The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1042: Rare frankness

"The sequel of'Edge of Tomorrow' doesn't use you as the actor, so the sequel probably won't exist. I am not interested in shooting another set of "The Hunger Games" or "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion"."

Faced with Lan Li’s answer, Barry unexpectedly joked. Although his tone was slightly stiff and easily misunderstood, this was not a joke, but a very serious position statement, but his slightly relaxed brows still buffered the atmosphere. ; Then, Barry gently shook the whiskey in his hand, seeming to be enjoying the amber liquid, filled with light and shadow, and shining brightly.

"Not long ago, I heard about Alfonso Cuarón's actions. To be honest, this was definitely an accident, huh, an unexpected accident." Between words, the corner of Barry's mouth lightly raised, and he chuckled softly. A small trace of complacency was leaked in it, and it was fleeting.

In the past half a year, after experiencing the "hype gate" and Oscars, Lan Li, who was reborn from the ashes, deservedly became one of the hottest and most sought-after actors in Hollywood. Everyone is curious about Lan Li’s next move. Who will get this work; such a question, after the premiere of "Edge of Tomorrow", reached an incredible height.

On the one hand, people lamented the failure of Universal Pictures and the decision of Warner Bros.; on the other hand, people discussed the subsequent impact of the Oscar curse and the choice of Lan Li’s future works; at the same time, people looked forward to Lan Li’s It turned out to have an impact on the entire film industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone wants to get a share, even if it is just a gesture, the film production company will tentatively send invitations to Andy Rogers and the creative artist agency. The joke in the industry is just an invitation to Lan Li's script alone, which is enough to flood the mail room of the creative artist agency.

Warner Bros. is no exception.

But who could have imagined that before the six major film companies, before the independent film companies, before hundreds of projects, Alfonso Cuarón would be the first to make it. This really broke everyone's glasses.

Facing the enviable eyes of other film companies, Warner Bros. is naturally proud of the horseshoes-"Edge of Tomorrow" is being hit, fame and fortune; Lan Li's next work actually fell into Warner Bros.'s pockets. Does this mean? With...

Has Warner Bros. and Renly established a long-term cooperative relationship? Just like Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros.?

In fact, the cooperation of "gravity" is also the direct reason that prompted Barry to come to London.

Compared to the indefinite future of the "Edge of Tomorrow" sequel, "Gravity" is ready. At the same time, this will be the first time that Renly has returned to the set after winning the Oscar historically. Undoubtedly, this will become the best touchstone, which will be a crucial reference for the future cooperation between Warner Bros. and Renly, and may even affect the speed of the sequel to "Edge of Tomorrow".

"Well, what do you think of this work?" Barry asked tentatively, "I mean, from the perspective of an actor, do you think this will be another'moon' or another'? Apollo 13'?"

"Moon", an independent science fiction film directed by Duncan-Jones in 2009, shocked four people, stunning the audience, but overall, more inclined to a work of art, that year was shortlisted for British film and television The Academy of Art nominated the best British film, and the North American box office was only 5 million US dollars.

"Apollo 13", this is a classic science fiction work in 1995, and Ron Howard directed the tube. Although it received nine Oscar nominations that year, it included core awards such as best picture and best adapted screenplay; but it was An outstanding commercial film, at that time achieved an outstanding performance of 172 million U.S. dollars in North America, ranking third in the annual North American box office rankings.

Reinterpreting Barry’s question, "Is this an art film or a commercial film?"

"As far as I am concerned, this is'gravity', not any simple science fiction work." This time, Lan Li gave a more professional answer, "Alfonso-Caron is a special The director, observing the entire space from his perspective, presents a completely different image, which makes me convinced that the movie will also be completely different."

But Lanly knew that this was not the answer Barry was expecting, so he added, "If there is an analogy, I think this will be another "2001 Space Odyssey", not because of the theme or the core, but Because Alfonso Cuarón and Stanley Kubrick’s director’s perspective both give the whole story a different color."

In real life, Stanley Kubrick’s directed works have diverse themes and novel perspectives; while Alfonso Cuarón is relatively limited. His touch in science fiction movies is indeed eye-catching. And what is hidden under the sci-fi package is still a story with people at the core.

Barry's expression did not change, nor did he make any special movements. He just observed Lan Li's expression carefully, and couldn't figure out a reason in the calm and watery eyes.

Compared to Harvey Weinstein, Barry Meyer, the old fox, is obviously more difficult to deal with.

"So, you nodded and agreed to star in this work." Barry paused for two seconds before speaking to the conclusion.

Lan Li didn't practice Tai Chi either, and nodded neatly, "Yes, I nodded and agreed to appear in this work."

