The Greatest Showman

Chapter 1039: Build series

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Just a few days ago, Andy Rogers had reminded Roy Lockley that Barry Meyer had left New York and flew to London; then Roy and Lanly brought up the matter.

The reason is simple, the cooperation of "gravity" is still in full swing.

Although, as the CEO, Barry did not participate in the negotiation. More often, he was in charge of the overall situation as the helmsman, rather than caring about the promotion of a specific project; but at such a critical juncture, Barry’s whereabouts still caused Took Andy's attention.

In particular, Barry's destination is impressively London. Of course, there are countless possibilities in London, and Andy didn't make a fuss and solemnly, just reminded Roy.

However, Lan Li didn't care at all, he didn't even remember whether it was three days ago or five days ago. The performance of "Les Miserables" is the focus of all Renly's attention now. Even if it is "gravity", he must stand aside for the time being, and it is far from the time to divert attention.

Today, Lanly saw Barry at the Almeida Theater; furthermore, Barry sent out an invitation to talk. Even a rookie who is inexperienced in the world can smell the abnormal breath at this time, let alone Lanly. .

Suddenly disturbing speculations in his mind began to surge. Lan Li had to take two deep breaths and gradually calmed down. Before the interview, he tried to avoid disturbing his thoughts as much as possible; Barry's purpose and purpose are not yet known for the time being. Lan Li is alone here thinking wildly, which will only make him fall into it. In the endless passiveness.

In an orderly manner, Lan Li followed the usual process of removing makeup, changing clothes, and tidying up before leaving the theater. Everything followed the finishing steps of each day's performance in an orderly manner, ending the whole day's work. However, today I can't completely relax the corpse. At midnight, there is still an important interview to be completed.

A large number of spectators still gathered at the back door of the theater. Lan Li did not rush to communicate, take photos, and sign autographs with the audience. It seemed that today was just an ordinary performance. Finally, he bid farewell to the audience. Lan Li turned to the main entrance of the theater. Stepping in the direction of the street, a dim yellow interior light came on, pointing the direction.

Lanly greeted Nathan Press not far away, signaled his goal, and then walked towards the black Aston Martin.

The car door opened actively from the inside to the outside, and Barry Meyer, who was sitting on the back seat, came into sight, smiling and waiting for the arrival of Lan Li.

After Lan Li politely greeted him, he entered the back seat, and before closing the door, Barry's voice rang in his ears, "Is it true that every actor every night has to take so long after the performance? Is there no staff to clean up the mess? Or is it different depending on the gender of the actors or the weight of the performance?"

The words that seemed to be talking and laughing, but you can clearly feel that Barry is expressing strong dissatisfaction, and he has waited impatiently.

Lan Li laughed dumbfounded, the smile on the corner of his mouth calmed down a little, showing a sincere expression, "Sorry, please forgive me for being late, I think, at this time a glass of whiskey can come in handy."

There was no argument or explanation. After a sincere apology, a little humor was attached. The subject changed and entered the subject. Barry smiled again with a serious expression, and closed his jaw invisibly. "It seems, this I met someone in the same way."

Afterwards, Barry talked about whiskey, as if the reprimand just now never existed.

For a big guy like Barry, he doesn't care what drama is all about, and naturally doesn't care why Lan Li is late, he is just venting his dissatisfaction. Rather than eloquently explaining how the theater backstage works, a sincere and simple apology is the best response.

Slowly, the car stopped on the side of the road, and a grand waiter in a tuxedo greeted him, opened the door, and politely invited Barry and Lanly to get out of the car, and then escorted the two people into the bar in front of them. .

This is a retro jazz bar, each night will develop a different theme of the times, recreating the golden years of the 1930s to the 1960s; different from the pioneer village, here only plays jazz, piano, saxophone and The French horn, the melody that has gradually disappeared in the long river of history, reappears with a different kind of vitality in such a space.

Pioneer villages on the other side of the Atlantic tried to restore the glory of the golden age, but they had to open their arms to folk, rock, bluegrass and other music genres besides jazz, while selling a lot of beer, and even welcoming tourists from all over the world; but here In the quiet corner of the city, there is still a pure jazz bar, stubbornly and stubbornly living, as if time stops here forever.

Such a small difference is actually the difference in heritage between the United States and Europe, and it permeates every aspect of life and culture.

