The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1069: Expand the universe

Rooney suddenly remembered Telluride. It was the first time she and Lanly met. They spent a wonderful afternoon and a wonderful night. It was not the kind of rapture/luo of dating. It was just an exchange of movie enthusiasts. They talked endlessly about movies, about performances, and the passage of time. It loses its meaning without knowing it.

In an instant, Lan Li became one of the best actors in the industry.

Not because he won the Berlin actor and the Oscar actor, but because he showed different characteristics in different works, really injecting vitality into the character and the work, even Meryl Streep , Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn is not necessarily able to do it.

Rooney has always known this, knows it clearly, but today she has a completely different feeling, and she has benefited a lot from the standpoint of an actor.

She involuntarily fell into thinking, thinking about Lan Li’s method of analyzing the characters, thinking about the way Lan Li constructs the connection between the characters and the script, thinking about the ideological structure of Lan Li’s exploration of performance. Those seemingly random conversations and actions, but Shows Lan Li's talent and focus. Among them, there are indeed many worthy of study and reference, worthy of discussion and research.

For the role of Alex Kowski, Rooney has been studying for a long time and has quite a lot of experience; but after today’s conversation, she burst out again, not only about Alex herself, but also about The relationship between Alex and Ryan, inspiration began to surge.

Rooney was already immersed in it just the first day of entering the crew of "Gravity". She likes this feeling.

"Rooney? Why are you still here? The clearance has been completed. We can leave now." Alfonso came to the door and was about to leave. Then he saw Rooney Mara standing at the door and couldn't help but speak. Asked.

Rooney did not move, but shrugged, "I want to stay here."

"What?" Alfonso thought he had heard it wrong.

Rooney explained with a smile, "I want to stay here and spend these twelve hours with Lan Li."

"Rooney, you know, you don't need to be like this." Alfonso spread out his hands, his face full of helplessness and sorrow.

Rooney smiled more brilliantly and nodded, "I know. But, I just want to seriously experience what a real actor is like. Twelve hours, I can think slowly The idea is like the company of Alex and Ryan, maybe I can have some different inspirations."

"You can go back to your room and rest..."

"But, there is no blue gift there, and no Ryan."

Rooney’s answer caused Alfonso to choke. Turning around, looking at the studio that gradually turned off the lights, only a faint light from the light box was left, illuminating the entire space, and the endless darkness was like a billowing wave. Generally surging, the sense of quiet and vast space is loomingly revealed.

As for Lan Li's figure, he can only outline an outline through the outer wall of the light box, but it is no longer clear.

Taking a long breath, Alfonso withdrew his gaze, "Need me to stay and be with you here?"

"No." Rooney shook her head politely, and smiled again, "In space, only the two of us rely on each other, right? Don't worry, I will be fine; Lan Li...he too. It will be fine."

Looking at Rooney in front of him, thinking about the Lan Li inside, it is reasonable to say that Alfonso should be happy when he finally met two outstanding actors who are dedicated and dedicated; but at this time, the worry is more than the movie. In itself, the full devotion of the actor really made Alfonso feel admiration.

So, Alfonso patted Rooney's arm lightly, everything was silent, and he didn't continue to say anything, took a step forward, and left with the staff. The actors are working diligently to complete their work, and he must devote himself to his work and do his best to produce a real masterpiece.

Watching Alfonso’s fading back, I heard the sound of the closing of the studio’s door, turning my head, and then I saw a metal sliding door slowly closing, the vast and lonely image bit by bit. The earth disappeared from sight, and everything was completely gone.

After sending off the last staff member, Rooney is now the only one left in the studio. She walked to the side, sat down cross-legged, raised her head and looked up at the sky, letting her thoughts gradually settle down. Little by little, I painted the sky and the universe above my head.


In fact, Lan Li likes this process very much, sitting quietly in a corner, quietly watching the process of all the noise and noise slowly settling down, and finally, at the end of the song, all the people have left, all the lights are turned off. Now, all the sounds have disappeared, as if the whole world has fallen into a deep sleep bit by bit, with a calm but thrilling beauty.

