The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1055: 0 out of 0

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In July, the fire is flowing, and August is not yet young.

The noise and noise of midsummer slowly dissipated in the heat that gradually calmed down. The summer file war is coming to an end, the London Olympics has officially come to an end, and the ice bucket challenge craze is also fading...

Some people stayed by the blue swimming pool happily, bored and reluctant to keep the summer tail; some people carried surfboards enthusiastically, galloping in the clear waves, enjoying the last good time before autumn; and Someone wandered on the street at midnight, listening to the cicadas' cries and laughter, feeling the pulse of summer slowly calming down.

Among them, there are some people who can't wait to flock from all corners of North America to New York, the world capital on the east coast. The bustling figures are endless, and everyone has only one destination: Broadway.

On August 15, the drama "Les Miserables" starring Lanly Hall, officially premiered at the Richard Rogers Theatre.

This newly created drama has received unanimous praise in London. It is hailed as "the most not-to-miss drama in 2012", and it is also regarded as "the most powerful contender for next year's Oliver Award", and even Some people praised that "this is the best adaptation of the past ten years", and the mainstream media and professionals praised it.

Now, the adapted version of "Les Miserables" is about to land on the North American continent. As early as a month ago, the publicity and warm-up had begun, and it was highly anticipated.

The pre-sale of tickets officially started on August 1.

With reference to the experience and experience of the Almeida Theater, the Richard Rogers Theater has opened the pre-sale of tickets for all performances for three months on the official website and the official authorized ticket purchase platform in one breath; and further, when the time comes, No on-site tickets will be reserved, and all tickets are open for sale on the Internet in advance.

However, if there are still tickets remaining on the day of the performance, the audience can purchase tickets on the spot.

At the same time, the theater’s official announcement stated that Lanly will only participate in performances between August 15 and October 16, and the number of performances will be adjusted in real time according to the status of the actors each week; after October 16 The performance will be completed by a completely different lineup.

This is undoubtedly a pity for those who pay attention to Lanli; and for those who really like drama, it is also a pity-the quality of performance and performance of different casts are naturally different. Under the reputation, people still hope to enjoy the performance of the Lanli version.

Nevertheless, the pre-sale of tickets still burst out with unprecedented and incredible energy.

In less than 30 minutes, when the audience refreshed the ticketing center again, they suddenly realized that the number of tickets they wanted to buy was already comparable to the remaining tickets. In a trance, many people thought that there was an error on the ticketing website, and they couldn't help it. Ask on Twitter and Facebook what is going on.

Subsequently, the Richard Rogers Theater officially confirmed that all tickets for performances between August 15 and October 16 have been sold out; and tickets for October 16 to November 15 There is still a small amount left. In an instant, the entire United States was in an uproar.

This is not the Almeida Theater, but the Richard Rogers Theater.

The Almeida Theater can accommodate 550 spectators, while in the Richard Rogers Theater, the number is 1,380, which is more than doubled. For any crew, any one In terms of repertoire, the latter's attendance is a severe challenge, not to mention 100%, even 80% of attendance is very rare.

Now, in nine weeks, 54 performances, a total of 74,520 tickets-excluding VIP boxes, were all sold out in just 30 minutes.

In contrast, the Almeida Theater’s three-month performance, 100% attendance, finally attracted 43,000 audiences, and now the Richard Rogers Theater has easily broken it just in the pre-sale stage. Achievement.

Unthinkable, truly unthinkable!

Similar to the West End of London, after entering the 21st century, Broadway is also facing the problem of market shrinking. At its peak, even the bustling scene of Broadway outside the country was completely gone. Broadway in the heart of Manhattan is suffering from attendance, and many established theaters are facing bankruptcy.

100% attendance, and 30 minutes after the pre-sale started, it was completely sold.

Such a situation, such a situation, such a wave, it's really been a long time since then. Even relying on the enduring repertoire of "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Cats" with tourists from all over the world, it is rare to see such a scene now. Even if it is described as "crazy", it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

After the challenge of the ice bucket, people once again truly felt the rosyness of Lanli.

