The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1099: Stiff smile

Originally, the reporters hoped to forcibly create a topic and set off a fuse between Hugh and Renly.

Obviously, this set of things didn’t work at all for Hugh, and the friendly answer completely eliminated any possibility of creating conflicts; not only that, Hugh also expressed his expectations sincerely, and it didn’t seem like a polite at all. The sincere friendship gradually became more and more obvious.

"By the way, do you know that Lanly has a movie currently in theaters? It is being screened in New York and Los Angeles. Before I officially set off, I watched this work. God, he is really an amazing actor." , Hugh looked at the reporters seriously and said with a smile, "Can you convey my respect to Lan Li? I very much hope to hear his views on this film."

The reporters at the scene could not help but start to help their foreheads. Not only did they fail to create conflicts, but they also became Cupids who matched the bridge? Hugh Jackman almost showed his affection directly in front of the reporter.

"Maybe you can tell him that I love him." Hugh's words came again, and the reporters were completely helpless.

Then, finally a reporter couldn't bear it, interrupted Xio forcibly, and changed the subject immediately, otherwise it would be endless. Now the reporters have finally experienced the feeling of "self-reliance".

"Hugh, in this filming process, in addition to the actors, there are also some professional stage actors. They are actors from the 25th anniversary of the'Les Miserables' world tour. Then, do you think, this Is there anything special about cooperation?"

The topic finally left Lanly and returned to the "Les Miserables" movie. In the face of the enthusiasm and endless talk, the reporters were a little overwhelmed.

It now appears that this trick is no longer feasible to forcibly create contradictions between Hugh Jackman and Renly Hall; but despite this, the comparison between the two works is still inevitable. Come out in the same year, the same adaptation, one drama and one movie, all horizontal comparisons are inevitable.

It's not just an actor. The actors in every position, as well as the screenwriting, director, production and other links, are unavoidable, especially after the drama version has achieved such brilliant achievements. The reason for trying to create a conversation between Hugh and Ren Li is only because the influence of these two actors is more outstanding.

After the failure of the first attempt, the reporters will obviously not give up. After that, there will be second and third attempts. Until the explosion point is created, the same routine will definitely not stop.


Eddie Redmayne was a little nervous, and his throat was tense. The emotions in his chest were ups and downs, like thousands of butterflies flapping their wings at the same time, rattling and rattling.

Eddie knew that this was a very important work, a golden opportunity, and it became clear at the time of the audition; but it was another matter to actually come to the premiere scene.

Looking at the mighty and turbulent crowd on Trafalgar Square, it is as if you are in the noisy scene of New Year's Eve; the difference is that they are all here for the "miserable world", in order to examine themselves From the works. Then, the nervous emotion pinched his throat tightly.

Last year, Eddie participated in "My Week with Monroe" and joined the awards season in Hollywood for the first time. The dazzling and overwhelming Vanity Fair situation opened his eyes and really opened the door of Hollywood; but, that Everything is compared with the "Les Miserables", but there is no comparison at all.

From scale to attention, from battle to momentum, "Les Miserables" is a well-deserved overlord of this year's awards season. Just a premiere, you can feel the difference.

Eddie told himself that this was just a premiere; "Les Miserables" was undoubtedly the most suitable work for him to play. Tom Hober almost copied the style of stage play, and Eddie was born in the West End of London. Authentic actors, there is a natural fit between the two, and he can't think of any other works that could be more suitable than "Les Miserables".

So, this is the passport to Hollywood; this is the turning point in the career of an actor; this is the best stage for self-expression.

With a long, long breath, Eddie tried to calm himself down, but the more he thought about it, the pressure on his shoulders became heavier and heavier, and then the car slowly stopped in front of the red carpet. After coming down, there was no time to hesitate and hesitate, Eddie gave a decent smile:

This is his moment! He is ready, those spotlights and spotlights, those attentions and sights, he is ready.

Open the car door, walk on the red carpet, and then... cheers, applause, whistle, scream, mingled in the silver waterfall of flashing lights, pouring down, all the noise and noise rushes, and every pore on the body is opened. Breathing this heat and madness to your heart's content, there is an illusion in the trance, the illusion of standing in the center of the world.

His eyes brightened little by little, and he couldn't help but start wandering in it.

