The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1067: Reapplying the old technique


Involuntarily, Lan Li’s exclamation light overflowed, and Matt-Kasmir, who was helping Lan Li to complete the fixed position, could not help but stop the movement in his hand, "Why, too tight? I feel it. Feel the pain?"

"There is no pain, but now I can feel the pressure after the bone shrinks. Is this normal?" Lan Li said honestly what he thought. Now Matt is fixing Lan Li in the basket, the fixing **** his chest is stretched a bit tight, and he can feel the pressure of chest tightness.

"Yes, this is normal." Ma Feature nodded in affirmation, "Is breathing still smooth? If I feel more oppressed, I will stop."

Cautiously, Matt adjusted the contraction band again, until Lan Li called to stop, then stopped the action, "We need to completely fix your limbs, on the one hand, make sure that when the basket is rotating, you don’t It will loosen, and will not cause accidents; on the other hand, it is the only way to ensure that the entire shooting angle of view will not cause errors."

"So, what about the body's movements during the performance?" Now, Lan Li is no longer a rookie. He has enough understanding of the shooting process and immediately raised the corresponding doubts.

Matt suddenly realized and nodded, "Oh, in some specific shots, it is too dangerous. It may be injured because of the excessive distortion of the arms or thighs. Therefore, in the performance, we are still mainly actors. You finish the performance, and the rest will be produced by computer special effects."

Lan Li remembered the movie "Son of Man". The baby in it was made entirely with computer special effects.

"You mean, maybe all my body is made with computer special effects?"

"Yes. Some pictures may be just a leg; and some pictures, only your head is real, and the other parts are all done by computer post-production special effects."

Lan Li nodded lightly with a sudden realization, but the nodding movement was not too easy.

Now, Lan Li really feels the actual experience of the five-flower tie. His hands, feet, chest, waist, and ankles were fixed in every position, completely unable to move; not only that, Lan Li was also wearing a spacesuit, a real spacesuit, which was heavy and sultry.

The whole person seemed to be imprisoned in one box, and then thrown into another box. That kind of cumbersome feeling, layer upon layer of layers, made people vaguely irritated by the inexplicable dullness. The breathing is still smooth, and the chest is still relaxed, but I just feel out of breath.

Even the nodding movement became cumbersome.

"How do you feel?" Rooney stood next to the basket, raised her head with a curious expression, "Under such a situation, will the performance rhythm be affected?" Even as a bystander, Rooney can feel that. The heaviness caused by this **** and imprisonment is like imprisoning the touch of a performer.

"Now I'm pretty sure, I'm still not interested in binding or tying." In the dullness, Lan Li replied easily and in a different way.

The inside and outside of the light box was stunned for a moment, and then all the staff could not help but chuckle. Rooney was even more stunned, and then she chuckled and shook her head helplessly, "It seems that the impact is not as great as imagined."

Lan Li looked around, but he didn't see Alfonso. It's not easy to turn his head now, and his field of vision is very limited. "Director, is this way of filming every scene?"

During the filming of "Buried alive", the activity space was only the size of a coffin, but at least it was able to struggle and resist, and all limbs could move; now the whole person is very tightly bound and completely unable to move. The performance state and situation are instantly different.

"No, only a few scenes are like this. Other times, your chest, waist, and hips are fixed, but your limbs can be moved." Alfonso walked around and stood in front of Lan Li," How about it, do you want to run the camera lens now to find the feeling?"

"Okay." Lan Li simply agreed.

The on-site shooting test began.

The IRIS robotic arm began to move quickly, looking like a Transformer; in addition, the two fixed-view cameras on the left and right sides of the basket also started to operate, and the green lights were both on. You can also notice that they are in different directions. All cameras were set up, and all started shooting at the same time.

It feels very strange. It’s like being in a large-scale reality show like "Trumen’s World". The ubiquitous cameras record all aspects of the actors, and there is nowhere to escape; what’s more, Lan Li is now completely Imprisoned in the basket, unable to move, it became invisible.

For a while, Lan Li was a little uncomfortable, and panic began to breed.

It’s just that he couldn’t determine the source of his emotions: maybe because all the cameras started running at the same time, so that the performance did not have a focus and object, which distracted; maybe because the body was unable to move, the performance was confined in a frame. Reflexively tried to start struggling; perhaps because of other unclear reasons...

This sense of uncertainty made the panic more raging.