Barry smiled.

Before signing the contract in black and white, it would be wiser to refuse to speak up, leave room for ambiguity, strive for more remuneration and benefits, and strive for more rights and treatments. In the past period of time, innovative artist brokerage companies and the "center of the earth" The crew of "Gravity" is raging.

But Lan Li expressed his attitude so boldly and frankly that he immediately lost the initiative.

Warner Bros. knows Lan Li's attitude and understands Lan Li's urgency. They can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and recover their profits bit by bit. Anyway, Lan Li's hole cards have been revealed.

Therefore, in the face of "drama idiots", the work of the film company becomes simple and straightforward; if there is no agency to fight for their rights, then they will be eaten up by the film company, and even the bones will not be left. .

Barry knew that Lanly was a smart man, and even if he didn't care about it, he couldn't be ignorant-even if he knew nothing, the agent must have passed the anger in advance. So, Lan Li is so frank, does he not care at all, or do he retreat as an advance and show his hole cards to force Warner Bros. to make a decision?

Whatever it is, Barry has to admit that he likes to deal with people like Lanly.

Against the background of the "Edge of Tomorrow" box office success, the background of the competition between major film companies, the background of Warner Bros.'s own plight, and the background of the promotion of the agenda of the "Edge of Tomorrow" sequel. Next, Warner Bros. will not be too entangled in the details of interests.

For Barry, with a stroke of the pen, he simply gave up part of the benefits in exchange for more benefits, in exchange for a further future. This is a cost-effective deal. Compared with Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. is undoubtedly bold and unrestrained. A lot of atmosphere. Of course, the premise of everything is that Lanly has proven its worth.

"Then, we will wait and see if this can become another "2001 Space Odyssey"." Barry said with a smile, "As for the pay, we can provide two different methods after consultation, and how to choose the specifics. , It’s up to you."

Lan Li's brows twitched slightly, revealing a puzzled look:

The CEO of Warner Bros. is negotiating the pay with an actor face-to-face. Isn't this assignment of job responsibilities wrong? Even if Barry Meyer and Robert Downey Jr. sat down to talk about box office dividends, this is not the area where the two are good at work.

Barry seemed to be aware of Lan Li’s confusion at the first moment, and he did not explain it. Instead, he took the opportunity to finish the following words, "The first type, 20 million US dollars, that’s all; the second type, there is no basic salary. , All in the form of box office dividends, 10%.

Of course, in addition to remuneration, we have signed contracts for all actors in accordance with the "A-List" specifications. If there are other special requirements, we can sit down and discuss them slowly. "

Without any rhetoric, it is rare to see Barry frankly showing his hole cards, which is really rare for the old fox. Of course, it is also possible that this is also part of the strategy to accomplish the hidden real purpose with pretended sincerity.

But no matter what, Barry's sincerity is indeed surprising.

Now, things gradually become clearer. Barry came to London in person to talk face-to-face with Renly about the reasons for the pay issue. It is not complicated. It is not so much to discuss pay, as it is to discuss the status and power of the industry.

The first is the salary aspect.

Needless to say, the glory of Hollywood’s 20 million club. Although the rise of Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. has refreshed a new history of salary, box office dividends have become the mainstream, and their salary has far exceeded 20 million, but the 20 million club is still Hollywood's status symbol, only the top of the pyramid can enjoy such treatment.

Similarly, the very red percent of the box office in North America is not trivial. One hundred million at the box office, then the remuneration is ten million. This will slowly accumulate, and the top will not be capped. If the final box office of "Edge of Tomorrow" is taken as an, it means that Lanli can get five thousand five Millions of dollars in remuneration.

People have always wondered why Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. paid as much as 40 million or 50 million. This is the reason.

In fact, Johnny and Robert have the ability to pay dividends at the box office, 8%, 10%, and 12%. The specific figures depend on the negotiation process; and the film production company has strong confidence in the box office of the work. After estimating a box office number, he then paid Johnny and Robert in one breath with a buyout remuneration, instead of having no box office dividends.

If the actual box office is lower than expected, then the film production company can also recover costs and achieve profit through overseas box office, video tape distribution and peripheral products; but if the actual box office is higher than expected, this means that the film company can sit and count money. There is no need to distribute the benefits to big-name actors.

Whether it’s a 20 million remuneration or a 10% box office dividend, this means that Warner Bros. has affirmed the market appeal and commercial value of Lanli, and under a large amount, it has demonstrated their confidence and determination. This is for Renly's position in the industry is undoubtedly a qualitative leap.

But obviously, this alone is still not enough for Barry to come to discuss an actor's pay.

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