The lazy and vigorous jazz melody, accompanied by step by step, seems to be witnessing a little bit of time going backwards, and finally settled in the 1930s of the last century. The First World War has just ended, and the Second World War has just ended. Before the beginning, the people who had escaped from the dead cheered and celebrated wantonly, drunk and dreaming of death, believing that the war was gradually in place, squandering their lives unreservedly.

The atmosphere of being drunk and obsessed makes people slowly sinking and reluctant to think about it.

"God, the British do know how to enjoy, don't they?" After the bright brown leather sofa was seated, Barry saw a girl dressed in a retro style of the 1930s walking into the private room. The illusion of turning back time and space was one by one. The point becomes real, "Wait, I remember, old Woody seems to have a movie, and it feels like that."

"That's Paris, this is London. But, yes, Woody Allen shot such a work that travels through time and space and returns to the golden age." Lan Li nodded affirmatively, they said "Midnight Paris "; Then, Lan Li raised his head to look at the girl, and said with a smile, "Two glasses of whiskey, and in addition, give me another glass of lemon soda."

Barry sat quietly on the side like this, quietly admiring Lan Li's every move, that kind of natural temperament was still deeply imprinted in his mind and could not be erased.

For Barry Meyer, Renly Hall is also a series of numbers that represent interests. The so-called personal charm, acting skills, and audience popularity are all different ways of presenting numbers.

In the past two years, Warner Bros. is going through a transitional period, or the slow ending period after the peak of glory. The "Harry Potter" series is over, and the "Batman Prequel" series is also over. If Warner Bros. If they want to continue to dominate the North American market, they need to support a brand new series to become the company's flagship project.

DC Comics, this is obviously the first choice of Warner Bros. They hold all the rights to adapt DC Comics. This is a steady stream of vaults waiting to be explored.

Especially this summer, after the "Avengers" completed a wild bombing, there is no doubt about the potential of comics, and the future development of Warner Bros. has become clearer. To this end, the company has held several meetings back and forth to discuss the adaptation and preparation of DC comics.

Barry seriously considered and invited Lan Li to star in Batman. This is true, and industry rumors are not trying to catch the wind. Even if it is not Batman, or Superman, or Flash, or Green Lantern, in short, Barry is considering the feasibility of Renley as a superhero.

However, after "Edge of Tomorrow" swept the box office with a devastating gesture, Barry changed his mind: Inviting Renly to appear as a superhero was really a waste.

Refer to the casting and planning of the Marvel series of movies, including Robert Downey Jr. and Scarlett Johansson. When they were invited to perform, they were not the top presence in the industry; they were more of high-quality and inexpensive actors, and even Yu is a newcomer actor through and through. Superhero movies really attract the audience, not the actors, but the heroes played by the actors.

The present Robert Downey Jr. is the best After taking off the armor of Iron Man, Robert's box office appeal is almost zero. What the audience hopes to see is debauchery/unruly/unruly, The wind/liu/success/successful Iron Man, not Robert, who tried to continue the same acting routine but was unable to make a breakthrough.

In other words, Disney created the Marvel brand, not a certain actor brand. In 2017, not long after, Disney began to slowly brew the replacement of actors, just like the "007" series. After the actor playing James Bond is changed, the series can still achieve great success.

DC Comics and Marvel Comics, in essence, should present the same routine.

However, Warner Bros. is slightly different.

Compared with the development and operation strategies of other companies, Barry deeply believes that "pay equals return", big investment and big return, the top star effect is bound to be worth the money. This is not just a strategy, it is more like a belief, or superstition, or even paranoia.

Therefore, in the operation of Warner Bros.'s projects, Warner Bros. has never been soft on large investment projects with more than 150 million yuan. When it comes to spending money, no one can match it. Similarly, star directors like Christopher Nolan , Or a celebrity like Johnny Depp, Warner Bros. is always more tolerant and generous.

In 2017, Johnny Depp was caught in a domestic storm. Many fans were willing to quit the filming of "Where are Fantastic Beasts 2"; however, Warner Bros. still left Johnny arbitrarily, causing a storm of public opinion. . This is just one of the direct examples of Barry Meyer running Warner Bros.

If possible, in the restart works of Batman and Superman, Barry still tends to invite big-name celebrities to sit down.

But, it's not Renly.

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