However, based on past experience, Lanly did not let himself continue to panic. Instead, he closed his eyes, slowly adjusted the breathing rhythm, and then raised his voice and asked, "Under what circumstances, all camera lenses will be turned on? What? In this case, only a specific camera will be turned on?"

Alfonso immediately began to explain, and step by step guided Lan Li into the weightless world he constructed, presenting all the shooting principles and picture concepts.

Gradually, it was no longer Alfonso's unilateral commentary, and Renly also began to raise opinions and questions, and occasionally Rooney's questions could be heard. Thus, the exchange began. The shooting mode gradually formed a model in my mind.

What is certain is that the performance of "gravity" is a severe challenge. The actors need to adjust their own performance methods and content according to the different shooting methods; moreover, compared with "buried alive", the light changes and the photographic trajectory are different. The difference puts forward more and more complicated requirements.

But in the final analysis, performance is still performance, and all the weight falls on the actor's own understanding and perception.

The voice of Rooney and Alfonso was still reverberating in her ears. At a certain moment, she stopped suddenly, "Len Li?" interrupted Lan Li's thoughts, "Len Li? Are you okay? Why are you? I haven't spoken just now, is it uncomfortable?" Rooney asked with concern.

Suddenly, Lan Li's voice disappeared, Rooney was still a little uncomfortable, and immediately noticed Lan Li's silence; after reminding him, Alfonso also noticed the abnormality, and cast her eyes at the same time.

"It's okay." Lan Li showed a smile, "I'm just thinking, what kind of feeling is the emotion brought by the space environment?"

Loneliness, fear, grandeur, and despair. How do different emotions appear when you are in space? And how did the trials and sufferings of Ryan Stone evolve?

Without personal experience, Lan Li naturally has no way of knowing, but what is certain is that this is obviously completely different from the "buried alive" coffin.

At the beginning, in order to star in "Buried alive", Lan Li shut herself in the coffin for eight hours. It was a painful and dark memory, but if it were to happen again, Lan Li chose to experience it in person without hesitation; now , Lan Li wants to experience the feeling of space, but he has no way to truly be in space——

NASA's vomiting comet can create a weightless effect, but obviously, this needs to be applied in advance. The time is too tight and it should be too late.

After Lan Li asked the question, the noise on the set gradually calmed down. Everyone looked at each other, and no one could answer. The scene was a sense of joy and made Lan Li chuckle.

"Obviously, your question is beyond the scope of professional knowledge. We can watch documentaries, watch astronaut interviews, and even talk on the phone with real astronauts, but we have never entered space, nor have we actually experienced long-term weightlessness. . So..." Alfonso spread out his hands, expressing helplessness.

Lan Li didn't mind, "Then, this is the actor's job." A small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and after taking a deep breath, Lan Li said straightforwardly, "There should be no other way to use this device today, right? Can you stay here?"

"..." Alfonso didn't quite understand, turning his head to look at Timothy, but Timothy couldn't give an answer either, "What does it mean to stay here?"

"Just staying in this position, I'm not talking about one hour or two but...well, I don't know, ten hours? Or twelve hours?" Lan Li is also not very satisfied. Okay, but I explained further, "I want to really feel the feeling of being in space for a long time, you know, no one talks to myself so much that I start talking to myself; or maybe, with other colleagues Talk some boring nonsense."

Halfway through the words, Lan Li paused again and fell into his own thoughts. Alfonso, Timothy and others just hung them beside them, at a loss.

Looking left and right, Rooney hesitated for a moment, and then said aloud, "Lan Li means that she is in the entire empty and vast environment, but her body is trapped in the spacesuit and the narrow space, carefully Experience the changes in psychology and mentality as time passes."

All eyes were focused on Rooney, and she looked at Lan Li, "So Lan Li hopes to stay here for a long time and feel the changes in all the details."

"Yes, that's what I thought." Lan Li finally came back to his senses and said aloud, his gaze fell on Rooney, and he joked with a chuckle, "Sorry, I guess you won't be able to line up today ."

Rooney shrugged lightly, "Don't worry about me. Anyway, you will come out sooner or later, and then it's my turn."

As his eyes moved back and forth between Lan Li and Rooney, Alfonso looked anxious. When is this, the two of them are still thinking about joking. "Len Li, are you sure? That's not good, right?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I'm very sure." Lan Li replied.

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