The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1096: Artistic pursuit

"No rest, go on, let's go on."

Alfonso tried to suppress his emotions, but the raised voice still revealed the excitement and excitement in his heart. There was a slight commotion in the studio, but Alfonso didn't care at all, turned around and prepared to return to surveillance. Behind the camera, I continued to shoot later, but with a flash of light in my mind, my footsteps came to a halt.

Turning around, Alfonso looked at Rooney, then at Lan Li, considering his own words.

Alfonso was full of confidence when he chose Renly, but he still didn’t expect that Renly had paid so much for this movie and gave such a wonderful performance; similarly, when he chose Rooney, Alfonso also passed through. After many considerations, Rooney's performance still brought amazing success.

More importantly, the chemical reaction between Renly and Rooney overflowed on the big screen, rubbing out different sparks.

It does not come from the plot, nor from the lines. It is more the natural chemical reaction of the two actors during the performance. The air flow slowly flows in the air, making the whole scene more full and full, and even the plot They all become more interesting.

This is really an unexpected gain-Alfonso is a complete technical nerd who knows nothing about the friendship between Renly and Rooney, and even Renly and Jennifer Lawrence have never heard of the scandal. But it is this objective perspective that gives the film lens more space and bred sparks.

Now, Alfonso couldn't help but began to think divergently, "Guys, what do you think, if a line of love develops between Ryan and Alex, how about..."

The explanation of the entire question was not complete, and Lan Li and Rooney said in unison, "No!"

Then Lan Li shook his head slightly, showing a ridiculous smile, "Never, this is a terrible idea."

Immediately afterwards, Rooney nodded in agreement, but ignored Alfonso. Instead, she looked at Lan Li and said in surprise, "We said before, it will definitely be like this. Haha."

Standing between the two people, Alfonso became more and more interested. "Please, guys, you should pay attention to the sparks between each other is so interesting. This is the most special bond between the two characters. ."

"No, on the contrary, the bond between Ryan and Alex comes from the fit of the soul. They have their own loneliness, insist on their own beliefs, and pursue their own dreams." Lan Li explained. To.

Rooney immediately added, "Yes, there is indeed a chemical reaction between the two of them. Later, when Ryan was dying, he almost chose to give up, but Alex’s fantasy appeared. Not only because Alex is Ryan. The only comrade-in-arms at the last moment is also because the two of them know each other. However, this kind of emotion is higher than love and friendship, and more of a soul exchange."

"Indeed." Lan Li looked at Alfonso seriously. "If love is given between the two characters, this is really a terrible decision. It will not only destroy the core theme of the movie, but also reduce the overall The texture of this work. Remember? We have been trying to strip Ryan’s social attributes. Family and friendship are gone, so love has no meaning. We are talking about life, the universe, and time, not two. Love between ordinary people."

Rooney nodded, and then said, "If you mix love between Ryan and Alex, then the movie will become an ordinary commercial movie. I think you don’t just want to make a movie. "Avatar", obviously wants to be able to discuss more things, doesn't it? This is a communication from the soul. It takes place in a weightless environment in space, and the meaning is definitely more than that.

"What's more, the plots we have completed so far are very full. Adding plots rashly is a disaster for rhythm control and character creation." Lan Li also raised another important question.

You say a word to me, the words of Lanly and Rooney are vented like a waterfall. Alfonso stood there, dumbfounded and dumbfounded. He couldn't even intervene, he could only stare at the two people blankly. Turn to the right for a while, turn to the left for a while, accepting the baptism of this brainstorm.

On the one hand, Alfonso still couldn't help sighing. The tacit understanding between Renly and Rooney is really wonderful, especially if there is a seemingly non-existent relationship between the interlocking eyes, the pure soul exchange between the two characters is fully displayed. If it can be captured by the lens, it is definitely a very interesting thing.

On the other hand, Alfonso understood what the two people meant. The whim just now is really a terrible idea. They are even working on stripping off the gender attributes of the two characters, just treating them as living entities; now they are back on the line of love, which is not only a step backwards. And it's a serious regression.