For a Broadway show, for a six-hour experimental show, for 100% attendance and 30 minutes of hot sales, "Len Li-Hall" is to attract people to frantically grab tickets. The only reason for this, other than that, it is really hard to imagine a more appropriate conclusion.

If we say that in the West End of London three months ago, people are still discussing whether Renly’s joining will have a positive impact on "Les Miserables" and the theater industry? After the departure of the super-popular actor, what impact will it have on the development prospects of the entire industry?

Now the answer has gradually revealed the whole picture. Obviously, there is no need to discuss, the answer is positive and positive; even if the future industry direction cannot be foreseen, it is certain that young people’s fixed old views on drama, Broadway and the West Side benefit from the emergence of Lanly. Broke the ice.

For the older generation, they need to learn to accept new generation things, such as social networks, such as smart phones; for young people, they also need to learn to accept history and cultural heritage, such as artistic creation, such as cultural heritage. Age barriers and era barriers are not only for older people, but also for younger people.

What’s interesting is that before the creation of the social network account, Renley was curious about what extent Renley’s influence has reached. Everyone knows that Renley is already a top superstar. It is only the focus of the six major Hollywood studios. It can be seen, but it has not been able to have a clear understanding.

But in real life, the powerful penetration of this young actor can be seen in every aspect of the entire society. The frenzy of discussion after the "Today Show", the national carnival challenged by the ice bucket, the panic buying of "Les Miserables"...From the influence of the industry to the appeal of the whole people to the driving force in unfamiliar areas, all these are better than push A series of digital records on the Tehe photo wall are more vivid and real.

Standing at the present position, looking back again at the North American box office miracle of "Edge of Tomorrow", it seems that it is not so surprised or so surprised. Everything has already had clues.

After the Richard Rogers Theater officially announced that the tickets for the previous two months' performances had been sold out, in less than an hour, it made another announcement, officially announcing that the tickets for the third month's performance were also sold out. This also means that the Richard Rogers Theater has truly achieved 100% attendance during the three-month performance.

At least, this is the case at this stage.

The overall situation of the recent period is undoubtedly special. On the one hand, it is the strong impact brought by the ice bucket challenge, on the other hand, the strong appeal brought by the "Edge of Tomorrow" box office; on the one hand, it is brought by the reputation of the West End of London. The topical effect of the coming, on the other hand, is the curiosity and impulse brought by the pre-sale frenzy.

It was under the influence of many factors that created the miracle that all performance tickets were sold within 90 minutes.

After the overheated brain gradually cools down, the situation may change. Some people may choose to refund the ticket, some may choose to give it away, some may choose to resell it on the Internet, or it may take a long time to realize that they have to go to New York to watch or even some people just give up attending and let it go. Tickets accumulate dust at home...then the attendance rate may be affected.

The actual attendance still has to wait until the day of the performance to know.

Even so, no one can deny the madness of the ticket pre-sale situation, which has brought incredible shock.

The local media in New York was boiling. All the media published in the first time, "New York Times", "New York Post", "New Yorker", "Wall Street Journal", "Times", "People", etc. With exclamation, I can’t wait to look forward to the premiere night of "Les Miserables"; and the professional critics have sharpened their blades early and are ready to show their skills and are ready to join the show. Annual carnival party.

There are still two or three days before the premiere night, and New York has already begun to lively, gradually warming up for the upcoming feast.

Media reporters stopped at JFK International Airport, looking for the figures of big-name celebrities from all walks of life, trying to piece together the superstar lineup for the night of the premiere. The ice bucket challenge has just come to an end, Broadway has become the latest focus, and the tail of summer slowly slips away from the fingers. People are hurrying to enjoy the last moments of wanton and madness.

Then, August 15th officially arrived.

Different from the premiere night in the West End of London, Broadway follows the commercial style of the entire American market. The Richard Rogers Theatre almost treats the premiere night as a premiere, and even puts a burgundy red at the entrance of the theater. The carpet was vigorous and lively. Before the guests arrived at the scene, reporters swarmed the entire red carpet.

Then, the superstars began to make their debut. The first to appear was Paul Walker and... Ryan Gosling.

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