escape pod seat, and the actor's posture and state have been greatly improved, which is a good thing for the performance.

But as far as Lan Li is concerned, the difference is not too great. The entire shooting environment has gradually become familiar. Both comfort and discomfort have become accustomed. In the final analysis, this is still a difficult shooting. Staying in the light box for more than ten hours , This is still a torment.

Moreover, compared with the first lens, the lens gradually zoomed in and zoomed in. The weight of the core of the film was all weighed on the actors, weakening the visual impact of technology. It is difficult to tell stories by actors. Naturally it is straight up.

Perhaps, the only difference is that after this time of tempering, Lan Li has become completely accustomed to the shooting environment of the light box. Even after ten hours of marathon shooting, he was sweating, exhausted, and physically exhausted, and he has gradually forgotten. After the physical pain and mental torture, changing to a more comfortable sitting posture can further forget these additional disturbances, and can devote 100% of attention to the performance.

In the words of Rooney Mara, "This is the supernatural power of an actor, but his skill is deeper than mine."

Now, Lan Li is sitting in the seat of the escape pod. The screenwriter and other staff have already left to make sure to leave the capture range of the camera so that the shooting can proceed smoothly.

Alfonso's voice can be heard in his ears. He is confirming the preparations of various departments, but without warning, Lan Li's voice broke this balance. "I need five minutes." Lan Li raised his voice. There is no specific explanation, just emphasized it again, "Give me five minutes."

This is a temporary accident that has never appeared in previous shootings. All the staff's eyes fell on Alfonso, waiting for the director's decision.

Alfonso was a little flustered, the first reaction in his mind was to ask, "What's wrong."

But as soon as the question was uttered, Alfonso realized that he had acted too hastily.

Lan Li is a dedicated actor. For a perfect scene, he is willing to do his best, even torturing himself repeatedly; similarly, if there is an unexpected situation that needs to be adjusted, he is also the first to take the initiative. of.

Alfonso didn't know anything about the performance. Even if Lanly explained it, he couldn't understand it, but what is certain is that their ultimate goal is the same. Therefore, his question is actually slightly redundant.

Sure enough, Lan Li did not explain, just raised his right hand, spread his five fingers, and said again and again, "It's just... five minutes."

This time, Alfonso did not continue to speak, but pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet, then turned his head to signal, and conveyed the meaning to the other staff behind. If the ripples are normal, the whole studio will be quiet.


Lan Li realized that his state was not quite right. It's not a special situation, it's just a feeling. He doesn't know what to say, he needs to calm down and let the whole person calm down. That's all there is to it.

Close your eyes, open your arms, let the darkness rush like a tide little by little, all the thoughts in your brain are completely cleared, even the slightest distractions are cleared out, as if the whole mind is completely immersed In the boundless darkness, gradually, those noises gradually drifted away, turning into a turbulent echo in the air, faltering, and finally disappeared completely.

Wandering in darkness and tranquility, this is a very strange feeling, the ethereal and empty touch gently surging on the surface of the skin, and you can even feel the gurgling touch of the gurgling stream, gently gliding over the micro The invisible pores, and then the chill and coolness pass through the pores, penetrate into the blood bit by bit, and wrap around the bones upside down.

The whole person seems to have become heavier, but it seems to have become lighter again. The whole person is immersed in such contradictory feelings. Slowly and slowly, the body begins to float. This feeling is really indescribable. It seems... as if the darkness has turned into a substantial tide, overflowing.

However, it is not swallowed, but floating. The body just floats on the surface of the black tide water, becoming lighter, softer, and more delicate, as if the shape and texture of the water can be depicted by the fingertips. Finally, thoroughly It merges with it; at the same time, the pulling sensation brought by gravity is slowly disappearing, and the heaviness is gradually dissolving in the tide, creating a feeling similar to floating on the surface of the Dead Sea.

Subtle but complicated.

Suddenly, all the tides disappeared completely, but the thick dark fog still existed, and the whole person was floating in the boundless darkness in the air. The body began to swing unconsciously, and the arms and thighs were out of control, but Floating randomly and irregularly, as if being in the outer space, completely cut off the connection of gravity, unable to reach the sky or the ground.

The feeling of the duckweed staying in the air brought a panic and fear from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help but began to flop with his hands, trying to grab some borrowing points, and his feet began to mess up. Kicked, trying to find a landing spot, but it was in vain. The harder he tried, the more helpless he became, and the more he panicked.

That kind of panic, after experiencing fear, anger, annoyance, irritability, and helplessness, eventually evolved into despair and powerlessness. It tightly tied the wrists, ankles, waist and neck, and controlled every part of the resistance and every one. The action, even the last trace of resistance, was completely stifled.

As a result, peace was restored, and my heart was ashamed.

The endless darkness has all evolved into endless loneliness and sorrow.

Lan Li opened his eyes again, turned his head slightly, and looked not far away, as if looking into the distance, passing through the crowd, penetrating the studio, and even breaking through the earth, prying into the vastness and mystery of the universe, far and deep. Suddenly, his eyes became hollow, and it seemed to fill the entire sky.

But the strange thing is that the seemingly hollow eyes interpret too many emotions. The vicissitudes of life and the changes in the world are so intricate and indescribable that they can’t find an accurate vocabulary. They start to grieve inexplicably. You can feel the sadness deep down.

Suddenly, Alfonso remembered the movie "The Tree of Life" in his mind. For some reason, he just remembered it.

This time, without any hint from Lan Li, Alfonso knew that Lan Li was ready, so he quickly greeted the crew to complete the preparation, and then officially announced the start of filming.

"Start shooting!"

After Alfonso’s voice sounded, there was a crisp hitting sound, and then everyone held their breath, lest a little movement would disrupt the filming of the scene, but unexpectedly, Lan Li did not respond. , The studio was still quiet, as if everyone was playing the game of "one, two, three, wooden people" and waited, everyone began to look at each other secretly, exchanged glances, couldn't help but worry Get up: Isn't Renly ready yet? Or maybe, did Lan Li not hear the sound of filming? What should I do now?

Once again, his gaze fell on Alfonso's body.

This time, Alfonso took a deep breath, did not speak in a hurry, and ignored those eagerly anticipated sights. He just stared at Lan Li intently, waiting quietly for the next change and reaction, involuntarily, he too Gradually slowed his breathing, and even started to stare with breath, even he didn't realize it.

Emmanuel was even more engrossed. His sight was always firmly locked on Lan Li. The profoundness and vastness conveyed in the lens stimulated a steady stream of inspiration in his mind, as if he could pass through Lan Li’s eyes. Prying into the mystery of the universe and the magnificence of life, this made Emmanuel's adrenaline burst out in an all-round way, and the whole world seemed to brighten up.

Emmanuel likes moments like this. There are no lines, no actions, and it seems that there is no modification. There are only sparks between the actor and the camera, the actor and the screen, and present everything to the audience in a simple and clear manner, and will Space for thinking and aftertaste is also left to the audience.

This is the real artistic level of communication, not unilateral dumping and indoctrination, but a kind of back and forth and communication with each other.

Just when everyone was about to give up, thinking that Lan Li hadn't heard the signal to start shooting at all, a small sound rang out. If it weren't for the complete silence in the studio, it would be almost inaudible. Nevertheless, the ears must be pricked up to catch subtle sounds.


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