The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1105: Mixed mood

After four weeks of screening, after the mention of the premiere of "Les Miserables" in London, after a double-day media review, after the double blessing of the Berlin Film Festival and the Oscar, and after the topic of the awards season. , The “excellent” box office performance still failed to replicate the magical curve of Lan Li's past.

The cumulative box office of the five-week screening still failed to exceed one million US dollars.

Objectively speaking, the market box office performance of works during the awards season is not the focus of attention, because this is not the original intention of the works. In addition to impacting the Oscars, the revenue of the works comes more from the rental of video tapes rather than the theater screenings. It is also basically impossible to make money even if it is the screening of art theaters.

The year before last, Nicole Kidman won the Oscar-nominated work "Rabbit Hole" for best actress. Before the nomination, the cumulative box office was 1.5 million, and after the nomination, the final box office was 2.2 million; last year; , Has received two Oscar nominations for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress "Difficult to distinguish between male and female". Before the nomination, the cumulative box office was 2 million, and after the nomination, the total box office was 3 million.

For such works of art, the box office has never been the focus of attention. No one cares about their production costs—unless it is unbelievably expensive, and no one cares about their box office data—unless they have the best film impact. The possibility of nomination.

"Beyond" is naturally no exception.

In fact, after the Berlin Film Festival, the word-of-mouth and wind reviews of "detachment" have already predicted the box office trend. Now, in just five weeks during the screening period, the cumulative box office of the film has approached one million. People are amazing.

What's more, Tony Kaye did not announce the production cost and shooting budget of the film "Beyond". According to industry estimates, it should be between 1 million and 1.5 million, and may be slightly higher. , But basically the range is floating.

This also means that such box office data was obtained during the screening period. For Tony, this is already a very gratifying box office figure.

But for reporters, for reporters who are eagerly awaiting the continuation of the magical performance of Renly, such an achievement is far from outstanding or successful.

Looking at the box office performance of all the works of Yifan Lanli, the lowest number is 52 million "buried alive", and the lowest investment cost "Love Crazy" has swept 125 million. These are still North America. The regional box office, if it is the global box office number, the achievement is even more incredible.

Reporters' expectations for Lanli are not only excellent at the box office, but also not only to achieve profitability, but should be a huge explosion. There is no box office income of ten times or twenty times, which seems to be unsatisfactory. The current "detached" achievements and reputation may be acceptable results for others, but for Renly, this is Waterloo.

After the first week of December, the pace of "detachment" projections still unfolded unhurriedly and methodically.

In the last week of 2012, the film was screened in 49 theaters in five cities in North America. The screening range was still tightly controlled within a limited range. Word of mouth and commentary were allowed to flow slowly, and controversy and disputes were allowed to The debate is slowly fermenting; even after entering the New Year, Dianying still hasn't fully started.

"Transcendence" has always insisted on small-scale screenings. The widest week of screening theaters occurred in the fourth week of January. It was shown in 351 theaters, but it only lasted for one week, and the following week It began to reduce the number of theaters, and fell back to above the screening scale of 298 theaters.

In other words, the majority of movie fans have limited opportunities to watch movies in art theaters. After missing them, they can only wait for the release of the video tape before they can watch it through rental or online on-demand.

In the end, "Departure" was shown on a small scale in North American theaters for 18 weeks, and officially went offline in the first week of March; however, instead, the film was officially released on Blu-ray discs four weeks later, providing rental and sales for those Real senior movie fans provide a wider range of viewing channels.

When Transcendence officially went offline, the North American cumulative box office of this film stood at US$6.98 million; moreover, there was no overseas box office, because Tony Kaye did not operate overseas theaters, so he skipped it. In the theater link, the release of DVDs allows the majority of movie fans to watch this work more directly and quickly.

According to the official announcement of Tony Kaye's personal studio, "Delicate" has already achieved profit early only by relying on the theater box office, and the amount is far beyond imagination.

The studio also stated that Tony donated all his box office proceeds to charities, mainly institutions related to the education system, especially funding slum education projects. Later, Blue Li also announced that he would donate all his personal remuneration income and box office dividends. To the same charity.

Obviously, for them, making money is never the primary goal, or even one of the goals, in filming and producing the work "Transcendence".

At the same time, "Beyond" also officially surpassed the "American X File" and became Tony's personal director's career with the highest box office performance. This is really an unexpected result.

