The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1051: Network hotspot

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On social networks, Jack Gyllenhaal is a person with a very low sense of existence. Although he has a personal social network account, the news he pushes is really lackluster, and the interaction with others is even rarer, and his activity is really unspeakable; more often, the social network account seems to be a decoration, idle in a corner of the storage room. , I suddenly need it one day, wipe the dust on it, and then start using it.

Today is such a moment. You can log in to Twitter and upload a personal video.

In the video, Jack has a beard and decadent, looking like a street tramp. He explained with a serious face, "I was on vacation recently, but Lan Li had to respond to his call. So, I showed up and made a special trip to show my support, hoping that I can do my part in the charity cause."

After the simple opening, Jack completed the ice bucket challenge altogether, but after the water was poured, Jack couldn’t help but start jumping, trembling and shouting, "Maggy, honestly, did you put this bucket of water? Are they all in the ice store? God!"

Then, in the video, you can hear Maggie Gyllenhaal laughing upright, and Jack's brother-in-law, Peter Susgard, laughing along.

While rubbing his arms vigorously, while his lips trembled, Jack had not forgotten his mission, calling on everyone to pay attention to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and named three challengers, "Anne Hathaway, Hugh- Jackman, and Peter Susgard."

When the voice fell, Peter's excitement appeared in the video, "Hey, man, this is not what we said..." But the next moment, the thirty-second video was over, leaving Peter with a surprised face. The side face is really uncontrollable.

From Paul Walker to Ryan Gosling, to Jack Gyllenhaal, everyone sincerely expressed their support. Ryan's wet/body effect after completing the ice bucket challenge showed a strong body, and more It caused a scream of fans, and once again set off a wave on the social network, the effect of publicity could not be better.

All of a sudden, the lively and uproarious social networks began to spread.

Scarlett Johansson complained on personal Twitter, "Aite Sisifus, what the **** is going on? Why can you only name three people? You are in your own challenge, but you didn’t name me. This is Doesn't it mean that our friendship ends here?" At the end, Scarlett added a grimace symbol, and also added a corresponding topic, joining the wave.

At this time, netizens realized that Scarlett and Lan Li had a personal friendship, and there was a scandal between the two at one time. Looking at it now, the two people are indeed familiar friends.

Following Scarlett, Chris Evans also stepped up and participated in it, "Undoubtedly, this is the most meaningful event this year. I express my support! Atessyphus, I also want to participate, But no one has named me. What should I do? Can you shoot another video and name me?"

These two actors are both extremely active on the social network. Suddenly, fans watching by the side are frying, and those fans who don’t know why start to repost tweets and ask, "Aite Sisyphus, who is this? Yeah? Who is this? Why haven't you seen this person before?"

Then someone started to complain, "You can see it directly by entering the account. Lanly-Hall, a handsome young master is standing in the video, you can't actually see it? Ah, ah, Aite Sisyphus, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Si, master, I want to give you a monkey!"

First "Black Widow" Scarlett, then "Captain America" ​​Chris, this is all right, the entire "Avengers" began to go online one after another, and the Internet was completely fried.

Mark Ruffalo retweeted Chris’ tweet and said with a bitter voice, “At least you know Renly Hall, but I don’t even have a chance to meet him. Next time, can you introduce us to him? Then tell me , I really want to cooperate with him."

But before Chris responded, Scarlett was the first to forward the answer, "please line up, thank you."

Immediately afterwards, Robert Downey Jr. began to offer flowers, "Aite Sisyphus, please, please don’t name me. I am not interested in wet/body. However, I am now preparing for'Detective Sherlock Holmes 2', you are interested. Joining?"

Undoubtedly, the actors in Marvel's works are undoubtedly one of the most active groups on social networks. Their interactions and complaints can often create topical effects beyond imagination and truly become a boost for movie publicity.

Prior to this, it seemed that because of the relationship between Chris Hemsworth, Renly and Marvel had nothing to do with each other, but this time the charity event became an opportunity, using the social network as a platform to open up any relationship. The Du Er Meridian really began to become active. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and it is just the beginning.


Lively, absolutely lively, one after another, more than half of Hollywood's sights gathered towards this ice bucket challenge.

