The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1084: Official boot

The crew of "Gravity" has a rumor, an absurd rumor.

For outsiders, it is absolutely ridiculous; but for the person involved, he has a straight face and always believes that this is not ridiculous, and it may be true.

After the Rooney Mara incident, someone finally couldn't bear it and decided to find out.

However, they dare not adopt aggressive strategies. After all, Lan Li does not seem to have any influence when standing under the sun, so garlic, dog blood, and crosses are probably not very useful; not to mention that it is the 21st century, and it is Among the Hollywood crews, a strategy that is too bold is likely to mess things up and eventually cannot be cleaned up.

As a result, they adopted a more secure circuitous strategy.

Taking advantage of the time when Lan Li was filming, the staff joined in and out, quietly used a trick to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, led Nathan away, opened the thermos, and then saw the red liquid inside, as if it were human blood, even It also exudes a pungent, **** smell, blowing on his face.

At the moment when the thermos cup was opened, some people were directly frightened, while others were extremely excited. The shock after the illusion came to reality triggered different reactions. In the chaos, the thermos cup hit the ground like this, and the red liquid spilled all over the floor, shocking.

The whole crew immediately caused a riot and waves. The hustle and bustle even affected the shooting of the scene and interrupted the work, so that Alfonso had to ask what was going on.

The rumors and news that were surging among the crew members were finally released to the world. Alfonso, Emmanuel and others were so dumbfounded that they couldn’t believe their staff, but for those involved, The swearing, convincing, and unsuspecting attitude makes people wonder how to respond.

If possible, they are willing to verify on the spot now, is Lan Li a real vampire?

Although, later, Nathan once again assured that the beverage in the thermos was only a specially prepared beverage, which produced a plasma effect, but in fact it was just juice, an ordinary juice. Nathan tasted it personally and invited other staff to verify it, but it was still to no avail. Many people were frightened.

From beginning to end, this is a prank, a prank carefully planned by Lan Li.

I waited patiently for three weeks, and kept the state of performance into life without any secret. Step by step created a real panic for the camp. In order to increase his persuasiveness, Lan Li even deliberately avoided going out during the day, even when it was necessary to go out. , He will walk in the shadows intentionally or unintentionally, carefully hiding his deeds.

No language is needed, but little details of foreshadowing and accumulation, coupled with conscious guidance, a terrifying prank is completed.

As for Roy and Rooney, both of them cooperated in the performance.

Roy happened to have a job in London to deal with, and there were some follow-up matters for the performance of the Almeida Theatre. Therefore, Lan Li planned the scene smoothly to increase the credibility; Rooney was even more so, and heard the suggestion. After agreeing with the plan, they proactively began to plan together and completed the last piece of the puzzle.

Sure enough, the effect was so outstanding that half of the crew was scared into confusion!

During the "Edge of Tomorrow" propaganda period, Paul Walker, Alexander Skarsgard, and Jennifer Lawrence have confirmed on multiple occasions that Lanly is the biggest monster of the crew, and his ability to mischief is extremely outstanding, enough to make Everyone was deflated, and even Donald Glover was a little overwhelmed.

But people don't seem to take it too seriously.

Lan Li’s appearance and personal temperament are really too deceptive, refined and gentleman, calm and introverted, which is far from the reality of pranks; of course, many people think that it is just one of Warner Bros’ propaganda methods. Even the image packaging of the brokerage company.

Now the "Gravity" crew has directly experienced in a tragic way what it means to be incapable of appearances.

It was originally a funny talk and complaint about Lan Li from the people behind it, but it turned out to be the material for Lan Li's prank, which ruthlessly smashed the entire crew.

The most exciting part is that the prank is so clever. After setting the trap, it guides others step by step to take the bait, fool themselves, and scare themselves to death.

As for Lan Li himself, it seems that he has been working conscientiously from beginning to end. There is no sign at all, even if there are no clues, it is simply Jiang Taigong who has taken the bait, and he is dedicated to Alfonso and Emmanuel. As far as the people working, they never even noticed the abnormality of the crew.

This is truly admirable!