Someone once said that a city, a building, a piece of land, they all have life. Regarding this, Lan Li could understand, but could not truly perceive it until now—their lives come from human beings, from history, and from culture. Every tiny trace left behind records the scale of life.

In the mid-nineteenth century, Napoleon III proposed a plan for the transformation of Paris. With the Arc de Triomphe as the center, it opened up boulevards like a cake, and radioactively transformed the entire city, completely pushing it to those messy and crowded. Narrow streets.

It is true that in the process of urban development, this seems to be a historical inevitability, as well as an inevitability of economic and social development. Almost every major city in the world has experienced such a period of pain.

But at that time, this major operation was subject to controversy among the locals in Paris. In the short-term effect, the city’s planning has helped to improve people’s lives and truly changed the poor and backward quality of life; but in the long run, such sweeping overthrow and reconstruction are destroying the city’s history and pulse.

In the end, the major surgery in Paris could not be completed, only the transformation of the central area was completed, while the surrounding areas still followed the chaos and twists in history. Two centuries later, the central area of ​​Paris has become a booming tourist area with a world-famous reputation, but the city’s culture and wisdom come from the surrounding areas.

Among the large cities in the United States, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit, and Chicago, these are cities with no characteristics, and all the heritage and precipitation disappeared in the passage of time; while among the large cities in Europe, Berlin, London, Rome and Paris, they carry the weight of history.

Therefore, people have repeatedly mentioned that Europe is a land with historical heritage; while the United States is a paradise for modern upstarts. In the cities on the North American continent, the skylines of tall buildings are the same. But on the European continent, every city is different, and now you can still find every footprint of time.

This is true for cities, and so are objects. The toys in "Toy Story 3" carry childhood memories, which are an untradeable asset.

Now in the light box, Lan Li also really felt this.

Quietly, Lan Li closed his eyes and listened to the breathing of the building and the heartbeat of the light box. This feeling is really amazing. Every detail is enlarged little by little, and it starts to move slowly. The boundary extends.

The tentacles of thought began to rub every corner of the space carefully. It was a camera, it was a trolley, it was a wooden box... The sharp outlines became rounded in the darkness, and then Outline the height, width and length of the space, and the three-dimensional image suddenly becomes lifelike.

Even more, he can outline the busy figure of the staff, as if seeing them piece by piece to piece together the first version of the shooting props. After the experiment, he found out the loopholes and shortcomings, made further improvements, and finally showed the present. Light box, and constructed the current shooting scene.

That distant history, but at this moment, breathing very clearly, the surface of his skin, you can clearly feel the pulse of this building, like a gurgling stream, indescribable and immersed in it.

The body was trapped on the mechanical props, but his thoughts slowly penetrated into the thick black mist along the and extended further, seeming to be able to explore endlessly.

Slowly, slowly... the whole world is expanding little by little, and it seems that you can't feel the boundaries and obstacles of the buildings in front of you. The pure black stretches unstoppably, and then the speed begins to accelerate, becoming Faster and faster.


A loud tinnitus sound, like the big bang of the universe, a roar sounded in my mind, and then a black chaos mixed with white and gray, a whole new world was born, and the sky filled with stars slowly lit up the sky , The pure and translucent darkness slowly lit up with a dim light.

So magnificent, so infinite, so huge, Lan Li feels like an indomitable giant, following the footsteps of Pangu to open the world, witnessing the emergence of the world, and the birth of life. The majestic and vastness makes him feel Very small, but extremely majestic.

Slowly and slowly opened his eyes, the faint halo penetrated the darkness and penetrated into the field of vision, and the soft gray halo brightened little by little, like a warm light ball, Yan Strictly wrapped the Lan Li in it, as if...just like a newborn baby, full of joy and happiness filled his chest.

Then, when I really opened my eyes, in the endless halo, the colorful colors made people fascinated. What was unfolding in front of me was not a light box, but the entire universe, the vastness of which made all the language meaningless, but just admiring all this with a dumbfounded look and wandering in it quietly.

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