A netizen’s complaint was regarded as a classic, “If Aite Sisifus stood quietly in the video and named his name, it’s estimated that thirty seconds would not be enough. There will be countless actors waiting in line for the name. Wait, Ai Tessie, can you name the director? Otherwise, how about you name Steven Spielberg?"

This complaint was confirmed in Jennifer Lawrence’s Ice Bucket Challenge, “Aitesius, according to the media, are we not dating now? Why don’t you name me? Or, you’re talking to Ryan. -Gosling dating?"

In the "Edge of Tomorrow" crew, Lanly only named one Paul Walker. In this matter, everyone from Jennifer Lawrence to Alexander Skarsgard to Donald Glover was present. Tucao seems to have become a reserved item. Even Paul Greengrass, who was named at the last moment, joked jokingly, "It seems that I am the last person to be forgotten."

From the side, this can also see the happy atmosphere of the entire crew.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that they did it deliberately.

Lanly only named Paul, and Paul only named Alexander. In the entire crew, everyone just named a colleague actor, and spread the baton as far as possible to a wider and longer-term spread. After leaving the "Edge of Tomorrow" crew, other actors also began to become points of communication. It spread quickly by casting a net.

Vigorously, this event is vigorously becoming the biggest hot spot on social networks in 2012, the real "biggest", this result is really no one can predict.

Katy Perry, the popular singer, with a fashionable and sweet style, deserves to become the number one empress of the current social network.

Katie is the person who has created the most historical records on the entire social platform. On Twitter, the number of fans exceeded 50 million; on Facebook, the number of fans exceeded 65 million; even Xinxing On her photo wall, her number of fans is also the first to exceed 20 million.

Now, Katie is far ahead in the number of fans on all major social platforms.

This time, Katie expressed excitement and anticipation on Twitter for the first time, "Aite Sisifus, I am ready, please feel free to call me to participate in the challenge!"

Later, he reposted two tweets of Lan Li, and made a special tweet saying, "Dear netizens, this is my mutual friend and Alan De Janis, and also my personal favorite actor. No one. Now, he is launching a charitable event, with loving support. Aethisifers."

This is the true pinnacle of the social networking platform.

Fans are always crazier than movie fans, so on social networking platforms, fans of singers are always more active than actors. On the current fan rankings on Facebook, Twitter, and Photo Wall, the top ten are all singers, and there are no actors in sight.

So, when Katy Perry joined the ice bucket challenge, this time the event really opened up the situation!

Within 24 hours, Renly’s personal social network account had spread throughout the Internet, and Bradley Adams’s “super popularity” was finally presented in an intuitive and crazy way. In front of in 24 hours, there were 500,000 Twitter followers and 360,000 followers on the photo wall.

For forty-eight hours, there were 2.7 million Twitter followers and 1.9 million photo wall followers.

In 72 hours, there were 7.02 million Twitter followers and 4.48 million fans on the photo wall.


In a week, there were 10 million and 3 million Twitter followers and 7.77 million fans on the photo wall.

Rockets, absolute rocket power. More importantly, Lanly did not update more content. There were still two tweets on Twitter, and the photo wall was still a photo, but the growth rate of fans could not stop at all, so much so that Twitter and The official accounts of the photo wall both published articles of celebration.

The enthusiasm and excitement accumulated before was completely released through the two social network platforms, which really made people feel the style of the first person of the new generation of actors, and also made people feel the strong box office appeal of "Edge of Tomorrow".

For this reason, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg posted a special post, “Mr. Lanly Hall, have we had any unpleasant privacy before that caused you to refuse to register an account on Facebook? Here, I express my sincere apologies and send a sincere invitation to welcome you to join the Facebook family."

This witty ridicule was praised by netizens as the most beautiful public relations action this year. Inadvertently, the focus of Twitter and the photo wall was drawn to Facebook; at the same time, the ice bucket challenge video on Facebook also spread. As the CEO, Mark quickly encountered a rollover.

Mark did not hesitate or resist, and immediately responded to the naming, participated in the ice bucket challenge, and also personally donated half a million US dollars to the Heather-Cross Foundation.

At this time, the ice bucket challenge was out of control.

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