When "American X-Files" was released in 1998, it achieved a North American box office of 6.72 million U.S. dollars. At the same time, it was also screened overseas and achieved good box office results. In the end, the global cumulative box office exceeded 20 million, reaching two million. Thousands of millions.

However, the filming cost of this film is also huge, with a full investment of 20 million US dollars. According to this calculation, the film not only failed to make a profit, but also lost money. But later, the film performed well in the video tape rental market and succeeded in achieving profitability.

"Transcendence" was not able to be released overseas, and the global box office is naturally not on par with "US X File", but this work entered the DVD rental market early, and also received good feedback, and the long battery life is also amazing. ——This is always the case for author movies and cult movies.

Although, the North American box office of "Aloof" far exceeded expectations; Although, "Aloof" has once again achieved profitability, even if it has not been able to burst, the results are still good; although, the widespread discussion of "Aloof" is still fascinating. Looking sideways; although, "Delicate" is only an art film, an art film that does not judge success or failure based on the box office...

But no one can ignore, and no one wants to ignore it. This is the first Waterloo since Lan Li turned out to be born. It's not a guess, it's not an imaginary, it's the real Waterloo.

First of all, Lan Li's dream of five consecutive works of over 100 million in North America was shattered.

Secondly, the "extraordinary" North American cumulative box office has not even been able to cross the ten million threshold.

Once again, the word of mouth for "detachment" is in full struggle. Except for the 55-point media review, Rotten Tomatoes is 59% fresh, and the average score is 6; above IMDB, more than 40,000 The scoring of a famous netizen temporarily settled at 7.8 points to save his face a little, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

There is no doubt that this is the new low of Lan Li's career; and it is far below expectations.

Therefore, the day that people waited so hard, the day that people ardently inquired, and the day that people were looking forward to, finally arrived; but...there was no excitement and joy as imagined.

After a brief period of rejoicing and joy, the mood quickly settled down, a little at a loss, a little lonely, and a little disappointed. The mixed emotions are really difficult to sum up accurately in one language.

Not long ago, Lan Li, who just turned 23 years old, has created countless miracles in his career, and even made people jealous and resentful, wishing to see him slam a somersault; but when the day really came, people started If lost, could it be that the first person of Generation Y has been devastated?

Does that mean that the change of times is still impossible to complete? Does that mean that the rise of the new generation of actors has come to an abrupt end? Does that mean that they have no chance to witness the birth of one history after another?

Human beings are always in such contradictions, good and bad, good and evil, advancing and retreating, and everything is gathered on them. After the thoughts are done, they begin to regret it again.

Now I turn my head and look back at Renly's career. They are far too happy because they missed the moment when Renly made history again, and the future suddenly became uncertain, the Tom Cruise and Will Smith era. Idols, will they never appear again?

Mixed flavors This may be the best adjective right now.

Many media did not have the imaginary collective downfall, but were somewhat distracted. After the report was completed, they began to raise another concern:

The complicated word-of-mouth and the sluggish box office of "extraordinary", as well as the unhurried pace, does this mean that this year's awards season, Lan Li will be absent for the nomination for the first time?

The connection between the Berlin Film Festival and the Oscars has always been very weak. Every year, the winners of the actor and actresses, even the finalists in the awards season competition, are extremely difficult, and the record of winning the prize is even slimmer.

The last time a Berlin actor won the Oscar, it dates back to 2000. After Benicio Del Toro (-Del-Toro) reached the top of Berlin with the "drug/product network", he won the best Oscar the following year. Supporting actor.

And the last time a Berlin actress won an Oscar was in 2004. Charlize Theron won the Berlin and Oscar actresses with her outstanding performance in the "Devil Head". At that time, it was the honeymoon period between Berlin and Oscar. , Halle Berry in 2002 and Nicole Kidman in 2003 have replicated the trajectory of winning the Oscar after climbing to the top of Berlin.

But now, Blue Li's prospects in this year's awards season are getting weaker and weaker.

So far, among the actor candidates who have hit the Oscars, people mentioned the "Master" Jackie Phoenix, mentioned the "Lincoln" Daniel Day Lewis, and mentioned the cloth of "the line of happiness behind the dark clouds". Ledley Cooper, but no one mentioned the blue gift of "detachment".

This is the real disappointment, this is the real downturn.

After years of continuous strength, Lanly's upward momentum has slowed down for the first time this year.

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