"Eddie! Eddie! Here, Eddie Redmayne!"

That fanatical cry of selflessness, sharply stimulating Eddie's ears, is everywhere, making people overwhelmed. This is the moment that belongs to him, the moment that belongs to him.

Eddie cast his sights following the voice, and then saw the bustling reporters surging forward one after another. Behind him was the mighty audience of fans, crying his name with tears in their eyes.

The corner of his mouth was drawn with a shallow arc, showing a decent and calm smile, buttoned up his suit, and then walked steadily towards the reporters, and finally settled down and prepared for an interview. I quickly flashed through what the agent had explained, and kept calm, but I couldn't help being a little curious: What questions would the reporters ask?

"Eddie, it is said that when Lanly was auditioning for the crew, he was the first candidate for Marius. In the end, Lanly rejected the role, and then you played the role. It really is. ?"

The smile just stiffened on the lips.

Eddie couldn't believe it, the question was actually about Lan Li! In response to his questions, three-quarters of the words were all Lan Li!

Blue gift, blue gift, blue gift! Damn it!

The endless blue gift, the endless blue gift, the ubiquitous blue gift, the annoying blue gift.

During the audition for "Les Miserables", it was clearly his interview moment, but he was robbed of his style by Lan Li. If it hadn't been for Lan Li's rejection of Marius, he might not have been his turn.

In the summer, everyone in the upper class was talking about Renly at the Almeida Theater. Even his parents and family members were eagerly discussing Renly. No one even remembered that he just appeared in the movie version. "Les Miserables".

After the release of "Edge of Tomorrow", Lanly's name spread throughout London. Everyone knew that he was a hereditary nobleman. Everyone knew that he was carrying the burden of his family step by step to the present. The effort seems to be insignificant at all.

Now at the premiere of "Les Miserables", it is actually Lan Li. The first question is on Lan Li, and he is just a vassal in the problem. It's as if there is only one actor left in the world, absurd! absurd! absurd!

Damn it!

Obviously it belongs to him. Why do people care about another actor?

Apart from the hype, he can't see the talent of that guy at all; Harvey Weinstein said that if it weren't for the "hype door," Renly would never be able to win the Oscar.

It now appears that "Entertainment Weekly"'s accusation is not groundless, but in a contest of conspiracy and tricks, they lost this game of chess.

damn it.

The cursing deep in his heart couldn't stop at all, but the good education from childhood allowed him to control his emotions and looked at the reporter with a smile. However, the words of the answer were still stuck in the throat, and the thick suffocation and boredom rushed in his chest, unable to vent.

The reporters didn't leave any breathing room at all, and the problem soon exploded again.

"Excuse me, have you watched the Lanly version of "Les Miserables"? What do you think of his performance?"

"If Renly played Marius, how do you think he would perform it?"

"Len Li chose instead of Marius. What do you think is the reason?"

Lan Li is all about Lan Li. In the whole question, there seems to be no other character besides Lan Li, which makes Eddie's smile completely stiff at the corners of his mouth.

"Len Li is a very good actor." Eddie finally found his voice, tried to squeeze a smile, and replied step by step, "In the audition stage, I was fortunate to perform on the same stage with him. Undoubtedly, if It is a great honor to be able to achieve cooperation. However, our losses are the gains of the Western District. I think this is a good thing."

"So do you think you are more suitable to play Marius than Renly?"

The reporter's aggressiveness made Eddie a little flustered and chuckled awkwardly, but he still maintained his composure, "I don't know, honestly, I don't know, this can only be left to the audience to judge. If I didn't If I remember it wrong, Renly played Jean-Agen in the Almeida Theater, so maybe this is a question that Hugh needs to answer."

Eddie was a little embarrassed; but the reporter was still chasing after him.

"Why do you think you got the role of Marius? Was it the reason why Renly declined the crew invitation?"

Eddie’s cheeks started to burn slightly, and it’s really not easy to keep smiling, "I’m not a casting director, nor a producer. I really can’t answer this question. I hope it’s because of mine. The performance was good enough to impress the director, so I won the role; I also hope that the audience can appreciate my performance."

After finishing speaking, Eddie didn't hold back anymore, just found an excuse, and almost left the reporter interview area in a posture of fleeing.

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