After gradually understanding it, Alfonso also knew that even if he did not want to give up, as Renly and Rooney said, the two characters maintain a sympathetic confidant relationship, and communicate and confirm each other on the soul level. This is what The best way to behave.

Furthermore, Alfonso realized that he had made an impulsive mistake.

From the beginning, the intentional plot, redundant performance, and cumbersome description were weakened. It was only the lens recording all the chemical reactions and performance content, leaving room for thinking to the audience. This was originally the basis for the creation of the entire movie. , From the script to the lines to the characters, everything is like this. Through the gradual preparation of clues, all the work of reflection is given to the audience——

Audiences who like popcorn can enjoy a catastrophic blockbuster of survival in space. Those who like sublimation and refining themes can interpret the plot, characters and thoughts according to their senses; they like philosophy and art. The speculative audience can also savor carefully after watching the movie.

In this way, the deep meaning derived from the chemical reaction between the two characters, all they need is to record it with the lens, which is enough, and the rest is left to the audience to complete.

Alfonso's proposal just now was superfluous.

In the sharp words of Lan Li and Rooney, Alfonso was not only not angry, but also showed a bright smile.

As a director, the actor has fully comprehended his creative intentions and thoughts, and even extended more connotative tentacles in the performance, giving the film a richer heritage, which is worth chewing over and over again and again. This is definitely a piece of cake. Things that are extremely happy are like finding like-minded confidants on the artistic level.

Looking back now, Alfonso finally understood how the unique texture in the performance of Lan Li and Rooney came from. Obviously, the two actors have reached a consensus during the preparatory stage.

Such a performance is not only a genius, but also extremely diligent. For any director, this is a blessing.

Alfonso showed a big smile, nodded to express his affirmation, and then said sincerely, "Sorry, please forgive my off-topic. Just ignore the proposal just now."

Lan Li let out a long breath, "Huh, Alfonso, you were really scared just now, I thought your soul was out of your body."

Rooney also wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead exaggeratedly, and agreed, "It's simply overthrowing all the personal settings, and even the core theme of the movie has become vulgar."

"God, Alfonso, do you know? Hollywood movies are always the case. As long as a man and a woman stand together, they must fall in love, and they must burst out a little spark. Even in the moment of life and death, two people There is also a lot of affection, this is simply a cliché." Lan Li said unabashedly.

Then Rooney showed a meaningful smile, "Are you complaining about your own work?"

"Edge of Tomorrow", in the original book, the male and female protagonists are more like comrades-in-arms; but the Hollywood adaptation still bursts out the spark of love. However, after sufficient preparation and deliberation, as well as the interpretation and interpretation of Lan Li and Jennifer, love is actually convincing. Compared with most popcorns, the level and quality are not above the same level.


Lan Li nodded without hesitation and expressed his responded with a helpless smile, "Don't you see the box office of the movie? That's why."

Inadvertently complained again: Hollywood’s popular popcorn is traceable, so the major production companies follow the same routine, like an assembly line, to create a similar movie after another. Until this routine is no longer for sale.

Lan Li's generosity and frankness made Rooney nodded repeatedly, expressing affirmation.

At this time, Alfonso finally found his voice. However, he was not a master of talking and laughing. He tried to tease, but he couldn't start. In the end, he could only say, "So, for the box office, I am Shouldn't we stick to the bad theme just now?"

If you change the tone and remove the "bad" adjective, the effect should be good; but the problem is that Alfonso's sincere expression and step-by-step voice really destroy all possibilities. As a result, the topic was so embarrassing in place.

Lan Li received his jaw sincerely, "Alfonso, you should stick to yourself." After speaking, his eyes were deliberately pressed heavily, as if all trust was placed on Alfonso's shoulders. The king's tragic entrustment to the orphan was simulated, and the atmosphere suddenly became funny again.

Alfonso himself rubbed his hands shyly, "So... then so be it, we still follow the original plan and continue to complete the follow-up shooting."

As for the chemical reaction between Lan Li and Rooney, this is regarded as an easter egg, which is left for the audience to taste slowly. Thinking of this, Alfonso's mood became lighter, turned around, and walked towards the monitor contentedly.

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