As a result, everyone later confirmed that this was indeed a prank, but everything was too realistic. When some staff saw Lan Li again, they would still subconsciously feel terrified. This also became a mockery of each other within the crew. Common stalks that joke with each other.

The crew of the crew always joked after eating and drinking. Perhaps Lan Li is really a vampire, just to survive among the human community, so he deliberately planned this prank to hide his true identity; moreover, in the past few years The speed of the rise of Lan Li, vampires is also the best explanation, so the talent is so outstanding, after all, it has been an antique that has lived for centuries.

Those ridicules and humor are very serious and serious. Even after the film was finalized, the crew used the same stalk repeatedly, so that the Hollywood industry also spread such ridiculous rumors.

For the crew of "Gravity", this is just a joke; but for others, the joke is not so funny, and they don't even know how to deal with it.

A small detail can be seen. The "Gravity" crew is unique. A group of technical otaku gathered together. Compared with other crews, it is much simpler and more focused. Even "Vampires" "Such a ridiculous stalk was actually believed, making people dumbfounded.

Even after the clarification, they gave full play to their positive self-deprecating spirit, and the influence of this prank continued formidable. For the "Gravity" crew, this is a good thing.

It was in such a relaxed and active atmosphere that 13 days after all the staff arrived on the crew together, all the preparations and rehearsals for the long shot of the first act were over, and the start-up was officially announced!

As the saying goes, sharpening the knife and not chopping wood by mistake, the preliminary preparations are undoubtedly crucial; but no matter how much preparation is only on paper, the actual actual combat is still different after all. On the first day of booting, the crew fell into chaos. Among.

"What is the initial setting? The distance between the two devices?"

"The lens trajectory of the first lens is translational. The angle of the lens is wrong now and needs to be adjusted."

"What about the angle of the basket? Is thirty degrees okay? Still need to be adjusted to forty-five degrees? At the beginning, Ryan was stationary and Alex was in a spacewalk state. Does this need to be adjusted accordingly? Or should it be set according to the actor’s sense of himself?"

"Wait, wait, this track is not flat enough. Give me one minute and I will adjust it manually."

"Matt, hey, Matt! The spacing is wrong, it needs to be bigger."


The whole studio was noisy. All the staff gathered around the light box to make final preparations for the shooting. The figures coming in and out and the bustling sound made the light box look chaotic and lively.

The rehearsal stage seems to have simulated all situations and thoroughly checked all the problems, but when the actual shooting was actually carried out, they suddenly found that there are still many details and problems. Further adjustments must be made according to the situation on the scene. Therefore, everyone has no feet. Zhandi started the final work, the busy figure couldn't stop.

Amidst the turbulent crowds coming and going, there is a "pure land" in the center of the light box, where no one cares and no one comes and go, like a huge rock that cannot be shaken or crushed in a rushing river, standing firmly and firmly. The endless stream diverges on both sides of the rock, and flows quickly without stopping the slightest pause.

Strictly speaking, it is not "a rock" but "two rocks." There is a space about three steps away between the rocks, and turbulent streams rush away from the gaps.

The rock on the left is Rooney, and the rock on the right is Lan Li.

At this moment, both of them are wearing clumsy spacesuits, standing in the basket, and in the light box at the same time; in order to ensure the actor's center of gravity and personal safety, the main torso is fixed on the mechanical structure of the basket. However, hands and feet can still move freely, ensuring that the actors can participate in the performance in a relatively relaxed and relatively free environment and space.

Despite this, the heavy and rigid equipment still allows them to quietly integrate with the machine, just like two lifeless dolls placed in the center, the staff has completely ignored their existence. The more busy, the more absurd.

People always say that actors are the "most watched" part of the entire crew; but this theorem is completely invalidated in the "Gravity" crew. Obviously, Lan Li and Rooney are two of the hottest new-generation actors at the moment. , In the crew is a small role that no one cares about, no one pays attention to.

To be more precise, in busy times, not only can they not help, but the best help is to close their mouths and stay quiet, not to be a hindrance or interference. At this moment, it's time to transform into a wall flower.

One is a gentleman's elegant male wall flower, and the other is a cold, soft and cute female wall flower, which complement each other.

Involuntarily, the two exchanged their gazes, and there was a thick smile in both eyes.

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